The Star Festival

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Sadako's POV

I waited for over two hours, my anxiety and impatience begin to grow. Today was our first date, our first outing outside beside the day we went to my house.

Tha bitch brought me back the very next day because he couldn't stand how close and cheerful I was with my sister's. "Tch!! Jealous bastard!"

And today, I have been anticipating Sukuna to get some free time in his busy schedule, but with each passing minute, my restlessness intensified.

The palace seemed unusually quiet, and every sound seemed to echo in the silence. I tried to distract myself with various activities, but my mind kept drifting back to Sukuna.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!!" I yelled. "Stop yelling in the Concubines chambers!! There are people who are sleeping!!" Yurika came and yells at me

I was so bored that I couldn't help but come here and irritate them. "Ha..." I sighed hard checked the time repeatedly, hoping that he would arrive soon.

As the two hours turned into three, my patience began to wear thin. I tried to push away my feelings of frustration, it was difficult to keep my emotions in check.

"I'll kill him!! Seriously I'll kill him and then I'll kill myself!"

As the clock struck the third hour, my frustration reached its peak, and she could no longer bear the waiting.

"Argh!! Fuck this!!"

Without a second thought, I gathered my resolve and decided to take matters into my own hands. I knew that Sukuna was in a meeting, but I couldn't wait any longer.

"Don't create a scene and calm down."

Ignoring the voice of reason, a.k.a Yurika, that told me to be patient, I stormed towards the meeting room. My heart pounded in my chest as I approached the grand doors.

With a deep breath, I pushed the doors open, and all eyes turned towards me. The room fell silent, I could feel the weight of their gazes on me.

'Who cares about them?! Where's that wait for one hour bastard?!' I was too focused on finding Sukuna to care about their judgment.

"Sukuna." I called out unwavering despite my inner turmoil. He turned his head towards me, surprise evident in his eyes. "Sadako? What are you doing here?"

"Sukuna you said you'll take me to the Star Festival....?" I asked and he glanced me with an apologetic expression.

"I know, and I'm sorry for not being able to keep my promise. There were some unforeseen matters that required my immediate attention. Just wait for a few minutes."

He pulled a chair right next to himself and I sat down crossing my legs.

As I patiently waited, Sukuna and the elders engaged in a tense discussion about the escalating disputes around the border and the threat of war.

The room was filled with serious faces, and the weight of the kingdom's safety rested on their shoulders. I listened attentively, trying to grasp the complexities of the situation.

The elders spoke of the increasing tensions between their kingdom and the neighboring Tong country, which had recently formed an alliance with the powerful Li country.

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