Supernatural Gay Ship Oneshots

By Reynad_23

2.3K 55 7

Yes, another one. . . A bunch of oneshots filled with a little bit of fluff and/or angst and probably a bunc... More

Oneshot Requests
Samstiel vs Destiel
Got Laid Because of a Fucking Remote (Destiel)
This Isn't Right (Destiel)
Quiet Unexpected (Jensen x Castiel)
Some Self Respect (Samstiel)
A Little Awkward, Don't You Think? (Mishalecki)
Fun Before A Small Bargain (Casifer)
Hunger and Need (Destiel)
The Fuck Is This Shit??? (Destiel)

A New Friend, Maybe? (Sabriel)

211 6 2
By Reynad_23

Destiel briefly mentioned
Relationship Status: Aquaintances
Sam P.O.V

I open my eyes, trying to get used to the light. I struggle as I realize I've been tied to a chair. "Dammit!"

I look around, trying to make sense of where I am. It's a surprisingly nice room, very bright though. Some expensive furniture, as well as shelves filled with various objects. A table was in front of me, dozens of sweets on it. No door in sight, unfortunately.

"Looks delicious, right Sammy?" a familiar voice asked. "Gabriel. . ."

Gabriel appears directly in front of me. "We saw you die. . . How are you alive?"

He shrugs, giving me a devious smirk.

"I honestly don't know but, even if I did, I wouldn't tell ya. Sorry Sam!"

"Why am I here?"

"What? I can't have my fun?"

"Not when your version of fun is kidnapping people!"

"Oh, trust me. You're the only one I've kidnapped and plan on keeping."

I give Gabriel a confused look as he turns around to take a cupcake from the table. He studies it, turning it around in his hand. He doesn't say anything for a few minutes, just keeps staring at it. From what I can see, it's just a normal cupcake. A vanilla one, with pink icing and sprinkles on top. He turns around to me again.

"Would you like a cupcake? Just kidding it's mine. But your free to eat if you want!"

"I can't exactly do that if I'm tied to a chair, Gabriel."

"Good point, Sammy."

He snaps his fingers and the ropes are gone, but so is he. I get up and look around. There's a door in the far corner behind me, just out of my sight when I was stuck in the chair. I quickly head to it and, expecting it to be locked, turn the knob.

Surprisingly, it's unlocked. I swing it open only to find out it's a bedroom.

I see another door and head to it, hoping it actually leads outside. It's not locked either, but when I open it, it's just a bathroom.

"You actually thought I would give you a way out of here? Wow, you are just hilarious! I don't understand why Castiel, of all angels, is so fond of you two. Well, more Dean than you. I don't really understand that. Castiel doesn't have much of a good taste in men, does he?"

"What are you trying to say here, Gabriel?"

"Nothing, just that Dean's not worth his time."

Just as I was about to ask what Gabriel meant, he disappears with a snap of his fingers. Again. Great, now I'm left with nothing but a bedroom, a bathroom, and sweets. Oh wait, there's a mini fridge and a night stand.

Wait a minute, is that a bookshelf? It's a small bookshelf. I look at one of the titles.

'Supernatural. Really? Even he's reading them.'

"Good books, am I right?"

I turn around and glare at him. He clasps his hands together, chuckling. He looked down and sighed. He looks back up at me, faking a smile.

"Not a fan, hm. . . alright then."

He clapped and motioned to the shelf. It was a much bigger bookshelf. I took a book out and looked at the cover.

"I noticed you read a lot of lore but, other than that, I don't know what else. So, I just got a bunch of other genres. Child books, horror, fantasy, I even got fanfiction if that's what you prefer."

"I don't like fanfiction."

"Well, then it's a good thing I collected other genres, isn't it? You'll find something you like. Trust me!"

". . ."

"Well, have fun then! I'm gonna check on your brother."




Laying on the bed, I take a drink of the alcohol I found in the mini fridge. I'm reading a book of interesting animal fun facts.

"Did you know that a moose can shed its antlers?" I jumped, shooting a surprised look at Gabriel, who continued, "I didn't know that until. . . I don't remember. But apparently around mating season it's meant to intimidate rivals!"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I got bored of watching Dean. He's alright by the way."

I sighed in relief, but then a thought occurred to me.

"Why keep me here? You do realize Dean will find me, right?"

"Yeah, I know! I don't understand how you guys manage to even find each other. I've been watching you for a while and, I gotta say, I'm kind of impressed."

"Why would you be watching us. . ."

"You guys are entertaining!"

"Really? Me and Dean? Entertaining?"

"Yup! Especially seeing as how you two are both idiots who manage to get themselves into and, somehow, out of trouble. Speaking of which, you haven't even tried to escape have you? Be honest."

"I was checking for a way out, yes. But never found it. Wait, why am I telling you?"

"I don't know, I didn't even do anything," Gabriel says, shrugging.

"You said Dean's alright. What about Cas?"

"Of course he's fine! He spent a lot of his time around me ever since he was created! He's learned from the best!"

"Really? You two are so different though."

"Surprising, isn't it? Castiel is a sweet, innocent angel that, unfortunately, trusts people much to easily, and I'm a bad influence."

Gabriel then walks up to me and lays down right beside me. I look at him confused. "Let me see what page your on!" he demands, sliding himself closer to me. He turns to lay down on his side, again sliding closer.

He hugs me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting comfortable. Hoping to get to read this with you."

"But why?"

"Never mind that, just read," he insisted.

I shrugged off Gabriel's weird behavior. Maybe this comes off as normal for angels? I mean, Cas tends to invade people's personal space pretty often. Maybe he believes that's normal.

"Castiel is a young, naive angel. So, yeah- That might be my fault. I would have him observe couples with me, so I guess he saw it as a normal human thing."

"Why would you watch couples?"

"Feelings are usually involved Sammy. Feelings create drama, in which I am more than happy to start myself if I get bored."

"Ah, that would explain it."

Gabriel hugs me tighter, his focus back on the book as I turn the page.

"Can we be friends at least? I know you probably wouldn't want to since I kidnapped you. But, you already feel like my first friend in a long time, ever since Lucifer and Castiel. . . Please?"

"And why should I?"

Gabriel sighs, looking at me. "I knew you'd ask that," he whispered sadly.

"Sorry. I should probably let you go back to Dean. . ."

"You didn't answer my question."

His face immediately brightened at that, but then after a few seconds it turned to confusion.

"I don't understand what your asking Sam. What do you mean?"

"Why should I be friends with you? Give me a reason."

He smiled and said, "Well, if you insist! I promise you, I'll be there whenever you need me! I can guarantee you I'll try to give you any information you need-"

"A genuine reason, Gabriel. You don't have to be useful to be my friend. Give me a reason I should be your friend."

"I- I don't think I. . . I'm not sure I know. . ."

I'm not entirely sure if he's telling the truth, but the way he looks down sad and confused, it's definitely sincere. He's not trying to pretend this time.

I close the book and sit up, and Gabriel, apparently still clinging to me, does as well. I pat his back reassuringly.

"How about this? Gain my trust, and then we can be friends."

Gabriel lets go and looks up at me, surprised. "Wait, what? Really?"

"Friendship is built up on trust. Earn my trust and I'll consider you my friend," I explain. Gabriel nods, very focused. He then tilts his head and asks, "How do I do that?"

"Work with us. No tricking us, no vicious pranks. Help us on a few cases like Cas does! And if you need help, we'll be there for you."

"You're not lying? You actually mean it?"


"I- Thank you! I didn't think you would give me a chance!"

He looks relieved, as if this is what he was hoping for.

"I suppose I should take you back. . . But you actually mean it right? Your not fucking around?"

"Of course I mean it, Gabe! everyone deserves a chance!"

He stares at me, obviously happy, eyes starting to tear up.

"I can call you 'Gabe' right?"

He nods, taking a deep breath. "Bye, Sam. See you later, I hope!" He holds his hand up, and then, with a snap of his fingers, I'm back in the motel.

I hear the door open as I try to process what happened and where I am.

"Sammy? Sam, what the hell? Where have you been, man?"

Dean crouches in front of me, I can see the uncertanty, but also relief, in his eyes as he pats my face and shoulders. I guess he's just making sure I'm real.

"Now, where were you Sam?"

"Gabe. . ."

"What? Ga- who's Gabe?

"You know, the archangel. Gabriel!"

"You gave him a nickname? Wait, he's alive?!"


"How is he alive? Why the hell were you with him in the first place?"

"He um. . . He kind of kidnapped me. . . But, he just wanted a friend I guess."

Dean looks at me, confused. Then he sighs, shaking his head.





*After the explanation*

"So, you're telling me. . . That Gabriel is alive and that desperate for a friend?"

"Yeah, Dean. Gabriel wants friends, I guess he just didn't know how to properly befriend someone."

"Well, this is just. . . Whew!" Dean sighs, clasping his hands together. "How do you think Cas would feel about this?"

"I don't know, but- hey Cas! But I promised him that I would be his friend if he was able to gain my trust. I don't plan on using him, hell, I don't even want to use him, but he would be helpful in some cases. He'd be a good ally! Think about it Dean."

"Who are you guys talking about? First, you call my name and then somewhat ignore me," I hear Cas mutter. Dean turns to him.

"Sorry bout that Cas. Anyway, how would you feel about working with Gabriel?"

"He's alive?"


"That's. . . Wonderful news! Please enlighten me."




1758 word count

A.N. - That last part made little to no sense. But I enjoyed writing this! Anyway, have a good day/night and stay safe!

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