Killer Instincts An Innocence...

By ghaadha

452 31 3

I was brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by my dad a serial killer himself He works daytime as a pr... More

Years Later.
Ice cream phase or so I am told
You need to leave now!
What should I do now?
Hi there miss me?
We need to set the record straight
Spill the beans
Sorry I am late. Had a thing
Now you know how i felt
Flashback Already
There has to be a mistake
We didn't ask for this but we still do it
Your dad really did a number on you
Proceed with caution
I think we should get married
What's he doing here?
Let start fresh. In your dreams
What just happened
Can things get any better? NO!
Finally thank you!
This is new
Take a break? Ok
Shades of Gray
Get a life
Give me a break
Back To Work
Are You For Real?
Do I know you?

Can I think about it?

2 1 0
By ghaadha

I woke up to Dan licking my face and Dimka banging on the door screaming to get in. I had fallen asleep on the couch going through evidence from a cold case. He was trying to use his key but it wouldn't work. I had changed the locks after Dimka had moved out. He screamed, "Let me in". I pretended not to hear him. Till Dan barked hungrily. He realized I was awake so he tried to kick the door down and I ask him to leave. He promised to wait till someone came with correct set of keys. I wanted to discourage him so I searched the place and found out that I was alone. Unfortunately the housekeeper had stepped out to buy groceries for lunch and dinner. I had no choice but to pushed a button to alert security. They took care of the rest. I watched from the security feed as he was escorted out under protest. Just as Gus walked past him with two steaming cups of Hot Chocolate and a huge breakfast platter. I opened the door the moment he reached the door. He was shocked that I opened it before he had a chance to knock. His shock turned to a charming smile. Dimka saw the door was opened so he pushed everybody aside. He bolted to get in. Gus walked in and calmly locked the door behind him. I heard a fight and the concierge came to ask me if I could convince my husband to stop coming. I asked Dimka politely to never come back. He gave me an angry look and left. He looked as though he was evicted from his own house by strangers.
I apologized to Gus and he asked me to marry him. I reminded him that he is engaged. He smiled, "To you my dear. No one else." I was shocked, "When did this happen? When did you realize that you love me?" He smiled, "The day you saved me from my dad. You stabbed him in the ribs to stop him from belting me. Your dad was pleased that you finally took a knife to hurt someone. I was helpless on the floor writhing in pain. I had to focus on something to block the pain. I had no choice but to listen to what they were saying about you. You were brainwashed like me. You were stronger than the rest of us. You were so resilient that he had to do extra work on you unlike the rest of us. You were put on the chair and hypnosis was done like I had never seen before. You screamed to resist and Adam just stood there like it was all ok. My dad asked your dad to punish you for getting in his way and he happily complied. You were tied up, dangled upside down and belted badly. Your screams got louder. The entire time Adam watched you suffer your dad's punishment like he was enjoying you screaming in pain. I listened to your screams and wondered what you would do when the pain stops. Then moment your foot touched the ground you actually grabbed a knife and cut off your dad's fingers in retaliation. He screamed in pain and backed away in fear. Then you pointed the knife at my dad and asked him if he wanted to know how it felt like to be a deboned fish. He backed away and promised not to hurt me again. He wanted to brainwash and beat my baby brother also but you made sure it didn't happen. You also saved my mom from repeated emotional and physical abuse so she approves of us" Dan came and sat on his lap. I smiled, "He can sense that you needed comfort." He gave me a Four carat blue diamond ring and proposed to me again. I blushed furiously, "Can I think about it? I am still a little sore from all the drama in my life." He smiled brightly, "Sure thing cousin" I smiled, "According to Adam I am not his sister. I am an orphan that dad found. He brought me to be Adam's toy. He was supposed to kill me when he got got bored. Adam decided to kill dad instead. I thought I was the one to kill when I tampered with his car. But it turns out Adam killed him." Gus smiled, "It doesn't matter who killed him as long as he is gone for good" We gave each other a high five and we left for work.
Dimka was waiting for me alongside Van Pelt. He gave me a dirty look and asked me if we could switch partners and go back to the way it was. Before I could answer him I saw that behind him was a dark stick figure like man with long hair stuck to his face. He had a permanent smile carved on his face. Blood and bits of entrails were dripping from his face. He had no teeth when he smiled. He had a metal denture in his left hand. The right hand wielded an axe. He refused to stop staring at me like I was the one he wanted. He flung the axe at me vanished. I gave Dimka a look, "Listen! I am having a bad day as it is thanks to you so please do me a favor and stop making things worse. Stop dropping by my house and banging on the door. It was my house before we got married and I like it the way it is." He made a face and asked me if I was having a hallucination. He asked me if the walls were beginning to bleed. Van Pelt shivered in fear and asked me if she should report this to the chief. I reminded Dimka that if he tried anything I could complain to the chief and he could lose his job. He gave me a sad face and apologized before his partner arrived. They left together and I asked mine to keep it a secret. She asked me what he had done so I told her that he spiked my hot chocolate a few weeks back and I saw some stuff that frightened me. She wanted to complain but I told her that Dimka will stop his bullying when he is ready to grow up. He is a good cop. He has temporarily forgotten that. We left to respond to a missing teenager found dead in the park.
We had returned from the coroner's office we found out I had a visitor. Agent Coulson showed up and asked that I should talk to him privately. He said that there was a note sent to the bureau. It was a picture of me with the eyes scratched off. I laughed and walked away. I was told very rudely that serial killers don't make idle threats. I know that for a fact since I was one. Albeit an unwilling one but still I am a serial killer. It will count no matter where I am. I walked out and my partner asked me what happened and I told her everything. She didn't think it was funny. I told her I can take care of myself. I hate the FBI so I will take a leave of absence and ask my in laws to loan me their security. Agent Coulson asked me if these low level security guys were any good. I smiled, "They are former delta force and JSOC. All of them are seasoned combatants. So if anyone tries anything harmful these guys will rip them to shreds. They can disappear into a crowd to fish out the perpetrators when things get tough. They are called deep sounder for a reason. I remember when they used to protect me when I was married to DD. I only knew that I had a stalker attempting to attack me a week after security took care of it. They would happily reports to Dan after dinner over a few cold beverages. I used to listen to them secretly. The best part is you won't know that they are after you even if they kill you. They are the best definition of the word incognito. No one has slipped past them yet. No one stands a chance against DD's head of security Henry. He is former Delta force tier one. His title was bravo one. He had spent a few years as the President's personal bodyguard before he switched to protecting Dan. So I will take my chances with Henry then a useless low level nobody with zero credentials on his resume looking for his sixty minutes of fame." The Fed was awed by Henry's credentials till I insulted him back. I called him out for what he was. He turned red faced and asked the chief to hand me over. I shook my head as I stood behind him and she agreed with me. She agreed that I will take a leave of absence and stay with my in laws while the police handled the threat. He stood there looking very angry since he lost his chance to stand in front of reporters and talk about his harrowing tribulation in capturing this particular creep. I sat at my desk as he made himself at home. I growled, "I am sorry! Is this your grandma's house?" The other police officers started to laugh. Van Pelt dragged him out of the seat and asked me if I was going to solve the case we were working on before I take a vacation. I gave her a nod. The creep was trying to be helpful but seriously he ended up looking incompetent idiot. He provided us with the wrong profile which lead to another three dead bodies before the real killer was apprehended. I simply posted his stupid attempt at profiling online anonymously and he was suspended by the bureau. The agent that replaced him was an arrogant pest. All she did was bark orders, drank all the good coffee, sat at her desk all day, not wasting any opportunity to harp about how impressive she was and how we lack insight and experience in field work while withholding relevant information about everything necessary and if we find any pertinent information that she was supposed to share. She would accuse us of hacking into her computer. Humiliating her was a joy to my heart. I simply showed the world what she did to keep the criminals on the street while innocent people were endangered. She was fired from the bureau. She was escorted out kicking and screaming. I laughed as my smiling boss ordered me to take a time off since the second death note showed up at the precinct.
I called my mother in law as I looked out the window to see my 2022 Lamborghini Huracán Evo RWD in the garage across the street. She answered on the third ring and promised to give me my husband's security for protection. She insisted that I just had to do one thing. I had to switch from the Lamborghini Huracán to a Lamborghini Aventador LP780-4 Ultimae that she originally wanted to buy. She said it was safer car so I made a counter proposal. I asked if she would consider buying me an armored supercar instead. I was thinking Mercedes Benz S-Class Guard V12. It was bullet proof and bomb proof. It can go nineteen miles after the tires were punctured. It even has an oxygen tank. The chief, Van Pelt and her brother were going through some legal documents.They heard me explain the types of cars I would rather have instead of the supercar and they turned to face me. Both brother and sister looked at me like I was nuts. So did the chief but only after she heard me explain the features of the car. She looked like I was placing an order for a tank buster. So I can join the war front at World War Three. The other options I blurted out were Lamborghini Urus SUV or Audi A8. I know how she felt huge bulky looking cars so she immediately said yes to the Benz. She promised that Henry will be there in twenty minutes to collect my car key. He will give me his new number along with the new car keys. He will pick me up when I was done. I happily agreed as Van Pelt shook her head. The only one who looked scared of this arrangement was the other me. She looked like she wanted to scream out of dismay. She will have to behave or her serial killing days will be outnumbered. I missed Henry. He was quite literally a sight for sore eyes.

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