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By beatlesbae

96.9K 2.3K 578

Bellatrix Hargreeves, or in other words #8, is the most dangerous of the sparrow academy even though she look... More

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7.3K 178 102
By beatlesbae

"Oh shit," Bellatrix said knowing exactly where this is going. 

"You didn't have to do that!" Luther screamed coming to his brother's rescue.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I did," Ben replied with a harsh glare.

"Uh no, no you did not," Bellatrix told Ben like he was a dumb child. 

"You're wrong Bellatrix. He did." Alphonso agreed but Bellatrix just stared at him for a few seconds, rolling her eyes before she just sighed, not bothered to deal with him right this second.

"Get back!" Marcus yelled at Luther who was slowly creeping towards the sparrows. When Luther kept arguing Marcus had no choice but to push him away which then became a full-blown fight.

"Great." Bellatrix groaned when Marcus kicked Luther and he went flying back, over the table, and straight into Klaus who just got his composure back. Well not anymore. They both went flying into the sofa which made it flip over as a mess went everywhere.

"Bad touch, Luther! Bad touch!" Klaus wheezed out from the extra weight that Luther had as he lay on top of Klaus.

"Sorry!" The said guy apologized as he tried to quickly get off him, Bellatrix looked up amused to her father who stood behind the two in shock at what is happening before Reginald just simply walked out, although not before making eye contact with a very entertained Bellatrix. 

It was true, she was always his favorite. She was the only one who didn't treat him like a burden or in the way of everything, she checked on him most days and hung out with him others so he wouldn't get too lonely. She always was the most understanding and kind of the children. At least most of the time.

The Umbrellas started running away as the Sparrows went after them, Jayme quickly pulled Bellatrix to the side. The Nightmare also noticed Five trying to fight Ben.

"Five?" Jayme asked with a smirk in her eyes. She hoped they could team up and fight the boy together.

"Five." Bellatrix giggled with an evil glint in her eyes. Jayme and Bellatrix made a great team when they were on their more mischievous and cheeky side.

Bellatrix quickly saw Five space jump a couple of meters away from Ben as Jayme and Bella watched, waiting for their turn. "You're alive. That's... great. Or possibly horrible. I'm not really sure yet." Five told Ben as he moved his hair out of his eyes, for some reason the girl felt her cheeks getting hot as Jayme chuckled at her. 

"You're kinky for hair? Or do just have a crush on lover boy." Jayme asked her eyes twinkling.

"Ugh, as if." Bellatrix rolled her eyes.

"Is that some weird smack talk?" Ben asked the boy named after a number, confused by this whole weird family.

"It's more of an existential problem, really, Ben." Five replied cockily before adding something, "Hey where's Bellatrix?"

"You better not lay a hand on her! If you do, I'll kill you." Ben threatened before he unleashed one of his tentacles but before he knew it Five was gone.

"Fast boy, isn't he?" Jayme smirked as Bellatrix looked at her in shock.

"Fuck off Jay."

"You know, even though you're a total asshat now..." Five said from the balcony on the higher level as Ben tried to grab but before he knew it the boy was behind him delivering a punch to the asshole's face. "It's nice to see you again, really."

Christopher quickly came out behind the boy when Diego jumped on top of him delivering multiple punches to the robot-type box thing.

"Who's your daddy? I'm your daddy!" Diego yelled as Jay and Bella went into a fit of laughter. "Who's!.. Your!.. Daddy?!" Diego yelled before Christopher flew him up high.

Everyone in view of what was happening just froze and looked up at them in shock as Chris turned around many times making Diego fly in the air,

"He may be a little dizzy, yeah?" Bella asked Jayme.

"The perv deserves it." She shrugged,

"I think that whole family is perv's, did you see how gorilla man was looking at Sloane?" Bellatrix told her rather grossed out.

"Did you see how Five looked at you?" She retaliated. Bellatrix just cringed and looked back at the scene before them. Where Diego was smashed into a pole. "Ouch." Jayme and Bellatrix winced at the same time.

Suddenly Vanya came out of nowhere behind them, as Jayme began to fight with her, Bellatrix just watched on in amusement.

"I don't want to fight you!" Vanya yelled desperately.

"Aw." Bellatrix pouted as the attention went on her, "Do want to become best friends." Vanya looked deeply in shock as Bellatrix just shrugged at her, a small smirk playing on her lips. Jayme quickly kicked the awkward woman in the face as she went flying down.

Jayme and Bella just stood at the sighed, waiting for when they get a clue on where Five is.

Quickly they saw Five come out of nowhere and grab the woman who Alphonso was fighting with and jump away.

"Fast little guy," Alphonso said when Jayme laughed loudly and turned to Bella. 

With no time to spare Bellatrix's eyes turned black as her gem glowed she grabbed Jayme's wrist and before they knew it, they were surrounded in a fit of black and violet, and right in front of five.

"Hey, short pants. What's up?" Jayme asked

Five looked up in astonishment, "You can space jump?" He asked hoping she would say yes, that way they would have more in common.

"No, I can teleport." Bellatrix voiced as Jayme smirked,

"Among many other things." 

"I'll take this as my cue to leave," Allison said and quickly went away.

"Why do you wear that little, stupid uniform?"  Bellatrix chuckled,

"What are you, their mascot?" Jayme asked when five space jumped behind them and punched Jayme in the face before checking on Bellatrix, "Are you okay?"

Bellatrix chuckled, "Yeah, but your not." as she turned her attention to her sister. Five looked in the direction Bella did and Jayme quickly spat her venom on him as Bella went in his mind to see what he see's.

"Hey, gross, all right?" Five said but then looked around in confusion, "The hell?"

Suddenly Bellatrix walked in front of him with a sweet smile, "Bellatrix?" Five asked as the said girl nodded, "Bella." he whispered as he walked up to meet her.

"I love you Five, ever since the moment I saw you." Bellatrix smiled.

"You do? Oh, I love you too, you are amazing my Bella." Five replied as he held the side of Bellatrix's face and smashed his lips on hers. 

Jayme looked on in disgust, seeing her "little sister" and this strange guy kissing was gross, "Ugh."

Bellatrix having enough pulled out of his mind and saw Five kissing nothing. 

"What the fuck." Bellatrix stated looking rather traumatized.

"They are all perverts," Jayme stated, Bellatrix was still in shock at what she saw and looked at Jayme.

'No shit sherlock." Bellatrix said before she went straight to Five as she started to levitate and in a blink of an eye, she used a telekinetic blast to shoot him down the stair as she levitated over to him.

When he finally stopped rolling he looked up at the levitating girl whose eyes were a glowing red as well as her gem, he wasn't scared until she spoke.

"You and your family better get out of our house right now. Otherwise, I will kill you." She spoke through her voice wasn't like its usual self, no, it was deep and terrifying. It sounded like a demon and that is exactly what she is.

You see the reason why her eyes didn't turn black but in fact red this time was because when she just uses her powers they are black, but when the inner demon comes out it is red. Simple.

Five was rather scared by what he was seeing, this girl was not human.

"What are you?" He asked in wonder, 

"What do you think?" 

"A- a devil."

"Wrong. I'm a demon, it's different from a devil I am simply more dangerous, they are peasants. I'm a queen." 

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty." He said standing up and bowing. Bellatrix couldn't keep herself serious any longer as she burst out in laughter and gracefully floated back to the ground in front of him before she too bowed.

"Well, then it is also my gracious pleasure to see you, my prince." 

Five gasped in mock offense, "Hey! Young lady, you have gotten my title wrong! I am a king."

"Oh no! Please accept my apology! I never meant to dishonor you." With that, the two went into a fit of giggles when they finally came out of their playfulness when Bella's name was called by Jayme and she quickly went to go, though not before she turned back one time to see five already staring at her.

She felt the blood rush up to her cheeks but she ignored it, "See you soon loverboy." With that, she saluted at him, and before he knew it all that was left of her were black and violet shadows.

"See you soon." He grinned to himself before he quickly took notice of Luther being stomped harshly on, multiple times and quickly went to help.

Bella quickly went to meet up with the rest of her family who was done in the lounge room and saw Vanya lying on a table on the floor. "Guys what are you doing!" genuinely freaked out the girl.  

"Five watched this from the side as he looked for the briefcase as he watched his sister in pain on the floor, he also saw how Bella look very concerned and worried. "Vanya get out of there!" he screamed.

The sparrows slowly crept towards her including Bella, "They lost, let's just leave her alone." Bella told them but they wouldn't listen.

All of a sudden the sparrows watched her turn a weird blue color as a blue glow admitted from her chest making the family go flying. Well except for Bella who used her shadows to create a shield around herself as she chanted magic to knock the woman out which also made her power subside. One by one she went to family members and started to heal them, she honestly believed that was the first time she heard Alphonso and Fei say thank you to her. 

Little did the girl know that a certain boy saw everything behind a pole.

Marcus quickly ordered Bellatrix to wake her up again but make sure she can't use her magic as Bellatrix started to chant. This time blood was oozing from her nose, which usually happens when she uses tricky magic spells but soon enough Vanya awoke.

"It's over," Marcus yelled from the balcony above as he looked down at them, "Go." Marcus ordered, "Don't come back." Vanya whimpered getting up and leaving but not before she looked at Bella in shock. 

"You reflected my power. How?" 


"What are your powers?" Vanya asked genuinely confused but before the girl could open her mouth Ben yelled at Vanya to leave.

 And that she did.


After a lot of complaining and arguing like always, Marcus somehow managed to get Bellatrix in gym clothes and on a treadmill with the rest of the Sparrow Academy as they discussed the earlier events of today.

"Big one is strong but slow, possibly stupid." Marcus began and Bellatrix knew he was talking about that Luther guy. "Some sort of... simian hybrid."

"Gorilla," Bellatrix spoke up as everyone was confused about how she knew this because they were all running though she couldn't see their faces although she could feel their emotions which was all confusion. "While you guys were arguing I looked into their minds to see what powers they had, "Luther" has super strength though in his timeline he got injured and his father injected him with a serum which made him half-monkey." She told them,

"Did you look at their memories other than powers?" Marcus asked hoping she did so he could know more about them.

"Of course not." She spoke quickly, "I'm not going to invade someone's privacy like that unless they are bad or want me to."

"Goody two shoes." Christopher joked as everyone laughed but Bella just rolled her eyes.

"Who took the little jumpy guy?" Sloane asked as Jayme laughed loudly.

"Me and Trix. I just gave him a spanking and sent him to school. Trix did a little more though."

"What did you do Trixy?" Ben chuckled,

"I hate that name you know." She glared,

"I know. That's why I use it, sis."

"Never say that again. And he hallucinated me and him kissing so I-"

"Kissing!" Sloane gasped, "How cute!"

"No," Bella said,

"No being with the enemy," Alphonso told her as she just groaned.

"I'm not! I just blasted him down the staircase and scared him with my demon stuff okay." Bella groaned.

"Good girl!" Ben congratulated as Bella used her telekinesis to send him tumbling off the treadmill.

Soon enough he got back on. 

"The skinny one is their weak link," Fei announced as Bella chuckled,

"You would think that." The nightmare shrugged,

"Unless hiding behind couches shouting, "Where's my daddy?" is his superpower." Ben mocked as Grace walked in with some green juices.

"Sorry, benny but no. His superpower is actually amazing, he fought a whole army with it. Let's just say it could kill us all. Don't underestimate the "skinny one" alright?" Bella spoke up as everyone's heads turned around her in shock. "What?"

"Are you going to tell us his power?" Christopher asked,

"I'm good actually."

"Enough post-gaming," Ben said suddenly as he stopped his treadmill. "They disrespected us, Marcus. We need to be out there finding these freaks and taking 'em out."

"Oh, you mean like this?" Marcus asked as he turned on the tv watching the part where Vanya unleashed her power. "Can someone explain how you got your asses handed to you in 30 seconds? If it wasn't for Bellatrix who knows what would've happened, you could've died. Do you have any idea what would happen to our reputation if anyone had seen that?!" he yelled loudly as Bellatrix glanced over to grace who was putting down the glasses of juice on the table.

"I mean, we haven't faced decent enemies for years." Marcus continued, "This could be good for us. Good for business. But only if we're smart with our next move." 

Abruptly Reginald walked in clearing his throat, "You summoned, Number one?" 

"Sit," Marcus ordered as Reginald did what he had said.

"You spent time with these people. What's your assessment?" 

"Unimpressive. Neanderthals on a day pass. Cried too much and showered too little. The only thing they lacked more than grit was any regard for one another." 

"No loyalty. We can use that." Ben spoke up,

"Good." Marcus nodded before turning to their adoptive father, "Give a full report to Christopher."

As Reginald was standing he made one last comment, "Still, I wouldn't underestimate the Umbrella Academy. Yes, their skills are as lacking as their hygiene, yet somehow, they saved the world in 1963. Had they not,  none of you would be standing here now. Perhaps I misjudged them." 

Christopher was growing bored and started telling Reginald to go and soon enough they walked out the door.

"Well I'm going, I've had enough exercise for a year." Bellatrix said as she grabbed a green juice and began to walk out the door,

"You were only on the treadmill for 7 minutes!" Marcus told her, 

"Exactly. Too much."







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