I Think You Have the Wrong Nu...

By b3lovassimp

172K 4K 1K

You get a random text one night laying in bed. It's someone asking to go on another date with you. As fun as... More

The first message
The Job
The Setup
The Reveal
The hangout
A magical suprise
A night to remember
After we met
Let's get to work
The Fountain
Family Dinner
The goodbye?
Plane Ride
Y/N's place
A Special Dinner
The Sleepover
The Morning After
Afternoon on the Town
Telling the Family
A walk with Dad
Calling back Home
Dress Up
Soft Launch
Are You Tired of Me Yet?
Whats for Dinner?
Dinner at Hailee's
BBQ Clean up
The Fitting
Two girls in Target
Pizza and Legos
Packing for Home
Spa day(Pete/YN)
Spa day(Hailee/Cheri)
Meeting her Parents
Zander's Night
It's nice to be home
Meet the Circus
Morning of the Met
Walking the Carpet
See you soon
Time apart
So Good
Monterey to Malibu
We're home
Settling in
Whatcha Doin'?
Baby All I Wanna Do is
Oxnard V2
The Big Apple
Mountain View
All Nighter
First Family Holiday
Release Day
Streaming Parties
Don't Tell y/n
Dj Haileefrfr
Back to work
The Gucci Suit
Spooky Month
The Spooky Date
Spooky Baskets
The Couples Costume
It's Happening
The Announcement
Home Alone
Deck the Halls
Coast Worldwide
Hot Coco
Turkey Dinner
Planning Christmas
The Anniversary
Fun in Bed
The Holidate
When you Wish Upon a Star
The First Date
Emerald Ring
The Night Before Christmas
A White Christmas
The First Christmas
Christmas Day FRFR
New Years Day
The Next Chapter
Chaos Coordinators
We're getting married
Say Yes to the Dress
Wedding Bands
Venue Plans
Final Fittings
Kiss the Girl
The Reception
The Married Life
Coming Home
You're Insane
The Honeymoon
Santa Maria
Big Sur(prise)
Their Future
Maybe we can do this
Big Feelings
It's a...
Night Changes


1.1K 22 11
By b3lovassimp

So I'm yours for 6 more days, what do we want to do?

I don't know do you have any ideas?

I mean I'd love to go out and see some sights in this place you call home. Since we couldn't exactly do that the last time I was here.

Well, it sounds like we have some plans then.

 Did you have anywhere or anything in particular in mind?

The aquarium?

Sounds great to me, and we can hit a hidden restaurant I found on cannery row. I say hidden, it probably isn't but it never seems to be that busy, so I call it my hidden place.

Sounds mysterious but I'm sure if you like it the place is amazing.

And the aquarium is within walking distance from here. We don't have to walk there though, it's only if you're interested. I can always pull Cobalt out of the garage and drive us there.


oh yeah I named my car, it's not cobalt blue, but it is blue and cobalt is my favorite shade of blue. Besides, you can't tell me cobalt the corolla isn't a good name.

Wow, you really thought that one out for a while, at this point it'd be a crime if we didn't let cobalt hit the streets today.

So is that a yes to taking the car?

*shaking head up and down laughing* Yes we can take the car today.

Well, you might want to get dressed so we can get our day started. It's already noon, and  I don't know how long you're going to want to be at the aquarium. I know sometimes I take the ol' Ipad and I sit there and just sketch the open and deep-sea exhibits.

Well, I'll get out of bed right now and get dressed then. *goes into the bathroom to shower*

Hey, are you gonna do the sketching thing today?

Oh, I don't know, I could but I think I just want to be present with you today.

With you talking like that, I don't think you'll make it to the aquarium if you catch my drift.

*face turning red*. Did you want me to take the iPad and sketch?

Yeah, you really should I would really like to see your process.

 I've seen all the fascinating work that you have in the house and the works in progress in your studio. I'm really curious to see how you start your drawings. 

well lucky for you it's fully charged so you can see the process. Oh, and I have something I think you'll like to see once you're out of the shower and dressed.

Is it me drawn like a french girl? Oh no, it's definitely me half-naked binge-watching Stranger Things with junk food surrounding me? Maybe it's of me sleeping... Are any of my guesses right?

No, sadly none of those guesses are right but you managed to give me some new ideas.

Great, now I have to be careful when we binge vol.2

Nah I'm not that mean but I really wish I had pictures of you in your natural habitat. Half to rat you out to your dad, half just to remind me that you can eat an ungodly amount of cereal.

Hey, you have pasta and I have cereal. *steps out of shower*

Alright, you have a point. Now I'm gonna finish setting up this thing I think you'll like. *walks into the studio and goes to the industrial printer*

*drying hair walking out of the bathroom* My love where are you?

Oh just in the studio come on over. I just got the surprise setup.

It's a sheet covered in paint?

Yes, but that isn't a surprise. The sheet is just the, you came home early gift wrap special.

That almost makes it more special as a one-of-a-kind reusable gift wrap.

Well, you go ahead and do the honors and take that sheet off and reveal your surprise.

Ok, this better not be anything scary or with more than 4 legs.

I promise it isn't.

*rips away sheet* Its a picture frame? And it's a really big one like a movie poster big...

It's really nice but I don't know that I have anything to put in it, at least not right now.

Rip off that piece of paper I taped over the glass there's something in it.

Hailee peels back the paper covering a picture of y/n and Hailee in a water fountain kissing 

 Wait it's us... Hold on is this from

That night you told me you were into me? 

YES my love this is so cute I love it. Thank you!

I'm glad you love it I wanted you to have a piece of us with you when I'm not with you. You know to make your house feel a little more like home.

*kisses y/n*, Of course, I love it, this is now my most prized possession. I do have a few questions about it though like did you take this? More importantly, how? because I took the camera out of your hands and you were oblivious till I kissed you that night. So you wouldn't have been able to know I was gonna kiss you.

Well, when I was working through that mountain of work that piled up while I was away, I finally go to look at the work we did on that shoot. I started weeding through the memory card maybe a week ago.

 I made it to the end of the memory card that was used to store the photos and I came across the pictures in the fountain I had taken of you. Then found the ones you had taken of me. Then just pictures that were obviously taken when you were walking away with the camera in hand. 

So how did you get this one?

Well, that's the thing I was going to delete the pictures that weren't useable, and then there was one of you setting the camera down, you walking towards me, and well this one I printed off for you.

Yeah, about that the whole shoot was just an excuse for me to see you.

looking back I'm not surprised, considering you never pushed to get those pictures the whole time I was at your place.

So those pictures are really just for us to keep. Unless we decide to use them at some point. But how did you get these pictures though? It wasn't in your hands?

Call it dumb luck, I have the camera set to take a series of shots when I take a picture. And the timer was off unless for some reason you hit it when you took the camera from me and set it down.

Well, dumb luck or not I'm glad we have it. 

And I want you to have it, I can print another one but you can have the original.

Are you sure?

I am more than sure. I will personally drive it to you the next time I drive to your place. Seeing as you got dropped off here. That and you are going from here straight to NYC for Roach's fashion show.

yeah about that... 

*eyes widen* Are you not going to that event anymore?

Oh no, I'm going still... but this painting is not the only thing I want to come home with me.

You want me to go and stay with you? I can go pack a bag just say the word we can skip the aquarium.

No, I guess what I'm trying to say is I saw a lease renewal letter on the nightstand.

Oh yeah, that's up in two months I really should get that sent back out to the landlord.

What if you didn't though...  

*stares blankly* Are you? Do you want me to?

Don't renew your lease, move in with me? 

Wait you*points to Hailee*... and me*points to herself*...we*points fingers back and forth* us living together. Not temporarily but like for good?

 If you want to of course I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you to move in with me.


okay well let's go to the aquarium then *turns around and walks towards door*

*runs after Hailee picking her up and spinning her around and kissing her*

Wait did I miss something?

Are you crazy I would love to move in with you? I was saying no because it didn't feel like you were forcing me to move in with you. 

Oh thank god, I was worried for a second there

 I just got you a promise ring of course I wanna move in with you. *looks around* You know as much as I love this place I've missed being somewhere that felt like home.

Oh yeah? Just out of curiosity where does it feel like you're home? 

I feel at home when I'm with you.

*tears build in Hailee's eyes*

Hey, come here *brings Hailee in for a warm embrace* Just breathe and talk to me.

*exhales* I know it's not what we planned for the day, but what if we spent the rest of my days off packing you up? And getting you moved into my place?

Are you being serious?*squeezes Hailee tight*

Dead serious. *grabs y/n's face looking into her eyes* Before I walked in that door two days ago I went home first, or what I've known as home for as long as I could remember, and well 

Something was missing?

Yeah, but it wasn't a thing..

It was someONE was missing.

I walked in that door and realized home isn't really home when you aren't there with me it's just a big empty house full of memories. I walked into the kitchen and I didn't hear your singing, your laugh wasn't echoing down the halls, i didn't smell your cooking. I went to go and get dressed and found myself looking at all my clothes on their hangers and remembering the dates we went on wearing those outfits. I lay in bed and had no one to cuddle. I had the dogs but it just wasn't the same.

That's Sweet.

The next thing I know, I was ordering a car, hopping on a flight, and coming here. Plus the whole speech that came with this pretty little ring has been sitting in my mind for 2 days. So yes I am serious about doing this.


Why are you laughing? I just gave a touching speech.

Well, I'm laughing at the thought of me driving a Uhaul with you as a passenger.

Oh, you wanted me to drive with you? I figured I'd drive your car.

Why drive it when I can annoy you on a what? 5-hour drive, we can just get a trailer and hook the car up to that.

Or hear me out we can just box all of your stuff up today and get a moving service and drive your car home.

Where are you gonna find a moving service that's ready to move someone tomorrow?

Yeah, so I told you I saw that lease renewal today I saw it when we started to watch stranger things two days ago. I also kinda hoped you'd say yes to moving in and got a moving service lined up for tomorrow to pick up your stuff.

I feel like this should be a red flag but suddenly my name is Jared I'm 19

and you never fucking learned how to read haha

So crazy? should we start packing?

Yeah, where do we start? Should we start upstairs and work our way downstairs? 

Boxes won't be a problem I have plenty of boxes for when I ship my art.

Well, that saves us a trip to the hardware store. So, bedroom or studio first

In the studio, most of the stuff can get tossed in a box it's just paint, tarps, and posters all my commissions went out before you got here.

So what are we packing up here?

All the stuff on the shelves, the things in and on my desk, and the desk itself. The shelves are built in so they're staying.

I can pack all this stuff if you want to work on the bedroom and the shelves in there and your legos.

Sounds good to me toss that bubble wrap sitting in that shelf behind you.

Yeah here you go *tosses bubblewrap*

Thank you so much now let me turn on some music for us to listen to while we pack. Hope you like my top played songs of last year.

Hailee and Y/n start to make progress on packing. Like y/n had said the studio was fairly easy, most of the supplies and extra paints and ink cartridges in there were already stored away in boxes. And the studio space was minimalistic in decor. In about an hour Hailee had the office all packed and joined y/n in the bedroom to help pack up all of y/n's closet. After finishing the upstairs bedroom and bathroom the two headed downstairs to the guest bedroom to clear out the extra closet holding the last of y/n's clothes. Once that was finished the two took a lunch break before packing up the last two rooms the living room and the kitchen.

You know with as fashionable as you are I am shocked you didn't have more clothes. We might be able to get all those clothes into my closet. I mean our closet.

So do I get a bigger section of the closet? or do I get to keep my special spot next to the first Oscars dress and the spider-verse jordans?

Both, you'll get more space but you can still keep your special spot because I meant wat I said when I cleared it out for you.

Do you have space for my shoes? I have like 13 pairs of shoes in total I might even get rid of a few.

Have you seen my closet? Of course, there is room and if there isn't I will make room for your stuff in our closet.

I still can't believe I'm moving in with the love of my life. But I couldn't be happier. Just know that if we weren't packing me up and moving me out I would have made you a nicer lunch than a turkey club and some french fries I need to get rid of.

You know someone once told me no matter the meal if someone put in the time it shows that they love you.

*smiles* I wonder what genius told you that.

*kisses y/n* Oh you know just the genius that's moving in with me *smiles* Seriously though my love you make a mean turkey club.

I'm glad you like it. I made it with all the stuff in my fridge that i needed to finish, couldn't let the fresh mayo and pickle go to waste. I guess the one good thing about the rooms we have left to pack is that I only own maybe 5 pans and have a small spice rack.

So in other words it'll be quick to pack?

Oh yeah really fast, like we could be done in like 30 minutes, and in the living room, we only have to take the Xbox x. Everything else came with the apartment.

Well, let's get to packing up then. Turn the music back up and let's get to work.

You don't have to tell me twice.

y/n and Hailee spend the next hour finishing up the last of the packing putting the kitchen in boxes and the Xbox in its own big bubble-wrapped box. Then going through and tagging all of the big furniture making the move to Hailee's place.

Well, it took a little longer than I thought but hey it's only 2 pm and the whole place is packed up and ready to go. Its kinda odd to see the last year or so of my life packed up in boxes but I am so ready for the next chapter *wraps around Hailee*

I think we need to give this place a proper send-off, your whole studio is cleared out and the boxes are downstairs what do you say we dance around up here in the coastal sunlight.

I think it's a great idea we spent our first day here dancing around it only sounds right that's how we send this place off.

I'm glad you think that too *plays music* Now come here. 

A Thousand Years by Christina Perri, is not what I was expecting but a good choice nonetheless.

Well, I get to lead this dance and we can dance to a song of your choosing after this one.

Fair enough. *Lays head-on Hailee's shoulder beginning to dance*

"heart beats fast colors and promises, How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall but watching you stand alone? All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer, I have died every day waiting for you."

*cough cough* oh man.

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more time stands still. Beauty in all she is, I will be brave, I will not let anything take away what's standing in front of me.

*wipes tear* You know if you're excited for me to move in you can say it.

Yeah, I know but, uh, I'm just so happy that you are, and right now holding you swaying here in your empty studio it's all hitting me. Hits even harder holding your hand and seeing the promise ring there on mine. 

You've waited a long time for something like this. Your feelings are valid *squeezes Hailee*

Yeah, it just really feels like I have waited a Thousand Years for you or someone like you and I'm grateful you are in my life.

One step closer. I have died every day waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more. And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me. I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more.

Oh my god, I am a mess, tears rolling down my cheeks. I am so sorry I'm not usually like this but my god.

*holding cheeks and wiping tears away* Don't be sorry, and don't apologize, you will always be beautiful to me. Now come on let's sit on the couch and order some dinner to finish out our night.

But that means we won't be able to dance to a song of your choosing. 

Amor, it's alright, just come here and sit down we can just sit here and listen to the song I chose.

Well, can I ask if it's a Halsey song?

Well, I did think of one but after what that song did to you I actually changed my mind. Since  I don't need to make you happy or cry anymore I won't be playing or choosing that song. So I will go with my next choice Your Song by Sir Elton John.

Yeah, that's probably the best Idea. Oh man, my tears are finally beginning to stop I'm just so happy. I'm sorry if I derailed our day at the aquarium and our few days off.

Are you kidding? I need you to look at me and hear me when I say that I am so happy that I spent today packing up this place if it means we can spend more time together. Hell, we get to build a home together.

Haha, it'll be fun to update Mom and Dad about this whole move.

Your parents are gonna love it, but now there's no excuse for me not to work out. Seeing as you have a home gym that I'll now have access to.

Hailee rested her head on y/n's shoulder as they both scrolled through food delivery apps. The two ended up falling asleep cuddled up on the couch before they ordered any dinner. With the whole apartment packed all that was left was to have the movers come and collect all the boxes and select furniture that would be going to Hailee's. They both were happy knowing that the next time they would fall asleep it would be in the same bed in a shared home. A home that they would both always come back to.

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