Night Changes

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Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes or whatever the hell that one-direction song says

Turns out that some things are easier said than done. Todays example was Hailee and y/n skipping out of that doctors office and immediately calling the whole family tree to let them know little girl was on the way. The original plan was to throw a gender reveal but the couple had severely underestimated how hard it would be to keep this news a secret. They figured if they had kept the existence of their little girl a secret for three months they could keep this to themselves for at least one. But all they wanted to do was tell the ones closest to them. Tell their friends tell their family tell the world. Scream from the rooftops that they had been blessed with a beautiful little girl. 

Y/n was the one who cracked first. The second they were in the parking garage and the car was on her father, Allen had called. Y/n instinctively picked up she never missed a call from her dad. He hadn't known about their appointment today he had just felt like calling on his lunch break at work since he had missed his normal weekend call. Call it a sign, dumb luck, or intuition but y/n felt like she had to tell her dad in that moment.

A: Hey Little miss! Wow, you sure picked up fast today. Usually I get a few rings in before you think about picking up the call.

Yeah my phone was already in hand.

 I was just getting ready to head back home with the wife.

You're on speaker phone by the way.

A: Sweetie you are just like me! I'm always on speaker phone. Look I just wanted to call and check in how's the family? I missed not talking this weekend.

We're all doing good Dad and I missed our call too but Mom said you spent all weekend tackling that massive multi-acre field you call a yard.

A: Yeah I did. Man, I forgot how hard it is to keep the yard looking nice when I don't have my little miss helping me. But I know she's off doing bigger and better things and that just makes me so proud. It's also the piece of information that motivates me to get that lawn finished up.

Aww Dad your gonna make me cry.

A: Oh sweetie that wasn't my intention. Was it something I said? I truly mean that in the nicest way not in a guilt-trippy way...

No, it wasn't It's just that uh, well...

A now teary-eyed y/n looked to Hailee for some help explaining what had made y/n cry. The last time Hailee or Allen had seen y/n cry like this was at the altar when she had seen Hailee. y/n didn't typically cry. When she did it was because she was processing big emotions from big decisions or losses. Y/n wasn't one to break down over her dad saying he missed her. 

We just got out of our ultrasound, the one where they tell you the baby's gender.

I thought we weren't telling anyone.

Y/n was fighting to keep the floodgates closed and then suddenly there Hailee was revealing the precious information she had wanted to keep to themselves.

I thought so too...

But I can't make you not tell your Dad you're practically ready to burst at the seams.

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