Watching Miraculous Ladybug

By Snowflower158

22.6K 322 167

A bunch of teenagers, six adults, kwamiis and a very chaotic Naga host watching their lives. What could possi... More

Getting Everyone Together
Origins part 1
Origins Part 2
Late Night Chat
Dark Cupid
Kung Food
Break Time
Guitar Villain
The Naga Got Legs
Hawkmoth gives up his Miraculouses

Lady Wi-Fi

1.1K 16 2
By Snowflower158

Everyone walked into the theatre and saw the chairs where Adrien and Marinette were sitting was replaced with a couch big enough for 4 people.

"Morning everyone how did you sleep," Lyra asked as she stretched. Rea slithered still looking tired and not happy.

"First what happened to her and second what's with the couch?" Jagged questioned.

"I'm not a morning girl and the couch is because I'm moving Luka and Kagami to the front next to Adrien and Mari," she yawned. The for of them sat on the couch happily.

"The next is Lady Wi-fi"

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Miss Bustier teaches the students, while Alya cuts out a picture of Ladybug. Alya uses the Ladybug cutout and puts it over the student's faces.

Miss Bustier: I'm very pleased with how you did on your last assignment. Some of you have really stepped up, and I do appreciate it. Now it's time to move on to our next assignment.

"Good thing I wasn't there or else you may have figured me out Alya". Marinette teased her best friend

"Although given Alya's track record maybe not". Adrien adds

"HEY!" Alya shouts offended 

(Alya sees Chloé, pointing at Miss Bustier. Miss Bustier looks at Alya.) Is Marinette still in the girls' room?

Alya: Uh, I don't know, miss. (The bell rings.)

Miss Bustier: Tonight I want you all to read chapter three of the breathtaking France, the First Thousand Years. Then, answer this simple questionnaire. (gives two to Alya) See to it that Marinette receives her homework.

"Now that we know why your late so much. We'll make super hero hall pass, for any heroes." Damocles stated.

Scene: Outside the classroom. Alya tries to call Marinette, but gets her voicemail instead.

Marinette: (recording) It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! He he.

Scene: Bathroom. Alya is searching for Marinette.

Alya: Marinette?

Scene: Outside the classroom. Alya sees Rose and Juleka.

Alya: Uhh, have you guys seen Marinette anywhere? (Rose and Juleka shake their heads.)

(Alya enters the locker room, where she sees Chloé taking something from her locker. It's a Ladybug costume and yo-yo.)

Alya: (whispering) Chloé's Ladybug?

"I can't believe you thought Chloe was Ladybug". Marinette says betrayed.

"Me either girl, me either". Alya says shaking her head.

"Hey, I know I'm not a miraculous wearer but don't be rude about it". Chloe says getting sick at how awful she used to be.

"It's not that Chloe, it's just we don't even have the same hair color for crying out loud. So how could anyone believe you're ladybug". Marinette explains cautiously.

"That makes sense Marinette". Chloe says.

"Well a miraculous can change hair style, length, and sometime's color, I don't really know a miraculous that can make hair shorter, since Chloe does have longer hair than Marinette. And some can even change eye and skin tone". Tikki explains satisfying everyone's curiosity and letting the episode resume.

Scene: Outside the school. Chloé boards her limousine, Alya follows her.

Alya: Hey, Marinette. Ring me ASAP. We gotta talk. (sees Nino) Nino, wait!

"That voicemail is really cute". Adrien whispers 

Nino: Yeah?

Alya: Come with me, I need your help!

Nino: So-- (Alya shushes him)

(Alya tries to call Marinette again, but...)

Marinette: (recording) It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! He he.

Alya: Ughh. I hate when she goes AWOL. She's not calling me back! Where is that girl?!

Nino: Seriously. My man Adrien's the exact same way. But I guess you gotta be sly when Mr. Control Freak is your daddy-o

(Phone rings)

Nadja: Once again, Ladybug and Cat Noir have saved Paris from the clutches of a menacing villain.

(Alya sees Ladybug's yo-yo)

Alya: Hey! I think I've just sniffed out who the real Ladybug is! (whispers to Nino) Chloé.

Nino: (laughs) Chloé? Seriously? She's too self-absorbed to think of anyone but herself, much less save the world. You are cray-cray, lady!

"But the good crazy babe". Nino says cautiously under Alya's gaze.

"True that " Alix chime's in proudly.

Alya: I am so not! You'll see!

Scene: Paris. Ladybug is jumping above ceilings. She reaches a billboard and transforms into Marinette.

Tikki: Time flies fast when you're saving the world. Day's already over!

Marinette: Tell me about it. I missed an entire half day of school AND half day of seeing Adrien!

"Well I missed an entire half a day of school at least". Marinette corrects herself.

Tikki: Whoever's behind all of this sure is keeping us on our toes!

Marinette: (laughs) You don't have any toes!

(Marinette enters the bakery.)

Sabine: Alya brought your school bag home for you, Marinette.

Marinette: Hey mom...

Sabine: You seem so forgetful these days. Maybe you just need some fresh air and extra exercise for that growing brain of yours!

"Maybe what I need is a study group to help catch up on school work I miss from being Ladybug". Marinette groans thinking about.

"That's a probably a good idea Marinette a class study group, we can set that up when we get back.'' Bustier says.

Marinette: Good idea, mom. I'll start tomorrow. (Sabine kisses her.)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette does homework.

Marinette: Ladybug saved Paris from destruction once again, but who's gonna save Marinette from her homework? (sees a sticky note) What's this? "Call me. I know who the real Ladybug is"?

Tikki: No way! You think she knows?

Marinette: I doubt it. Alya's always jumping to conclusions before she has her facts straight.

" normally I'd be offended, but this time your right". Alya says accepting.

Tikki: But just in case...

Marinette: No worries Tikki. I got it covered.

(Marinette tries to call Alya, but there is no signal.)

Marinette: Dang. No signal.

"That makes sense now why you didn't call me now girl". Alya says shaking her head.

(She goes to the balcony to see if there is any signal, but sees a man working on the cell tower.)

Civilian: Sorry, miss. Cell tower maintenance. The whole neighborhood's down. No signal for the next hour!

Tikki: Come on, Marinette. Try again later. Let's head down and finish your homework.

Scene: College. Chloé and Sabrina enter the school, and some students are watching her, including Aurore and Mireille.

Chloé: Hey there! Hi! You look totally fab! Uh, no, not you. Hey, it's still a month from Halloween, you know?

Nino: You need to have your head examined. If she's a superhero, then I'm the Wizard of Oz.

lyra claps her hands and Nino is now in an emerald green Wizard of Oz costume.

Alya: I'm telling you, she's Ladybug!

Nino: Can you prove it?

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette and Tikki wake up.

Tikki: Uh... what time is it?

Marinette: Uhh, school starts in... (checks her phone) An hour ago?!

"Nice to know why your never on time sweetie". Sabine says amused

"Guess living in a bakery didn't affect how you wake up Mari". Toms adds in agreement.

Scene: Locker room. Alya talks to Nino.

Alya: Now don't mess up your lines. (She pushes Nino to the lockers.)

Nino: (sees Chloé) Oh, uhhh... Ladybug! Look over there!

Chloé: Uhh, what kind of lame joke is this?

Nino: Uhh, well, that was... Did you see Ladybug yesterday? Isn't she amazing? I wonder who she really is.

Chloé: Uhh... up too late DJ-ing, Nino? Obviously you didn't get your beauty sleep.

"So what you're saying Chloe is that you think I'm beautiful". Nino teases causing Chloe to blush.

"No-no just that your are above average, looks wise". Chloe stammers out.

Everyone was surprised that Chloe was being nicer. This made Rea smile

(Alya takes a photo of Chloé's locker.)

Sabrina: Uh... Chloé! Alya's looking in your locker!

Alya: Uhh... that's a lie! I so was not! (Kim steals Alya's phone.)

Alya: Hey! Give it back!

Chloé: (sees the photo) Who's the little liar now?

"Sorry Alya my crush on Chloe back then made me kinda a jerk". Kim says embarrassed

"You've been better since then Kim I understand". Alya says forgiving the boy.

Scene: Mr. Damocles' office.

Chloé: She's guilty of invasion of privacy! I have proof!

Alya: What?! Seriously! All I did was take a measly photo!

Mr. Damocles: I'm sorry, Chloé. But there's no school policy on invasion of privacy.

"Uh How many akuma did I cause?" Chloe asked 

"Well let's just say a lot. Why" Max asked 

"Because after seeing how I almost get killed I want to be a better person," she explains.

Chloé: Then... then breaking and entering!

Alya: I didn't break into her locker! It was open!

Mr. Damocles: And nothing was stolen?

Chloé: Only my very soul! My locker is my secret garden! He who enters uninvited burglarizes my inner being and steals my life force! (cries)

Mr. Damocles: Right. An hour of detention for you, Alya.

"We might need to talk to you about fairness". Sabine says thinking about how easily he was persuaded.

"No need, he only acted that was when I threatened him, and I don't plan to do that anymore". Chloe explains ending the conversation.

Chloé: Are my ears failing me? Did I hear you're giving one miserable hour of detention to a... a heinous criminal? Sabrina!

Sabrina: The school rules clearly state that any student guilty of theft should be suspended for one full week.

Mr. Damocles: Yes, but she's hardly stole anything.

Chloé: I'm not sure that my father would share your point of view. (prepares to call her father)

Mr. Damocles: Uhhh, well, now, Chloé, let's not bother your father, I mean, the honorable Mayor with a minor locker situation...

"Wow Chloe you'd make a great actress with hoe dramatic you are". Luka complements her fake tears.

"Agreed you'd be amazing performing on stage Chloe". Kagami agrees looking at Luka softly, as he blushes.

"Great Idea Luka I might consider it" Chloe thanks him taking his suggestion to heart.

(Chloé starts calling her father.)

Mr. Damocles: Ehhh... what I mean is, you're suspended for a week, Alya.

Alya: What?! That is so unfair! I am so gonna protest this on the school blog!

Mr. Damocles: (looks at Chloé who's smugly shaking her phone, sighs) The school blog is hereby suspended as well.

Alya: (looks at Chloé angrily) She's no superhero, she's super-psycho!

"BURN!" shouts the burn squad.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: Ahhh... School life. Such a science experiment. A petri dish of cultivating secrets, lies and betrayal, the thriving vivarium for my evil akumas. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize her!

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Marinette runs to the front door.

Marinette: I'm late, I'm late, I'm so, so late!

(As Marinette runs upstairs, Alya walks downstairs, running away from the school. She tries to call Marinette.)

Marinette: (from phone) It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! He he!

(The akuma phases into her cell phone, evilizing her.)

Hawk Moth: Lady Wifi, I heard through the grapevine that you're seeking to unmask Ladybug... I'd like to help you if you agree to help me too.

Alya: I'll expose the lies of anyone who covers up the truth! Sign me up! (turns into Lady Wifi)

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. Marinette enters, and sees Adrien and Nino.

Marinette: (taps Nino on the shoulder and whispers) Where is she?

Nino: She's been suspended...

Marinette: What?!

"I'm not surprised you didn't react bigger Marinette". Kagami says amused

"Me either". Marinette groans.

Miss Bustier: Marinette, if you're going to come late, would you please do it discreetly?

Marinette: Sorry... (whispers to Nino) What happened to her?

Nino: The short story? Accused of breaking into Chloé's locker. I mean, Ladybug's locker...

Marinette: (She yells) What!?

Miss Bustier: That's it, Marinette! Go to the principal's office! (Marinette takes her bag and she leaves the classroom)

"Sorry Marinette" Bustier apologies

Adrien: (He whispers to Nino) What are you talking about?

Nino: Exactly what I said, bro. Alya says Chloé is Ladybug! She is crazy!

(Adrien sees Chloé; she winks at him and he is confused then he turns his head towards his tablet)

"Adrien please tell me you didn't actually think Chloe was Ladybug". Marinette aks Dangerously.

"Mayne for a minute or two". He says cautiously, getting a punch in the arm from Marinette and slapped upside the head by Kagami and Luka "Okay I deserved that".

"Definitely". They agree in unison, as the episode resumes.

Marinette: (she arrives at the principal's office) Mr. Damocles? (she opens the door) Sir? (She sees that Mr. Damocles is frozen, and a pink stop icon is in front of him.) Huh?!

(The computer screen lights up, revealing Lady Wifi.)

Lady Wifi: I'm Lady Wifi, revealer of the truth! For our first exposé, your principal would like to share a little tidbit with you. So, Mr. Damocles, is it true you wrongly suspended a student named Alya today?

Mr. Damocles: (feeling ashamed) Uh... yes, it is.

Lady Wifi: So, you were biased? Unfair? Totally unjust?!

Mr. Damocles: Yes, I was.

"What an honest man to admit his mistake". Kagami says happy to see their principal had common sense.

"He only acts bad when threatened by the mayor status". Luka agrees smiling one of his  girlfriends feeling his heart skip a beat.

(Marinette notices the phone Lady Wifi is holding and the ladybug charm on it)

Marinette: Oh, no! Alya! Tikki, time to transform!

Tikki: You're going to have to fight your best friend!

Marinette: Nope! I'm gonna have to save my best friend!

"Aww thanks Marinette I'd do the same for you, but let's hope that never happens". Alya says flattered.

"Great to know". Marinette says fist bumping her BFF

[ Transformation Sequence ]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Yeah! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug)

Lady Wifi: For my next scoop, I'll be taking you to meet the girl who's been hiding behind the Ladybug mask! (puts a pink stop icon on Mr. Damocles, freezing him) Stay connected! (turns the screen off)

Miss Bustier: Everyone, for your own safety, go directly home right now! And don't forget to read chapters four and five! (The students run out.)

"Even In an akuma attack you'll still gives homework". Marinette complains

"I like to think about how desensitized everyone has become to Akuma attacks now dew to how commonly they occur". Adrien says noticing how all of Paris has adjusts to the constant threat of super villains.

Scene: Bathroom.

Adrien: If Chloé is Ladybug like Alya said, then Lady Wifi's gonna head straight for her house!

Plagg: (teasing) And it also means you must have a crush on Chloé! (laughs; Adrien grunts in protest)

"Eww please don't put that idea inside my head". Alix gags

"Sorry". Plagg apologized finding it gross as well

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Cat Noir)

Scene: The city. Cat Noir runs in the ceiling and sees the hotel. He takes his staff and sees Chloé dressed as Ladybug

Cat Noir: What? This can't be!

Ladybug: Who's being a sneaky kitty now?

Cat Noir: Oh, Ladybug. But--

Ladybug: Come on, you don't actually believe she's the real Ladybug.

(Chloé keeps playing with her yo-yo and ends up tying herself up.)

Cat Noir: Yeah, of course not.

Ladybug: And besides, who would believe that she's the original Ladybug? She's obviously just a die-hard fan. A copycat?

"Burn". Laughs the burn squad

"If you only knew" the co-hosts giggles

Cat Noir: Right.

Scene: Chloé's room. Chloé dressed as Ladybug, is trying to untie herself, when her cell phone rings.

Chloé: (answers the phone) Hello? (The phone starts to emit a bright pink glow, she throws it, and Lady Wifi appears.)

Lady Wifi: Well, hello there, Ladybug! (Chloé tries to run away, but Lady Wifi puts a pink pause icon on Chloé, stopping her)

Ladybug: We got Wifi! (She and Cat Noir head to the hotel.)

Lady Wifi: (puts a camera icon above Chloé) Well, well... So my hunch was correctamundo. (from screens) Everyone thinks the girl beneath the Ladybug costume is a little angel. Think again, people! The real Ladybug is... Chloé Bourgeois, everyone!

(The real Ladybug and Cat Noir enter the hotel.)

Lady Wifi: Who are you?

Cat Noir: Uhhh...

A few people laughs at the cat boy's flexing.

Lady Wifi: (looks at Chloé) But I thought you were Ladybug!

Cat Noir: Sorry to bust your news story. Next time, double-check your facts.

Lady Wifi: You'll be sorry. (She uses her cellphone to delete the pink icons, releasing Chloé. Chloé trips and falls.)

Ladybug: Alya?

Lady Wifi: Alya's been disconnected. I'm Lady Wifi. News flash! Ladybug, let's find out who you really are!

Ladybug: Follow me!

Cat Noir: So what's the plan?

Ladybug: She gets her powers from her phone, so let's lead her to the basement, where there is no service!

"Smart thinking, but what about building wifi wouldn't it reach the basement"? Max asks confused.

"Not possible, I asked Daddy once when I was In the basement and couldn't get any signal. He told me the concrete walls of the basement prevent the wifi signal to work it down there". Chloe explains bitterly at the memory.

Cat Noir: No service, no power. Nice one, my lady!

Ladybug: We've gotta go lower!

Lady Wifi: (laughs) I've got you now, Ladybug!

Ladybug: Get ready!

Cat Noir: So, what do you do when you're not Ladybug?

"Dude not the Time"! Nino groans

"I couldn't help myself". Adrien admits rubbing the back of his neck. His girlfriends and boy friend playfully roll their eyes.

Ladybug: (looks shocked, then recovers) Can't you see we're a little bit busy right now? (She sees that Lady Wifi is no longer above them.) She's gone back into the hotel!

Cat Noir: (sees that pink lock icons have been put on all the doors) She locked all the doors! Hey, you realize we might actually know each other in normal life.

Ladybug: Doubt it. It's locked!

(They reach the top door, which doesn't have a pink lock on it.)

"It's a trap". Sabrina shouts eagerly.

"This is in the past puppy girl it's already happened". Lyra laughs amused at Sabrina's eagerness.

Cat Noir: She's left this one open.

Ladybug: Get ready for an ambush on 3. 1, 2, 3!

(They burst through the door to the dining room, only to find that Lady Wifi is nowhere to be found. Phones are on all the tables.)

Cat Noir: Ahhh... So much for the ambush.

Ladybug: Follow me. Where is she hiding? And what's up with all these phones?

(A pink light comes out from a phone, and Lady Wifi appears. She attacks them.)

"Now that's amazing I wish I could teleport". Max says think about the one power he wish he could have.

"I can't wait to reach season 3 now". Rea says.

Cat Noir: How now, brown cow? I thought it was you she was after!

(Ladybug ties Lady Wifi with her yo-yo, but she disappears, re-appearing above one phone after another.)

Lady Wifi: Ha! You can't get me!

Ladybug: Yes I can. (She breaks all the phones with her yo-yo. Lady Wifi runs into the kitchen. When Ladybug follows her in, Lady Wifi locks the door behind her.)

"How can you break my phones". Alya screams in protest.

"Where did you even get that many phones"? Marinette questions.

"I-I don't remember anything from being an akuma". Alya admits embarrassed.

Cat Noir: No, no, no... Hold on there, Ladybug! (He checks the hotel map in his staff.) Of course! The service elevator!

"What can't those devised do"? Marc questions.

"Feed a starving model". Adrien joked as a bunch of food appears in his lap.

"Former starving, " Lyra chimes

(Back in the kitchen, Ladybug dodges Lady Wifi's attacks until her hands get pinned to the wall by two lock icons. Lady Wifi puts a camera icon in front of her.)

Lady Wifi: (from a projection in the sky) Who is Ladybug? Is she a superhero or a super-weirdo? How can we trust the girl when we have no idea who she really is? We have the right to know! (tries to remove Ladybug's mask, but it won't come off) Why doesn't it come off?

"Okay. Does Lady Wi-Fi could just I don't know maybe take Ladybugs earrings while she was trapped. There are so many times they could have just taken it or they couldn't. And their powers, A majority of his akumas are teenagers, so it's the don't think things through," Rea ranted annoyed with Hawk Moth. Her snake features showed more and more. Lyra had to hold her back.

"Wow your right". Alya says after a moment.

Ladybug: Uhhh... because it's magic?

(The service elevator door opens, and Cat Noir comes through.)

Cat Noir: You're out of minutes, Lady Wifi!

Lady Wifi: Oh, how romantic. Tomcat's come to save his love bug.

Ladybug: I am not his love bug!

Cat Noir: We'll come back to that later.

"Don't call me your love bug". Marinette snaps not liking that nickname

"Okay but I got a princess, a knight, and a prince. I'm happy". Adrien states happily. This cause everyone(beside the hosts and the art club kids) to look confused.

(Lady Wifi attacks him, knocking him into the freezer room. His ring comes off, releasing Plagg, and Cat Noir turns into Adrien.)

(Plagg shivers.)

Adrien; My ring!

"Why didn't Plagg disappear when the ring came off, like when Marinette gave up being Ladybug"? Max asks confused

"Because Adrien isn't giving up being Chat Noir". Marc says figuring out that intentions are a big part of it.

"Your right nice thinking Marc". Tikki praises the quiet boy.

Plagg: Ooh... so chilly in here.

Adrien: Where is it? I could use a little help!

Lady Wifi: Well, well... what am I gonna do with both of you?

Hawk Moth: Get her to use her Lucky Charm! It'll force her to switch back, and her identity will be revealed, and her Miraculous will be mine.

"Or just take her miraculous right now, your right  Hawk Moth isn't very smart". Chloe says shaking her head at is idiocy.

"sadly he does have is moments of genius as well". Lyra sighs.

Lady Wifi: If you don't get him outta there fast, your crush will soon be slush. Ha ha ha! (She removes the locks from Ladybug's hands.) Good luck with your cat popsicle! I have other news to cover! (She disappears.)

Ladybug: Huh?

Scene: Outside Le Grand Paris. The mayor and two police cars are there.

André: Come on...

(Chloé exits the hotel and hugs her father. She checks her phone, but Lady Wifi comes out from it and flies into the sky. She begins broadcasting herself.)

Lady Wifi: What's up, peeps! Listen everyone! I present you with the award-winning news story you've all been waiting for!

(In the kitchen, Ladybug is trying to break down the door to the freezer room.)

Ladybug: I'll get you out of there, Cat Noir!

(Adrien is shivering while he is trapped)

Adrien: Take your time!

"This makes more sense now." Marinette says thinking back to this fight.

Lady Wifi: (broadcasting) Don't blink, 'cause Ladybug's about to drop the bomb on her real identity!

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (a box appears) This better be some lucky box... Of course, the microwaves! (she puts the box in the microwave, and uses it to melt the lock icon.)

Adrien: (finds his ring) Gotcha! Gotcha!

Ladybug: Come on, micro-thingies, jam this signal...

(The freezer door opens and Cat Noir is shivering while he falls and Ladybug catches him)

Ladybug: You okay, Cat Noir? (her Miraculous beeps)

Cat Noir; You used your Lucky Charm...there's not much time left.

"Unless you go to the ladies room to recharge your Kwami". Rose chimes in

"Why didn't I think of that"? Marinette says facepalming.

Lady Wifi: Exactly!

Cat Noir: Open the kitchen door!

Ladybug: We can't, microwave's busted. (she whispers to Cat Noir) Here's what to do, listen to me...

Cat Noir: Got it.

(Cat Noir is giggling while he puts a pan over the top of the camera icon, blocking Lady Wifi's screen.)

"Your quite the Cheshire cat aren't you Adrien"? Rea asks amused.

"Blame his old man, he prevents Adrien from being himself 24/7" Nino explains.

Lady Wifi: What is she up to?

Hawk Moth: Don't let my Miraculous get away!

Lady Wifi: Right!

Cat Noir: (gets in the service elevator) I'll go and jam the wi-fi antenna.

Ladybug: Good luck!

(Lady Wifi runs to the ceiling, while Cat Noir dodges her attacks. He reaches the top floor of the hotel)

Cat Noir: (sees the wi-fi antenna) Here you are! Cataclysm!

Lady Wifi: Nice idea, kitty cat, but I'm not gonna let you cut me off so easily! (starts firing pink pause symbols at him)

Ladybug: (Her Miraculous beeps again) Hurry, Cat Noir...

"Doing the best I can". Adrein laughs finding this funny.

(Lady Wifi keeps attacking Cat Noir, but he dodges her. He uses his staff to attack her, but she dodges. The staff splits into two, but she destroys them. She sees Cat Noir is about to destroy the antenna.)

Lady Wifi: Nooooo!

(Cat Noir destroys the antenna, and Lady Wifi falls off. The pink symbols disappear, and Ladybug exits the kitchen.)

Lady Wifi: Lost the signal!

Cat Noir: Gimme that phone!

(Cat Noir tries to take the phone away from her, but she dodges. Cat Noir finds himself defenseless, but Ladybug appears and takes the phone away from her)

Ladybug: (breaks the phone, releasing its akuma) No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma with her yo-yo) Gotcha! (releases it, and turns it into a normal butterfly) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (Throws the Lucky Charm into the air, and it explodes into a blast of energy. It turns everything back to normal, and Lady Wifi turns back into Alya.)

Alya: What?

Ladybug and Cat Noir: Pound it!

"Pound it" they do the same in person.

Alya: Ladybug! Wow! And Cat Noir! Can I get a quick interview? Just let me grab my phone!

Cat Noir: (his Miraculous beeps) Uhh... gotta go. You've only got a minute.

Alya: So-- oh, no! Where did they go?

(Ladybug is about to enter a room, but Cat Noir stops her.)

Cat Noir: Stay! (his Miraculous beeps) I won't tell anyone who you are. Cat's honor.

Ladybug: Nobody must know who we really are. Not even us. (She closes the door. Cat Noir tries to open it, but Ladybug detransforms.)

"You took your kwami's words too seriously, I think we could have done better in the past if we knew each other's identity". Adrien says thinking about it.

"Well you wouldn't flirt with me as much". Marinette agrees

"Because I could flirt with you at school as well, and wouldn't just need flirt during an akuma attack". Adrien agrees kissing Marinette on the cheek making her blush.

Tikki: Phew, that was too close for comfort!

Marinette: Tell me about it. (opens the door, seeing nobody outside)

(Adrien leaves the hotel.)

Plagg: That was the chance to find out who the love of your life really is! What were you thinking?

Adrien: That's the thing, Plagg. I wasn't thinking. I was following my heart.

"Aww that's so sweet". Rose coo's at Adrien sweet ness.

"Adrikins I might need to go to the dentist your giving me a cavity with how sweet you are". Chloe gags

Hawk Moth: Your mask will fall one day, Ladybug. You'll have no choice then but to hand over your precious Miraculous! (His window closes.)

Scene: Dupain-Cheng House. Marinette is in the balcony with Tikki.

Tikki: Is that true? You're gonna tell him? Is that what your heart's saying?

Marinette: Sometimes your heart tells you one thing, but a great superhero always listens to her head.

Alya: Got it!

Marinette: Waaahhh!

Alya: Wanna see my new smartphone? It puts my old phone to shame! Just look at these pics!

Marinette: Huh? What's with all these photos of Adrien?

"Where did you get those anyways". Adrien asks confused not remembering this.

"Well I have my sources". Alya says mysteriously

"Nino" Adrien says looking over at his best bro.

"Sorry Dude Alya is terrifying when determined". Nino says holding his hands up in surrender.

Alya: Well... with a mask and a costume, don't you think he looks a little bit like Cat Noir?

Marinette: Are you out of your mind? He's tons more legit than Cat Noir!

Alya: Hey! I happened to think that Cat Noir is pretty slick.

"Don't say anything". Marinette says quickly noticing a look on Adrien's face.

"Ok I won't," he says as he and Luka snicker at it.

Marinette: Anyway, stop taking photos of Adrien. Well, unless you give them to me, afterwards. (snatches Alya's phone)

Alya: Give it back! (runs after Marinette)

Marinette: Nope!

Alya: Oh, come on, Marinette! What if you drop it? Everyone knows how clumsy you are!

(Both laugh.)


Two more chapters then the poly couple will explain that they are together. Enjoy. Buh-bye everyone for now.

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