Obsidian (2022)

By KatherineYork7

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In a world where chaos rules, Kieran holds only one thing dear to him. His island. When a deadly phenomenon s... More

1. The Land Wrapped In Ashes
2. Next to the parallel
3. Solitude and somber
4. Retaliation vs. Retribution
5. Crimson lies and sins
6. The blossoms of life and death
7. Lessons to remember and guilt to swallow
8. Dangerous but worthy goals
9.Hopes of the forgotten
10.Bit Beastly
11. Schemes and Collusion
12. The Untold
13. The Bell
14. Breath of relief
15. Winners and Traitors
16. Hope for a better ending
17. Revival
18. The meaning of sorrow
20. The End


46 7 1
By KatherineYork7

Chapter 19


"Time can be taken away, but not old dreams"

Rin and Kieran drove on motorbikes to the informational building. Once they reached the giant marble tower, they ran through the halls, past the employees and security, reached the glass elevator, and jumped in. Rin politely smiled at the employees watching him and he hit the button for the file storage floor a few times. The doors opened at the level and they went out in a flash, speed walking through the sections of large wooden shelves with filed paper documents.

"Here!" Rin stopped and his eyes scanned the shelf. "Take out everything from this year."

"You work fast," Kieran said, helping him take out the documents.

"A few years ago I decided it will be easier to keep track of everything that is happening in my districts so built this place just for that." He slammed the documents on the table. "Look through these for unauthorized dig-up sites or anything that doesn't have a specific contract. I'm going to go over all that's left."

"But if she did it in secret..." Kieran trailed off. "It won't be in these."

Rin shook his head. "I had it in mind that some illegal activities might not be recorded so I made it that people can report whatever seems strange to them or anything they feel unsure about. So if there was one time where there was a dig-up and someone noticed, it will be the same report in other places as well. I know my people."

Kieran laughed. "This is so well organized. If Isiah sees this, he'll make me reorganize everything in the office." Kieran brushed through the numerous of papers.

"I don't mean to brag, but we do have the best filing system in the world," Rin said.

"And if we don't find anything?" Kieran asked.

Rin shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have a plan B if we don't."

Kieran grabbed a document. "Searching."

An hour later they were still reading through the papers.

"What about this one?" Kieran started reading out loud. "Unauthorized group was investigated at a dig up sight in the Science district. They had the proper paperwork to legally be on the dig up grounds, however, they had no means to be at a dig up sight which was to be a new park in the District. Upon consulting with the Head of State's advocates we were instructed to let the people visit the grounds regular due to their experience with how the park was to be built and part of the bigger part of the project." Kieran cleared this throat. "This report seems a bit off. I think it's a bit farfetched."

"No, no! It's what we're looking for." Rin reached for the documents. "Look at what I have found." He exchanged documents with Kieran. "All of the suspicious things I found in all of the districts are around parks and enormous gardens. It could be why the Garden District was the first district that had such a large reaction to the phenomenon and we happened to see it."

"And the people?"

"It's mostly houses for the weekend there now. If anyone reported anything I think it would just be assumed they moved."

"So there's no way to prove that."

"We have to go with our guts on this one. The Central District, on the other hand, had abandoned few park projects because of the "bad soil" and all these other districts have at least one suspicious action around their green projects. Amethyst told me, when they measured how the phenomenon moves on the western island, it only moved at a fast paced where there was trees and soil. Water slowed it down. That's why it had to be spread in the Garden district. And that explains the abandoned projects in this district. Water and concrete stops it from moving, but all living things get sucked up in it and dissolve."

"So you think it could be that the Elite focused on transferring this to all the green areas around the districts? Even my island. It is parched but still has woods." Kieran asked.

"Yes. It makes complete sense since even on the West Island, the phenomenon always moved where there were wood and grass."

"Grab the documents and let's go meet Darya and Laidy. After this we're going to one of my safe houses to develop more chemicals otherwise we'd never clean the districts of this phenomenon."


A crowd of people all observed the large construction in every one of the parks in the Central districts. It was early morning as the Royal guards poured the last of the chemicals in the holes dug by the excavator. The holes were pretty deep and they circled the metropolitan park of Mirror City completely.

"Did it work?" Rin asked.

They all took a step back to look at the quiet park. "It should have worked." Laidy said."

"It will work," Darya said and turned towards Rin. "I don't doubt this formula. Neither should you. Both you and your father came up with it to protect your people."

Kieran tapped Rin's back and pointed at the crowd that had gathered. There were cameras and news reporters everywhere. They demanded answers. About the parks. The trucks. And the whispers about what had happened at the Royal Manor.

Rin had pondered over what to say, the whole afternoon. Head of State had to be prosecuted for many things. However if he put the people in that much shock, there could be trouble. Not just inside the country, but outside as well. He didn't need another country thinking they have become easy targets.

Rin approached the reporters and they instantly shoved mics in his face. Royal guards tried to control them to back off a bit.

Rin took a deep breath. "We suffered a great loss today." He continued to talk to them with a saddened face. "The Head of State's Royal villa was attacked. It is believed it's the same people that were responsible for the most recent Royal deaths."

The crowd gasped in horror. Rin raised his hand to calm them down. "During the attack Head of State was injured, and she is no longer capable of running this country due to her brain injury." He covered his mouth like he was deeply saddened by this.

The crowd started tearing up.

"I am unfortunate to relay this news. The attackers had infected the city's parks with toxic elements, but do not despair as what you saw us do now, was clearing up the parks. However, I would ask no one to go in them, until is allowed."

There was silence among the crowd and the reporters.

"Some of you might have not even seen me that often, as I ran this country behind closed doors. But I'm the only and rightful heir of the seven districts."

He stared at them. "Due to what happened today, there will be some changes in the way we do things. We'll try to make these transitions as smooth as possible for you and I do appreciate your support. You make this country strong."

Few applauded and then the few cheers turned louder and more massive. They were all willing to help and clear up the confusion.

"Thank you. The Royals will keep you updated." Rin stepped away from the mics.

"Keep doing speeches like that and you just might keep the throne." Kieran patted his back.

Rin smiled. "Thank you for coming to help."

Kieran gave him a proud smile. "Now go and wrap things up with everyone."

Rin joined Laidy and Patch who were playing along, posing for the camera as family. They were all tired, but duty came first.

Darya who stood aside approached Kieran."I thought you weren't going to help Rin."

Kieran reached in his pocket and pulled out the note he scribbled and handed it to her pointing on it.

"See here, I missed a part of the formula while writing this transcription and I had to come back."

Darya glanced at the note and then back at him. "What a coincidence from a dishonest but meticulous man."

"You're going back to Nivis City after this?" He asked getting closer until he was leaning over her head.

"I'm not. I think I'll do a bit more research, see what else The Elite was up too. We are still left with so many unanswered questions. I'm also curious why there was a frozen lake on the West Island." She rushed her words out.

"I see." Kieran nodded.


Jade was still asleep on the bed in one of the largest rooms in Rin's estate. Due to the large number of injured soldiers, she was moved to his estate. For her safety as well.

The room was spacious, the floor was a highly polished wood of a porcelain color free of dust and clutter, covered with a soft creamy beige carpet. A large Wisteria tree stood proudly outside the window reflecting pink, dawn rays over Jade. The white linen curtains were the kind of white that was untouched by hands and devoid of dust and next to it, stood few doctors checking Jade's state through the machines they had set up.

The small television placed over the wooden bookshelf played the most recent news on low volume. Darya stood next to it, going through the many books in the bookshelf. Patchy sank on the white leather couch at the opposite side of the room deep in thought, while Kieran had leaned on the wall and eyed the doctors.

They stayed up the whole night, waiting for results and now at sunrise, they had finally gotten the news, she would live.

Amethyst and Agate impatiently fretted in their seats next to the coffee table in the middle of the room.

Laidy maundered in the room.

"Any news from Rin?" Amethyst asked.

Laidy shook her head in denial. "Nothing yet. I hope nothing went wrong when he went to arrest the rest of the Royal family from Ava's side."

Suddenly there was a muffled noise coming from downstairs.

"I have to go and find which hospital she was taken to..."

"Sir, she's here. Your cousin brought her here."


A few seconds later, Rin ran into the room everyone stayed at. His eyes locked on Jade.

"Is she going to be alright?" He asked the doctors.

"She's stable and well. We operated right away on her since she was brought on time. She lost some blood but not enough to cause brain damage."

Rin touched his chest and exhaled a long tired breath. The doctors exited the room to give them privacy.

Rin glanced around at everyone, they were all clean. He still had some blood spatter over his uniform and grain in his hair.

"Did you all use my shower?" He asked glancing even at Patchy.

"They weren't going to let us in the room otherwise," Patchy said with a guilty smile over his face.

Rin tapped his chest. "I'm going to go change as well, but um.." he glanced at Darya "can you give me back my pendant?"

Darya nodded and reached inside her bag taking both the pendants out.

"I believe this is yours as well." She handed both of them to him.

"It's my first time seeing this one." Rin turned over the wave pendant but there was nothing else on it. "Where did you find this?"

"In the Garden District. When I broke into the villa. It was hidden in a book." She answered and glanced at Patchy. She might have said too much.

Patchy leaned into the chair, crossing his arms. "Gabriel and his son had ruined this district beyond repair. Something had to be done. I was planning on using a different method though." He looked at Rin. "I knew it was you who killed Vito and Grabriel. But I thought you were just like them and that you needed to be stopped even though we were the same blood."

Rin turned towards Patchy. "We need to talk about everything then."

Laidy approached and took the wave pendant from Rin's hands and carried it over to Patchy. She was weak, shaken up and breathless. Yet she had many amends to do from here on now.

"This one was your father's and the moon one was Zale's." She said looking at them both.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She covered her eyes as tears fell down her face. She was sobbing despite her efforts to keep it together. "I never said anything to you, about any of this, but I worried if I even say something about it, it might cause harm to both of you. You were both oblivious and probably safe because of that. I was also so scared."

She calmed herself down, swallowing her sobs and wiped her tears in a rough manner then pointed at the pendant in Patchy's hand. "Kai made those pendants when he decided to step off the throne to marry your mother. The wave represents the incredible strength and power of water as our people have the ability to be calm, but also mighty. He gave the moon one to Zale as he was going to ascend the throne. He told him, It might be a young moon, but it has enough power to even influence water."

She teared up again as she saw Patchy's eyes. "They loved you both very much and I'm so, so sorry that you had to live your lives like this. Kai always hoped you will protect Rin, the way he protected Zale."

Patchy clenched the pendant in his hand. "He wanted me to protect Rin, yet I spent my life hating him and this family. I spent my time labeled an outcast, because of Ava and the rest she brought on the throne. I assumed Rin was as bad as them, greedy for power."

"I am greedy for power." Rin cut in. "But this is my birth right. I was also trained for this. Per our old traditions. What moth...Ava did to the country, separating the districts and changing everything..I hated it just as much. But I couldn't do much about it up until now. I could only vent my anger with murder."

Rin put the pendant around his neck. "I'd like to sit down and discuss with you what I had found out about our fathers and possibly when Jade wakes up, we can find out if Kai is still alive." He approached Patchy and held out his hand. "Truce for now?"

Patchy shook his hand. "Truce."

"Simone and her husband from the agriculture district were imprisoned as well. Those two thought they could escape, but the crime list I have them for will be enough to be considered treason. We will need a complete story in few days. Something to tell the people."

Patchy agreed. There really was no room for fights between them for now. "I want to reunite the districts."

"So do I. That was always my goal. Bring back the old health system, the way we used to do this. And bring back our white uniforms." Rin said.

Patchy smiled. "I support that."

"I have a question." Darya leaned off the book shells. "You told everyone that the Head of State had an Injury and that she had nothing to do with the whole mess. Why would you do something like that for her?"

"It wasn't for her," Rin replied. "If people found out about what she had done, they will lose all trust in the Royal family. This way, their trust is restored, they lean on the Royal family more than ever and we can avoid inner conflict."

"But it's not fair,considering all that she has done. The children, the numerous villagers killed.." Agate was irritated.

"I know. I understand. But...I have to look at the bigger picture. It's my duty. I will make amends for it from here on out." He turned towards Kieran changing the subject. "I saw your assassins lurking around the villa, let them come in, eat, and rest. There are many guest rooms, feel free to each take one and sleep. This goes for all of you. I'll see you later."

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