Dear Diary

By rockinrollinbitch

518K 5.7K 1K

She writes a journal stating word for word her deepest darkest desires. He finds it. Was previously posted as... More

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22.4K 275 111
By rockinrollinbitch

It wasn't a question as to weather I'd come over later or not. Sure we had school, but he'd be waiting. I knew that.

During dreaded physics class, he asks to go to the washroom, and as he's walking by my desk leaves a note. It's half a page. The half he gave me was part of a journal entry that reads about how I want to misbehave. The missing part is how I described I'd like to be punished.

Fuck. I just had to be specific. He looks back at me as he leaves, and then walks out the door. I wait a few minutes before raising my hand, and going after him.

I hesitate before entering into the bathrooms, and last minute decide to screw it, and turn back around. Not five feet I make it before I hear, "going somewhere?"

Shittttt shit shit. "Um. Yeah, I actually forgot something- tampons. Yeah. Got my period this morning." I turn around to face him and his arms are crossed as he leans against the bathroom doorframe.

"Interesting. You didn't seem to clean anything as you left."

"Mhm, yeah that's true so I'll be right back," I do a little spin, and fast walk away. He laughs. Im a such a terrible liar.

"So you don't want this?" My head turns. He holds a ripped piece of paper. "I actually think I have a much better spot for it like- maybe on the schools billboard?"

My face pales.

"Why don't you come down to the stair well with me so I don't have to do that."


Then I run at him. So fast, he doesn't have time to react as I grab the paper and run.

I run so fast I think my feet create clouds of dust for him to eat.

I hear his footsteps moments later, "Alice!!!"

I bolt into a stairwell, and run out the doors. Faster, faster.

I didn't bring my car today, so I bolt towards the forest. Maybe I'll loose him. But then what? Maybe I can break into his house and steal the rest of it. Although knowing him, he probably keeps it on him.

The sounds of footsteps behind me goes quiet, and when I'm fairly deep in the forest, are completely gone.

Okaaay. I open up the crumpled page.

It's- it's blank. Fuck.

I'm fuming now. He fucking tricked me!!! And he even chased after me, and for what?

I stomp out of the forest. When I reach it's edge, I see him smugly leaned against his car with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What the fuck??"

He smirks down at me. "So cute thinking I'd let you cheat so easily."

"I'm sick of this fucking game."

"And yet you decided to leave hickies all over my back. I'm sick of you not being able to listen. Do I need to keep you restrained as we sleep?"

My face is red with anger.

"You know what? Fuck you. And fuck everyone else," I yell, "you want to expose my diary, go ahead!! I'm done playing your stupid game."

"You're done?"

"Yess!! I- I hate you!! And just- fuck you!!"

"Lovely. Now get in the car, so we can go."

"What do you mean go?? I have a class which I actually care to get to unlike some people." I storm past him.

"You know, maybe if you'd come with me you'd get the real half."

"No. I told you, I'm done."

"Fine. How about dinner?"

"Oh so now that I'm done being played with, you'll ask me out to dinner?"

"Alice wait."

I slam the door open, but he runs ahead and blocks my path before I make it any further into the school. "Move."

"Alice. I- this isn't just a game anymore. Not for me, and I know it's not for you either."

My eyes drop to his leather jacket, and then scan his too perfect face.

"Just- Fuck. Let me"-

"Axton stop. You know we'd never work."

"But we do."

"Only when your"-

"Not only when I'm fucking you. I like you Alice"-

"Aw so cute. Telling me your feelings"-

"Don't"- he pushes my chest so that Im trapped against the wall- "push me."

"Or. What? You and I are just too different. We don't get along."

He sighs heavy out his nose. "Fine. Piss me off. But what about.... a date? How about a girls night?"


"A girls night. You said you wanted to do that. You can do my nails and everything."

"Are you really begging me to have a slumber party with you right now?"

"Maybe I just want you to like me."

"Well you didn't get off to a great start did you?"

"Your body would say otherwise."

I blush. "Shut up." What have I got to lose. I guess he's not that bad. Fine. "If you so much as touch me...."

"You'll what? Tie me up? Leave hickies on my back?" I huff. And turn.

He pushes something into me. "Take it. If you want to show up tonight... great if not, I guess I'll see you around."

I gap at him as he walks out the door, back outside with his hands in his pockets towards his car. He handed me my journal. The full thing. Is he serious? I flip through the pages and sure enough, they're all there. Shit.


I ignore him for a week. He didn't show up to school. I didn't go to his house that night. I didn't feel bad. Sure he gave me the best sex life ever but, I don't know I just couldn't... face him. After reading through some of the stuff he read I was just so embarrassed that thinking of going there made me sick to my stomach. And he's an asshole. Who I know owe nothing.

But, every day at school a small part of me hoped he'd be there. Looked for him in the Caf. I even changed my route to go by his parking spot in the morning. Just to stare at the empty space and realize he isn't coming.

Tonight, I'm sitting on my bed working on a drawing when there's a knock on my door.

I get up, throwing a sweater over myself to hide the night gown, and open the door.

He's standing there, and looking like he always does, pissed the fuck off.


"You never showed up."

Well no shit. "I didn't know I was obliged to."

I cross my arms, and lean against the door way. 

"Well? I gave you time."

"What makes you think I'd ever want to see you again."

"Maybe the way you're blushing, or the way you're debating inviting me in? Is it an orgasm that you looking for? Maybe your vibrator to be returned to you? I can do both," he smiles.

Fuck him. How the hell does he know. I haven't been able to make myself finish for the life of me. Even if I had my vibrator I'm not sure that'd help.


I'm standing there staring when a bright idea pops into my head. " You know what? Fine. How about that girls night. And then I'll decide if I still want to talk to you."

The need to piss him off lives deep in my bones, and I can't help but give into it. Even if it's wrong, I think that part of me will always win. And maybe I'll finally get an orgasm. I've been dying, the last time we saw eachother I made him finish, and the night before that he edged me. I've been behond frustrated.

He smirks. I smirk back. I'll use him, that's all.

He comes in and, sits on the bed, plopping his bag down after he takes his shirt off and switches to pj pants. I can't help but stare. He opens it up and pulls out face masks, nail polish (black thank god) and some fruit.

"Fruit?" I ask.

"Smoothies. Don't worry, I brought the things for it." He brings out one of those small plug in grinders.

"Hmp," I say slightly impressed.

Once we make the smoothies (he makes them and I watch), he pours it into a glass with two straws. "Really," I say flatly.

He smiles sweetly. I'm not sure I like this side of him. I feel like I'm awaiting a jump scare in a horror movie.

Next we put on face masks. We're both not really a fan, so they come off fast. But now we get to paint each others nails.

"I'll paint yours first and then I'll do mine," I say.

"Do you not have faith that I can stay in the lines? Or do you just want to hold my hands?"

I roll my eyes. I can tell he holds back a glare.

"Fine." He says. His mask is slipping.

I grab his hand and do quick work of it. I've been doing this since I was 12. Once I have painted them all, I stand up beside him.

"What do you think?"

"It looks great, thank you."

"Was all of this a ploy to get matching nails?"

"Maybe," he smirks.

"Well make sure not to touch anything," I move up to him so my knees are against his, "Or you'll ruin them," I spread my legs and plop down on his lap.

His arms spread to the sides so he doesn't get the nail polish in anything. He falls to his elbows. He raises an eyebrow.

"Wouldn't want that," he says. I shake my head. Then I push his chest down, and his back falls onto the bed.

My hips grind a little bit, but he can't do anything but glare.

"Alice..." I pull his pyjama shirt up to his neck and stare down at his chest. I kiss him lightly, and my finger trails along the shadow of a previous hickie that's now almost faded to nothing.

"What happened?" I say smiling slightly. His eyes snap up to meet mine. His breathing has gotten heavier. I can't believe I made it so dark that it lasted over a week.

His head tilts to the side. "Are you trying to get a rise out of me?"

"Maybe," I smirk copying him from earlier. "You know, I just can't believe it only took a week for you to come to my door, begging me to take you back."

My lips trail lower, and I kiss right above his waist band. "These are in the way."

"Then why don't you take them off?" He says. I'm half surprised he hasn't thrown me off of him yet. He has more patience then I thought.

I tug on his waist band, and he lifts his hips up so I can tug them down. Then I crawl up and carefully take his hands and head out of his shirt until he's in just his boxers.

I sit there on him for a minute, before leaning down to kiss him. He kisses me back immediately, and in return my hips grind downwards.

A deep groan comes from the back of his throat. "You're such a tease," he says.

"You love it."


All this time his hands stay at his sides, his elbows keeping his hands held up in the air.

"How long does this shit take to dry?"

"A half hour," I smile. I push into him harder.

"Fuck." He mumbles. "You know how hard it was. I've held back from coming here and fucking the shit out of you and now you're doing this shit?" He takes a deep breath as if to calm down.

"You'll be a good boy for me right?" Why hasn't he gone completely insane yet? No... that that's what I want. Maybe.

His jaw clenching is the only sign he's starting to get pissed. "Of course," he grounds out.

What the fuck kinda game is he playing? I squint at him. "Why don't you say, 'yes mistress' ? And I'll go a little faster."

At this point his face is turning a bit red. "I don't need you to go faster." Is he just really horny?

I pull my shirt up over my head, and his eyes flicker to my bra. Then I stand and pull off my sweat pants.

"You sure?" I sit down again, and kiss his chest, starting to leave a hickie. He drives his hips up wards, and I fly forwards my face slamming into his chest. "Hey!!"

"Play with me all you want, I deserve it, but no more hickies. Do you have any idea how fucking hard it was trying to explain to my parents that I got stung by 3 bees, bitten by a cat, and hit with a ball?"

I giggle.

His face reddens, his teeth clenching. He's definitely starting to slip.

My hand slowly moves down, feather light. I just want him to react a little more. Why isn't he doing anything? I know he doesn't want to mess up his nails but-

My hand slips under his boxers, trailing his lower abdomen. I feel his cock twitch under me as a finger brushes against the top.

"You sure you don't want to say 'please, mistress'?"


Ugh. "What the fucks wrong with you?"

His eyebrows raise. "What do you mean?"

"I'm taunting you, teasing you, basically have you restrained... and your just- just"-

"Sitting here? So what? You wanted your control and now you have it. That is what you wanted right?"

Oh, this motherfucker. "Would a spanking be what you want then? Maybe some discipline? You seem so eager to be under my control."

He's grounding his teeth but he shrugs, "sure. If that's what you want to do with me of course." He breaths heavy and I can tell those words were difficult to come out.

Oh my fuckkkk.

I pull down his underwear and his dick springs upwards. "Mmm, someone's enjoying themselves. I think you were a naturally born submissive."

His hands almost clench. He props himself up on his elbows. "Just admit what you want Alice."

"I want you, under my full control." His breathing hitches as I wrap my hand around him, "and I want you to be at my mercy," I pump up and down slowly, "begging me, and calling me, mistress."

"I don't believe you. Certain things would say differently. Like how you're trying to get a rise out of me so that'll I'll put you back in your place. Or how I left you alone but you couldn't bring yourself to me because that would admit liking me. Or how your so sensitive from edging yourself, I can feel your arousal through my underwear. Just say it," he snaps, "You're a fucking brat. But you're mine, whether you like it or not. Diary or not."

My breathing is now heavy and I realize my hand has stilled.

"Go on." He says sharply. "Keep going," he says with his eyes narrowing on me. "I will wipe this nail polish off right now."

It's already been twenty minutes. Ten more and he'd be fine to do whatever he wanted.

"I'll keep going if you beg your master like a proper slave." This time his head slowly looks up.

"Say it one more time I fucking dare you."

"I said, beg me, slave."

His hand shoots up to grab my neck, and he spins us slamming me into the mattress. The air leaves my body and my face fills with blood.

"Apologize." He squeezes tighter for emphasis. I struggle, and buck, but he just squeezes harder.

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