I'm a normal teenage girl.(so...


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Lilian Blake is a werewolf. For the five years that she has known, she has only told one person of her true... Еще

I'm a normal teenage girl.(sort of) *MAJOR EDITING*
Chapter 1: Coming Home
Chapter 2: Not Alone
Chapter 3: "Normal" School
Chapter 4: Hunter
Chapter 5: I'm not Completely Useless!
Chapter 6: Hey look, I have a mate...great
Chapter 7: My Death Wish Comes True
Chapter 8: I Seriously Asked for One Thing
Chapter 9: Haha, Loopholes!
Chapter 10: I'm the World Champion of Football
Chapter 11: #Bipolar Relationship Swag
Chapter 12: Oh I Just Love Being Kidnapped
Chapter 13: Hey Look, I'm Dying Again
Chapter 14: Vampires? Ew.
Chapter 15: Oh, Now I've Been Kidnnaped Again
Chapter 16: I'm. Getting. Married. SUCK IT!
Chapter 17: I'm Dead, but This Time Not Really!
Chapter 19: I Loathe Makeovers With an Unbridled Passion
Chapter 20: I'm soooo Done with Being Fat
Chapter 21: The Battle
Chapter 22: Can I Just Stop Dying?
Alternate P.O.Vs !READ!

Chapter 18: I Know Everyone

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Omg, I'm back to my most popular book. I actually wanted to dedicate this chapter to one of my biggest fans. They have been there with me since when I like first started. Thanks VenusMcFlytrap... You rock this ones for you


Lily's P.O.V.

Hunter just stood there, in complete silence.

I couldn't tell if he was happy, angry, or sad.

" Hunter, please say something. I'd rather you be angry than say nothing," I begged.

" You're joking," he said and I winced.

" nope," I said, hanging my head.

A second later, I was spun in a circle.

I let out a girly squeal.

" Hunter!" I squealed.

" What?" he asked innocently.

I turned to look at him and, to my relief, a huge grin was stretched across his face.

" Your not mad?" I asked

" No, why would I be mad?" he asked.

" Well, you seemed angry and I wasn't sure if," I began to babble but he cut me off by gently pressing his lips to mine.

I stopped.

He pulled away and smiled.

" I didn't say anything because I was surprised, that's all," he said, taking my hand in his.

" Oh, I guess that makes sense," I said as we began back to the house.

" If anything, I really wanted pups. We need someone to take over the pack when we get old and grey together," he said and I smiled.

" It's funny, you're assuming we are going to get old and grey together," I joked but a moment later, I felt him tense.

" Shit, I did it again," i thought.

" I was joking Hunter, you shouldn't take things so literally," I said, feeling kinda mad.

" You shouldn't say such dumb ass things," he fired back.

I took my hand out of his.

" Why is it you can get pissed at everything I say then I get mad at a thing or two that you say and you explode," I said angrily.

" You know I don't do that," he yelled.

" Yes, you do," I shot back.

" Fine, if it bothers you that much then leave," he said and my jaw dropped.

" Fine, I will," I said and with that I stomped back to the house.

It took a minute but when I got there, I slammed the door loudly behind me.

" Whoa girl, what," Lacey began but then she saw my face.

Her face darkened.

" What did Hunter do this time?" she asked.

" I joked around and he went all freaky caveman then told me I should just leave so that's what I'm doing," I said but Lacey put her arm out.

" What?" I asked angrily.

" There's some chick that apparently knows me, he wants me to go meet her," she said.

" And?" I asked.

" I want you to come with me pleeeeease," she begged.

I thought for a moment.

" Fine," I gave in.

" Yay! Let's go," she said, dragging me off.

We walked for a while and I ended up falling a little behind Lacey.

She suddenly stopped walking and her eyes widened.

" What is it Lacey?" I asked.

She turned and ran back to me.

" No, you don't want to see," she said.

Of course, that only made me more curious.

I pushed past her and went to where she had been.

I turned to my left and saw a couple making out.

" What's the big," I began but then the couple shifted.

It was Hunter and Jolie.

Turning, I ran back to Lacey.

She wrapped her arms around me.

" I'm so sorry you had to see that," she said.

" It's okay, it isn't your fault. I just need you to do something for me," I said as I pulled away from her.

" Sure, I'll do anything," she said.

I pulled the ring that Hunter had given me and handed it to her.

" Maybe he can give it Jolie, they would be very happy together," I said.

I turned and sprinted away, not sure what I was going to do.

Lacey's P.O.V

She pulled away from me and pulled off our family ring.

" Maybe he can give it Jolie, they would be very happy together," she said as she handed it to me.

She turned and sprinted away.

I could tell that she was already crying.

Standing up, I began towards where Hunter and Jolie were sucking each others faces off.

" HEY!" I shouted.

They pulled away from each other.

" Oh hey Lacey, it has been like forevs," Jolie said.

I just flipped her off.

" What the hell Lacey," Hunter growled.

" That's what I'd like to know Hunter. I've only put up you since I got back because of Lily, now I don't care about that reason. Oh, and I have something for you," I said.

" What," he growled.

" This," I said dropping the ring into his hand.

" Is this?" he began but I cut him off.

" Your engagement ring, yup. Lily said, and I quote,'Maybe he can give it Jolie, they would be very happy together'" I said.

" But," he began but again I cut him off.

" But nothing, your mate and ex-fiancé is pregnant with YOUR pup and instead of loving her, you tell her to leave then go and make out with a girl that made her life hell for years,"I shouted and tears began to fall from my eyes.

" You don't understand Lacey," he said angrily.

" Damn straight! For all the years I've known Lily, she has only cried a few times and most of them were because of you. You might have finally lost her. Well I hope your happy now because not only have you lost you mate Hunty," I said, using the nickname I had used when we were younger and best friends," but you've lost your little sister as well,"

With that, I turned on my heel and went off to find Lily.

Lily's P.O.V.

" You know," Lacey said," you and Hunter are the most bipolar couple I've ever met,"

" I know," I said smiling a little.

After I had left Lacey, I had only run about 200 yards before I broke down in tears.

She had found me and I had sprayed us both with my perfume.

Then we just started walking.

We didn't know where yet but that didn't matter.

" Don't worry lil, he'll come to his senses eventually," Lacey said, linking her elbow with mine.

" Ya but the question is, when," I said.

She shrugged.

" I dunno, but I know my big brother. He is already regretting it as we speak," she said.

" Ya know, something just occurred to me," I said, stopping and turning to her.

" What?" Lacey asked.

" What about the dungeon," I said.

" What about it?" she asked.

" What if we hide there, it's so obvious it isn't," I said.

" I'm confused," Lacey said.

" Never mind, what about Katherine," I said.

" Oh my God, what about her? I'm so freaking confused," she said.

" Okay, just follow me then," I said.

" Fiiiine, but I'm trusting you Lily. No leading me into dark alley so you can kill me," she said and I grinned.

" Okay, that was one time and I didn't kill you, I just got lost," I said.

" Yeah yeah, same difference. Either way, we ended up getting attacked in a dark alley," she responded.

" Yeeeessss, but you have to admit, those guys faces were hilarious when we began to kick their asses," I laughed.


" Lacey! Come on! I think it's this way," I said as I pulled her off in a random direction.

Do be honest, I had no clue where we were.

I just figured that if I kept making random random turns, we would find the dance club eventually.

" Are you sure?" she asked.

" Nope," I admitted, popping my p.

" Well then, why are we going this way?" she asked.

" I'm trying to find the club this way. We'll find it eventually," I said firmly.

" Fine, but is now a bad time to point out that we are in an alley and a dark one at that," she said.

" Oh Lacey, why must you be such a pessimistic person," I said and we both giggled.

Suddenly, a sound caught my attention and I nudged Lacey.

We both turned and I saw three guys standing in the entrance to the alley.

" Hmmmmm, this is a drawback," I muttered.

The guys didn't seem to hear me though and they just stood there smirking creepily.

" Now what are pretty girls like yourselves doin on this part of town?" the apparent leader of the creepy dudes said.

" Oh ya know, just goin for a nice walk," I said sarcastically.

I wasn't worried, I could kick all of their asses with my eyes closed.

I heard another sound behind me but I knew it would have been too quiet for a normal person to hear.

Lacey apparently didn't know that because she began to turn.

" No," I thought to her as I grabbed her arm," a human wouldn't have heard that. If you can't use good judgement about it, turn it off,"

She nodded.

" No, I'm good. I just forgot. I'm used to hanging around you and your, well, ya know," she trailed off.

I was about to respond when I felt hands on my shoulders.

Looking out of my peripheral, I saw that someone had grabbed Lacey as well.

" Oh nooooo, whatever will we do Lacey, Ahhhhhhh," I said sarcastically and she chuckled.

" Your strange, ya know that?" the leader said, walking towards us.

" Your a creepy perv, ya know that?" I said back in a snooty voice.

I suddenly felt a fist across my face.

A different guy seemed content that he had socked me across the face.

" Ohhhh such a gentleman," I thought to Lacey and she giggled aloud.

" Oh yeah definitely, oh oh, make fun of his form," she thought back.

" That's exactly what I was planning to do," I said and she grinned," but first,"

" Really, you had to go for a punch a girly slap wouldn't have been enough? But, helpful hint, follow through a little more next time, you'll get more power," I said, smiling sweetly.

" Please, you probably don't even know how to throw a punch," he said.

" Really? Wanna put you money where you mouth is," I said.

" Sure," he replied.

" I bet that I can knock you out cold with one hit," I said.

The leader smiled at this and waved the guy off me.

The hands were instantly gone from my shoulders.

I took a step closer to the guy.

I brought my arm back.

He smirked, not looking the least bit worried.

" Hit me with your best shot babe," he said.

" Oh, I plan to," I said.

With that, I launched my fist forward.

It hit his face, I heard a loud snap, and he crumpled to the ground.

" whoops, that might hurt for a while," I said, shrugging.

The hands were on my shoulders again in almost an instant.

I was kinda tired of wasting my time here by now.

Grabbing one of his hands, I shifted my weight and flipped the guy over me.

He landed on the ground with a thud and I waved for Lacey to so the same thing.

She went for a simpler approach.

Elbowing the guy in the stomach, she also head butted him.

She pulled out of his grasp, turned, and kneed him where the sun doesn't shine.

He fell to the ground in pain.

She giggled and walked over to me.

" Why my dear Lacey, I think we just cut their little gang in half, what a shame," I said, wiping away a fake tear.

" Oh kind sir, how can we show our apologies," Lacey said, turning to the remaining two.

Oddly enough, they were smiling.

I zoned into their thoughts.

I had recently figured out that I could read everyone's thoughts, even humans.

" What should we do with them, they obviously turned a while ago," one thought.

'They obviously turned a while ago'?

Then it hit me.

" You're wolves," I stated.

The leader turned to us and raised an eyebrow.

" and," he said.

" Why were you with humans?" I clarified.

" they are easier to make fun of," the guy said shrugging.

" Um yah, can we go now?" I asked.

" Ummmmm," the guy said aloud pretending to think," no,"

I shrugged.

" Are we actually gonna listen to him" Lacey asked.

I smiled.

" That would be a first," I said.

She nodded and we began out of the alley.

One of the guys grabbed my arms as I tried to push past him

In less than the blink of an eye, I had pinned his wrist between his shoulder blades.

" I don't like it when people touch me,"I whispered angrily.

I shoved him forward.

As I turned to leave, the leader was in front of me in an instant.

" WHOA! Have you people never hear of personal space?" I asked.

" I'm an alpha and I don't take it well when people disrespect me," he said.

I shrugged.

" I'm an alpha too, she's my beta," I said, motioning to Lacey.

She nodded and I turned back to the guy.

He was grinning now and not in the previously creepy way.

" Well then, I like you. I apologize for inconveniencing you. It's my beta's 18th birthday and I agreed to come with him," he said.

" Which one is your beta?" Lacey asked.

" The one you best friend just shoved," he replied.

" Haha, oops," I said.

" Na,it's fine, we were being idiots," he shrugged," Where y'all headed?"

" Gibbous dance club," I replied.

" Well then, your about a block off," he said.

" I figured as much," I said.

" Come on, I'll take ya," he said, holding his hand out.

I took it and Lacey followed with his friend.


" Yah, John was really nice. You guys dated for like 6 months," Lacey said.

" Yup but you know that he was better for me as a best friend than a boyfriend," I shrugged.

It was true.

It had been a clean break and we had stayed in touch until I had left boarding school.

I stopped at Katherine's gate and saw her and Allison playing in the yard.

Allison let out a squeal when she saw me coming.

Katherine turned and when she saw me, she waved.

Allison ran to me and wrapped her little arms around my legs.

Katherine was by my side in a second, grabbing my left hand.

" Where is the ring?" she asked.

" That's why I'm here," I said sadly.

" Alright sweetie, why don't you come inside," she said.

And so I did, and I told her the whole story.

By the time I was done with my story, I was in tears and Allison had wrapped her little arms around me.

" I'm so sorry sweetie but don't worry, he'll come through," Katherine said.

I was about to respond when I was interrupted.

" Lily, where are you, we need to talk," Hunter said.

" Why so you can cheat on me again?" I asked.

" No, let me explain," he said.

I was honestly curious to his excuse to why he had been sucking Jolie's face off.

" Fine, I'll meet you in your room as soon as I get back, I'm getting ready to leave Katherine Tiller's house," I thought back.

" Very well, but hurry back," he said, and then he was gone.

" LILY!" I heard and I jumped.

" What the hell Lacey!" I shouted.

" We've been calling your name for the past two minutes," she said.

" Oops, sorry. I was talking to Hunter," I said sheepishly.

" Hunter?" Lacey said.

" Yup. I'm going to meet him back at the house and your coming with me," I said, standing up.

" WHAT! You want me to go back into the house with that bastard," she shrieked.

" Yes?" I said but it came out as more of a question.

She stood for a moment with her lips pursed.

" Fine," she said after a moment.

" Yes! Thank you for your hospitality Katherine and I'll be back to play with you tomorrow Allison," I said.

" YAY! Mommy, lily ith coming back tomorrow," she said happily and Katherine smiled.

" That's amazing Allison. I hope things turn out between you and the alpha, mates always find a way," she said the last part sadly.

We turned and walked out, shutting the gate behind us.

Walking in silence, Lacey and I hurried back to the house.

" I'm going up to Hunter's room, I'll call you if I need help," I said.

" Okay, but don't hesitate," she said.

I nodded and began upstairs.

I walked slowly towards the familiar room.

Stopping at the door, I decided to just enter.

Turning the knob, I walked in and closed the door behind me.

Suddenly, I was engulfed in a familiar scent.

Lips crashed into mine and roughly kissed me.

" Hunter! What the hell?" I asked as he dropped me on his bed but remained standing.

" I'm not going to apologize, I needed that," he said.

" Needed to attack me?" I asked.

" No, I washed my mouth and ate 13 mints and couldn't get the taste of that bitch out of my mouth, THAT just did the trick," he said, smiling.

So that's why he had tasted minty.

Then I remembered what he had said after that.

My jaw dropped.

" Then why did you do it?" I asked.

He sat down next to me.

" You remember how I told you the vampire royal family can control minds?" he asked.

" Yah?" I said.

" Well Nicholas has two sisters, one that you met and helped you and the other one iiiiiiis," he trailed off.

" Jolie," I said.

" Exactly," he said.

" but wait, why," I started to ask but he stopped me.

" Let me finish. Jolie and I were talking about how dumb she was, crossing into my land when we heard you coming. She told me, um, exactly what I was, um, supposed to do. Then I couldn't help myself. The only thing that made it a little better was," he trailed off and by now my jaw was on the ground.

" Wait, what made it a little better?" I asked.

" Ijustpretendedthatitwasyou," he rushed.

" What?" I asked.

He took a deep breath.

" I just pretended that it was you," he said and his cheeks blushed a little.

" Ohhhhhh, are you blushing?" I cooed.

" Shut up," he muttered.

" thank you," I said, leaning on his shoulder.

His head shot up and he stared at me.

" FOR WHAT? I told you to leave then,um, yeah," he trailed off.

" It's okay, I understand," I said.

" but," he began but I pressed my lips to his.

" Shut up," I thought and I felt him smile.

" I love pregnancy hormones," he thought back.

I shoved him off of me, smiling.

" You reek, go take a shower," I said.

" You wanna join me?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

" Haha, no," I said, pushing towards the bathroom.

" I'll wait," I promised.

" Like you waited last time?" he said, smiling.

" Nooooo, I'll actually stay this time," I said.

He looked at me for a moment then closed the bathroom door.

The second I heard the water turn on, I shot out of the bed.

I began looking through stuff to try and ring my old ring.

" Where is it," I muttered.

Then something caught my attention as I opened a drawer of the desk.

It was the box the ring had been in.

I held my breath as I opened it slowly.

Finally I was able to breath, when I opened it.

There sat the sparkling ring.

I grabbed it quickly, closed the box, then, as I put the box back in, closed the drawer.

Hurrying back over to the bed, I laid where I had been when he had left.

I was tired, the crying had exhausted me.

My eyes began to droop and soon I was engulfed in darkness.

My eyes fluttered open and I came face to face with Hunter.

He grinned.

" Sleeping beauty awakens," he said.

" shhhhhh," I said, putting my hand over his mouth.

He smiled for a moment then his eyes widened.

I was about to ask why when he snatched my hand.

" Lacey, up here, now," I thought.

" Is this?" he asked.

" Maybe," I said.

I smiled mischievously and jumped out of the bed.

" Muahahahahahahahahhahaha," I said and just then, Lacey burst in.

" What the hell?" Hunter said.

" Run Lacey, run!" I giggled, yanking her with me.

" Hey, your wearing the ring again," she said as we took off running.

" Yup, Hunter explained the whole thing," I said.

" Wait what happened?" she asked.

" Ya know Jolie?" I said.

" Obviously," she replied.

" Well turns out she Nicholas's sister and did the whole hypnosis thing on Hunter," I explained.

" That little bitch, I knew we hated her for a reason," she said and I laughed.

Suddenly, Lacey was gone.

" Lacey, where are you?" I asked.

" Aghhhh, Hunter got me," she squealed.

" Aghhhh," I squealed as I burst into a fit of girly giggles.

" Hunter, be careful. I'm going to kill you if you kill my future godchild," Lacey yelled.

" Your not gonna be the godmother," Hunter yelled and I could hear how close he was.

" Yes she is," I shouted back.

I made the mistake of turning around.

Hunter wasn't there.

I turned back around just as I plowed into something.

Warm arms wrapped around me and I smiled as the scent engulfed me.

" Hiya," I grinned.

" Well hello there," he smiled.

" Fancy seeing you here," I giggled.

" You feeling okay," he said,cocking his head to the side.

" Yesssss, me AND the pup are fine," I said," you're gonna be the guy that freaks out about me every moment I'm pregnant aren't you,"

" Nope, I'm gonna freak out about you even when you aren't pregnant," he said, grinning proudly.

" Of course," I said, taking his hand.

I smiled at the familiar electrical current that surged through me.

I turned and began back towards Lacey.

" I'm going in, I need a shower. I'm covered in mud thanks to your mate," she said, throwing a glare at Hunter.

He just shrugged and she turned and stomped inside.

" Oh, by the way, there's a meeting of some alphas from around the country coming. We are going to try and convince them to sign a peace treaty so please try not to kill anyone," he said and I nodded.

" Okay, I promise and if I do anything stupid, we can just blame my pregnancy hormones," I said, patting my stomach.

" Good idea," he said, opening his bedroom door when we had reached it.

He tried to usher me in but I remained in place.

" Nope, I've gotta borrow some clothes from Lacey," I said as I walked away.

When I reached her room, I didn't even knock.

I just walked in.

She was sitting on her bed, brushing her hair.

She looked up and grinned.

" Lemme guess, you need a dress for the alpha meeting," she said.

I nodded and she jumped up.

Running to her closet, she pulled a dress out.

" Here," she said, handing me a red, long sleeved dress.

" Thanks, it looks great," I said after I had pulled it on.

" I agree and let me guess, no makeup?" she asked.

I nodded.

" Yup," I said.

" Oh wait, here," she said, giving me a pair of simple black flats.

" Coolio," I said, pulling them on.

We began downstairs where we met Hunter at the bottom.

" Good timing, the first alpha will be here any moment," he said.

" Okay, I'm gonna go change," Lacey said, turning and running upstairs.

I yawned and he snaked his arm around my waist.

" Still tired?" he asked.

" Mmmmmmm," was my only response as I leaned into him.

I perked up when I heard someone outside.

" Someone's here," Hunter and I said at the same time just as the person knocked on the door.

" I got it," I said, pulling out of his grasp.

I opened the door and a familiar scent hit me.

" John?" I asked.

" Lily?" he replied.

" OH MY GOD, JOHN!" I squealed as I threw my arms around him.

" Whoa, yup, that's lily. And guess who else is here, Lil Liz," he said.

All of a sudden, a loud roar sounded behind us.

I spun to face hunter who looked pissed.

John looked up and glared at him.

" You might wanna control of your anger before I leave," he threatened, pulling me closer to him.

Bad idea.

Hunter was at my side in a second, pulling me away roughly.

John made the mistake of not letting go.

" Unless you want to lose your arm Rubin, I suggest you let her go," he said.

" I could lose my arm and still kill you," John spat back.

" CHILL THE F*CK DOWN!" I screamed.

Their heads both shot towards me.

" Let go of me," I said angrily and John's arm dropped.

Hunter stayed put.

" I heard screaming, I swear to God if you hurt my godchild, I'm going to," Lacey said as she came running downstairs but she stopped.

Her head cocked to the side for a moment.

" John? What are you doing here?" she asked, walking slowly down.

" trying to sign a peace treaty. What are you two doing here?" he asked.

" That idiot over there is my brother and her mate," she said.

He turned back to me.

" Wait, what?" he said, confused.

" Um yaaaaa," I said, holding my left hand up.

He looked at it for a moment then a grin broke across his mace.

" My wittle wiwy is aww grown up," he cooed.

" Shut up John, oh and one more thing," I said.

" What?" he asked, still smiling.

I put both my hands over my stomach and looked up at him, smiling.

" OH MY GOD! YOURE PREGNANT!" he screamed and he picked me up, spinning me in a circle.

He put me down quickly and I stumbled dizzily over to Hunter.

He wrapped his arm protectively around my waist.

" You are so slow Johnny," I said, smiling.

He pouted like a little kid.

" I take it you know each other," Hunter said.

" Yeah, Lily and I dated a while back but we broke it off and became best friends," he shrugged," until she suddenly stopped talking to me like two years ago. She told me she was going home, then, nothing,"

" Sorry about that. Nicholas technically killed me and then he started a mini war and kidnapped Liz,Lacey, and I," I began to explain but he cut me off.

" Wait, Nicholas as in the vampire prince?" he asked hunter.

" The same, that bastard wants to marry her," he said through clenched teeth.

"WHAT!" John shouted.

" Oh and guess what. You remember Jolie?" I asked.

" The girl who made your life hell, yes, I remember," he said.

" Turns out, she's Nicholas's sister," I said.

" Seriously, that sucks," he said.

By then, Liz was next to me and glaring at something over.

Two guys were fighting and one of them looked kinda like Daniel.

" Hey Danny, where are you?" I thought.

" Somewhere," he replied vaugly.

" Do you happen to be in Hunter's front yard," I thought.

" Damn it, how'd you know," he said.

" I can see you," I said aloud and he turned to me.

Just then,the other guy got a right hook on him.

I winced as I heard his jaw pop.

I went to run but Lacey stopped me.

" No, you and the pup need to be safe!" Lacey screamed, already running towards the two.

She tackled the guy and they went tumbling to the ground.

I was at her side a moment later.

" Lacey, are you okay," I asked.

" Yah,I'm fine Lily," she said as I pulled her up.

" Wait," a southern voice said," as in Lily bear and Lacey boo?"

" CASH!" we both squealed at the same time.

Two huge arms wrapped around us.

" Why howdy there girls, how have y'all been?" he asked.

I was about to answer when I heard a loud slap.

" Ow, what the hell is wrong with you Lacey boo?" Cash asked, rubbing the back of his head.

" That is for punching my alpha's brother," she said.

" Well pardon me ma'am but how was I supposed to know that?" he asked.

" You SHOULD know that it isn't nice to punch someone," I said like he was a kindergartener.

I helped him and Lacey up and we began back to the house.

" Well that's mighty funny cause if I remember correctly, the first time I met you, you punched a guy out cold," he said, laughing at the memory.

Cash was another Alpha we had met while at school but that was a whole different story.

Long story short, he had been in town and we had met at the park.

His beta pissed me off and I flipped him.

Cash was combined me and Lacey's favorite friend.

We reached the house and Daniel and Hunter quickly pulled us away.

" Woah, cavemen wolves," I thought and we both giggled aloud.

Everyone turned to us.

I shot Cash and John a sympathetic look.

" Sorry, our mates are still REALLY protective. We wouldn't say it aloud but we are super glad your here," I told them and they nodded.

" No problem," John said," I know what it's like," he said.

" YOU FOUND YOUR MATE?" Lacey and I squealed at the same.

" Yup," he said, smiling proudly," she should be here any second,"

" Oh, is she with Toby?" I asked.

" Yup, in fact, I think," he began but suddenly I knew they were here.

" JOHN, IM ABOUT READY TO KILL TOBY," a brown haired girl screamed and a moment later she was by John's side.

The girl seemed familiar and when she turned to me, I knew why.

" Emily?" I asked.

" Um, do I know you?" she asked.

" Oh sorry, how about now?" I asked.

I pulled some of my hair down and put it just above my mouth so it looked like a really bad fake mustache.

" Lily? And that must be Lacey," she said.

" Exactly," I said.

" Oh my God, it's been years," she said, pulling me and Lacey into a hug.

" Oh for God's sake, who don't you know woman," John said laughing.

" There's a lot of people I don't know, you just happen to be one of the few people I do know," I said.

" Please, I bet you'll know the next person that walks in here," he said.

" Probably not," I said.

Just then, Toby walked in.

" Lily? What are you doing here?" he asked.

" Hey Toby, I live here, well my mate does," I said.

" See, told ya," John piped.

" That doesn't count you two are like a package, it's impossible to know only one of you," I argued.

" there's only one alpha left and he's a new alpha so his dad will be with him," Hunter explained.

" Lily is probably gonna know him," John said.

I was about to respond when a guy about our age walked in.

There was something familiar about him but I didn't know what.

" See, him I don't know," I said.

Then my sentence was destroyed as the next person walked in.

" You have got to be f*cking kidding me," Lacey swore.

" Don't tell me," John grinned.

" Him, I know," I said sadly.

It was Jason Roberts, Lacey and I's old school master.

" Well it's good to see you again lily," he said sarcastically.

I stepped forward and slapped him.

He looked at me, stunned.

" Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" I asked.

Everyone stood in shocked silence.

His son was the first to speak up.

" THAT was awesome," he grinned and I smiled back.

" I agree, that was hilarious," Lacey giggled.

" Oh sorry you guys, let me introduce. This is Jason Roberts, Lacey and I's old school master," I told everyone before turning back to him," Watcha been up to Jason?"

" It's mr. Roberts," he said through gritted teeth.

" Nope, not anymore," I said before turning to Hunter," As Luna I have as much power of the land as you do right?"

" Technically, yes," he said, looking at me suspiciously.

" Oh goodie, Jason, you aren't allowed in the meeting," I said.

"WHAT! You can't do that," he protested.

" Oh but I can, YOU aren't the alpha your son is. Let him go so he can learn the ropes by experience," I said.

" I don't care, Jeremy needs my help," he replied angrily.

" Jeremy," I thought," who's the alpha. You or him?"

" Me," he replied.

" Then use it," I thought back.

" Father, as your alpha, I command you to stay here," he said and with that, I turned and began towards the study.

They all followed behind me and Hunter was the last one in, closing the door.

I turned to everyone.

" Okay, someone tell me why we aren't already alibis,. I said.

" because your mate can be a real bastard sometimes," John thought and I laughed.

" Don't I know it," I said aloud," but seriously,"

" I have no problem signing it now that I know my Lily bear will keep this fella in shape," Cash said and I grinned.

" I agree," John said and my smile grew.

" All that's left is newbie over there," Cash said.

Jeremy shrugged.

" I was planning on signing it anyway but when you slapped my dad, my respect for you doubled," he said.

I turned to Hunter and smirked.

" No need to thank me I'm just the reason that three packs just signed a peace treat with you, no biggie," I said.

" Oh I'll show my appreciation tonight," he said suggestively.

Everyone began laughing and I blushed.

He put his arm back in it's normal spot, wrapped around my waist.

" Come on, let's go," he said.

" If we must," I said, smiling.

" Yes,we must. It's getting late," he said.

" Would you look at that," I said as we began down the stairs," I wore a dress for nothing,"

" Wait a second, something just occurred to me," Lacey said.

" What?" I asked.

" You sent me to a boarding school that was on an enemy pack's land, what the hell Hunter?" she said.

He shrugged.

" Most of the world doesn't know that your one of my sisters, I figured you'd be fine," he said.

" You FIGURED?" she said, her voice cracking.

" Oh chill Lacey," I said before he could respond," if it weren't for him, we would have never met,"

" That's true," she said," but still,"

I tried to change the subject as we reached the kitchen.

" Hey, are you guys staying the night?" I asked.

" I dunno, ask him," Emily said, pointing at John.

I turned to John.

" Last I heard," he said.

" Yay, Let's go," I said, grabbing Lacey and Emily's arms.

" What are you gonna do," Hunter called from behind us.

" Ohhhhh, you'll see," I said," you'll see,"


Muahahahahahaha dun. I'm so happy!!! I know it was short but it was packed with drama so yeah. luv u my peeps and again, thank you for staying with me this entire time VenusMcFlytrap

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