Dragon Ball Super Evolution

By DemonIkari

487 1 5

They couldn't believe it. He was gone. Truly and utterly gone. No dragon balls to bring him back, no soul to... More

Update and Question


104 1 0
By DemonIkari

Dragon Ball Super: Evolution


It was a deadlock. Even beaten down, battered, bruised, and depleted of energy...Goku still managed to summon up the strength to hold back Omega Shenron's Minus Ball. It surprised the Shadow Dragon and self-proclaimed 'god of destruction'. He was sure he had put more than enough power into his attack to kill both Goku and Vegeta at the same time ten times over. Yet, still Goku persisted and resisted his inevitable demise. It was a testament to how irritatingly stubborn saiyans could be when pushed to the brink.

"I need more power!!" Omega shouted, pushing harder on his own attack.

The ground cracked under Goku's feet as he was pushed back. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and wince at the strain he was under, still there was no way he was giving up so easily. Pushing back, he struggled not to let the minus ball overwhelm him as he planted his feet in the crumbling ground beneath his feet. "I won't let it end this way," he thought stubbornly. "If I don't do something soon the lives of my family and everyone else on this planet will be lost forever."

"Last chance to give up before I attack!!" Goku shouted, powering up as much as he could to hold back the minus ball. His aura flared around him, enveloping him as the surrounding area around him was blown away.

Omega chuckled. "Yeah right," he said, gathering more power and pushing it into his minus ball - making it grow three times larger as well as stronger. "I give up."

The blasted slammed into Goku, bypassing his struggle to keep it at bay and consuming. The eldest son turned child again cried out his pain as he took the full force of Omega's Minus ball - which was his plan to begin with, but that didn't make it hurt any less. Vegeta stared in shock as his rival and best friend was consumed by the blast. The wind from the force of the attack as it blew up the ground and everything in the vicinity launched him back despite his struggle to remain in place. "Kakorotttt!!" he cried out as he was blown away and he wasn't the only one. Goten quickly shielded his mother as Gohan shielded his wife and daughter and Uub tried to shield Mr. Satan as the wind blew them all away too. The sky was bathed in a red glow that consumed all and the force of the blast could be both felt and seen for miles - not to mention from space as well. Slowly, the aftermath of the blast dissipated and all that was left in its wake were ruins of an already ruined city. The ground had been grinded into sand, builds knocked over or shattered to pieces - leaving only chunks of remains, and where Son Goku once stood was a crater the size of an extinction level asteroid.

The z-fighters quickly gathered towards the edge of the crater, standing on chunks of ground and building remains to get a better view once they all regained their bearings. The last to join them was Mr. Satan who surprisingly survived the aftermath with no injuries, even though Uub wasn't able to shield him in time. He crawled out from the broken wall he had landed behind slowly with his hands on his head. Looking around, he realized he was still alive and breathe a sigh of relief. "That was close," he thought, standing up. Seeing everyone else not too far from him, he walked over to them. "Looks like we made it," he muttered to himself. He goes to say something, but stops as even he can feel the intense atmosphere in the air. Something was wrong. Keeping his mouth shut, he walked over to stand next to his granddaughter and was about to ask what was wrong when he saw it for himself. His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates and sweat immediately gathered on his forehead in shock and fear. He could see the crater and it wasn't just overly gigantic, it was deep as well. All that could be seen was pitch blackness within it. It made him realize two things, one: they had escaped death by just a hair and two: Goku was mostly likely dead. There was no way that even someone like him could survive such an attack. The realization of these two things had him sinking to his knees, eyes still locked on the crater. "It's over. We're done for," he thought in despair.

Meanwhile, Omega Shenron was floating up above watching all of this. He was quite pleased with himself. Floating down slowly, he landed on the twisted and mangled remains of a metal tower. He smirked to himself and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at the crater he created. "Aww, it looks like he was able to keep this trash heap from exploding in exchange for his own measly life," he said, chuckling to himself. A dark, murky aura surrounded him suddenly. It wasn't like his usual aura, no this one didn't elude power...it gave off a feeling of death. It flowed from him and into the sky, rapidly turning the sky dark and cloudy like it would look if the eternal dragon had been summoned, but duller and with a dark presence in the air.

Pan ignored all of this, her mind focused on one thing and one thing only. "Where's grandpa?" she asked, falling to her knees with tears in her eyes at the edge of the crater.

Omega spares her a glance, delighted in her misery briefly, before returning to the task at hand. "Well, he's dead as expected and since the negative energy was released, it's only a matter of time before this planet is dead too," he continues like he never stopped talking while also answering Pan's question unintendedly. "Hey, Goku...I hope you can find some joy in your death." Omega laughed like he had said something funny and to him it was. The irony of Goku dying to save the earth only for it to be doomed anyway was to him.

Pan shook, her teeth clenched together as she tried to keep the tears from falling. "H-he can't be...he just can't..." she thought desperately in disbelief. "Grandpa!!" she cried out, slamming her fist into the ground as the tears escaped her eyes. The others could feel her grief, but couldn't afford to give into to their own at the moment - a battle they were all losing. Gohan, Goten, Chichi, and Bulma especially felt it knowing him the longest and with him being the father and husband of the former three. Chichi had to hold Goten's arm tightly to keep from collapsing and passing it out. Sure, her husband had died before and come back, but this was different. There were no dragon balls to bring him back this time, no loophole to exploit. He was truly and utterly dead, no come backs. Just the mere realization of this broke her heart and she couldn't stop the tears and light sobs behind the hand that covered her mouth. Goten stared at his grieving mother with sadness in his eyes and anger in his heart. His mother and him weren't as close as they use to be and she wasn't the perfect mom in the world, but she was his mom. He loved her despite her faults and arguments they had gotten into. He was grateful for her in his life and cherished her strong will and attitude. To see her in so much pain and heart ache, torn him up inside. On top of that, he had just gotten his dad back not too long ago and now he was gone again - for good this time. His family was torn apart and that made him pissed.

Gohan couldn't believe it, his dad was dead again. He's heard and seen him die before, both times he had been at fault. Now, he knew that wasn't really true, but it felt that way still sometimes. Once he had been kidnapped and his dad died to save him - not something he had control over, but it still hurt at times and ate at him. The second was more so both his dad and his own fault. His father for thrusting him into a extremely dangerous situation when he was only a child still against a psychopathic android. And his for not killing said android when he was told to. Things got out of hand and his father died to save him again - that one hurt so much more and ate at him on different nights when he couldn't get it out of his head. Sure, he had been revived but that didn't take the sting away, the hurt, or the fear. It didn't make it all better, but he's learned to live with it. He cherished the fact that his father was still with them and pushed himself to get stronger so he could make sure nothing like that happened again. He thought he had done it too, Yet, here they were. He was alive again and his father...he was died and just sat back and watch. Anger, sadness, and disgust swirled in Gohan's heart as he clenched his fist tightly. It wasn't supposed to be like this. "Why?" he thought. "Why does it have to end like this? Why can't we just be happy? Why can't mom, Goten, and I keep our family together? Why do we always have to lose dad at some point? Why wasn't I strong enough to do something?! Why am I never strong enough?! Why!?!" Videl could sense her husband anguish and rage, so she wrapped her arms around him to let him she was there for him, something he really needed in that moment.

Bulma was at a loss for words, holding a hand over her mouth and looking to her husband for reassurance. It couldn't be true. Goku couldn't be dead for good. Her little brother couldn't be dead. Vegeta met her eyes solemnly and the look in them said it all. Tears rolled down Bulma's cheeks as she felt her heart sink in her chest. He was really gone, wasn't he? Vegeta pulled his wife into a hug, letting her bury her face into his chest as she cried. He himself didn't want to believe that Kakorot was gone, but he couldn't sense his energy anymore and that only meant one thing. Even so, this was far from over.

Uub clenched his fist as he shook with grief and rage. Goku was his teacher and friend at the same time. He helped him get strong, control the raging power within him that he had always been secretly afraid of as well as shown him what it was like to not be feared by other people outside of his village. He had been like family to him, a brother he never knew he wanted, but was grateful to have found. And now...he was gone. He just couldn't believe it. Trunks himself was at a loss for words and just kept silent. He was more worried about his mother and Pan than himself and how he was feeling. Still, Goku's death hurt. He was like his uncle or second dad, he was family and losing him made Trunks's heart ache. Mr. Satan was busy trying to comforting his crying granddaughter who wasn't having any of it. She didn't want to hear his words of comfort or reassurances, she just wanted her grandpa back. Realizing this, Mr. Satan just hugged her and let her cry into his shoulder.

Omega could see all of this and he found it amusing how heartbroken they were over someone who's died before as well as the fact they'd be joining him soon enough. He could sense all the catastrophes happening all around the world as the negativity energy engulfed the planet. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, and lightning strikes destroying buildings and bridges - he could sense it all. It wouldn't be long now. The earth was doomed and afterwards the whole universe will follow. A twisted smirk appeared on his face at the very thought, he wondered how long it'd take Goku's friends to notice.

Not long.

They all sensed the changes around them, the live forces vanishing one after another and the earth itself crying out in agony. It snapped them out of their grief and gave them something else to focus on. Trunks was the first to comment on it.

"This is awful," he stated, looking at the destruction going on within the far distance.

Omega laughed in twisted delight. "I can feel the planet dying underneath me," he said.

"It's the end," Vegeta said solemnly, looking and sensing the destruction of his second home world. "We just can't beat him." Anger and despair swirled within the saiyan prince at merely acknowledging such a thing. "I've already had to deal with one home planet being destroyed and now it looks like the earth will be next to go." Vegeta slammed his fist into a destroyed wall causing cracks to appear where his fist landed. He refused to let the earth be destroyed for good. He would not lose another home and do nothing to stop it. "The time is now. We -I cannot let this go on any longer." Bulma looked back at her husband, watching him with a worried look on her face. "No matter what the cost maybe, even if it means sacrificing our very lives, what does it matter anymore?! Nggrrhh. I need to take him out!!" Vegeta's ki explodes around him and without a second thought, he launches in the air - intending to face Omega head on.

"Vegeta," Bulma calls out worriedly.

"Father," Trunks says, causing Vegeta to briefly stop by him.

"Everyone...listen up, get away in Bulma's spaceship while you still have the time," he ordered, worrying his wife even more. "And one more thing, Trunks you'll have to find a way to kill this dragon if I can't. That goes for you two as well Gohan, Goten. It's your responsibility to finish the fight your father couldn't finish. Now, take everyone and go, Trunks. That's an order, don't follow me." With his peace said, Vegeta flew off as fast as he could towards Omega.

"No, wait..." Trunks started, but trailed off as his father flew away. His arm fell back by his side as he eyes followed after his father.

Omega could sense Vegeta as he approached and dropped his arms, glancing back over his shoulder. "Is the reality of your fate settling in?" he asked mockingly, turning around fully to face the prince.

Vegeta smirked at him, arms crossed over his chest. "Not my fate," he replied. "I'm still alive because you never thought of finishing me off." Clenching his fist, Vegeta shouts as he hair turns golden and he flashes into super saiyan 2. Omega laughed as the saiyan prince charged at him.

While with Trunks and the others, they had done as Vegeta ordered and flew away from the battlefield as fast as they could - all but one. Trunks lagged behind everyone else as the flew away. He had no intention of leaving his father behind to face Omega alone. As strong as his father had become, he knew that he couldn't handle him on his own and running away just didn't feel right to him. It wasn't who he was. Coming to a stop, he made his decision - he was going back. "Goodbye Mother," he thought as he turned around and flew back towards his father.

This did not go unnoticed by the others...

Pan stopped as soon as she realized he was gone and was about to follow after him, only for her father to stop her. He shook his head at her and handed her Hercule, who he had been carrying. This confused the two, though Pan had a feeling about what was going to happen.

"What is it Gohan?" Hercule asked.

"Dad," Pan said worriedly.

Gohan smiled at her. "Take good care of your mother and grandmother, Pan," he told her and flew off after Trunks. Goten was soon to follow him after giving his mother to Majuub. He told Majuub to take his mother and go to his village and get everyone to safety.

"Make your father proud, Goten," Chichi had told him before he flew off. "Vegeta needs your help, so give it all you've got."

He had nodded at her, saying I will as he sped away. Pan watched him go to, her fist clenching at her sides. She didn't want to lose anyone else. She had already lost her grandpa and that hurt enough. If she lost any of the three that just left or worse, all of them...she doesn't think she can handle that. And she wasn't the only one as Bulma prayed for Vegeta and Trunks to come back to her alive.

But that just might not happen...

Vegeta charged at Omega Shenron, throwing a flurry of punches and kicks that the shadow dragon easily evaded. The prince of saiyans was not dissuaded by this as he leapt back and hit him with a big bang attack. Omega took the attack head on like Vegeta expected him to and the prince vanished from in front of the dragon, reappearing behind him to hit him in the back of the neck. Only for Omega to elbow him in the stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. The shadow dragon smirk at him over his shoulder and let Vegeta float back, clutching his stomach. The saiyan prince was lucky he wasn't impaled on Omega's elbow spike since the dragon was still playing with him. Gritting his teeth, Vegeta powered up and closed the distance between them in an instant. Still smirking, Omega met his charge head on. The two clashed throughout the ruined landscape and bleak sky. Each clash was met with a shockwave and a devasting hit on Vegeta. None of the prince's attacks were landing and those that did, didn't even phase the shadow dragon. His on the other hand had Vegeta coughing up blood and his vision swimming. There was no way the prince could hold out against him let alone defeat him, but...he had to try.

Waiting for the right opening, Vegeta grabbed Omega's arm as he went to punch him and tossed the shadow dragon over his shoulder. Omega didn't seem to care about this at all, even as he was hurtling towards the ground. As he did do, Vegeta slapped his hands together, gathering energy as fast as he could. he would not hold back against this bastard.

"Final......Flash!!" he cried out, firing the attack at Omega.

The shadow dragon, flipped and rushed towards the beam as it came at him. As he was engulfed by it, he flew through the attack heading straight for Vegeta. The prince clenched his teeth, pumping more energy into the attack as he tried to at least damage omega somehow. This was to no avail as the shadow dragon popped out of his attack and grabbed him by the face, squeezing his head. This caused Vegeta to let his attack dissipate as he grabbed Omega's wrist and tried to pry his hand off his head by crushing it. Omega chuckled at his futile efforts and fired a blast from his hand point blank range. Vegeta with flying into the ground as Omega continued to fire more and more ki blast down upon him. Each slammed into Vegeta with Considerable force, knocking him around like he was just some toy to be played with. When Omega stopped, Vegeta collapsed, dust shrouding his body. Landing on a broken piece of rock coming out of the ground, Omega admired his handy work with his smirk still on his face, before firing one more ki blast at where he knew Vegeta's battered body lay. It was time to finish of the prince of saiyans.

His attack never landed as it was deflected out of the shroud of smoke almost as soon as it entered. Omega frowned at this, wondering if he underestimated Vegeta's stubbornness to die. Only for the shroud to clear and revealing Trunks shielding his father and glaring at the shadow dragon. It was clear that he deflected Omega's attack. But he wasn't the only one ready to confront the dragon one last time as Gohan and Goten landed several feet in front of the father son duo.

Vegeta opened his eyes and smirked at his son. "I knew you'd come," he stated as he got up. Trunks only smiled back in return, before getting serious as he turned his focus back towards omega. The shadow dragon scoffed at the four of them, his teeth bared in a wide grin. In response, the saiyans powered up with Goten and Trunks transforming into super saiyans while Gohan decided to go straight to mystic. Vegeta shouted as he raised his power as high as he could make it go. This was it, their finally stand. If they failed to stop Omega here, the whole universe would fall to him. That was something they could not allow to happen. No matter what the cost was.

Unbeknownst to them...Goku...was not dead. The saiyan raised on earth was hanging on by just a few hairs worth of life, but he knew that he couldn't hang on for much longer. With every passing second, he could feel his life-force slipping away. "P-please...anyone...give m-me...some...of your...energy," he mentally pleaded to anyone and everyone who could hear him. "I-If you don't...I'll die." His pleas were heard, but...they would not reach him in time...

As Goku laid in a crevice deep within the crater left behind by the Omega's minus ball - slowly dying - Vegeta and the others had their hands full. The four saiyans were trying to attack Omega in unison and catch him off guard to no avail. For every attack they threw at the shadow dragon, he easily countered, dodged or deflected it. Some just even bounced right off of him. It infuriated Vegeta, leading him to attack harder. He engaged Omega in single combat, attacking him with a fury of punches and kicks that the shadow dragon dodged easily. Meanwhile, Gohan and Gotan charged a Kamehameha together - pouring as much power as they could into the attack. Trunks leapt in to aid his father, only for Omega to decide to clothesline Vegeta and spin around to punch Trunks in the gut. The purple haired half-breed gasped, coughing up spit as all the air left his lungs. Omega smirked down at him and removed his fist from his gut to grab him by the throat. He hoisted Trunks into the air as Vegeta regained his bearings and leapt at him. Spinning around, he used Trunks as bat, smacking him into his father and sending Vegeta flying. Once this was done, he let go of Trunks and fired a ki blast into his gut sending him after his father. Then, his focus turned onto Goten and Gohan. He smirked at the two and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Give it your best shot," he told them tauntingly.

The two sons of son Goku glared at him, teeth clenched as they unleashed their combined Kamehameha attack onto Omega. The shadow dragon stared the attack down as he watched it approach him, seemingly bored. The attack consumed him, going for miles in the desolated wasteland, Vegeta and Trunks got up to witness this and Vegeta quickly raced over to where Omega stood, Trunks following in hot pursuit. The two fired multiple ki blast into the attack where Omega had stood, trying their best to do whatever they could to Omega. Slowly, the Kamehameha died down and dissipated to reveal Omega standing there unharmed. The shadow dragon looks at the four saiyans, wiping imaginary dust off of himself. Vegeta growl at the dragon's clear dismissal of them all.

"Pathetic," Omega stated. "My turn."

Omega vanished from where he stood, reappearing in front of Trunks with his fist already connecting with the purple haired half breed's cheek. Trunks goes flying as Vegeta cries out to him. Omega vanishes once more, going after Trunks once more and kicking him into the ground. At the same time, Goten and Gohan appear behind him, ki blast charged in their hands. The two froze, their ki blast dissipating from their hands as Omega elbowed both of them in the gut - this time making sure his elbow spikes impaled these two unlike how he did with Vegeta. The two cough up blood, but power through the pain as the grab Omega's arms to restrain him. Trunks pops up in front of him, all his remaining ki gather in his hands.

"Eat this!!" he cried out as he fired at Omega's chest at point blank range. He floated their afterwards, while Gohan and Goten collapse to the floor, barely holding onto consciousness. He will soon join them though as the smoke from the blast hitting omega faded and Trunks got sucker punched across the chin, then elbowed in the back of the neck. This was followed up with a knee to the gut and an axe-hammer to his spine. Trunks eyes faded to white as he lost consciousness and was sent hurtling to the ground. He slammed into it with a resounding boom as the ground caved in under him, creating a crater for his unconscious body to occupy for the time being. Goten saw this and tried to get to him, despite how dizzy her felt from blood loss and the obvious pain he was in. Omega blocks his path in an instant, smirk twistedly at the injured half-breed. Goten growls at him and swung with his remaining energy, only to receive a boot to the face. He was out as soon as it connected - luckily not snapping his neck - and sent flying into the ground, sliding away until the torn-up ground piled up enough to stop him.

"Goten!!" Gohan cried out, coughing up blood and turned to Omega enraged. His aura sparked to life around him and he dashed at Omega - landing a heavy haymaker across his left chest. Omega's head actually snapped to the side, but that was all he accomplished. Slowly, Omega turned back to face him, a single drop of blood running down his chin from his lip. He smirked at Gohan who growl and punched him again in the middle of his face. This time his act did nothing and before he could even blink, the world faded to black as the air left his lungs for the second time during the battle - courtesy of Omega's fist. He watched as Gohan collapsed face first into the ground, scoffing at all of their weakness. "Now, for Vegeta," he thought, about to go after the prince. There was no need as Vegeta appeared in front of him and kicked him with all his might in the gut. Omega's eyes bulged slightly as he was pushed away from the down hybrids and was slightly winded. Vegeta followed right after him, burying his fist into his gut where he had just kicked him.

He smirked up at Omega. "Eat it this, you bastard," he growled. "Final Shine Attack!!"

Vegeta released all of the energy he had gathered while sitting back to let his son and Kakorot's brats take on the shadow dragon. And as he did so the vestige of super saiyan 3 outlined him as he gave ita ll he had. Omega was taken back as he actually felt pain from Vegeta's attack and a hole was blown straight through his gut. Even so, this did not bother him as he grabbed Vegeta's arm and slammed his head into the prince's. This caused his head to snap back, but he refused to cancel his attack. It was all they had left. He needed to win this, For Bulma, Trunks, Kakorot's brats, the people of earth - the very earth herself - and of course Kakorot. He would not let himself be defeated so easily after all they went through against this bastard just to defeat him. Snapping his head back forward, Vegeta released a primal battle cry with the roar of the oozaru echoing from his voice as he made sure to power everything into his final attack. It was do or die time.


Goku blinked as he looked around him. It was pitch black around him. All he saw for miles was the darkness in every direction. He was confused. The last thing he remembered doing was facing down Omega's Minus ball and lying in a crater dying slowly.

"Am I... dead then?" Goku wondered. It was the logical conclusion to come to but it made no sense to him as he had been to heaven and hell before - more than once actually - and nether looked like this. "So... if I'm not dead...where am I?"

"The Void," an all too familiar voice answered his thoughts.

Goku spun around quickly, coming face to face Shenron. Goku couldn't nor would he have tried to restrain the smile that spread across his face at the sight of the eternal dragon. "Shenron!" he exclaimed. "You're okay!!"

"That is not entirely correct, Son Goku," Shenron states.

Goku tilted his head confused. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"You are neither dead nor alive and I have not been purified of the negative energy that created the shadow dragons," Shenron explained. "Omega still lives and is wreaking havoc on Earth. Your allies are doing their best to hold him off, but they're efforts will not be enough. They will need your help."

"Then, why are we here? I need to get back and save the earth."

"We are here because the neither of us exist in one plane or the other but are tethered to one plane or the other by the force of another. The void is a realm outside of space and time, it exist as a plane of existence for gods to train within and only those they invite can reach. But for beings like us, those who are neither dead or alive but tethered to either the living world or the dead – we fall on the line in between. Likewise, it can be a final resting place for those who wish to fade from existence and not come back to life once that have dead, a final place where they can know peace for one last time. We are here because you should be dead but are not as I intervene just before you died and as I exist as long as Omega does even if he is a different being compared to myself – you are tether to the world of the living because of me."

"Uh, I understood about half of that, mostly the ending, but I think I get what you're saying."

"It is of little importance. What you must know is that soon your allies shall fall and Omega will destroy everything that exist in this universe. As I stated before, they need your help to defeat him, but it'll come at a cost."

"I'll do it," Goku said without hesitation. "Saving my home and family is worth anything. I've died for them more than once before, so I'm sure you know that already."

"That I do. This sacrifice will not require your life in the way you know. No, you shall not die, but it will no longer be able to stay in the world you know. Your existence is what you must give up, Son Goku. As you exist within the void now, where souls are not meant to transverse, you can no longer existence in the world you once knew. Should you go back and defeat Omega, you'd have to say goodbye to your family and everything you know forever. For if you stayed, you would be pulled back into the void, unable to escape and eventually erased from existence. That is why you must leave, should you chose to return. There is no second chances with this one, Son Goku. Knowing this, what is your decision?"

Goku blinked at Shenron. So, his choices were stay here - possibly going to heaven afterwards - and let not just his home and family and friends be killed by omega but the whole universe or return and defeat omega, but never see earth or anyone he cared for ever again? Goku chuckled at this. He wasn't one to be overly emotional a lot nor did he consider himself a hero or anything of the sort, he just wanted to protect what was important to him, follow his grandpa Gohan's teaching, and enjoying intense fights with strong opponents. That's it. He was a simple man really. Even so...he already knew his choice. It was obvious. He may not be the best husband or father, but his family was important to him. His friends and his home were important to him. He cared too much about them and the universe to be selfish ever when it came to things like this. It was just like giving up his life in a sense just without the dying part and if he could do that without hesitation - he could do this to.

"Okay, I understand Shenron. Send me back. I have a fight to finish and a universe to save."

"Very well. Best of luck, Son Goku." Shenron's eyes glowed red and Goku vanished before him.

-Back to the fight-

Vegeta huffed and puffed as he stood there, drained. He had kept his word and poured everything short of his life-force into his final shine attack. Omega had been blown away, leaving a torn-up trail and a wide crater leading away from Vegeta. "H-h-how'd...how'd you...l-like that?" the prince huffed.

"Very impressive, Vegeta," Omega's voice echoed from the crater as he floated out of the ground. There was large hole in his abdomen, but he was still alive and smirking sinisterly at Vegeta. "I admit, I didn't think you had that kind of strength left in you, but it appears it was still not enough."

Vegeta gawked at the still living Omega with wide eyes, frustration swirling within him. The bastard just refused to die! "Will you just go to hell already!!" he cried out, rushing at Omega.

The shadow dragon met his charge, vanishing just as Vegeta reached him and struck out with a punch. His fist passed through an afterimage harmlessly as he was kick in the chin and sent flying into the air. Omega appeared above him and punched him in the face, then the gut, and then the face again. Vegeta grunted with each hit, tasting blood in his mouth. Spin kicking the prince, Omega teleports below him - extending his spikes at the prince at a rapid rate. Vegeta cried out in pain as one pierced him right through the left shoulder. "Have a taste of this!!" Omega exclaimed nefariously. "Dragon Thunder!!" Lighting raced from Omega to Vegeta, electrocuting the prince and making him scream in pain. Omega chuckle, letting the attack go for a bit before stopping as Vegeta slumped on his spikes, nearly unconscious. Retracting his spikes with a spin, he tossed Vegeta in a twirl to the ground. He impacted it with a boom and laid there. Slowly, Omega lowered himself to the ground.

"Are you done, prince? ~" he asked mockingly, full-on laughing seconds later.

Vegeta groaned, lifting his head to glare at Omega. "N-Not...on...your life!!" he exclaimed, even as he lay on the ground.

Omega continued to laugh. "You've been very fun to play with Vegeta," he stated, walking closer to the down prince. "And since you've been so fun, I'll be nice and bury you in the same grave as Goku, so you can argue for eternity!!"

Vegeta growled and tried to stand, but his body protested and he collapsed. "Damn it!! I-is this...really how it ends?" he wondered, looking into the crater he was on the edge of. His eyes widen at what he saw, before s mirk crossed his face. Turning his head back in Omega's direction, he said, "D-don't...speak so s-soon," he chuckled tiredly. "Y-you h-haven't won...yet." With his piece said, Vegeta collapse, letting darkness take him. His last words confused Omega, until he saw it. Rising out of the crater was Son Goku and he was holding a massive Spirit Bomb above his head. Omega couldn't believe his eyes. It just couldn't be possible.

"T-there's no way. I killed you," he muttered to himself. "I was sure of it. You should be dead."

Goku chuckled at the shadow dragons frightened tone. "I'm not ready to die again just yet," he stated, lifting his head to glare at Omega. "I've tried to be reasonable with you, Omega. I gave you a chance to apologize, but you refused and now I'm going to end this." As Goku said this, the Spirit Bomb grew larger as more energy from the still living beings and everything else on him feed their energy into his attack. A sense of hope was feeling them and they wanted to help spread the feeling, causing more and more people to raise their hands. And as they did so and the Spirit Bomb grew larger, the positive energy it emitted counteracted Omega's negative energy - purifying it and stopping the disasters around the world. Omega could only watch in utter disbelief as this happened. His victory was slipping through his fingers all over again and all because of Son Goku!!

"Omega!! I'm holding the energy of every living person left on Earth who's ever suffered at the hands of evildoers like you!!" Goku announced proudly.

Omega clenched his teeth in frustration and fear. "This can't be happening!!" he shouted. "You're supposed to be dead!! I killed you!!"

Goku chuckled down at him. Omega growled and fired several ki blast at Goku, all of which hit him but dealt no damage to him. "Just die!!" Omega growls. Goku closes his eyes and mentally contacts King Kai. There was no time for games. It was time to end this once and for all.

-With the others-

As the others combated Omega Shenron, the others had put a good amount of distance between them and the battlefield. It wasn't easy though. Uub and Pan could feel what was happening on the battlefield the most out of everyone and they had to fight not to drop the others a safe distance away and go help. The two had others to take care of and protect, they couldn't just leave them to fend for themselves. So, with heavy hearts and led in their stomachs, they flew on. Majuub felt like a failure though. Goku was his mentor - like an uncle or big brother to him really - and he couldn't even help him. After all that training they had done together, his own individual training, and fusing with Majin Buu...he still wasn't strong enough and because of that Goku paid the price. Omega had killed him while Majuub stood back and watched, helpless. And now Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, and Goten would most likely do the same. None of them had the necessary strength or energy left to truly fight against or defeat Omega. They knew that too and had gone in anyway. Majuub hated this!! He felt so useless and helpless and it was wrong!! "I-is this...is this really all I'm capable of?" Majuub wondered, disappointed in himself. "All my hard work...all my training...was it really all for nothing?"

While Majuub was lost in his own thoughts, Pan was in the same boat. She had thought she lost her grandfather once when he went to train with Uub for years he was gone and countless times on their journey for the dragon balls. Time and time again he had proved her wrong and made her worry for nothing - Trunks too for that matter. Still, his confidence in the face of overwhelming peril inspired her to grow stronger. She was sick of standing on the sidelines most of the time or being a liability and watching as everyone else risked it all. It made her sick to her stomach sometimes how useless she felt. Even after growing stronger alongside her grandfather, she was still a liability. Now, he grandpa was dead and her uncle, father, best friend, and his father were going off to fight the very thing that killed him - knowing they were most likely to die as well. It made her blood boil as her stomach felt sank. She was the daughter and granddaughter of two of the strongest beings on earth and yet she could do nothing to help?! How pathetic was that!!

"W-why? Why am I so weak?!" Pan thought mentally, battering herself as she glared at the ground as she flew. Hercule noticed the drop in her mood but didn't know what to do to console her. He had a feeling nothing he said would actually cheer her up or convince her of the opposite of whatever was going through her head. "Every time...EVERYTIME!! I can't do anything!! I'm always the one needing to be saved more often than not than actually help save anyone else. Sure, I can help against the minor threats, but anything serious and I'm utterly useless. Why is it always like this? Why am I like this?! I-I-I... I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANYONE ELSE!! BUT I'M TOO WEAK TO DO ANYTHING!!"

Pan 's mental struggle caused her ki to rise considerably, drawing everyone's attention. Majuub looked back at Pan, stopping with Chichi on his back. He could feel the inner turmoil flowing within her - her negative emotions - and realized it wasn't just him who was suffering in silence, beating themselves up. He went to console her, only for her mother to beat him to it. Videl laid her hand on daughters' hand gently, drawing Pan's attention to her. The young girl had tears in her eyes as she locked eyes with her mother. Her mother smiled sadly at her, understanding and the same pain in her eyes. "I understand how you feel, Pan," Videl says. "It sucks sitting by and watching those you love suffer while your powerless to do anything about it. I never wanted you to have to experience this so soon and so much, but you have and you've been so strong through it all. It's okay not to be right now though, none of us will think less of you. We're all feeling a little loss and useless right now, but honey, just trust me and have faith in your father, your uncle, Vegeta, and Trunks. As bad as things seem now, I know those four won't go down so easily. They haven't given up, so we can't either, okay?"

Pan didn't trust her voice, so she just nodded to her mother, her words making her feel somewhat better but not truly. For, unlike her mother, she could feel how the battle was going as they had flown away. Omega was winning by a large margin. Vegeta, Trunks, her dad, and Uncle Goten were giving it their all but they were barely doing anything to halt Omega let alone defeat him. There was no way they could win, she could feel it in her gut. She was going to lose more people...which she just couldn't sit back and allow. Not anymore. "I have to do something," she thought, determination filling her as she made up her mind. With her mind made up, Pan spoke. "I understand what you're saying mom," she tells Videl. "But I'm sorry, I can't just sit back and do nothing - not again. I just can't."

Before anyone could speak or react, Pan dashed towards the ground and dropped Hercule on his butt, before powering up and dashing back towards the battlefield. "Pan!!" Majuub and Videl called out as she flew away, but she did not head their cries. She needed to do this. Realizing that Pan wasn't coming back, Videl almost followed after her daughter, but was stopped by Majuub. She looked back at him and he shook his head. Floating down to the ground, he set down Chichi - Videl following closely behind him. "I'll bring her back," he said. "Keeping going as far away from here as possible and we'll catch as soon as I have her." Not waiting for a reply, he blasted off into the sky after Pan. The others watched as he flew off.

"Please...bring her back safely, Uub," Videl thought.

"C'mon," Chichi said as she started walking back towards the battlefield.

"W-wait!! What are you doing?!" Hercule cried out in surprise. "We're supposed to be going the other way!!"

Chchi spun on him. "My husband is dead - again - and my sons are fighting the very monster that killed him. Not to mention Vegeta and Trunks as well. Now, Pan has flown off to go help as well despite knowing she's not as strong as the others," she stated. "I'm not going to sit here and waiting to hear if they died or not. I'd rather die with my sons, then live without them. There's only so far we can run and I doubt that dragon will let us leave Earth to cause problems in the future for him. So, if we're going to die anyway, I'm dying on my terms."

With her peace said, Chichi spun around once more and proceeded to start walking back to the 'splash zone'. Videl and Bulma look at each other, before nodding and following right after her. Hercule gasped, looking at them like they lost their minds, before sighing and following after them. He wasn't about to just runaway and let his daughter and granddaughter die without him. He maybe a coward at times and a liar, but he doesn't abandon family.

- Pan & Majuub -

Pan flew as fast as she could, pushing herself as hard as she could. She could feel as her father's and uncle's energies dropped to near zero and soon Trunks followed after them. They were clearly losing and Vegeta was the only one left standing. She refused to believe any of the other three were dead yet and she wasn't trying to push her luck with arriving late, only to see Omega finishing them off. That was not going to happen." Come on!!" she screamed at herself mentally. "Just a little further, you can make it!!"

"Pan!!" Majuub's voiced called out from behind her.

"Go away Uub!! I'm not going back!!" she called back without turning around.

"Pan, don't do this!! You're only going to get yourself killed!!"

Pan ignored him, choosing to not reply this time as she tried speeding up more. She could tell he was catching up to her as fast as she flew. If he caught her, he'd surely drag her back and she couldn't allow that- she wouldn't. Channeling her anger, she used it to push herself further, pushing her body harder. That's when she felt it. Vegeta's energy spiked massively high, before dropping drastically. But that wasn't what caught her main interest. No, it was a massive amount of energy growing at a steadily rate, faster and faster. "W-what is that?" she thought. "I've never felt anything like this. And it's not just coming from in front of me either. It's..."

Pan spun around as she felt energy signatures, she recognized coming start towards her. She could sense energy from the Iggemans, the villagers of Galvo, the believers of Luud, and so much more. It was like every planet that her grandpa, Trunks, and her had come in contact with was flying past her. There was some that even she didn't recognize as well. It was energy from all across the universe!! It had to be. "But why would..." Pan cut herself off in mid though as beneath all the energy flying past her and the one growing rapidly ahead of her - she felt it. She felt him. Tears stun her eyes as they began to well up, but she paid them little mind.

"Grandpa," she muttered happily. She glanced at Majuub who had felt the same thing as her and had a relieved smile on his face. Together, they blasted off towards the source of it all. If Goku was truly alive, he may need their help and this time...they would not fail.

- With Goku -

Goku smiled as he felt the energy from across the universe flowing through him and into the Spirit Bomb. This was it. He had everything he needed to put an end to Omega once and for all.

"Thank you, King Kai," Goku says. "And Thank you, people of the universe."

After thanking them, he turned his focus onto his main concern. That concern was not having this though. He refused to just let all his work be undone because of some wretched saiyan that refused to just die.

"Enough!" Omega growled, charging up a Minus Ball and hurling it at Goku. "Just Die!!"

The blast connected and Omega smirked, confident that he had finished off the saiyan before he could kill him instead. His pleased expression turned to one of shock and horror as Goku remained unharmed when the smoke from the explosion vanished. He was just staring down at Omega with a smirk on his face and that's when Omega felt it. The cold hand of dread running down his spine as sweat ran down his forehead.


Pure and Utter Terror.

He had though the fear he felt when he almost died against Gogeta to be bad, but that had been tempered with his anger. This time there was no anger mixed in, no shortened time limit, or any other factor to intervene and save his miserable life. No, this was the end and he knew it.

"T-this is impossible," he said to himself. "H-he shouldn't be able to do that!! How did he do that!?!"

Goku heard him though and offered no reply as he left Omega soak in his despair. As he did the positive energy from the Spirit Bomb - as well as the radiant light it emitted - began to beckon the defeated warriors back to consciousness. Gohan, Goten, and Trunks all awoke at the same time - drowsy and confused, but still finding their eyes drawn to the Spirit Bomb. Vegeta woke after them, grunting in discomfort as he pushed himself off the ground and stared not at the Spirit Bomb, but Goku. Pan and Majuub landed not too soon afterwards on one of the collapsed buildings. Pan's eyes immediately fell on Goku and was relieved he was truly alive still. Then, he eyes widened as she took him in.

"T-This is...amazing," Pan stated. "Grandpa, you look like a God."

Majuub couldn't help but silently agree with her as he nodded his head.

"This is it," Goku spoke up with finality in his tone as Omega took a step back. He had left the shadow dragon soak in his despair long enough.

"H-hold on!! W-wait!!" Omega begged uselessly. "D-don't..."

"Hhhaaaahhhhh!!" Goku exclaimed as he through the Spirit Bomb at Omega Shenron. The Ultimate Shadow Dragon remained frozen in fear as the attack rapidly approached him. He briefly though about trying to catch the attack, but quickly decided that was suicidal. He could fell the positive energy oozing of that attack. If it made contact with him, he'd be obliterated in an instant - a very agonizing drawn-out instant, but an instant none the less. No, he had to get out of there and he had to now. Turning on his heel, he went to dash away from the attack as quickly as possibly -only to find his way blocked.

"Where do you think you're going?" Gohan asked in his Ultimate form. "If you want to run, you're going to have to get by me first."

"Miserable insect!!" Omega growled, "Out of my way!!"

The shadow dragon went to attack the still weakened Gohan but his attack never hit as he was suddenly blinded by a solar flare. Stunned, Omega grabbed his face on reflex to cover his eyes and as he did so - Gohan struck. Mustering every last bit of his strength, he channeled it all into one attack.

"Kaaaa...Meeee...Haaaa...Meeee...HAAAA!!" he roared; blast Omega full-on in the chest.

Omega stumbled back in surprise but was taking no real damage. Even so, Gohan was still slowing him down and he could feel the Spirit Bomb licking his back. Growling he went to strike Gohan trough his own attack, only to feel his arm get kicked away.

"Keep your hands off my papa!!" Pan shouted as she landed by her dad.

Gohan blinked in surprise. "P-Pan?"

Pan didn't answer him, instead, she cupped her hands at her side. "KAMEHAMEHA!!!" she cried out, adding her attack to her dad's. Once more, it did not damage to the shadow dragon but make him flinch a bit. Still, that was all that was needed. They had delayed Omega long enough, leaving him with no way to escape and the shadow dragon knew it. In that moment, he dropped his guard - his defenses completely - as he froze once more. The father-daughter duo took this as an opportunity to push him into the Spirit Bomb as it slammed into his back and jump out of the way. Omega cried out in agonizing pain as every cell in his body was purified and annihilated at the same time. What was only five seconds at the most felt like eons to him as he perished.

Gohan and Pan watched as Spirit Bomb sailed past them and rose into the sky before it exploded. Omega was finally dead; the fight was finally over. Gohan sighed in relief as he powered down to his base. Not a second later, his daughter slammed into his sided, knocking him over. Tears stained his torn and ruined clothes as she cried into his chest. Smiling, he held her close. Looking towards the sky, he saw that it was clear of the negative storm Omega created to destroy his home. His father had done it once more. Speaking, of his father, Gohan looked towards where he was last floating in the air and saw him lying on the ground.

He wasn't moving.

Done!! Man, that took longer than intended. With everything from my laziness, procrastination, work, and school I'm not too surprised, but I did think I'd have it out faster. But then sites went down or weren't free anymore and tablet broken, laptop wasn't working right. It was a mission to get this done. But it finally is. Hope anyone who was looking forward to this enjoys it. Let me know what you think and if you spot any errors or mistakes, let me know. I tried to catch them all, but I know I missed some.

Until next time, see ya.

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