Island of Ark (Kyochuu Rettou...


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In this story is where the plane carrying high school students where suddenly the plane gets shot down after... More

Scout and Sightseeing
Close encounters
Familiar faces
Gone fishing
Plans and Strategy
Spotted Devil

Plane Crash

301 4 0

Lets meet the oc's first since you guys know the main characters already in the anime and manga. 

David: This guy is an transfer student with his other friends from america, because he wants to do a lot more in his life, he is easy going, friendly, and an expert on animals. He became friends with oribe and Naruse within a couple days of school, and is popular with everyone.

Karl: Is known for being a twitch streamer and a gamer, he met david years before they transfer to japan, when karl went with david, he met miura and matsuoka one day in gym, they are close friends and sometimes probably more. 

Anthony: Likable, and tons of fun, he is also a big nerd when it comes to Ark survival game. During his stay in japan he shared interesting stories of america, some stories about his life and some about his friends, and is a survival expert due to being raised next to the woodland areas. 

Ok now you know the oc's lets start.

Beach area

David wakes up and finds himself lying down face first on sand, he sees the plane has crashed.

David: Ouch, what hit me?

He stands up.

David: (Shouts) Hello? Anyone there?

No response, he suddenly hears coughing and turns to see Mutsumi oribe, the girl was wearing a camo like green jacket with a white t shirt underneath, she stands up to grab her bag and opens it to make sure her hat is still in there.

David: Hello?

Oribe jumps and turns around to see david.

Oribe: Your David L/n the american transfer?

David: Yeah?

Oribe: Oh thank god, [She hugs him] I thought everyone died in that crash.

David: Yeah.

They then hear rustling in the bushes and turn to see Matsuoka.

David gasp in scared.

Matsuoka: David, oribe?

David: Yes? 

Matsuoka sighs in relief but slowly tears up to see at least two of her classmates and hugs them.

David: Its alright now, i think.

Matsuoka: [crying] No its not, we still don't know where everyone is.

Oribe: We will find them eventually, don't worry.

Matsuoka slowly feels relief.

David: Right now we need to find out where we are right now.


A couple of students, Karl, Anthony, Naruse, Kamijo, Jinno, Kai, Inou ai, Miura. So far the students are following Karl and Anthony down a path.

Kai: Are u guys sure this is the right way?

Karl: Honestly i don't know, but at least this path was forged by someone.

Inou: We can't just follow any path or trail, but then again there might be people here.

Kamijo: Well should we keep following it or not?

Miura: Guys look!

She points at a nearby vending machine with drinks and food.

Kamijo: Yes!

The boys ran up to it and pushes it over and tries to open it. Kamijo grabs a nearby rock and breaks the glass with it.

Naruse: Hold on, we need to figure out who's machine this is.

Kamijo: Shut up, its an emergency!

Everyone got their drinks.

Karl: Hold up y'all lets save up the food, we don't know how long we will be here.

Naruse: He's right, we need to be rational.

Inou: And if we run out we can always try and fish, [she then suddenly felt something] Sorry but i need to pee real quick. 

Anthony: But what if you get lost?

Inou: I won't i am a member of the hiking club, i know my ways.

She went into the bushes to pee, but when she is about to, she heard rustling in the bushes, she look up to see butterflies but they got close and.

Inou: [Screams] 

Her group and davids group heard her scream and ran over to her and sees her scared when they all saw two giant butterflies.

Jinno: [Shocked] A butterfly?

Inou was so scared she accidentally peed herself, but then they suddenly hear the earth shaking, the noise came closer and closer, and right out of the buses it was a giant Bullfrog.

Kai: What the hell is that?!

Matsuoka: A giant Bullfrog?!

Oribe: Its the size of a tool shed!  

The butterflies turn their attention over to the frog and tries to poke the frogs skin, but it was so smooth that they had a hard time poking it, the frog then sticks its tongue out and grabs the insect and pulls it in the mouth, instantly eating it.

Oribe: Amazing, it ate the butterfly with one hit.

The other butterfly fly away, then the bullfrog turns around and hops away.

Inou: [Shoocked] Was i saved by a Bullfrog?

She then realized that she peed her underwear and went into the bushes to change.

Kamijo: [Stressed] Will someone please tell where the fuck are we?! 

Kai: Yeah, are we next to a zoo, and what kind of zoo has giant Frogs and bugs?!

David: Settle down people!

Karl & Anthony: [Happy] David!

They ran over to their friend. Inou came out of the bushes with her clothes on and her wet underwear in a plastic bag.

Miura: Are u okay?

Inou: I'll be fine.

David: Listen up guys, right now we need to find a secure place and if we can't we can always improvies.

Matsuoka: Improvise how? 

David: By building shelter, is this your guys first time out camping in the wild.

Everyone said yes.

David: Ok, Lets find a building and if we can't then building a home is the backup plan.

Kamijo: Hold up! Where do we even start to look for a building in this jungle, we don't even have a map of this place!

Anthony: Does anyone have a compass just in case?

Karl: Wait we have our phones lets just google of a map of the place we are in.

They all took out their phones and try to google maps but there was barely any service.

Naruse: Wait i got something!

Kai: What is it?!

Naruse: It says the nearest building is about 1 mile from here, the direction is north so we go north.

The group decides to head north to the building, they are almost there but they heard some growling.

Jinno: [Scared] What's was that?

David: Quick hide in the bushes! 

They all hide and wait for something to come out. They all saw a 2ft long tiger, and it was carrying something in its mouth, it was a student named akira, the tiger was dragging him by his foot in its mouth. 

Kamijo: [Thinking] Akira!

The tiger dragged akira into the bushes.

Kai: What do we do now?

Anthony: We should head into the building, its right there.

Naruse: But what if another predator shows up?

Kamijo: You guys go, i am going to get akira!

Jinno: Well what if you get lost in the jungle, u will be prey if you are not careful.

Kamijo eventually followed the tiger's paw-prints on the ground, and it lead him to a cave where the tiger was living inside of. David catches up with him. 

David: I have a plan, i am gonna lead the tiger over to me with birds i caught, u go in and get akira.

Kamijo: This plan better work.

David steps out and whistle

David: Here kitty, come and get some birdies. 

The tiger steps out and growls, David lures the tiger with a trail of birds, Kamijo goes in the cave and gets akira. He touches akira.

Akira: [Screams] No! Stop!

Kamijo: Akira its me!

Akira then looks up and sees kamijo.

Akira: Kamijo?

Kamijo: Come on.

Kamijo lifts up akira but tries to stand but his leg hurted.

Akira: Aggh! That tiger bit by leg, i can barely move.

Kamijo: Its fine i'll carry u over my shoulder.

Kamijo picks up his friend and runs out of the cave and to the building, eventually david made it back to the building.

Oribe: Are u guys ok?

Akira: Barely, i need a doctor.

Kamijo then puts akira on a med bed.

Anthony: I am gonna lock the doors and windows, i'll be back.

Kai: I'll come with u.

They eventually find shelter in an unknown building, so now what?

To Be Continued.

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