Moonstruck | KNJ BOOK 2

By tearknj

7.6K 752 23

Book 2 of 'Flames' "You're the only one who can calm him down Indigo, help him!" As Namjoon started to be t... More

πŸ“| Note
001 | Fresh Start
002 | The Search is On
003 | Training
004 | Affection
005 | Date Night
006 | Brother's Arrival
007 | Visiting The Devil
008 | A Bad Day
009 | Bookstore
010 | Alpha Kim
012 | Liars
013 | Betrayal
014 | Come Back
015 | He's Back
016 | Explaining
017 | My Son
018 | Hurry Home
019 | Ice Skating
020 | Fake Family
021 | What Did You Do?
022 | The Boy
023 | Monster Like You
024 | Bloody Hands
025 | Going Back Home?
026 | One Short
027 | You Are Not Him
028 | Where Have You Been?
029 | Friends?
030 | Seoul

011 | Lies

215 25 0
By tearknj

Bursting through the front door, I scanned the room for Namjoon to see him sitting with Yoongi.

I walked up to them as I gripped onto the book with both hands tightly with my stare still strong on Namjoon.

I now trembled towards him with the last few steps I had left until I was right next to the glass table. Namjoon looked at me with a slight frown.

"I need to show you something," I spoke first.

I pulled the book away from my chest to show Namjoon what I was holding.

"What's this?" He asked.

I opened the book flickering through the pages as I stopped, pointing my finger towards the mysterious alpha.


Namjoon locked eyes with this book as I searched his face for a reaction. Namjoon stood speechless as his eyes grew big and soon took the book from my hands.

"Indigo." He breathed. "Where did you find this book?"

"Jin met up with another Alpha. He has piles of books in his library. We finally found something Namjoon, isn't that good?" I smiled, trying to brighten his mood.

Failing miserably, Namjoon grew angrier, before he took a few steps back.

"What Alpha is it?" Namjoon snapped. He looked over to Jin that stood a few feet behind me. "Jin? Who was it?"

"We don't know who it was." He lied, "His pack just moved here." He lied again.

I forced myself not to look back with a confused face but kept my head straight towards Namjoon.

"Where is the library you got this from? Where is his library?"

The room fell silent as I now had the courage to turn around to face Jin. I tried my best to silently plead for him not to tell another lie.

Jin sighed, "In town."

I closed my eyes.

Another lie.

"You shouldn't have read this. This is full of lies." Namjoon shook his head in disbelief with his eyes focused back on the paper. "Lies. Lies. Lies!" He repeated before slamming the book shut.

Namjoon walked away heading outside as everyone began to panic.


"Namjoon, where are you going?" I called out for him, "Namjoon, stop!"

He ignored me and sprinted away out of my sight. I turned around and glared at the three boys behind me, Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung.

"What was that?" I asked, keeping my glare strong on Jin.

"What was what, Indigo?" He asked.

"Jin. you lied to him. You lied to your alpha!"

"Indigo, Don't you see? If Leo really is who he says he is, Namjoon will go back to them. That pack is in search of Namjoon. Once they find out he is alive and well, they will try to get him back and he will ditch us. We will be the ones without an Alpha and you will be dragged with him. We don't know if his previous pack is dangerous, his own dad was messing around with black magic and now look what's happened!" Jin yelled.


He shook his head. "No, let me finish." He stopped me as he continued, "We don't know how much Namjoon knows about his parents, but for now we need to keep it a secret. Lie to him Indigo, I need to look into his pack more, and Jungkook, please go find Namjoon before he gets into trouble."

Jungkook ran past us, not saying a word. I'm sure he is just as confused as me.

I looked behind Jin and Taehyung to see Yoongi with a book in his hands. "You're still here?" I mumbled.

Jin turned around to see Yoongi stretching as he got up and walked over to us. "I've heard enough to know that I want in. Nobody is taking Namjoon away from us."

I nodded, agreeing, "We should tell everyone else, but they all need to promise to keep this away from Namjoon."

I felt nauseous. This pack had no secrets from each other but we had to do this. We had to keep Namjoon's life a secret.

For now.

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