Man And Wife| 18+

By Lunacest

96.5K 2.4K 492

Completed Enrique She was a kid... a damn kid. I became her friend because my father asked me to befriend a... More

Spotify Music List
01| Birthday Present
02| Marriage Disaster
03| Be Mine
04| Losing You
05| Hot Bully
06| Battle And Friends
07| Puppy Mommy
08| Uninvited Guest
09| Getting Civil
10| Knowing Her
11| Old Wounds
12| Do You Know Me?
13| Not Noticed Before
14| Watching From Dark
15| Is He Drunk?
16| I Hate You
17| Mastermind
18| Reyes
19| His Undisclosed Reality
20| Burning The Friction
21| Conquering Her
22| Chase
23| Princess Want Lollipop
24| Do Your Worst
25| One Day
26| Jealousy
27| Ice Queen
28| He Was My Heart
29| My Lucky Charm
30| The Lover And Façade
32| Broken Celebrations
33| Despair
34| Home
35| Starting A New
36| Lied
37| Embarazada de gemelas
38| Baby Shower
Forget Me Not

31| Secrets Of Love

1.4K 38 14
By Lunacest


"Gentlemen and ladies..." The meeting started, everyone sitting in the conference room and none speaking other than Papa's assistant, Augustus Russo, the most trusted among his men. My mind was already spinning from what happened moments before and currently, it seemed to become jelly.

While Papa was seated at the head of the table as the former CEO of the Leon enterprises, before officially announcing to the anticipating audience, who shall take his seat next, I stood out of the room, looking onto the filled room with people, and there sat Tio Reyes as one of the board members with second largest shares in the company after Papa. Then seated Mr. Fernandez who was the third-largest shareholder and seated next to him was the man for whom my heart bled with love and guilt at the moment.

How he couldn't hate me, after all, I said and did, if I was there, I would've hated me with a passion but he didn't. Was I able to find my true soulmate? Did finally, Enrique loved me with his everything?

Gulping the wavering emotions, I moved my eyes, looking at the fifth-largest shareholder, Asa. She sat with the most stone-painted expression glaring down at Valentina, who was looking at Enrique, making my hands ball into a tight fist. I will break her teeth if she even thought of my man for a second.

"Most of you would be thinking of who I have kept hidden for this long as my successor. While many believed that after marrying my daughter to Enrique, I will give my position to him as well because he fits the title and seat and sure he is a promising child, yet for me, I couldn't have given this to anyone but the person who surpassed me as well under my guidance and teaching compared to many young lads and lassies." Some chuckled, and some kept their composure.

"But before you announce, I have something to say." Enrique interrupted, unbuttoning his suit coat as he stood tall and intimidating. I saw how he smirked with such mischief. He hid something under his sleeves, the trump card he is about to put on the table and turn the tables around. I do have his words tattooed in my brain, he promised to make everything right. What and how was only for him to know.

He glanced sideways as his assistant, Felix walked to the front of the table, to Papa, and placed a file in front of him.

I was curious to know what it was.

"This file holds the share transfer from Fernandez, Dad, Asa, and Me. Four major shareholders handed over 3 percent of their shares to Estrella Reyes. She has become the largest shareholder, combining the fact that she already has 25 percent of shares in the company assigned by you only, 5 years ago. So now, under the veto done by us all, we reject your decision of a new successor and would ask you to politely appoint Estrella as the CEO of Leon enterprises."

A gasp left my lips, and I clasped my mouth in shock. What I was hearing wasn't believable at all.

Enrique went to that length just for me, for my inheritance then... fuck, the contract he told me, he was signing, he actually bought those 3 percent of shares from Asa under my name.

"I have bought the shares and transferred it to my wife's name so now, you don't hold that much power, you did Mr. Santino De Leon. It is high time you let your heiress take over that position." Enrique smiled wickedly and my eyes looked at Papa, whose smile couldn't be contained inside him.

He looked so happy. Like the man standing before him wasn't the same man, he prepared a bullet to put a hole in.

"I always thought, you would sure surpass me one day, Enrique. I always believed you were an amazing businessman, but thanks for proving yourself to be an equally amazing man to your wife and my daughter. Well then, ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to meet the new CEO who I trained, prepared, and guided to take over me-"

"Wait. I already-" Enrique interrupted but Dad put him off with his palm in the air to halt before he speaks and instigated him to listen to him. I could see the deep frown that suffocated every face but only Asa seemed unbothered, looking a little too elated for her own good. Damn this woman.

"Please welcome, my rightful heiress Estrella Rosa De Leon. The rumored CEO, I hid from the world."

Shock wasn't even the word I wanted to use to describe the faces of the people who looked at Papa. While with a smug smile, and swelled heart full of love and pride, I walked inside followed by Daniela who was on her toes, in a professional mood, and happy for me even if her own happy mask hid the broken self.

Walking up to Papa, I hugged him as he kissed my cheeks and standing had me sit over the seat. The feeling of pride engulfed me and the power and responsibility that seat gave me were too heartwarming.

All this time, I prepared for the moment, and finally, when I have it in my hand, it feels like a dream. I am happy.

"Well, you still have a long way to surpass me actually, Enrique, but I am impressed, you have crossed the borderline to become more than what I expected out of you. Though, we shall discuss this stuff later... So, now everyone. Shall we commence?" Papa smiled while, others greeted me, welcoming and I saw Enrique smiling but shaking his head in disbelief.

He stared at me in awe, and I returned his smile.

Finally, done with the new scheme and budget project as I then got introduced to the core team of the company and already knew from the baseline how our company works, it was a quick way for me to jump right into the main task.

"Daniela, send these files to the HR department and have the chief report to me with the year-end budget file from last year and the marketing department chief with Capone's finance project."

"Sure, and now you have a press conference then you can leave for the day. Later tonight, I hope you remember, there is a party to celebrate your new title and accomplishment." She smiled and I acknowledged, nodding in agreement.

When she walked out, the door remained open of my cabin, and in walked Enrique.

He seemed stoic by his expression, but I gave no hesitation for his presence, we had to talk and this is indeed very much important for us.

"Are you free right now?" He asked, coming to the table, and sitting across me over one of the chairs placed. He removed his suit coat, rolled his shirtsleeves up to his biceps, and opened the first two buttons of his shirt while the vest remained as it is.

I had to squeeze my thighs to stop the stupid urge to jump him at the moment. We needed talking, not sexing.

He stood again, crossed the table, and came to sit partially on it, by my side. I gulped, flushed with his heated stare directed at me. "You need something?" My eyes remained over the paper that needed my attendance but with a distraction like this man, it was difficult to focus. He is always going to be bad for my concentration.

"Yup. Wanted to ask. How do you plan on balancing your studies and the position?" He started with a general question which made me smile foolishly.

"For a year or two, I am planning to work from Barcelona and once my education is finished, I'll be back to Seville. While Papa has no problem in looking after the main quarters in my absence and from time to time, I will travel back and forth if required."

"Nice to hear that everything is pre-planned, so then, um... what about us?" He asked, now I mustered the courage to look at him.

"Is there something to talk about us?" I played along, and he cocked his brows amused.

"Seems like you still want to divorce me, is it?"

"No!!" I exclaimed, horripilation thrusting in my veins. "Why would I want to do that, I mean, isn't it already clear that you're not Nolan's father?"

"Well, I don't think so. You, my dear Rosa, have said and done a lot many things I might don't want to throw back at you," he said and I scowled. My face faltered hearing him but the asshat chuckled, regardless.

"Okay. I am sorry for what I did and spoke. I've seen Nolan grow up without a father, Ricky. Have seen his longing for a complete family. After hearing Luca, all of it felt so wrong. The feeling of loving a man who is supposed to belong to someone else, I just... I couldn't bring myself to not believe Luca, and Nolan's appearance just was enough to believe it... I am sorry, Enrique. I never wanted to, that too on our special anniversary... I-I..."

"Shhh..." Enrique cupped my face into his large hands and smiled. He cradled me gently, looking down at me with love.

"Fine. What you did was what you felt to be right. If I gave up on you, on us, just because of a misunderstanding, it would be the worst mistake, Rosa. In the past you gave me so many chances, I couldn't have backed out from us because trouble arise. Dante told me one thing Rosa, if I still have a chance, I shouldn't lose it whatsoever happens. And this time, it was my turn to prove, that I want us to be together."

"But what if I have divorced you?" I choked on my voice and he made a deep-thinking face.

"Hmmm... I might have done as you wished, divorced you as well, but giving up on you wasn't in my mind ever. I'm still hung on the proposition to woo you and make you my wife again if that happened. I promised you, Rosa and I want to keep my promise with or without the marriage as a bargain."

"I love you." Hearing me, he chuckled.

"What is so funny?"

"Nothing, mi esposa. It just seems like a dream, for a week I almost died in endless pain and just a moment turned everything for me. Damn, Dante really played me this time." He groaned, and I smiled.

"Whatever, are you coming to the party tonight?" He freezes at my words, not chuckling anymore, tried to act foolishly only that he could have acted better but sucked at it.

"Is there something, you're not telling me about?" There was sure something he kept his lips sealed for but I remained silent, waiting for him to tell me before I send someone to search in and out.

"Mi esposo, you can trust me with your secrets, cannot you?" I asked again, trying to persuade him to tell me but he did not.

"I will not be there tonight, my love. I have some work but you can expect me to meet you after the party because I would love to make sure, you know how much I love you thoroughly." I blushed hearing him say that, as he leaned down, capturing my lips in a searing kiss.

With equal fervent, I responded, parting my lips to have his delicious tongue battling with mine, both of us too indulged in the act.

He rotated my chair to angle me straight at him, pulling it close to his half-seated form as he deepens the kiss.

His hand slipped from my jaw to my throat, clutching in an oxygen snipping grip. He devoid me of every breath and filled me in with his only. I placed my hands over his thighs, slowly moving up towards his bulge in the pants, that now seemed too constrained in the fabric's confinement.

He pulled away from the kiss, leaving both of us breathless, and with the intensity, he looked at me, I couldn't hold on to his gaze more than a second without having myself flushed tomato red.

He stood up and pulled me out from the chair, having me sit over the table while his one hand remained wrapped around my waist and the other started removing the clothing from my body. His lips back on mine, while fingers caressing my skin softly, he left me only in my bra and panty.

I hastily removed his vest and shirt, kissing him passionately as he did.

Once he stood half-naked and I was too, running my fingers over his body similarly as his hands explored me, I kissed him, moaning in his mouth with delight and contentment.

He moved away from my lips, caressing my jaw with kisses, moving down my neck, sucking and biting, leaving all those marks of his possessiveness.

"Ah... Enrique-e... w-wait..." He halted reluctantly, looking at me. Those beautiful greens became dark and intense with amber looking almost to be gold in them. I panted, licking my lips and nervous as hell.

"I have something to tell you," With my words, he frowned. Looking skeptical. Whereas with a whole lot of courage, I gave him a small smile and holding onto his one hand in mine, had his palm placed flat against my belly, smiling all too bright from thereon.

He frowned, not understanding the gesture, but the hard blush dusting on my cheeks made it so special. "Can you be a little gentle this time?" His frown deepens hearing my tender whimper.

"Do I hurt you, mi amor?" He asked, gulping and denying with the shake of my head side to side, I looked directly into his love and lust-filled eyes, and speaking, rob him of his breath. "I am pregnant. 3 weeks."

He stilled, saying nothing, not even moving for many good seconds. The gooey feeling inside me intensified with his silence. I expected him to say something; it was hell for me, that silence just stabbing me from inside.

Making distance between us, he moved further away, running his hands in his hair and my frown stilled like a block of ice to see the man, who never happens to be vulnerable easily, crying.

I slid off the table, walked to him, and hugged him tightly while he buried his face in the crook of my shoulder, crying. It made me too overwhelmed that my own tears dripped down my eyes.

I too silently cried holding onto him as he peppered kisses along with those tears and so much love, it rendered me speechless.

"Thank you, Rosa. Thanks a lot, mi esposa. Y-Yo-u just ma-made me the happiest man alive." He spelled his gratitude through the stuttering and I was hiccupping with clogged emotions.

With a light jerk on my shoulder, he was fast to lock his lips with mine. Holding back no more. I caressed his cheeks as he had my legs wrap around his torso, walking to the table and gently placing me down there.

A small knock on the door with a loud gasp came, it was none other than Daniela, but neither he fucking cared nor I did. While my ears captured the retreating footsteps of Daniela, I kissed him with utmost passion, his hands pinned both my hands on either side of my head. Our lips locked in a heated tangle as he devoured my mouth.

Our tongues battling, licking each other, devouring the passion of dominance we both tried to acquire.

He pulled away, his beautiful eyes looking at me as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

My lids fluttered close, feeling the movements of his lips and hands on my body as he made love to me.

Removing my bra, and panty, he peppered kisses, running his tongue on my skin with the scorching eroticism in action. I couldn't move my hands because he had them pinned down but my back-arc in response, a loud moan evading out from my lips. I rattled as he latched on my breasts, having a feast of his own.

His tongue swirled around my nipple, flicking it while I gasped when his lips wrapped around them and he motioned, sucking like a hungry baby. Tears of ecstasy brimmed my eyes.

"Mmmhhh..." I whimpered, his ministrations over my breasts increased as an encouragement.

Hooking my toes into the waistband of his pants, I slid them down as he cooperated. And next came his boxers that too got discarded making him equally naked as I was.

Both of us wrapped into each other's embrace.

His lips melted me with the touch, his hands leaving mine from hold, sliding down my curves to caress my swells as he massaged my breasts, with a soft nudge from his knees, my legs parted further and with a gentle thrust, he entered, filling me up to the hilt of his length.

I moaned, my voice again dying with his mouth busying them. His long and short strokes, with each relentless thrust, made my hips buck up to his pace. I wanted more, everything he was capable of giving me, I needed all. I was greedy, and it feasted my hunger. I was greedy for him.

"I. Fucking. Love. You. More. Than. My. Life." He spelled with each thrust and I was over the moon with immense happiness.

"I love you, too," I whisper panting. Happy to find my prosperity finally. Both of us climaxed together, panting but smiling as we stared in awe at each other.

We lay in each other's arms. Not caring about the world. Enrique was quick to lock the door, and he then laid us together on the sofa seat. I rested while he drew small circles on my belly, none of our smiles leaving. Neither the kisses that he placed from time to time on my cheeks or neck or shoulder.

"If I knew that a baby would make you so happy, I might've never taken the pill 3 years back." Rotating, I buried my face in his chiseled chest which was too hard to give a comfortable sleep. Damn it.

He rubbed my back, and chuckled, planting another kiss on my head while easing out small stress knots that do remind me of what the doctor said when mom and papa went with me for the first checkup. Simply because I burned my thumb while toasting bread, my dearest father had the whole mansion dancing over his head.

"The doctor said, I have to keep myself stress-free, or else, it is too early and the fetus is weak. I can lose my baby because of it." I whispered, dreading the idea of losing the little one that developed inside me and had given me hope to look ahead in life.

Enrique's arms closed me to him in a protective grip. "I won't let anything happen to you or my child. I will protect you both." I knew he would with his everything.

"Papa was angry up till now, but what you did for me in the meeting today, he seems to have hope from you."

"And I won't break it at any cost. It already took me too long to realize there is no life for me without you. I don't function anymore properly without the purpose of your involvement, so better stay put and always with me, Mrs. Reyes."

My smile grew more if possible. I placed a soft kiss on his chest, over his heart as he sighed in contentment.

Then all our blissful moments got wrapped up when Enrique's phone ringed. He was quick to sit up and pick the call, as the frown got evenly dense on his forehead, he sighed frustratedly this time, and slid off the sofa from my side, grumbling at some comment from the other side.

"If you leave her alive, I am digging your grave." He barked gravely, having my breath hitched at his words.

Once the call was over, his furious expression morphed into soft tones as he looked at me, staring at him skeptically. "What happened?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, and didn't you tell me, the doctor has told you to not take the stress? We cannot risk your health and life and the baby's too for the matter, amor. Mi esposa, I need to leave but I don't want to hear that you stress for any matter. Am I clear?" He asked sternly, and I nodded, while bending down, he kissed my belly and I played with his chocolate brown locks.

He was quick to dress and so did I, but before he could leave, I planted a kiss on his lips.

"I know you won't come to the party tonight, but can you please..."

"Please, what, mi esposa?"

"I want to eat roasted chestnuts and canned apricots. Do you mind bringing it with you tonight, and please, those spicy crispy chickpeas and potato chips too? I won't mind some sauce with them and yes, bring some toast and Sardines as well." When I listed down, he was gawking at me like I have grown another head.

Looking back now, I have raised my appetite for a week or two.

"Okay, mi amor. Anything else, I can get for you?" He smiled, not questioning my crazily large appetite and craving.

"I thought you will scold me for asking you to get that many snacks?"

"Oh, mom told me, everyone thinks, pregnant women should strictly follow a healthy diet which is particularly wrong. You have to assess what they eat is giving them every nutrition, but that means, having them eat everything they crave to make them eat other stuff as well. Their satisfaction and happiness matter for a healthy pregnancy." He kissed my forehead and then my nose tip and with a sweet soothing kiss on my lips, he promised to buy me every item as he walked out.

My mouth was already watering with the prospect of getting to have yummy stuff tonight.

"So, finally, you're free." Daniela chirruped making me blush as she entered after my dearest left the room. Walking inside after her was Asa, who grinned cheekily at me, even if she herself was blushing hard to hear the crazy stuff from Daniela.

"Okay, so here is what you asked me, Rosa." Asa handed the pen drive to me and I gulped. That was what I hated the most, finding the truth without having the one to tell me, himself.

I quaffed, walking back to my table and plugging in the pen drive, as the file got opened on my PC.

Now or never Rosa.

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