Mirror Image

By Macanie

1.6K 31 5

Macey and Lacey are identical twins with very rich parents whom try to but their love, which only makes them... More


Mirror Image

1.4K 16 1
By Macanie

Just so you know there will be some Australian slang used so if you don’t know what a word means just ask, but I did use the word “pissed” a lot and in Australia that means drunk. Hope that doesn’t confuse you to much.

Chapter 1

Macey’s POV

“5….4….3….WHOOO!” Everyone in the kitchen began screaming at the top of their lungs when Lacy and I finished the shot challenge under the required time. People were pushing and shoving trying to see who won the challenge, it was a couple of football jocks against me and my twin. All the boys where making fun of the jocks since they were beat by a couple of 5” 3’, 115 pound girls; and every single person in the room was congratulating us on our victory.

“That was really impressive girls.” I turned around to find an older man looking around the room giving all the teens a disappointed look. I was completely wasted and I could tell there was only sarcasm and frustration in his tone. “IF YOU DO NOT LIVE HERE THEN GET OUT!”

I grabbed Lacy’s hand and we walked out of the house together. We walked down the rather long lane and started to make our way home.

“That was the best party I have been to in a while.”

“Same here, whose place was that anyway?”

“I thought you knew them?”

“I didn’t know a single person in that house.”

“Me either!” We busted out laughing at the fact that even though nobody knew us they were all to pissed to care.

After about a twenty minute walk we were in town. We had to go to the other side of town to get back home, I would prefer a cab but with how busy it is I don’t think that is going to happen, so looks like we are walking the whole way. We were getting close to the mall when an idea popped into my head.

“Hey, Lacy”


“Are you up for a little late night pranking?” Her face lit up at the mention of pranks. We have a bad habit of pranking anyone within a two mile radius, but only for one of three reasons: 1) it will anger our parents like crazy, 2) a specific target got on our bad side, or 3) we are completely pissed. Tonight it happens to be a combination of one and three. Once in the mall Lacy went one way to look for a good spot to put our plan into action while I went to different stores looking for what we needed.

“Finally, I have been looking forever trying to find these things!” I called Lacy and waited for her to pick up. “Did you find a spot?”

“Yep the perfect one too, there are heaps of people here.”

“Great, what color?”


“Ok, I’ll get ‘em, meet me at the ladies in ten.” With that I hung up and began looking for the right size.


“WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?!?!” Lacy and I ended up getting in more trouble than we thought possible for our little prank. What a fun prank it was. We put on these plain black full body suits (when I say full body, I mean it, they covered everything from out feet to the top of our head) followed by some clothes currently being sold at one of the stores in the mall. We looked just like one of their manikins! It was awesome! Whenever someone would walk by us we would step in front of them and say something stupid. Unfortunately some people can’t take a joke and reported us to the mall cops, scary right? NO! Who is afraid of mall cops? Nobody, that’s who, so Lacy and I weren’t too worried about it; however once they realized we were pissed they called the real cops and our parents.

Now we are sitting in the den at home getting yelled at for having some fun. Unfortunately in the eye of the law our ‘fun’ was considered disturbing the peace and public intoxication; resulting in a $1,3000 fine and 12 hours of community service. As our dad continued to yell at us, mom walked and immediately went to dad’s side and rubbed his arm. He visibly relaxed with mom by his side; it truly was amazing to see how in love they are. Mom turned to us while keeping her hand on dad and started talking.

“Now girls, your father wanted me to come up with your punishment for this stunt you pulled.” This should be good; mom always goes soft on us. “You better figure out a way to pay off your fine and do your service hours fast, because the both of you are leaving at the end of the month.”

“Leaving to where exactly?” Lacy asked

“Don’t worry I’m sure you will make friends quickly, I heard it’s a great school.”

“What school?” I asked, this was irritating, why couldn’t she just tell us where they are shipping us off to.

“Kendrick’s Academy of Career Choices.”

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