Fragment of Team Prime (adopt...

By Hourling4

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After Church erased himself at the end of season 13 he vanished, but what if he didn't vanish but was rather... More

1: Church's Bio
2: The Arrival
3: Auto-Whats?
4: Mission gone wrong
5: you got to be kidding me.
6: Fowler Lecture
7: The (cliff) Jumping Dead
9: Babysitting gone wrong
10: con raid
Christmas apology

8: Babysitting

734 11 6
By Hourling4

Wooo. Its Friday again. Yah know what that means. Start writing chapters at 10:38 pm and pulling all nighters. Anyways I recently saved a magpie. Lost the broken winged bird after 24 hours of surveillance. I think it is dead by now. On to the chapter.


Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee were out bounding with their charges. Optimus was in his room, Ratchet doing research on the purple goop.

It was the perfect time for a flight, which is just what Church was planing to do. He heard some scraping metal and scuttering, but he ignored it. Maybe a Cybertronian pest of sorts? What ever it was, it should be harmless, right?

Church rocketed away from base. G-forces and wind having no effect on him while he twisted through the singular cloud. Nevada may have dull skies, but the heat makes air currents rise. Church suddenly felt a shiver. The kind of shiver that happens when something bad is happening. He passed off the thoughts as turbulence.

/Church./ Optimus called the seeker through the coms. A message after a bad feeling, must be a coincidence.

/Yes O.P.?/ Church responded.

/Ratchet and I are going on a private mission. Return to base in case Arcee decides to abandon the humans./ Optimus informed. Arcee's shout of protest was heard in the background.

/Will do Prime. We both know she is going to. Might as well help poor Bulkhead. I bet Arcee will take Bumblebee on a 'scouting mission' because she is in charge./ Church huffed in amusement.

Church halted his leisurely flight, returning to the Autobot base. He passed by Fouler's helicopter.

Church soon arrived to base. Bulkhead was alone with the adolescent humans. "So, um... whats on the activities list?"

Church chuckled, "I have about five minutes to spare before Fowler gets here. Might as well pass the time." Church watched the children form a half-afted rock band. Hiding in a quiet portion of the room to avoid the hyper active punk girl.

The proximity sensor goes off. Church leaned against the wall, watching Bulkhead's attempt to hide the kids.

Fowler stomped to the railing. "PRIME!" He shouted.

Bulkhead straightened up, avoiding eye contact with the human. "A-Agent Fowler. Guh, he's not here. N-No body's here. Erm, 'cept for me of coarse."

Church gasped. "Bro, I feel so offended." Bulkhead turned his head in surprise. He did not see Church enter.

Fowler sighed. "Well where did he go? Wait. Don't tell me. He's out pancaking a mini mall." He approached the stairs. "Now I don't know what language you bots speak on your planet, but Prime promised he will handle the Decepticons. And blowing a crater in the middle of Nebraska is NOT what the word Handle means in English. So you tell prime-" Fowler was interrupted by the sound of Miko's guitar. "Since when were you bots electric?"

Bulkhead's eyes widened. Church spoke up. "Hey Will, there is some things i need to catch you up on. Optimus is out hunting the big bad Decepticon leader with Ratchet right now. The crater was caused by the Decepticon droids firing at Cliffjumper." Church transforms to activate his holo form. The hiding children had a different idea in mind.

The trio of high school students stepped into the agent's view. Jack breaks the awkward silence. "Hey."

Fowler glared at the two bots. "Contact with civilians. Team Prime has really gone off book this time. Wait, Don't tell me. You're running a daycare."

Church sighed. He walked towards agent Fowler while in holo form. "Kids, excuses won't get us out of this. William, the children got close to a Decepticon fight, so now the Decepticons think these children are our allies. That means they will hunt them down. So Optimus thought it was reasonable to put the children under our protection. Unless the government has some MIB technology that can wipe minds, it is too late to do anything about this."

The kids have their jaws hanging open. They were very surprised to see a human church.

Fowler sighed. "I still need to contact my authorities about this. I'm taking you all into federal custody. It is for your own protection."

Bunkhead moved his ped between Fowler and the children. "Were protecting them."

Bulkhead messed up. Fowler glared once more at the wrecker. "Is that so, well maybe you can explain that to my superiors at the pentagon." Fowler picked up the land line phone.

"Don't use that phone, It's-" Bulkhead pressed his finger into the keypad, breaking it in the process. "out of order."

Fowler threw the phone in anger. "This isn't over BIGFOOT. NOT by a LONG SHOT." Fowler marched to the elevator.

Church decides to send a message to Fowler. //"Big green" is bad at negotiating. I would of told you about the civilians our last chat, but prime ordered me to stay silent. The "shape" would only send the civilians to a new location. The "bad guys" will still be able to hunt them down, unless the 'moving to mars' project is complete. Fly safely, the skies have "bad guys". sincerely, Leonard Church.//

*With Fowler*

The agent flew off in his helicopter. He opened a direct call to a higher up, frustrated enough to forget that the Decepticons are able to key in to his conversation. "Sir, Agent Fowler. We have a situation. I'm en route from the Autobot base. I'll brief you in person."

*back with Church.*

An alarm rang throughout the base. Church transformed into his cybertronian form. He hurried to the monitor. "It's an SOS from Fowler. Maybe if I can-" The alarms stopped. "DAME-IT!"

Bulkhead shrugged his shoulders. "Signal lost. Oh well."

Jack stuttered. "O-Oh wow. Seriously."

Bulkhead walked away. "Fowler's a jerk."

Church gave Bulkhead a deadpan glare. "The mission Optimus gave us was to protect humans. We should protect agent Fowler the most because If the Decepticons captured him, they could learn the location of our base."

The children whimpered. Miko gave her guardian a crossed look. "and did we not just witness Fowler back down from a bot? the Decepticons would totally make him squeal."

Bulkhead turned to face the nervous kids and the disappointed bot. "But we lost the location. Fowler could be anywhere."

Raf gained some courage to give a helpful suggestion. "Maybe, I can narrow it down." Raf sits on the floor, opening his laptop. "About five years ago, the government started micro-chipping their agents. You know, like owners do with pets." Everyone looked at him. "What? I saw it on TV."

Church's optics widened. "ONLY five years ago? Where I'm from, officers were being tracked as soon as tracking devices were invented. The government must of only notified the public five years ago."

Raf's eyes locked onto his laptop. "If I can Hack into the Feds mainframe, maybe I can pinpoint Fowler's coordinates."

Miko rose an eyebrow. "You know how to hack?" She shakes her head. "But you're like, two years old."

"Twelve... and a quarter." Raf gave Miko a cocky grin.

Minutes passed. Only the sound of typing can be heard. "Latitude 39.5, Longitude 116.9."

Bulkhead typed the coordinates in to the ground bridge. Church contacted Arcee. /Me and Bulk need assistance. Decepticons captured Fowler. The humans should bridge you back to base. But just in case, kick it into high gear and get here as soon as possible./ Church turned to the three organic beings. "Stay here, we might need one of you to handle the bridge. Miko, you going can cost Fowler his life. Don't follow us for action when I can record the action."

Miko didn't seem to pay any attention. "Awe. Don't break up the band."

"Ugh..." Bulk pointed at Jack. "Jack, you're in charge."

Church and Bulkhead ran through the ground bridge. They did not notice a troublemaker sprinting in pursuit.

*nemisis with Fowler*

Fowler was hanging by his wrists, chained to be at eye level with his interogators.

Starscream walked around the injured human, like a shark circles an injured animal. "Agent Fowler, I have but one simple request to save your family the pain grieving. Tell me the location of the Autobot base." Starscreams sharp digit turned the agent's head to face him.


Yes I know. It was about to get to the good part, but it is now 1:42. I need to wake up in the morning. Do not fret my dear readers. You will get the funny Fowler quotes at the beginning of the next chapter.

morning update. I am as sick as a melting slug.

Fun fact, Starscream's face is shaped like a bike seat. Until next week fellow watpad weebs, have a good one.

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