Maybe, probably

By EchoMyVoice

264 47 60

Being the heir to Mint Wave cosmetics, the leading cosmetics company in Korea, all her life Sakura Hinata has... More

Plot 💫💜
Character Aestheticz (#1)🌙
An Useless Ceremony
Unexpected Encounter
Surpassing an Ace
Clubbing (Part I)
A Mysterious Note
Right to Information
tWo sOnS
A Plan or Plan A?
Settling In
Sakura's Story
"Almost smell something burning"

Clubbing (Part II)

11 3 2
By EchoMyVoice

Haneul's pov

I stare at the girl infront of me and she nervously holds up her glass.

I had definitely seen her somewhere.

"You need to take off your mask to drink" I smile and wait for her to take it off.

She looks around nervously before turning her back to me and gulping down the drink in one go and masking her face again.

Definitely not suspicious at all.

"Thanks" she mutters, keeping the glass back on the counter.

I am about to say something when a high pitched scream grabs my attention.

We both look over to a couch where a guy was throwing himself on a girl.

Worry flashes in the eyes of the masked girl and I immediately comfort her,"Don't worry, she is just another victim of this 'casting director'. This happens every night, I have lost track so, don't get involved, he has a pretty good reach."

The girl turns to me, flashing a disgusting look then, grabbing the empty glass from which she drank earlier, she gets up.

"I'll pay for the glass" she mumbles and walks away.

Out of curiosity, I follow her and stand nearby as she stops at the couch.

"Oh you friend is here to play?" the guy laughs, grabbing the thigh of the girl sitting infront of him and the masked girl looks down on the floor.

"Your bastard" she mutters and the next thing I knew, the man who was harassing the young girl was on the floor and with broken glass scattered around him.

With the loud crash, a crowd immediately made their way around the trio and I bit my cheek.

Usually, as an employee, I am supposed to stop these type of fights but right now, I was more than willing to just be a bystander.

Sakura's pov

And just like that, Sakura Hinata, was getting into another fight, to defend her friend, and kill the guy who touched her, despite illegally being in a club.

"Ouch, what was that for cutie?" he growls, getting up and I grab a bottle of some sort of alchohol from the table infront of him.

I smash the glass against his head and he immediately yells in pain.

"Sakura STOP, you will kill him!" Jem pleads but my body was out of my control and just like that, another bottle made it's way onto his head.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" the crowd around me urged and I laugh.

Now that we were fighting, they were willing to get involved, and when a girl was being sexually harassed, they were blind.

"You bitch!" the man groans and grabs my hair, pulling it and I wince in pain.

Being a girl, there is this one annoying thing if you ever get into a fight, YOUR HAIR.

And it hurts, A LOT.

"Not so brave now eh?" he laughs and pulls harder and I wince, collapsing down on the floor.

"Let her go" I hear a deep voice say and there is a pause between "I don't want to" and a loud crash making it's way to my ears.

I push my hair back and look up to see my knight in shining armor, who turned out none other to be than Jeong Seok.

He had flipped the guy over the glass table and now he lay in shards of broken glass as people started to record.

"Arghhh! What's with you punks?" the man shouts, getting up once again and trying to punch Jeong Seok but I step in between, catching his fist.

"Don't, ever touch my hair, and more than that, don't ever touch a girl without her consent" I growl and kick his face hard, without and warning.

He tries to grab my hair again but I step back and Jeong Seok punches his jaw for me.

The bastard collapses on the floor, but I grab his hair and pull his head up, pulling away his mask.

"I'll remember your face you dumbass, so you better not touch any girl, EVER, without consent" I growl and the crowd claps.

With that, I give a final blow to his nose and release his poor bleeding face.

"Jem are you okay?" I run to my bestie who was sitting there hugging herself to hide her body, uncomfortable with the eyes on her.

She wore off shoulders and a really short dress to be more 'appealing' to the director, clearly, it was a waste now.

"Here, wear this" I give her my leather jacket and she nods, slipping her hands through it.

My jacket was really big on her, which was probably because she was 5'4 but nevertheless it covered her up.

"Let's go" I say and we both leave the club quickly, I call a taxi for her and once she leaves, I finally take a breath of relief.

I walk back into the club and everyone parts to give me the way. I walk over to Jeong Seok and give him all the cash I had on me, in dollars it would be about $400.

"For the damages" I say and he nods, taking it and giving it to who I suppose was the manager.

"Oh, I didn't recognise you miss, who are you?" he suddenly starts, using flattery in his voice and I roll my eyes.

Money makes people lick your ass. Periodt.

"The cops are on their way" someone shouts and I panic.

If they see me here, I was dead.

"Well boss, I'll be off then" the bartender, I mean, Jeong Seok says walking away but I grab his hand.

"Could you maybe drop me home?"

"You have legs, walk" he grumbles and walks away.

I can't believe that for a second I thought he would actually help me.

I sigh and run out of the club.

I could hear sirens blaring at a distance and I needed to get out of here, FAST.

"On second thought, if you get caught, I will too, so hop on" I hear a deep voice nest to me and I jump startled.

Jeong Seok was beside me on a black bike, leaning the weight on his one leg as the machine hummed impatiently.

"I have never ridden on a bike before" I say, putting on the helmet and he laughs.

"There is always got be a first right?"

I put on the helmet and as I was about to get on, he stops me.

"Wear this" he shoves his jacket in my face and I hold it.

Thank goodness, I was freezing.

"Thanks?" I mumble and hurriedly put it on, once again, being shocked on how any clothes can be huge on me.

"Now quick!" he says, and I hop onto the bike.

The sirens were really close right now.

I sit as far from him as possible and he sighs.

"I don't bite" and zooms off.

As soon as he accelerates, I grab his waist to not to fall down and I hear him laugh.

As we zoom through the downtown, I find myself actually enjoying the thrill and speed.

I slowly let go of his waist and raise my hands above my head.

"You know, it's better when you stand up" he chuckles and I follow, standing up a bit and waving my hands at the bypassers.

"Whoo hooooo!!!!" I hoot and I am pretty sure people would have thought I was crazy.

I love a good adrenaline rush.

"Where to?" he asks me and I tell him to drive me nearby my house.

"We are here" he says as we pull up to a convenience store near my house.

"Thanks a lot!" I giggle, hopping off the bike and giving him his helmet.

I shake my hair, freeing it from the helmet and it falls down straight over my bike.

"You live here?" he asks me and I shrug.

"Uhm yeah? I mean, my parents would kill me if they know I snuck out-" and I clasp my hands over my mouth in horror.

He wasn't supposed to know I was a minor.

He laughs and takes off his helmet and mask, revealing, his face.

"You know, I am a minor too, so I know one when I see one, no need to worry. Also, your dressing sense is pathetic. WHO THE HELL DRESSES UP LIKE THEY ARE GOING TO A FUNERAL OF A GANGSTER AT A CLUB" Haneul laughs.

He combs his black hair back and licks his lips, but I just stare at him in shock.

I was so sure that he was Jeong Seok.

They even had the same eyes and voice!

"I am not that handsome!" he smirks and bites his lips funnily and I laugh, out of relief , shock and genuine humour.

"Now introduce yourself, the real one, not Lyrah" he says and gets off his bike, turning it off and placing the helmets securely, "while I walk you back home. I am not letting a girl walk alone at half past one in the night".

"I thought you were helping me because you didn't want to get caught?" I say smugly and he flushes.

"Yea-yeah t-that" he stammers and I laugh.

"I can't give you my real name or identity so, I'm sorry, it would be far too dangerous, but, you will know my identity if you walk me back anyways" I say and take off my mask.

Haneul's pov

She takes of her mask to reveal the most pretty girl I have ever seen, which coincidentally was her.

"Sakura?" I gasp and she smiles.

"Hello" she laughs and I smirk.

"You have more guts than I thought you did" I say and she pushes my lightly with her shoulder.

"This is my first time too you know. Jem made me do it" she says and my mind goes back to the girl she fought for back at the club.

"I am so glad I didn't leave you alone back there" I tease and she raises and brow.

"Oh yeah sureeeee, Mr. 'IF YOU GET CAUGHT I WILL TOO' " she mimics my voice and I laugh.

"Heyyy!" I complain and she skips ahead and twirls.

"You know, it's the first time I came out on my own and this is also the second time I am doing something so... rebellious?"

"Well, I want to say me too but I work in a club so I'll pass"

"Haneul you know, today a friend told me something that I always felt but till he said it, I never really wanted to rebel."

"What was that?"

"That we are more than mere pawns in a game of our parents" she sighs and looks up at the sky.


"Haneul, I trust you because you helped me twice and also I feel like opening up tonight so listen up. My parents want me to get married to one of the sons of the two chaebol families but I don't want to. I hate being forced to do something that I don't want and till he pointed it out, I never really wanted to rebel." she says, skipping ahead once again and I jogged to catch up with her.

She had serious skipping issues.

"You know, another advice. Rebelling doesn't mean doing what your parents don't want, it means doing what your heart wants. It might not always be against your parent's ideals, so your goal should be enjoying yourself, not defying your parents" I say and she looks at me smiling.

"Have you considered being an advisor?" she says seriously and then starts to laugh.

"Pay me and I will consider" I smirk.

"Okay, we are here" she suddenly says dropping her voice to a whisper as we reach the back of a huge house.

"Bye, goodnight" she whispers, and starts taking off my jacket.

"No, wear it, it's cold" I tell and she smiles, putting it back on.

"Were you pretending to give it to me just now?"

"Hey I am cold, don't say that! Also, it's so thick and soft!" she scowls and I clasp my hand over my mouth.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did" she giggles and I look at her horrified.


"Did I-"

"Nope, but I can read your face, you looked like you saw a ghost"

I smile and she waves at me before heading in.

I wait and stare at the long black hair till it disappears and then start walking back.

Today was one hell of a night, and I enjoyed it like crazy.

Sakura's pov

I quietly enter my room and lean against the door recollecting today's events.

I take off Haneul's jacket and stare at it.

'Today was one hell of a night, and I enjoyed it like crazy' I think as sleep takes over me.

It was half past three in the morning and there was no way I was getting up on time tomorrow...


Woke up @5am to write this part and now I have classes from @8pm continuously for 7 hours

Rip my sanity.

See you all in the next part

~your sleep deprived author 😭🤚

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