Tower of god: how to be the...

Galing kay Kira3302

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I got reborn in my favorite manhwa after i died in a fire accident. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in... Higit pa

First floor
second floor (New friends)
second floor (memories)
They know each other
second floor (hide-and-seek game)
You're like me?
The plan
Goodbye For Now

second floor(Who am I exactly?)

358 22 1
Galing kay Kira3302

Third person pov

"To be a fisherman, what a luck," Renie muttered.  "It seems you don't like your position."  Renie looks behind her and sees Gyu.  "Oh, Mr. Gyu, I haven't seen you since the crown game," said Renie awkwardly.

"You're in the center of the wave controller, that's cool" Renie looked at Gyu ś cold eyes. 'Those two eyes are like mine before I met that person.  “Your brother is also a wave controller.” Renie shook her head.  "I think he's lucky their teacher is coming in two days" Said Renie. Renie was really happy with the news but that doesn't mean Bam will be safe yet.  "I'll go now. See you later, Rin." Gyu waved to Renie and left. 'Okay, now the fisherman's lesson begins.' Renie went to the fisherman Training site.

"Well, it looks like all Hunters have come. Let me introduce myself. My name is Hox,I am Ranker and your teacher of this training. Today you're going to make a contract with the Floor Guard. As you all know we can't use Shinsu without a contract with the Floor Guard. I have until you learn to use techniques involving Shinsu."  You have to make a contract with a floor guard.” Androsi and Anak raise their hands.

"What is it, Zahrad princesses?"  Hox looked at Androsi and Anak.  “I have already made a contract with the floor guard,” Androsi said with a smile.  “Me too.” Anak shook her head.  "That's fine, so we'll know the rest before we move on to the next step". 

“Now close your eyes and then using your pocket and  say connect me to the floor guard.” They all closed their eyes and said what Hox had said.  Seconds later, Renie opens her eyes to see a gigantic, frighteningly powerful monster.  "You're the floor guard, right?"  Although he is very strong, Renie wasn't afraid of him, she was looking at him as if he was an ordinary person.  "Yeah," a guard looked at Renie intently, then said.  “This is the first time I have met a person who has traveled between worlds.”

Renie looked at him confused. "What do you mean by that, Mister?" They had been in  an awkward silent for moments then the guard said. "Had you died before?" Renie wad shocked after she heard that. That was her first time that someone has noticed her identity.

" How did you know? " Said renie with sweat dropped. "You have special soul That is very hard to explain. Also your body looks like it died before" Even though he explained to Renie but she didn't Really understood him. "As I said it s hard to explain. Anyway you are here to make contract with me, Right?"  Renie shooks her head.

After moments she opened her eyes again to see that she is back to the test area. "So, everyone has contracted the guard of this floor.  Then let's move on the next step "  hox said with calm voice. Renie looked at her Right to notice that Androssi smirking at her.

'oh god, This day will be a very long day' Thought Renie crying to herself.
Bam  opened his eyes weakly. "Bam, you have finally awakened" Said Khun with relief smile. "Khun...... What happened" said bam.
After Khun explain everything to bam, bam couldn't help but to feel quilty about what happened in the crown game. He was in deep thought until Renie knocked the door.

"come in" said Khun. Renie walked in when she saw bam has awaked she smilies happily and ran to hugged him.
Bam hugged Renie back. "You are very idiot, brother. You don't know how worried I was" said Renie with soft voice. "I am sorry, Renie" Bam frowned.

"Don't do that again, who do you think will be worried about you?!" Bam clicked Renie's forehead gently.  “Am I going to be scolded by my little sister now?”  Bam said with a warm smile.  “Also, look who’s talking and he also doesn’t care about the risks.” I looked down and sighed. “You beat me but please don’t worry me brother.” Bam gently patted Renie on the head.

“I will. I didn’t say that in the crown game. I am glad you didn't get  hurt. I was worried about you."  Renie smiled and then shook her head.  “I got friends too, they gave up on getting the crown because I want you to win.” Bam looked down in guilty.  "But... but it's okay, the most important thing is that you're fine and not fired," Renie said nervously.  "Sigh, now you should think about taking this test if you want to find Rachel," Khun said while looking at Renie because he was afraid  of  that Renie might saying something about Rachel, but Renie remained silent.  “Hey, little black turtle.”  Rak said while looking at Renie. 

"I didn't mention it before but I'll hunt your brother sooner or later. So be careful of me, you little black turtle " Renie looked at him.  "Oh, you really have to catch me first, crocodile," said Renee sarcastically.  "Haha, that would be like a piece of cake" Renie was about to argue with Rack if someone hadn't knocked on the door.  "Come in," said Bam.  Mika entered the room and then looked at Khun and Bam.

"I see you woke up, that's good because I don't like babysitting work."  Mika said as.she  looked at Renie.  “Huh, when were you babysitting me? You were just training me,” said Renie angrily.  "Anyway, you're late for training, do you want me to come to you and let you know that it's time?"  Mika said, raising an eyebrow.  "Oh, sorry, I forgot because  my brother has finally woken up."  Renee said awkwardly  "Training?"  Bam asked. 

"Yes, I've asked Mika to coach me since the crown game. Even though I've learned the basics, I can't keep up with Mika's speed."  Renie said.  Of course, it took you less than a week to learn the basics.  Mika said sarcastically.  "Then, we'll go now" Rene waved before she and Mika left.  "Looks like Rin has a reason to climb the tower other than finding Rachel, unlike me" Bam muttered but Khun and Rak heard him clearly.

One day later

"I am tired now!" Renie lays in her bed. 'tomorrow we'll have the center test. Anak and Androssi will get injured. Of course I can't help them they have to failed this one to help my brother but should I fail also?' Renie sigh as she looked into the roof.'I will try to help you bam, no, matter what'

A knock interrupt Renie thoughts. "Renie, could we come in?" said Bam.
"Come in, Brother" Bam, Hatz, Shibisu and Khun entered the room. "Is something wrong?"  Renie raised an eyebrow. "No, it's just...." "We needs your help,Rin"  Shibisu cuts bam sentence. "What's your problem?"  said Renie with smile.

"Can your become our friends?"  said Hatz. "Sure, But why all of sudden?" Hatz smiled and said. "We actually have some kind of a strange homework. It s to filled this paper with names of our friends in this test. We hoped that you'll sign it and become our friend"  said Shibisu.

"It isn't bad to make friends so I have no problems" Renie smiled brightly which makes all of them blind. "Thank you, Rin you are such an angel!!"  Shibisu burst out saying. "You are too noisy"  said Khun with frowned.

"Thank you, Miss Rin"  said Hatz with a bow. "You don't have to be formal with me, just call me Rin"  said Renie awkwardly. "Now, a few friends and we will do it!"

"Who do you think he or she would like to be their friends, Rin" said Bam. "Maybe, Chihiro and mika would like to because They're kind of friendly"  Renie put her finger under her chin. "Really, Can you help us, please"  said Shibisu with bow. "I will"  Renie nodes.

"You said you want me to sign this paper?"  Asked chihiro as he looked at Mika. "Indeed. I have to fill this paper with my friends name, ya know" said Mika with sigh. "okay, I will sign it gladly" said Chihiro with a bright smile.
chihiro sign it and hand it to Mika.
"By the way,Why didn't you asked Rin also?"  Asked chihiro. "I think she is resting now, so I don't want to interrupt her."

"Chihiro, Mika"  said Renie while walking toward them with her friends.
"Rin, I thought you were resting" said mika. "I was but now I am helping, My friends" Mika looked at Khun with cold looks. "So, do you need something ?" said Mika. "Shibisu and Hatz have to collect this paper with their friends name, I hoped that you and chihiro would help" said Renie while holding Mika hands.

"Hmmm. I don't have problem with that. it's good to have friends" said Chihiro with smile. "R... really!"  Said Shibisu with teary eyes."Yes,you know I don't like to be Rude or harsh without a reason." Chihiro sign it  and looked at Mika who is in deep thought.

"Mika, also have the same problem as you. I think it's good to help eachother" suggested chihiro. "Good Idea,Chihiro"  said Shibisu. "If you want this matter to be like this, I have no problem" Mika sign both of their papers.

"Thanks"  said Shibisu. "Rin, sign it please"  said mika as she handed it to Renie. "sure".'Why she looked at Khun so cold? Is something wrong?' thought Bam.
" Now, I am in this test. which means I have to survive until the end. " Renie sigh as she looked at other regulars fighting. "hello  there"  said Androssi with smirk. "he.. hello" Renie took  step back. "Long time since we talked with eachother." said Androssi as she waved with her needle.

"Yes, miss Androssi. But do you think That we have time to talk because." before Renie could finish her sentence. Anak landed and tried to attack Androssi. "Now, see you later miss Androssi.Sorry, but I don't want to have problems with any of  you"  said Renie as she runs away.

Androssi and Anak started fighting eachother. "sigh, That was close"  Suddenly a girl with black hair and  eyes lands next to Renie. She tries to attack Renie with her needle, but Renie blocks her attack.

"Who are you"  said Renie as she took a step back. "call me, Eri"  said the black haired girl. Eri attacks Rene, but it was  blocked by Rene. The two exchange attacks  until Eri kicks Renie in the stomach  .  Renie would have fallen off a cliff if she hadn't stopped Eri kick from pushing her too far.

'who is this girl? she is strong how come she didn't  mentioned in the manga or anime.' thought Renie. Eri runs faster toward Renie. she attacks with her needle so strong which makes Renieś needle falls down but Renee kicked Eri quickly, causing Eri to block her, and while she was blocked it. Renee grabbed her needle that was on the ground.

' so Interesting. Renie the twenty fifth didn't show any skills in lessons but now I can see her skill clearly' thought Hox.

'I'm lucky that I learned a little martial arts. But something strange about this girl' thought Renie. Renie sprinted to Ari and Ari do  the same thing. then  attacked each other. Their needles clashed hard."You are strong unlike what you looks like" smirked Eri.

The two pushed eachother which makes them separated.'Shinsu promotion' Renie strengthens her legs with a shinsu and runs faster than before.she attacks Eri and tried to punched, but Eri blocked it so easily

'Shinsu promotion? She seems to have mastered it easily'  thought Hox. she sigh because now the test is over. she must announce it now.

Eri attacks Renie and she hurts her right cheek  so bad.'now I see it weakness point' Renie attacks Eri in her left shoulder. Eri didn't have time to block it which made her injured.

"Now, all Regulars time is  up. stop fighting right now"  Hox announced.
"finally, I thought we won't stop"  said Renie with relief. Renie looked at Eri who was injured. "sorry, but you are the one who hurts me first"  said Renie with blank face.

Eri smiled slyly at Renie."Did you joined the crown game? "Renie asked while blood trickled down her cheek. "Nope, because I don't care about it" after saying this Eri walked away. "so strange".
" What the hell happened to you?! " shout Mika at Renie which made her nervous. "I fought a very strong regular."  said Renie with nervous giggle. "sigh. you have to be careful, you know that make us worried about you" Mika said while putting the medicine on Renie's cheek.

"Yes, you are our friends we want you to be careful!"  said chihiro.'That's my first time that someone told me this' thought Renie. "Thank you guys" bam Suddenly opened the door."Rin!! are you  alright?!" said bam with worried face.

"I'm good brother. I just hurt my cheek"  said Renie with smile. "You know I worried for you even if it's small wound" Renie smiled sadly. "Thank you brother, you guys are the first one who care for me in this world" Renie mattered the last part.

"By the way do you enjoy your class"  said Renie. "yes, and that isn't time to talk about it" Bam helped Mika to put the  medicine.
"Now it's fine" Said Mika with relief. "Next time be careful!" Bam Pinch Renee's left cheek. "I will" Renie said while rubbing her cheek. "Then I will go. Rest well"  said mika as she with chihiro walked out. "Have a nice day."  said Renie with smile.

Bam looked at Renie who was smiling so brightly. "I am happy that we have made friends" Renie shook her head. "oh,  before I forget. I will stay with you from  now until tomorrow .I don't think  you will be alright alone" Bam said with a scary smile.

Renie didn't have chance to refuse bam so she just nods. "Great, Now you have to rest"  Bam made Renie lay on the bed and then lay next to her. Bam giggled softly. "What's so funny?"  asked Renie with eyebrow. "It looks like we haven't slept together for a long time" Bam smiled widely.

"idiot, did you miss this so much?"  bam shook."Hmm,You are such a kind heart." Renie closed her eyes trying to sleep."Brother,I have secret that I never told anyone about it even you"  Bam looked confused."What's it?"

Renie didn't know if it's the right thing to tell bam who is she, but she doesn't want to have Siblings relationship full of lies.But for now she thoughts it's good to give him clues. "I have lied about what happened when I woke up  in the cave, but not everything was lies some of it. So when the time comes I will tell you, But will accept me no matter what?" Renie said calmly but inside her she was so scared of his answer.

"I will wait for you, Whether the truth is painful or something else." Renie opened her eyes widely. " I will take your side because I'm your brother" Renie's eyes twinkled, She was happy to hear this even if it was a lie. "Thanks, brother"  Renie smiled. "Now rest"  Renie  nod. After moments she and bam went into deep sleep.
Renie opened her eyes in strange place. it was very dark and cold but the most thing Renie thought of it that it's lonely.
"Where am I?"  Renie doesn't like dark places because It reminds her of her past. "Anyone else is here. Bam, Mika, Chihiro,Khun or Gyu"Renie started to walk

She walks until she heard a familiar voice. "Lily,did you enjoyed your school?" The black haired girl nod. "Then, Why you look so sad?"  said the old man.'grandpa?' thought Renie.
" Grandpa, why mommy and daddy always fighting eachother? " asked Lily.

"Your parents are so selfish,Lily. I'm so sorry for you. This old man can't help you" said old man sadly. "grandpa, will I ever have a happy family?"  said Lily with  blank face. "Yes, you will even if they're not your parents. you can make a family you want"  said old man as he kissed Lily cheek.

"Then will you be the first member of my family" the old man smiled softly and nod Lily couldn't help but to hug her grandpa.

Renie has moved to another place."Grandpa,don'tleave me " said Lily while crying. "It isn't my not my choice. Everyone has a  day that they will be taken by god"  said old man hardly.

"But isn't i..... unfair?" said Lily. "This isn't unfair, maybe it hurt but I am glad that I lived until I mit you. So don't be sad Lily because everywhere you go I will be with you" the old man smiled brightly before his hand falls down.

then everything disappeared

"Grandpa"  Renie said as she cried. "Why did you leave me?"said Renie "It's our fault" said someone as she/he appeared. Renie looked behind. "You are!"  The little child smiled. "I'm you before you died" said Lily blankly.

"What do you mean by it's our fault?"  asked Renie. "Yes, If we were never born, everyone would be happy and well. We are Like curse to others. Mother, Father, grandpa and him would  be happy if we were not in this world" giggled Lily

"B... but"  Renie looked down. " I just want to be happy I want to have everything I didn't get chance to have it" Renee started shivering. "Do you want to forget what you did and live happy. do you think that we deserve it"  said Lily as she looked down.

Renee began to breathe hard, shivering
"I, what am I?" the ground cracked under Renie and then crashed. Renie falls with the wreck.'Everyone suffered because of us. We died once but we didn't went to afterlife.Is it right to live" 
"It's all your fault, if it isn't for you, I would be happy"

"I'm busy now, maybe next time"

"it isn't your fault, everyone deserve to live to be happy "

Renie puts her hand over her ears because of  sounds that are repeated in her ears 

After that Renie woke up with teary eyes. she looked at her right to see bams sleepy face.  'why I remember that now. that's..... terrible ' Renie stood up and walked toward the window. "Is it right to live? is it right to be with those guys?" Renie sigh.'My grandpa died because of Cancer. He died before my Father's death. I hate it, these memories are curse '
On that day Renie couldn't sleep and all she could think about was if it was a sin to stay alive.


So I will clear some information in this chapter

1_ Lily died in twenty years old.
2_The younger Lily in this chapter is Renies thoughts.
3_Eri will have a very strong  place in the story.
3_ focus in the conversion between Renie and the guard because it has a very important  place in the story

So guys some of you think that Lily/Renie past has finished but nope it's still in the beginning I just give you in this chapter and the previous a Brief
I think you didn't like this chapter but in next chapters I will try my best to make it good.

That's all please don't forget to give like and comment.

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