Danger Force One Shots💝💖


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This is my version of danger force so there will also be new character involving me too. There is Bomika and... More

Author notes
Chapter 1 A New Friend part 1
Chapter 3 Movie Night
Chapter 4 Mika's Crush?!

Chapter 2 A New Friend part 2

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Part two is here! Sorry I took so long but don't worry, I will try to do faster. Pls vote and comment on my stories, and follow me to get followed back.

"Name's Eliza, what yours?" Eliza replied Shoutout. "My names Bo-" Brainstorm said before his mouth was covered by Shoutout. "He meant Brainstorm." Shoutout nervously laughed along with the rest of danger force except for Brainstorm who finally understood what Shoutout meant when she corrected him and let out a little sigh.

 "Dang it, I almost tricked you to saying your real names, one day, danger force, one day..." Right then her phone- I mean watch- beeped as a new text appeared. "Oh that's my mom, see you soon?" Eliza asked hopefully. 

"See you soon. Now how about that number." Shoutout pulled out her phone. "What chatting app do you use? Cuz I don't have WhatsApp on my smart watch and I don't have a phone, I'm 11." 

Everyone but Volt and Eliza let out a gasp, then Shoutout said. "Well here's my number in case you get one soon, and you don't have a phone?"

 Shoutout was most concern while handing her a card with numbers on it. "What's wrong about that, is it because it's some kind of Swellview rule or law cuz I'm from Singapore." Eliza asked cluelessly.

 "No that's just a big problem here and Chapa also doesn't have a phone so your not the only one." Awol said but then realised what he just said so his eyes widened while everyone glared at him. 

"Who's Chapa?" "Um she is my friend... who is not here." Awol said. "Oh um ok? Well nice knowing you guys bye!" Eliza waved goodbye and walked off.

 "Bye!" They all waved and Awol teleported everyone back to the man's nest. "I can't help but think we are forgetting something..." Volt said as everyone tried to remember.

 "OH MY GOD! WE FORGOT THE BAD GUY!"  Captain man exclaimed. "Oh no! We have get him before he escapes!" Shoutout shouted.

 Everyone rushed to the mall but he was gone... "We are too late! He's gone!" Brainstorm looked under a rock beside him just to make sure.  "Maybe he hasn't gone far, everyone, search!" Awol yelled. Danger force searched and search and... searched.

 "Oh come on! Where is he?" Volt was getting frustrated. "Hello?" Brainstorm said. They turned to Brainstorm and saw him talking on his phone.

 "Sure!" Brainstorm then pressed his phone a couple of times and the rest kept quiet but curious who he was talking to. "Ok it's on speaker." He held out his phone to us to hear too. "Hello danger force, remember me?" A familiar voice asked through Brainstorm's phone.

 "I'll ask the obvious question here, uh who are you?" Shoutout asked. "The man from the mall? You seriously don't know who I am?!" "Now we do, where are you?" Volt looked around again to check if he is there. 

"I won't tell you but I will strike again soon..." The man then hung up. "Oh come on! We are just making more and more enemies each bad guy we fight!" Shoutout complained and collapse in a bench.

 "Well lets go back to the man's nest, come on." Awol said as everyone held on to him and then he teleported them back. They all transformed back in their normal clothes feeling exhausted. 

"I'm going to the bathroom." Bose stated and walked away. "There's no bathroom that way!" Mika shouted towards him. "I'll find something." He then walked out of the room. "Now what do we do?" Chapa asked feeling bored again.

 "Maybe we could-" Miles said but got cut off by Ray. "I'm gonna yell at Schwoz now byeeeee!" Ray left. "No one asked!" Chapa shouted towards him and then turned back at Miles. "What were you saying Miles?" Chapa asked Miles. 

"Maybe watch a movie at either here, home or the cinema." Miles suggested. "That's a great idea! Let's watch at my place, no one's home." Chapa exclaimed. "Okay 8 sharp at my place, anyways tell Bose that too cuz I'm going home now to get prepared and to do other things byeee!" Chapa left the man's nest. 

"Hey guys I'm back!" Bose greeted. "So did you find the bathroom?" Miles asked. "In a way." "I regret asking." Miles regretted. "Anyway what did I miss while I was in the bathroom." "Chapa invited all of us to watch a movie at her place at 8 today." Mika replied.

 Bose looked around and turned back confused. "Where did Chapa go? I never noticed she was gone." "She left while your still in there. Anyway I'm gonna go home and get ready, see ya later." Miles walked out the door.

 "Right behind you!" Mika called and took her stuff about to leave. "Wait! Can I walk with you? Uh- b-because I uh don't like walking in the dark *nervously laughed*" "It is only 6." "Wow that late already?" Bose tried to act casual but failed. "Alright come on." Mika gestured him to follow her, well at least he did not fail walking home with her. 

Mika pov

Well that was weird, why was he stuttering like that? But the weirdness hasn't ended just yet. The walk was kinda awkward, he wasn't really talking to me and we were looking the other way, so I decided to TRY to break the silence. 

"So um h-have you um thought of what movie you want to watch?" I stuttered. "Well Chapa is gonna choose it anyway, and the reason why she wants us to watch at her place is because she thinks it is HER house and HER rules, that's one of the many things I don't like about her." Bose explained.

 "Oh yeah... I forgot about that. And her love for horror movies, I am not gonna get another night because of that anymore because I'm going to-" I stopped. Why? Because I don't know how. "To... what?" Bose waited for my answer.

 "I... got nothing." I looked down and heard Bose chuckling. "Hey what's so funny about that?!" "Nothing, nothing." Bose said then I looked in front, we are here! "Oh we are here! Well you can start walking to your house now." 

"Don't worry I got time." Bose then walked me to the front door. "Thanks Bose and see you later." We started to stare at each other and then lean in and... "What are you guys doing?!" We separate and saw Miles standing there. 

"Um I was just... leaving." Bose said and quickly walked away as I see Miles's face suspicious. "What?! We were just saying our goodbyes." I acted casual and walked in the house trying not to make eye contact with anyone until I went in my room and closed the door.

Bose pov

Phew that was close, Miles almost caught us, wait, what just happened just now? We almost kissed each other, what was I about to do, that's just weird, maybe I do like Mika, hmmm, well not the time now I have to go back home and get ready.

Miles pov

What did I just witness?! Were they about to kiss? They can't be dating, if they were Mika would have snitched and I would know, maybe she likes him, I gonna have to ask her... right after the movie or so. I hope Chapa chooses a good movie to be worth watching unlike the other movies she has chosen over the years.

Chapa pov

I can't wait to pick the movie we're watching! But there is one problem, I don't know what to choose! What do I choose?! I already watched like all the horror movies and now there's no more!

 Maybe I could- *a girl screaming* What the- what was that, it came from my window. "Um hello? I-is anyone there?" I stuttered after I picked up my bat and opened my window looking below. 

"Owwwwww... stupid trees blocking me!" The girl muttered to herself sweeping all the dirt on her. "Uh um w-who's there?" I was getting ready to whack someone who tries to come near me. "No no! Do not hit me!" The girl looked up and saw me. 

"Who may I ask are you?" I asked putting down my bat. "Oh sorry I fell in here by mistake trying to find my house and I forgot where it is, I'm just leaving." "Wait, you forgot where you live?!" "Yeah kinda, I just got the house when I moved here a few days ago."

 "Well I can help you refresh your memory, come on up!" I offered. "Uh okay, but if you try to kidnap me I swear I will-" I cut her off. "Just trust me." The girl nodded and climbed my tree. If your wondering why I'm so nice, it is because I have nothing else to do.

 "Okay I'm here. My name is Eliza." "Names Chapa." I knew I recognised her from somewhere. "Oh yeah your the girl that Awol mentioned, and that you don't have a phone but don't worry I don't have one either." Eliza mentioned.

 I hope she doesn't ask unrelated questions like- "Are you and Awol dating?" Dang it. "What does this house look like?" I tried to change the subject. "Answer. The. Question." Eliza began to glare at me and that kinda freaked me out a little. 

"Do you want to go home or not?!" I raised my voice so she might just forget what she asked about that. Wait why didn't I just said no, is there something wrong with my brain today?! 

"*sighs* It looks like this." She then pressed her watch a couple of times and showed a picture of her and her house. 

"Oh yeah I have seen that house before, it is in that direction, then go to the first left you see, go straight and then go right to the second right you see and look for your house somewhere there." I instructed as I pointed to the the direction.

 "Thanks, well I better go now." Eliza started to walk out but I stopped her. "Wait, my three friends coming over and there are no more horror movies we haven't watched but I really like horror movies. What do I do?" I asked. "Do they like horror movies?" "Well no." "Then just let them choose a movie that everyone likes or you do." Eliza advised as she sat down.

 "Like what?" "What about genuine moments, that's a nice movie." "Oh yeah... okay thanks." "Anytime." "Do you want to join us?" I asked hopefully. "Sorry but I have to get home, bye! I hope to see you soon." 

"Bye!" I waved as I watch her disappear from the window. Hmmm, I feel like I'm forgetting something... AH I NEED TO GET READY EVERYTHING! 

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