De La Reine Vengeance

By shree123gill

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Previously known as ' Always & Forever ' _____________________ "Why is it that everyone perceives you as a my... More



3.6K 67 8
By shree123gill


From the depths of the shadows, a figure emerged, her presence shrouded in mystery and danger. She was a predator, a merciless hunter who targeted her victims with calculated precision. With every kill, she left behind a trail of destruction, dislocating their bodies and erasing all traces of her involvement. Her signature, a cursive K carved onto their foreheads and bodies, served as a grim reminder of her lethal reign.

KALI was her name, a force to be reckoned with in the treacherous realm of the underworld. Her ruthless and unforgiving techniques struck fear into the hearts of assassins and mafias alike. Those who dared to cross her path knew that their days were numbered, for KALI showed no mercy to traitors.

Her ascension to infamy was marked by a trail of blood and vengeance. The underworld had never seen such a relentless and skilled assassin before. Her targets were carefully selected, their weaknesses exploited as she ensnared them in her deadly web. Each death became a macabre spectacle, a haunting reminder of who truly held the reins of power.

Only a fool willingly delved into the depths of the underworld. Its denizens were either born into the darkness or forced into its clutches by circumstances beyond their control. Justice was an illusion, replaced by the twisted dance of torture and assassination. Revenge was the currency that fueled their existence. If someone took something precious from you, the only recourse was to take something equally precious in return. It was a cruel and unforgiving world they inhabited—a realm where one either killed or faced the chilling embrace of death.

KALI's story was steeped in a history of pain and betrayal. Those who had wronged her had sealed their own fate. The list of her enemies was long, and each name was etched in her mind, a constant reminder of the debts that needed to be settled. Greed turned to terror as her relentless pursuit of vengeance escalated, leaving the underworld quivering in fear.

She operated in the shadows, a phantom of the night. Her presence was rarely seen, for only her elusive shadows left traces behind. The skillful assassin thrived on the element of surprise, striking when her targets least expected it.

Each kill was an art form, a meticulously crafted symphony of pain and suffering. The more atrocious the act committed by her victims, the more horrifying the scene she orchestrated. In the underworld, they knew her name. They feared her. She was their ruler, their puppeteer, the one who held their lives in the palm of her hand. She was the leader of The Devil's Bloodlust, an entity that commanded respect and struck fear into the hearts of all who dared to oppose her.


Silence settled in the room like a heavy fog, each American present feeling the weight of their impending decisions. The air crackled with tension, as if the very atmosphere held its breath, aware of the dangerous game being played.

"You must be joking," Killiam sneered, his voice laced with a mix of skepticism and fear. He gazed at Kali with narrowed eyes, realizing the immense power she possessed. Her lethal reputation echoed in the room, suffocating the bravado that had previously filled the space. The audacity of Kali's request left them all uneasy.

Kali's gaze hardened, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. She did not appreciate being doubted, especially by someone like Killiam. The room sensed her rising fury, like a tempest ready to unleash its destructive force.

"Do I look like a jesting fool to you, Mr. Harenzyade?" Kali's voice sliced through the air like a razor, her words devoid of any humor. The gravity of her presence weighed on Killiam, but he couldn't resist rolling his eyes arrogantly. The audacity only fueled her anger further.

The tension in the room mounted as Alex attempted to intercede, desperately trying to bridge the treacherous gap between these two formidable leaders. His efforts, however, were futile, like a lamb walking into a lion's den.

"Guys, perhaps we should—" Alex's voice was drowned out by the simmering confrontation between Killiam and Kali.

" So , tell me Kali why do you need our help ?"

The weight of Killiam's skepticism hung heavy in the air, threatening to shatter the fragile alliance that Kali had proposed. He questioned the need for their assistance, highlighting her overwhelming power and superiority. He brazenly challenged her, daring to inquire about the nature of her request.

A dangerous smile curled on Kali's lips as she leaned back, relishing the opportunity to assert her dominance. The room held its breath, anticipating her response, as she delivered her words with a venomous edge.

"To annihilate the Asian Organisations," she declared, her voice dripping with ruthless determination. The room recoiled in silence, absorbing the weight of her intentions. The mere mention of the Asian Organisations sent shivers down their spines, a testament to their formidable presence.

Killiam reclined in his seat, a calculated air surrounding him as he weighed Kali's proposition. The Asian Organisations had always been a formidable adversary, yet he had always believed his own mafia possessed enough strength to vanquish them alone. However, the allure of a strategic alliance with Kali's formidable force beckoned to him. The room held its breath, awaiting his response, as he contemplated the risks and rewards.

Finally, with a measured tone, Killiam spoke, sending ripples of uncertainty through the room. "Fine."

His decision sent shockwaves through the room, leaving Xavier, his father, with a creased brow and a voice laced with concern. " You can't be serious Killiam " He understood the perils of dealing with Kali, her unpredictability a double-edged sword.

Killiam's gaze remained fixed on Kali, unyielding. "Yes, I am serious. To vanquish the Asian Organisations, we require every advantage we can attain. If that means aligning with your mafia, then so be it."

A wicked smirk curved Kali's lips, her satisfaction palpable. "Good. I knew you possessed the intelligence to recognize the benefits of this union. But make no mistake, Killiam. While I seek your aid, underestimating me would prove to be your last mistake."

Killiam's jaw tightened, a visible display of his understanding. He couldn't afford to make an enemy of Kali, his instincts screaming at him to tread cautiously. With conviction, he delivered his response, making his stance abundantly clear.

"I comprehend," he retorted firmly, his eyes locking with hers. "But let it be known, the same goes for you. Should you attempt any treachery, you will discover the repercussions firsthand."

A sinister chuckle escaped Kali's lips, her amusement apparent. She reveled in his audacity, the promise of an intriguing power struggle. "I admire your audacity, Killiam. You possess the fortitude required for our partnership."

Amidst the tension, unease settled in Alex's voice as he voiced their collective apprehensions. "But what of the risks? What if we fail?" His voice quivered, revealing the doubt that plagued their minds.

Kali's smile took on a chilling edge, an unsettling glimmer in her eyes. "Failure is not an option," she hissed, her confidence unshakeable. "And if, by some misfortune, we do fail, well, that is a risk we are all willing to take, isn't it?"

The room descended into silence once more, an eerie stillness punctuated by the weight of their impending battle. The alliance forged between Kali and Killiam carried the promise of triumph, but with it came the specter of potential downfall.

Killiam's unease grew, gnawing at his senses. He had prided himself on his power and strength, but now he found himself entangled in a web spun by Kali's calculating mind. Doubts crept into his thoughts, whispering warnings that he knew he couldn't ignore.

In a rare moment of vulnerability, he posed the question that clawed at his conscience. "Why are you doing this? I don't recall the Asian Organisations having any personal vendetta against you."

Kali's eyes darkened, a storm brewing within her. She nodded slowly, her voice dripping with venomous resolve. "For revenge, Killiam. I shall exact my vengeance," she declared, her words resonating with a sinister gravity.

Killiam arched an eyebrow in surprise, captivated by her revelation. While he had always known Kali harbored a past, this was the first time she had spoken of revenge. His curiosity piqued, he probed further, "Revenge? Against whom?"

The room held its breath, anticipation thick in the air, as Kali's gaze turned icy. A flicker of pain and anger danced in her eyes as she spoke with chilling clarity. "Against the Asian mafia, of course. They took someone exceedingly precious from me, and now it is my turn to strip them of everything."

Killiam's empathy surged forth, a shared understanding of loss and the burning desire for retribution. He, too, had witnessed the agony inflicted by the merciless grip of the mafia world. The Americans exchanged uneasy glances, recognizing the dangerous territory they were about to traverse.

Killiam, however, found himself admiring Kali's unyielding determination. He understood the insatiable hunger for revenge and respected her willingness to unleash a tempest upon her enemies.

His concerns shifted to Damon, his brother, whose life hung in the balance. " What about Damon ? " Knox's apprehension echoed through the room, and he voiced his worries. Kali's attention turned to Knox, her words laced with a tinge of reassurance.

"Fear not, Knox. Your son is safe under my watchful eye. As long as you uphold your end of the agreement, he shall be returned to you unharmed." Knox nodded, though skepticism still lingered in his gaze. He understood the perils of trusting Kali completely, but he had no other choice but to take the risk.

Killiam, ever vigilant, laid down his terms with unwavering determination. "Furthermore, Kali, let it be known that our alliance is temporary. Once our common enemy is vanquished, our paths shall diverge once more." A flicker of amusement danced in Kali's eyes, a hint of her dangerous nature shining through.

"Of course, Killiam. I would expect nothing less," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of malevolence. "For now, let us focus on our shared goal: the eradication of our mutual foe."

With that, the two formidable mafia leaders solidified their unholy alliance, vengeance and lust for power propelling them forward. Little did they suspect the sinister machinations that lay beneath the surface.

As the meeting adjourned, Killiam and Kali clasped hands, sealing their pact. The Americans in the room couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that they had made a deal with the devil, aligning themselves with one of the world's most perilous and unpredictable figures.

Yet, their desperation left them no alternative. The Asian Organisations grew stronger with each passing day, and the Americans knew that if they failed to act, they would fall prey to their merciless grasp. Exiting the room, Killiam's foreboding heightened. He couldn't shake the nagging sensation that they were walking straight into a trap, right into Kali's intricate snare.

Turning to Alex, his most trusted confidant, he confided his misgivings. "Something isn't right, Alex. I can feel it in my bones."

Alex's voice trembled, mirroring Killiam's trepidation. "I sense it too, boss. Kali has never been one to play by the rules. We must proceed with utmost caution."

Killiam's jaw tightened as he delved into deep contemplation. He knew he couldn't ignore his instincts, for they had kept him alive in this treacherous world. Yet, the necessity of Kali's assistance in their quest to rescue Damon from the clutches of the Asian Organisations lingered in his mind.

Returning to their base, a sinister air enveloped the meeting room as Killiam gathered his men. "We must devise a plan to secure Damon's freedom. Kali's aid is indispensable, but we cannot rely solely on her. We must be prepared for any eventuality."

As ideas were exchanged, Killiam's apprehension grew. He sensed Kali's cunning, her ever-watchful eyes calculating their every move. He understood that he must tread carefully, or else he risked losing everything he held dear.

Unknown to Killiam, Kali possessed her own web of plans, woven meticulously. A master of deception, she relished the thrill of playing her cards in this dangerous game. Watching as Killiam and his men strategized, a wicked smile crept upon her lips.

"Let the games begin," she whispered, her voice laced with dark delight, savoring the impending chaos.

Unbeknownst to Killiam, their destinies intertwined in a treacherous dance, where deception and power collided. The wheels had been set in motion, and both leaders were but pawns in a deadly game orchestrated by an enigmatic puppet master.


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