Tales Across the MultiBurst

By Inky_Kuro

154K 4.6K 9.9K

THIS STORY IS COMPLETED. If you ask for updates, I will ignore you and delete your comment. Follow the crew... More

Read This First.
Beyblade and Witchcraft
Bit Beasts and Bladers Spirits
Sick Day? No Way.
Your Thrall
Translation, Please?
All Bets Are Off
The World of Snakes (In a Dream)
The World of Snakes (The Resistance)
The World of Snakes (Intercepted)
The Book
A Black Stain
Mew Purrenai
Cat Eye
Wanna Battle?
Overprotective, Part 1
Overprotective, Part 2
Overprotective, Part 3
Overprotective, Part 4
Overprotective, Part 5
Overprotective, Part 6
Babysitting Scenario
Still Having Purroblems, Cat Eye?
Witches in the Woods
Special Ingredients
A King's Ransom
A King's Ransom, Part 2
A King's Ransom, Part 3
A King's Ransom, Part 4
A King's Ransom, Part 5
The Date
Happy Birthday!
The Future is Here
Bad Idea
Beyburst Gamers
You Are Awake, You Can't Escape
You Are Awake, Collect the Evidence
You Are Awake, You've Made a Mistake
You're Still Awake, This is Your Life
You're Still Awake, He's in Danger
You're Still Awake, You Need Help
You're Still Awake, It's Time to Change
Artificial Life
Artificial Life, Part 2
Snake Pit Stuff
Funtime is Over
Funtime is Over, Part Two
Funtime is Over, Part Three
Kindness in the Rainy Night
Stitches and Wishes
Snake Pit Thaaangs
Bite Marks
The Very New, Very Strange, Very Awkward
Yellow Eye's Party
The New Look
Lui Shiroarsagi
Tabbydore Glass and the Fairest of Them All
Thank You!
Detective's Heart
Can You Change Fate?
Comforts of a King
Non-Artificial Romance
The Sound of Silence
Not (Un)Breakable
Power Over the Silence
NYC's New Bey Club
Two Sides of One Coin
The Truth
The Criminal and the Officer's Son
Twin Sized
Break and Sedate
Scream It Out
Snake Pit Stuff and Thaaaangs
The Beast Within
Shocking Chatter!
The Boy in the Hood
You Won't Feel a Thing
The Red-Eyed Beast
Pop Goes the Little Witch
Asylum Eleven
Asylum Eleven, Part 2
Asylum Eleven, Part 3
Thank You 20k!
Magenta-Colored Secret
The Monster Under the Bed
All Hallows Eve
You Are Awake, Fight to Survive
Quest of the Lamb
The Differences
You Are Awake, Crack the Case
Trip to the AUs
Burst Charts
Black Roses
The Dark Outside Candlelight
Snake Pit Hooplah
Small Tales of Terror
Ash and Frost
Pain Under Wraps
Colorful Personalities
Incorrect Quotes
Texting Hijinks
Kid Bladers' Baking Championship!
Black Marks
The Most Biggest Dumb
Meaningless Snake Pit Things
A Change of Plans
The Love for Red Eyes
The Morbid Little Tea Party
The Painter and His Muse
Incorrect Quotes Volume Two
The Spelltacular Swap
The Night of the 13th
The Night of the 13th, Part 2
Sort Of An Admirer
Starving Child (50k Special)
Just Snake Pit Things
This Is Canon
Rainy City, Rain Over the Sun and Garden
Junk About the Bladers!
Last Time On "Star Battle"...
Questions and Answers!
The Poet and His Muse
The End of Silence
Beyblade Burst Changeup
Jibber Jabber with the Bladers
Lui and Shu Troll the Comments
Lui and Shu React to Comments!
Q&A, More Trolling, More Reacting!
Dancing With Darkness
Snake Pit Shenanigans
Drops of Burnt Sugar
Drops of Burnt Sugar, Part Two
Drops of Burnt Sugar, Part Three
Drops of Burnt Sugar, Part Four
The Red Snake and Drops of Sugar
The Red Snake and Drops of Sugar, Part Three
Snake Pit and Drop Goofyness
Lui and Shu React and Troll, Part Two
Learning About Him
Cloth and Dust (DISCONTINUED)
Asylum Six, Part Two (DISCONTINUED)

The Red Snake and Drops of Sugar, Part Two

147 6 16
By Inky_Kuro

In which three days have passed, and now it's time for Shu to battle in the tournament to earn his place among the Masked Bladers. If he can do that, then he can begin the next phase of his plan to help Theodore recover the Snake Pit.
(Continuation of Drops of Burnt Sugar, set during early Evolution. Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach crossover, set after the V.I.P. Ending.)


The day of the tournament has finally arrived. I take a deep breath, letting my chest expand as far as it will go, then I let it out very slowly in order to steel my nerves. Are you ready, Spryzen?

I look to my partner, watching the light flash off of its top layer as it gives its answer. I smile and hold it close to my chest. I knew you'd say that. We can do this, I know we can.

Everyone turns to face the door as our overseer steps into the barracks and smirks at us, calling out, "Well, aren't you all up bright and early? Good. That sort of drive will certainly take you far in the tournament- but before that, you all need to fuel up for today. C'mon."

Everyone files out of the room and heads to the cafeteria for breakfast. Like always, I eat light so I don't make myself sick, going with some hard-boiled eggs, a banana and a couple fish patties. I sit in a quieter corner where I can be by myself, wanting to work up some strategies for facing against the other trainees.

Before long, the Masked Bladers come for breakfast, and while they get in line Sun pads over to me, offering a smile as he greets, "Good morning, Shu!"

"Good morning, Sun."

"How are you holding up? You're not too nervous, right?"

"I'm moreso apprehensive," I murmur, my gaze falling away. "I feel like if I were to lose today, then that would mean that all the training I've done these past few days... Was all for nothing. I wouldn't have truly grown stronger, and I would be lost on what to do."

Sun lets out a soft breath, murmuring, "I see. May I give you my opinion?" I nod in answer. "I think that kind of mindset is far too cruel to yourself. I understand that you want to prove to yourself that you're growing as a Blader and becoming someone who could beat Free, but you have to remember that it's a process. You can't turn a seed into a tree overnight, nor can you become the best Blader possible in just three days."

I lift my head to meet his gaze, seeing him muster a comforting smile. "You have a remarkable drive, Shu. All you need is just a little more patience and understanding for yourself, and you'll go so far. You know?"

"Yes, I do," I mumble, biting my lip. He's completely right. Expecting so much of myself never leads me to anything but disappointment and shame. But still, I have a lot riding on this...

He reaches out and cups my face in his hand, brushing his thumb over my cheek with all the patience of a loving mother as he reassures me, "I have every confidence in you, Shu. Whether you win or lose, I'll be so proud of you because I know you'll have done your best and that you worked hard at it. And to me, that's all that matters."

Hearing that strikes a chord I never even knew existed within me, causing my eyes to sting with tears. I try to blink them back as quickly as I can and Sun coos softly, skirting to my side of the table and whispering, "Can I give you a hug?"

I nod, not trusting myself to speak. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close, the gentle pressure more comforting than I ever thought it would be. Even the texture of his shell feels nice against my skin, warm and smooth like silk. It makes it all the more enticing to break down right in his arms from the pain I never even knew I felt, but remembering that we're not alone is what keeps me from it. Instead, I force myself to take deep, slow breaths and squeeze my eyes shut tight until the storm passes. Spryzen lets off an aura of warmth of my hip, trying to help me.

When I feel I'll be okay, I gingerly pull away from Sun's chest and murmur, "Thank you." I can't bring myself to say more than that.

"Do you want some space now? It's okay if you do, and it's okay if you want me to stay."

"I... You can go back to the Masked Bladers."

He nods in understanding, leaning down and lightly tapping my head with his face-plate- the best he can do for a kiss- then pulls away to rejoin the Masked Bladers. I don't look their way, not wanting to see what could be written in their expressions.

I eat my breakfast slowly, but my thoughts are far too scrambled to do any strategizing.

When breakfast is over, all trainees are lead to the training floor by all seven Masked Bladers. Once we've arrived, Gold Eye faces the crowd and crosses his arms over his chest as he addresses us.

"Alright, trainees, it's time for the tournament to begin. As you know, the winner of this tournament will be given a uniform and a place among the Masked Bladers. This means you will join us in training, following our regiment and battling against us to grow stronger. You will not receive any of our responsibilities until you've proven that you can be trusted with them. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Gold Eye," Most everyone choruses dutifully.

"Good. And for this tournament, there has been a change of expectations- if you do not feel ready to participate or simply have no desire to, then there is no punishment for it. You will be allowed to sit out as you see fit. Now, with that said... We will be starting off with four simultaneous one-on-one battles. Once every participant is accounted for, we will select the first contestants at random and you may begin the battle. We'll keep going like this until we've narrowed it down to the final two trainees."

Nothing more needs to be said. From there, every trainee wanting to participate registers to do so, and then Silver Eye starts the program to determine who battles in the first round.

Against all odds, I'm one of the first Bladers up. And I'd have it no other way.

I stand at the stadium, facing down my opponent. Not one of the trainees I've battled before- I don't even know his name- but I can see from the look in his eyes that he knows me. He shifts from foot to foot as he looks me over, lips pressed together. He's nervous.

If I'm lucky, he'll psyche himself out and sabotage his launch. Meanwhile, I'll need to pull off the strongest I can. I have to show them I can be ruthless just as a Masked Blader should be.

"These will be two-point battles, all reffed by Masked Bladers so we can observe your work," Gold Eye informs us, coming to stand by my stadium, Silver Eye positioned at his back. Gray Eye and Violet Eye stand at the other two stadiums.

My nerves spark just the slightest bit and I take a deep breath, pulling Spryzen from its case and clipping it to my launcher. Every trainee gets into their launch position and I follow suit, crouching by the stadium with one hand held forward and the one holding my launcher stretched out to the side.

"Ready, set!" The Masked Bladers call out, and everyone begins to countdown,

"Three! Two! One! LET IT RIIIP!"

Everyone launches. As I hoped, my opponent's nerves get the best of him and his launch is weak, causing his Bey to wobble as it travels through the stadium. Spryzen, on the other hand, sails smoothly with incredible speed.

"Aw, man," He whimpers, eyes wide with alarm.

Alright, no hesitation! "Go, Spryzen!" I shout, causing my Bey to rush straight towards its own opponent.

"D- Dodge-!"

Spryzen crashes through his Bey, sending its three pieces flying all over. The Masked Bladers all look over in surprise.

"That's Legend Spryzen with a Burst Finish for two points. Shu wins the match," Gold Eye announces, then looks to the trainee. "You need to be more in control of your emotions when you battle. If you feel nervous, take a few deep breaths and take a moment to right yourself."

Wait, he's offering advice? I thought he would have just dismissed him without another glance...

"Or imagine your opponent in their underwear!~ That's what I always do when I get anxious," Violet Eye chimes in, immediately eliciting various grimaces from his fellow Masked Bladers. I bite the inside of my lip to keep from laughing.

"Yes, sirs. Thank you," The trainee mumbles, collecting the pieces of his Bey as I pick up Spryzen. From there, he joins the crowd of spectators. Gold Eye instructs me to do the same until my next match.

Since he's standing close by, I decide to wait by Sun and head his way. As I draw closer, I hear him whispering to himself, "Okay, it was a little funny, but don't laugh yourself to death over it!"

"You mean what Violet Eye said?" I ask, wondering if he makes a habit of talking to himself like this. He smiles and nods sheepishly.

"I mean, plenty of people do the underwear imagining thing, but the others responded like it was some weird deal or someth-" He cuts himself off as his gaze flickers to the side, and after a moment he shakes his head with a sigh. Before I can ask about it, he addresses me again, "By the way, that was so cool, Shu! You did wonderfully up there!"

"Thank you, but I can't take all the credit. It took the both of us to win that match," I say, smiling a little as I hold up Spryzen. Sun nods in understanding.

"Of course! You and Spryzen are a great team. I have to admit, I still have a lot to learn about Beyblade, but I know from the Masked Bladers that it's important to have a strong bond with your Bey! And I can just tell that you two are the best of friends."

"We really are. I've only had Spryzen for a year and a few months now, but it feels like it's been there for me my whole life."

From there, we continue to watch the tournament. Despite myself, when Boa steps up to battle I find myself silently rooting for him right alongside Sun's vocal cheering.

With four battles going at a time, the first round goes by so quickly that it passes in under an hour.

As I stand before my next opponent, I can see him fidgeting just like the first. His gaze darts between me and Gold Eye frantically before he closes his eyes and takes a couple deep breaths, yet they don't seem to help.

He manages to pull off a sound launch when the time comes for it, and he calls out, "Okay, take the center!"

"Force it back, Spryzen!"

Spryzen swerves through the stadium and meets the other Bey straight-on, knocking it out of the stadium. It Bursts in midair, the pieces clattering to the ground.

"That's another Burst Finish for Legend Spryzen. Shu wins the match," Gold Eye states, giving me a look that I can't interpret thanks to his mask. I simply collect my Bey and return to Sun.

There are two more rounds before the finals after that. For the third, I win with a Ring-Out Finish and a Burst Finish. For the fourth, I win with a Ring-Out Finish and a Survivor Finish.

As the rounds progress, I notice that Boa begins to have more and more trouble besting his opponents. His Roktavor becomes more resistant to his orders and it seems incapable of pulling enough power for any special moves that could save the battle. He barely scrapes by, and it noticeably frustrates him.

When he manages to win, he snatches his Bey out of the stadium and stalks back to his place among the crowd. The Masked Bladers watch him, then Gold Eye shakes his head with a sigh and mutters something I can't hear to Silver Eye. Sun goes to check on Boa while we wait for the final round.

Soon, the time comes for the final match. Three of the four Masked Bladers rejoin their companions while Gold Eye stays with the stadiums. I take my usual place as Boa stands opposite of me, green eyes far colder than I've ever seen them before.

"For this final match, you will be battling to three points. It goes without saying that the first to reach three points or over will be the winner."

I have to win this no matter what. I close my eyes and take a breath, holding it for a few seconds and letting it go. My nerves are still acting up, but not to a dangerous degree. Boa is a complicated case. He's certainly a strong trainee capable of pulling off powerful launches with the cunning to formulate some truly cutthroat strategies... But on the other hand, he has no Resonance and no bond with his Bey. That makes it nearly impossible for him to control, but it also makes Roktavor unpredictable. If it moves of its own volition, it could take me by complete surprise and take the match if I'm not careful.

I open my eyes, clipping Spryzen to my launcher and switching to hold it with my right hand. Boa's eyes widen and Gold Eye hums in interest.

"Are you both ready?" He asks, startling Boa a bit before he raises his launcher.

"Ready," We answer in unison.

"Alright, then. Set!"

"Three! Two! One! LET IT RIIIP!"

I have to start by playing this defensive. I can't be aggressive until I have a lead on him. "Take the center, Spryzen!"

"Stop him, Roktavor!" Boa orders, yet his Bey doesn't change its trajectory from circling around the stadium. "Roktavor, go!"

Spryzen reaches the center and stabilizes its spin, standing ready for anything.

Boa clenches his fists in frustration but catches himself, taking a breath and shaking his head. "Alright, we have to attack now! Go for it!"

This time, his Bey does follow his command, swooping in after mine and attacking it in the center, but the attacks lack vigor and are easily brushed off.

"You're doing great, Spryzen, keep it up."

"C'mon, Roktavor, you have to give it your all!"

The moment he says that, Roktavor spontaneously spins out, clattering against the stadium floor. My eyes widen and Boa gasps, letting out choked, breathless noises of shock.

Gold Eye isn't even surprised. "That's Spryzen with a Survivor Finish. Shu gets one point."

I pick up my Bey, noticing that it gives off a cooler aura than usual, maybe even one of melancholy. You feel bad for Roktavor, don't you? I can't say I blame you, Boa doesn't seem to believe in it like he should. Which is so strange, because I know he's a smart Blader. Why would he not realize that he needs to have faith in his Bey to ever win?...

"Next battle, you two."

I nod, retaking my launch position with my launcher still held in my right hand. I have a lead, but it's a shaky one. I don't want to get overconfident here, so just for a little longer we'll play on the defensive.

"Ready, set!"

"Three! Two! One! LET IT RIIIP!"

The Beys land soundly within the stadium, but before I can even call out for Spryzen to take the center again, Roktavor picks up a huge speed boost and rushes straight towards my Bey.

"Look out, Spryzen," I warn, allowing it to swerve out of the way in the nick of time. "You know where to go!"

As it circles in towards the center, Boa shouts, "Cut it off and hit it hard!"

The two Beys meet in the center, grinding against each other with a flurry of sparks until Spryzen knocks Roktavor away in order to claim the center.

"Good job, partner!"

"Hit it again, Roktavor!"

It does as ordered with a sense of begrudging, tapping lightly against my Bey and clearly not planning to do any damage. Boa has to take a deep breath and closes his eyes, likely trying to think the problem through.

However, Roktavor does the thinking for him. It pulls away and travels up to the top slope of the stadium, and I thanks to Wakiya and Wyvron I already know where this is going.

"Brace yourself, Spryzen!"

"What?!" Boa opens his eyes, watching as Roktavor charges down the slope towards Spryzen. They collide in a huge flash of sparks and grind against each other, neither Bey willing to give an inch. "Yes, that's the way, Roktavor!"

"Stand tall, Spryzen, I know you can win this!" Spryzen knocks it away with a hard strike, sending it flying back to the top slope of the stadium, where it only repeats the process of surging back down. "One more time, you can do this!"

The two Beys connect, but Roktavor's doubled momentum is more than my Bey can handle and its knocked out of the stadium, clattering across the floor.

While Gold Eye calls the results I retrieve Spryzen, holding it to my chest as I murmur, "You did wonderfully, partner. Now let's counter them even harder!"

It warms up in my hand, eagerly agreeing. I allow myself a brief smile before returning to my place at the stadium.

"We have to work together, Roktavor, you can't win this on your own," Boa mutters to his own Bey. I notice Gold Eye subtly shaking his head out of my peripherals.

"Third battle," He calls to the crowd, urging Boa and I to get ready.

Alright, we can't risk losing another point here. It's time to go all in!

I clip Spryzen to my launcher and hold raise it to a vertical angle, eliciting shocked gasps from the trainees around me. Boa's brow furrows in confusion and apprehension as he takes his stance.

"What is Shu thinking?" I hear Silver Eye whisper, surprise lacing his tone. "There's no way to pull off a stable launch like that!"

"Shu himself doesn't seem to think so," Gray Eye points out. I resist a smirk, taking a deep breath.

"Ready, set!" Gold Eye calls, and we begin the countdown for the third time.

"Three! Two! One! LET IT RIIIP!"

Spryzen lands in the stadium and immediately picks up a phenomenal speed boost, eliciting an actual yelp from Boa.

"What the hell?!"

"Go, Crux Boost!" I shout, swiping my hand through the air. "Strike hard, Spryzen!"

"T- Take the center, Roktavor!"

It ignores him and rushes to meet Spryzen head on at full speed. Within seconds, the Beys collide in the stadium...

And Spryzen plows through Roktavor, sending its three pieces flying out of the stadium and all around Boa, who gapes at me with wide eyes.

Silence hangs heavy in the room, rife with tension and a million emotions tangling together into one mass...

Then Gold Eye holds his arm towards me and declares, "That's Legend Spryzen with a Burst Finish. With three points, that crowns Shu the winner of the trainee tournament!"

For the first time since I've come here, an old instinct stirs within me- one that has me lifting my right hand to my face, pushing back my bangs to reveal my scar. My own way of declaring victory.

The crowd of trainees erupts into roaring cheers, excited and awed by the battle. Boa drops to his knees, helpless, and I collect Spryzen from the stadium.

"Great job, partner. I couldn't have done it without you," I whisper to it, savoring the warmth it brings me.

Boa lets out a vehement snarl, banging his fist against the floor. "Damn it, this isn't how this was supposed to go! Why won't Roktavor just listen to me?!"

"Tch. Because you aren't giving it any reason to!" I can't stop myself from hissing it out, feeling Spryzen's frustration bleeding into my veins and lighting them on fire.

Startled, his gaze snaps back to me and the room falls dead silent. "Wh- what are you talking about?"

I shoot Boa a sharp glare. "You and Roktavor are supposed to have trust in one another as partners, but you don't. You don't trust it, you don't have faith in it, and you don't respect it! And now you're blaming it when this loss was clearly your fault?"

He bristles from head to toe, gritting his teeth but not fighting back, because deep down he knows I'm right.

"The reason why I can get Spryzen to listen to me is because I don't ask for something in exchange for nothing. I trust it in return, and I don't blame it for my shortcomings." When I feel myself growing too heated I stop myself, taking a deep breath and hold Spryzen to my chest. "Boa, I can tell you and Roktavor used to have a strong bond. There's no way you could be as physically strong as you are if you didn't, so... Now is the time to take a step back and do some reflection. Ask yourself where you went wrong and do whatever it takes to fix it!"

"Shu," He breathes out, his brows furrowing together as he looks down at the pieces of his Bey.

"I hope for both your sakes that there's a chance to make things right. But if Roktavor won't put its trust in you again, then you're going to have to figure something else out."

After that, I don't say anything else. There's nothing more to add, it's all on Boa now.

Gold Eye realizes this and calls out to the others, "Alright, trainees, if you want to take it, we're giving you guys a fifteen minute rest period before you start your training for today. If you don't want to take it, then you know what to do."

"Yes, sir!" They chorus back, many of them going to the training machines without hesitation. As they do, Gold Eye looks over to Sun and tilts his head towards Boa, then he steps away from the stadium and beckons for me to follow.

I obey, trailing after him as he leads me out of the room. When we reach the door, I can't help but turn back to check on Boa and find that he's taking this extremely hard. Sun is trying his best to comfort him, but it's not working...

A hand comes to touch my shoulder and I jump, whipping around to face Gold Eye, who pulls his hand back with a frown. "Sorry. But-" He sighs, looking over to Boa. "There's nothing you or I can do, I'm afraid. He's going to need time and some space if Sun can't help him."

"Right," I murmur, following him as he walks through the hall again. "... I don't feel right about this. It feels like I cheated."

"I know. It's hard to really take pride in a victory like this, but sometimes that's just the way it has to be. It's not on you that your opponent had weak Resonance," He tells me, glancing back to me as I nod in understanding. "And, Shu? I'm really proud of you."

Hearing that sets my brain to short-circuiting, and before I can stop myself I sputter out, "E- Excuse me? What?" He stops and turns to me completely, frowning even more. "Ah, I- gods, I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean for it to sound that way! You just- I didn't expect you to say that, it- it caught me off guard."

He chuckles sheepishly. "I, uh, I see. But, you don't have to call me sir. You're a Masked Blader now, and being called sir makes me feel gross. I'm not that old."

"Sorry, s- Gold Eye."

He nods, beckoning me to follow again. I walk alongside him as he shakes his head. "Anyway, I meant what I said. You told Boa the truth that he needed to hear and told him how to fix the problem he was facing with his Bey. It was harsh, but he needed harsh- coddling him wouldn't have gotten anything through to him." He looks down at me, offering a small smile. "That alone tells me that of anyone, you're the best to be a Masked Blader."

My brain immediately short-circuits again and I look to my feet, mumbling, "Thank you. I- that- I'm glad I could... Could be what I need to be."

There's an awkward silence following that. He rubs the back of his neck and I bite my lip briefly, clearing my throat to ask, "So, where are we going now?"

"Like I said before, as a Masked Blader you receive a mask and uniform. So, the first thing we need to do it go to the tailor and get your measurements. It won't take too long, and then he can get to work on creating your uniform while you start training with us."

"I see." I wonder what it will be like? All their uniforms are so different, all I know for sure is that it will have a jumpsuit and a coat of some kind.

We reach the office the tailor works in, so Gold Eye walks me in to introduce me and give the tailor an update on why I'm here. After that, I simply have my measurements taken, in the addition to the tailor taking note of my shirt and pant size as well as what I was wearing when I arrived here.

And once he's gotten that information, he's ready to work on my uniform. We get out of his hair and Gold Eye leads me to the Masked Bladers' training room. When we step in I take a look around, but it's honestly nothing too special. There are a few stadiums in one section of the room, treadmills in another, a pull-up bar and some weights in the third, and a bench with some small towels and a cooler for water in the fourth. All the other Masked Bladers are already here and eagerly greet me.

"Good going out there, Shu! You really blew the competition away!" Yellow Eye laughs, playfully punching my shoulder. I let out a soft, pained grunt but still muster a smile.

"Thank you, but I couldn't have done it without Spryzen."

"Yeah, good point. You two are a knock-out team!"

"And you're a great strategist. I could tell you were accounting for Roktavor's disobedience in your battle and were playing it careful at the start," Gray Eye adds, crossing his arms over his chest with a smile of his own. I can't tell for sure without seeing his eyes, but both his smile and his tone honestly sound... Proud?

"May I ask what inspired your Crux Boost?" Silver Eye asks, cradling his chin thoughtfully. "I've never seen anything like it before."

"In the national tournament back in spring, I was facing off against Lui Shirosagi. I needed every edge I could get against him, so I decided to experiment with various new launches to discover what benefit may come from each of them. When I discovered that holding my launcher vertically and rapidly switching to a horizontal launch would vastly increase Spryzen's speed and stability, I practiced it to perfection," I explain.

"And did it pay off against Lui?"

"Yes... But I didn't win the battle." My gaze falls to the floor as I remember the gut-wrenching pain of Spryzen splitting in half and the sheer fury I felt for my own recklessness. If I hadn't pushed you so hard...

I force myself back to the present, shaking my head. "It's a very reliable launch, but I try not to put it into play before I know it's necessary."

"It's a good ace in the hole to have."

"D'ya got any other moves like it?" Yellow Eye asks, and I simply smile at him.

"Would you like to battle me and find out?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Wait, you're really going to battle him after he wiped the floor with a Roktavor Bey?" Violet Eye chuckles incredulously, and Yellow Eye crosses his arms proudly.

"Not all Roktavors are built the same, my friend! Shadow Roktavor and I a wildfire that cannot be tamed! We'll burn Spryzen to ashes, no sweat!"

"Shadow Roktavor?" I question, tilting my head. He pauses, tapping his chin for a moment.

"Oh, yeah. You haven't seen any of our Beys, have you? Well, it's only fair I remedy that, seeing as I've already gotten a gander at Spryzen!" With that, he whips out his Bey- a version of Roktavor that's black as soot and looks like- looks like...

"It looks just like Berserk Roktavor," I mumble, my brow furrowing in confusion.

"Haha, eyup! As a Shadow Bey, it was modeled exactly after Rantaro Kiyama's own Roktavor- but make no mistake, there's no way he could ever stand a chance against me!"

"If you ever battled him, it would be a mistake to underestimate Honcho," I can't stop my voice from dipping into a growl, defensive on behalf of my friend. Yellow Eye lets out a breath of surprise.

"Do you know Rantaro Kiyama?" Gold Eye asks, and I look up to him as I nod.

"He and I were teammates in the Beigoma Academy Bey Club. He's one of my closest friends, right alongside Valt, Ken, Daigo and Wakiya."

"I see." He sighs softly, crossing his arms over his chest with a frown. "So you know almost all of the original owners."

"What do you mean original owners?" I think about what Yellow Eye said. "... Are there more Shadow Beys?"

He looks to the others, nodding once. "You guys wanna show him?"

With that, Azure Eye, Black Eye, and Violet Eye line up and present their Beys, all of which are ebony copies of my friends Beys.

"What the hell?" I whisper, looking between them all as I try to extinguish the anger burning in my chest.

"These Beys were created for the five of us Shadow Bladers by the former leader," Gray Eye explains, his voice level and intended to be soothing, but I only grow angrier as he presents his own Shadow Bey even if I don't recognize it. "He wanted us to study their strategies and moves extensively, so that when we beat them it proved to the entire Blading world that the Snake Pit and its Shadows were far superior to the Bladers regulated by the WBBA's rules."

The former leader? As in Theodore? There's no way he would do such a thing!

"Then why do you still have them now that he's gone?"

"We can't just abandon our Beys, Shu," Azure Eye says, looking at his Valtryek with a morose frown. "Even though we were absolutely unjust in copying the original fives' Beys, that doesn't mean we can just throw them away. Even if the Beys themselves are copies, their spirits are not. They have their own unique minds and feelings, and... They're our partners." He looks back to me, thumbing his Bey's top layer as he mumbles, "Does that make sense?"

As much as I hate to admit it, it does. No two Bey spirits are ever the same. The spirits that live within these Beys are all their own beings and have no right to be betrayed for something out of their control like this.

"I understand," I answer, nodding slightly. "I'm sorry, I just-"

"You were upset. We understand," Violet Eye reassures me, crouching in front of me and laying a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to be sorry, either. It takes a good person to stand up for his friend even if they're not here to see it. And trust me, we did have our reservations at first, but..." His face falls, his gaze drifting away as he murmurs, "We didn't have a choice. We either followed the leader's orders, or we got booted into the jungle."

"But why? Didn't you all already have Beys to battle with?"

They all nod in answer. "Like Gray said, he wanted us to beat your friends and flaunt or greatness or whatever," Yellow Eye scoffs, glaring over his shoulder.

Theodore... Surely you knew how wrong it was to force them to do this? "I'm sorry," I murmur, and Violet Eye shakes his head a little as he squeezes my shoulder.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know." He pushes himself up and clasps his hands behind his back, mustering a smile. "And how about we say enough sad-talk for now? There's training to be done!"

"If you don't want to battle, I understand," Yellow Eye tells me, and I shake my head.

"No, no, I still want to battle." I manage a little grin. "After all, I wanna see you put the "ashes" where your mouth is, so to speak."

He pauses, uncomprehending for a moment... Then he cackles and flashes a thumbs up. "Got it loud and clear! I should've known better- there's no way you'd ever deny yourself the glorious opportunity to go toe-to-toe with my awesomeness!"

And with that, we take our positions at one of the stadiums, both of us taking our launch stances as Gold Eye stands between us to ref.

Yellow Eye is one of the Masked Bladers, the strongest Bladers of the Snake Pit. He's surely going to be one of the most powerful opponents I've ever faced. I raise my launcher vertically, narrowing my eyes. I have to play this smart. No holding back.

"So, you're gonna hit me with your strongest launch? See, I knew you were smart- you know power when you see it!"

"Guys, did you know it was possible to sprain your eyes by rolling them too hard?" Gold Eye asks the others, receiving various chuckles and snickers. I press my lips together to keep from smiling.

"Anyways, ref," Yellow Eye huffs, and he nods.

"Right. Ready, set!"

"Three! Two! One! LET IT RIIIP!" We yell, launching our Beys into the stadium.

"Go, Crux Boost! You know what to do, Spryzen!" I call out, my Bey surging through the stadium to follow my directions.

"Take the center, Roktavor!" Yellow Eye orders, grinning. "Let's show him the power of our Demon Inferno Force Wall!"

"I still can't get over how damn goofy that name is," Gold Eye snickers, pressing one hand over his mouth as he chokes back laughter. Yellow Eye goes over to smack his arm a bit before running back to his spot.

Spryzen swoops in to meet Roktavor in the center, the two Beys colliding with a loud bang and a spray of sparks. They grind together ruthlessly for just a second before my Bey knocks its opponent back, pursuing it without hesitation.

"Alright, strike it hard!" I shout. Spryzen closes in on Roktavor and they collide once more...

Then Roktavor Bursts into three pieces.

Both Yellow Eye and I stare in shock, neither one of us having expected me to win with just two strikes.

"Well, that's Shu and Spryzen with a Burst Finish," Gold Eye says, nodding to Silver Eye. He pulls out what looks like a modified phone and taps something into it.

"What's that about?" I ask as I collect my Bey from the stadium, Yellow Eye grumbling to himself as he does the same.

"I was updating your ranking among the Masked Bladers, is all," Silver Eye answers, tucking the device away. "Truthfully, it doesn't matter exactly what your rank is, but it's... Habit, shall we say, to keep track of it."

"The old leader kept track of it, too?" I ask, receiving a brief nod in answer. Then, Black Eye steps forward with a smile.

"So, Shu, would you be willing to face off against me next? I must admit, I'm curious to see just how strong you are."

"Of course. I'll gladly take you on!"

Without any ado, I battle against Black Eye and Shadow Doomscizor, winning with another Burst Finish. From there, I battle the remaining three Shadow Bladers, each one stronger than the last, yet I still win against each of them.

"Wow, Shu," Violet Eye laughs sheepishly as he collects the pieces of Wyvron, scratching his cheek with one finger. "You're incredible. But, eheh, I guess I should have realized, if you were able to go up against the likes of Lui Shirosagi!"

"You Bladers from Japan are something else, that's for sure," Gray Eye remarks with a smile.

"Thank you." I smile back, then I lift my head with interest as Silver Eye takes Violet Eye's place.

"You holding up okay there?"

"Mm-hmm. I can never get too tired to battle," I chuckle, receiving a smile in response before Silver Eye presents his Bey.

"This is Savage Skinrekwal. It's an attack type."

Skinrekwal... I've never heard of a Bey like that before. He must have had it custom made. "It looks powerful," I murmur, feeling sincerely intimidated.

"You bet your ass it does. Skinrekwal and its Blader are the second best in the Snake Pit for a reason- they're a savage duo with beastly power," Gold Eye tells me, smirking and looking at Silver Eye in a way that I can only describe as fond.

"Gold Eye and Silver Eye, sittin' in a tree!~" Yellow Eye sings under his breath, cackling when both Bladers shoot him glares with red faces that their masks can't hide.

"Ahem. Let's battle, shall we?" Silver Eye says, and as he turns back to me I force down my grin and nod.

It's a hard, arduous battle- one of the best I've had since leaving Japan- and Silver Eye's endless cunning keeps me on on my toes, keeps me guessing, and Skinrekwal's sheer power is a wonder to behold... But I refuse to lose, not to anyone, and I don't.

Skinrekwal hits the floor for a second time, it's pieces splitting apart a moment after. Silver Eye lets out a soft breath, but he seems to be taking this better than some of the others did.

"That's Shu with a second Ring-Out Finish," Gold Eye says, crossing his arms over his chest. He's frowning pretty deeply, and I can't blame him. I hate seeing someone close to me lose, too.

Silver Eye picks up Skinrekwal and turns back to me, smiling warmly. "That was a great battle, Shu. I'm looking forward to having more in the future," He hums, and even though I can't make out his eyes past his mask, it... Feels like he sees someone else instead of me.

"Likewise. You're a brilliant Blader, Silver Eye," I reply earnestly, yet hearing his alias seems to snap him out of whatever daze had a hold of him and he ducks his head.

"Thanks. You are, too." He chuckles sheepishly, returning to his spot among the others. I have no idea what that was about, but I know for sure that it's not my place to ask.

"There's only one Masked Blader left for you to battle now," Azure Eye points out, grinning at Gold Eye. "The top dog of the entire Snake Pit."

"Whaddya say, Goldie? You gonna see if you can end his win streak?" Yellow Eye questions teasingly.

Gold Eye simply smiles and stands across from me, presenting his Bey. "This is Twin Noctemis. An attack type like Skinrekwal."

"Isn't it cute that he and Silver have matching Bey types?" Violet Eye gushes, standing as the referee and ignoring the scowl sent his way. I choose not to comment, instead getting ready and raising my launcher vertically once more. Gold Eye hums, intrigued.

"Not playing defensive, huh? Interesting."

"At this point, Crux Boost seems to mean, "I know what I'm up against and I'm going to try and put you on your ass before you can put me on mine," Silver Eye remarks with a snort, and I have to choke back another laugh.

"He's a good judge of strength. That's a great skill to have in battle," Black Eye adds, then they fall silent as Violet Eye shouts,

"Ready, set!"

"Three! Two! One! LET IT RIP!"

Spryzen and Noctemis fly into the stadium and travel around at high speed, the latter's speed almost terrifying compared to the former's. I take a deep breath to steel my nerves.

"Alright, take the center!" I call, my Bey circling through the stadium to take its place in the center.

"Stop it in its tracks!"

Noctemis swerves straight after Spryzen and crashes into it, sending it flying a good distance from the center. It hits the stadium and wobbles just a bit, quickly righting itself.

Damn, they're strong! I bite my lip, feeling my heart pounding in my chest as I try to come up with a strategy to beat him with. I can't be reckless if I attack it head on. Too many strikes and it will drain Spryzen's stamina completely.

I glance up at Gold Eye, noticing thanks to the upward tilt of his head that he's looking right back. I never realized until today how disconcerting it was to battle opponents whose eyes I couldn't see...

"What's the matter? Wishing you could see past the mask?" He questions with a knowing smirk, and I bristle in alarm. "I noticed it during your battles today- you're bolstered quite a bit when you can read your opponents' expressions and deduce where their minds are at, aren't you?"

"Uhm, I- n- no," I respond, though it sounds like a lie coming out of my mouth. Is that true? I never really thought about it before, but... It makes sense. Even when I was battling Lui, I was able to take some comfort in knowing where his gaze was focused and where it was moving to. He watched Luinor's movements when he felt victory was assured, but when I took him by surprise with my Crux Boost, he began to watch both Beys.

"There's no shame in it, you know. A good Blader is always looking to read his opponents and learn more about their upcoming moves."

I nod in understanding, my gaze falling back to the stadium.

You can do this, Shu. You just have to keep a level head about you and find the best way to take Noctemis down. How can I do that?

"Alright, Noctemis, hit it again!" Gold Eye calls out, causing his Bey to pick up a boost of speed as it charges towards mine.

"Dodge it, Spryzen!"

It swerves out of the way just in time, but there's no room to relax just yet as Noctemis tails Spryzen like a predator. "That's it. Don't let it get away!"

The two Beys collide and grind together viciously, sparks flying left and right. I can't let Noctemis gain the upper hand again.

"Push it back, Spryzen!" I shout, and Spryzen successfully knocks its opponent back. "Alright, now hit it again!"

It swings hard straight into Noctemis' side, sending it flying a short distance- but with the Beys so close to the top slope, it's just enough to earn a Ring-Out Finish.

"Not bad. You recovered well, but you need to get your nerves under control," Gold Eye tells me. "There's no consequence to losing, not anymore."

I let out a soft sigh, nodding slowly. Honestly, I forgot that Theodore told me they would kick me out for losing, I just wanted to win there. But he's right, I have to calm myself.

"Do you need a break?" I shake my head immediately, getting Spryzen and raising my launcher for another Crux Boost. "Okay. But let me know when you do, I don't want your first day as a Masked Blader to end with you passing out."


"Alright, guys. Ready, set!" Violet Eye begins.

"Three! Two! One! LET IT RIIIP!"

Our Beys land in the stadium and speed around just like before. "Go for it, Noctemis!"

"Dodge it, Spryzen!"

This time, Noctemis is too fast to dodge and Spryzen takes the brunt of its attack, sending it skidding to the other side of the stadium. As I see it wobbling, I call out, "Steady yourself, Spryzen! You can take this!"

Slowly, it manages to right itself, but the speed from the Crux Boost has faded and I can tell that blow drained a lot of its stamina.

I don't think Spryzen has enough left to win this battle, but I can't let Gold Eye get a Burst Finish or the match will be over. "Take the center!"

"Don't give it the chance!"

As Noctemis barrels in for another attack, I shout, "Dodge it one more time!"

Spryzen swerves out of the way, barely missing Noctemis' attack before it circles in towards the center. Its opponent, ever relentless, takes after it with the speed of a cheetah and deals a nasty blow that sends my Bey flying.

It sails past my shoulder and hits the floor, ending the match. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and go to retrieve it. "You're doing great, partner. I know we can win this!"

Spryzen flashes in the light, its own confidence seeping in and bolstering me. I turn back to Gold Eye, who's ready and waiting for me.

I think I know what to do to win, I realize, attaching Spryzen to the launcher and taking my stance. If I can catch him off guard, I can do some serious damage and then I can try to stall its recovery.

"Ready, set!"

"Three! Two! One! LET IT RIIIP!"

The moment our Beys land in the stadium, I yell, "Let's do this, Spryzen!" A fiery red aura manifests around me and Spryzen, burning hot and setting my heart to pounding like a drum. "It's time for the Counter Break!"

Gold Eye huffs, a purple aura radiating darkness enveloping him and Noctemis. "We're not backing down. Noctemis, hit it with your Colossus Hammer!"

Noctemis charges towards Spryzen, which turns on a dime and rushes to meet it head-on, the two Beys colliding with a blinding flash of light.

"Don't give an inch, Spryzen!"

"You can do this, Noctemis!"

The Beys grind together in a heated clash, unrelenting and fierce...

Then Spryzen launches its opponent into the air, and Noctemis Burst into three pieces.

"Nngkh!" Gold Eye steps back as though struck, his jaw clenched tightly. Violet Eye frowns, quiet as he announces,

"That's Spryzen with a Burst Finish. Shu wins... Deciding his rank as the number one Blader in the Snake Pit."

Gold Eye doesn't say anything. I don't even know if he's breathing.

As I pick up Spryzen, I feel a cold feeling settling in my stomach. All I can do is muster a reassuring smile and say, "That was a great battle Gold Eye. You're an incredible Blader, you and Noctemis pushed Spryzen and I to our very limit."

"... Thanks," He croaks out, sucking in an unsteady breath. I just noticed that he's shaking.

"H- Hey, are you okay?" I murmur, stepping around the stadium but hesitating to get closer in case it upsets him more. He seems to notice his own shaking and startles, crossing his arms over his chest and quickly shaking his head.

"Yes, of course. I'm fine."

It's hard to be convinced of that when he looks so upset, even with a mask obscuring his features.

"It's no wonder why you were one of the Supreme Four- you're an incredible Blader." He turns his head, trying hard to steady his voice. "You just fought seven battles in a row- I think it's time for you to take a break and get something to drink before you wear yourself out, okay?"

"Okay," I murmur, holding Spryzen to my chest. He glances back, frowning a bit more. He takes a breath, trying to think of something reassuring to say, but to no avail.

"In the meantime, I'm going to track down Sun and see how he's doing. He's been MIA for a hot second."

"I'll go with you," Silver Eye says, and Gold Eye simply nods.

"See you guys in a little bit," He murmurs, and with that, he and Silver Eye head out of the room. Silence hangs heavy in the air for a minute or two, then the guilt becomes too much and I have to let it out,

"I- I'm so sorry. I didn't know it would hurt him if I- if I-"

"No, Shu, it's okay," Gray Eye interrupts, gently rubbing my right shoulder. "It's not your fault, it's the fault of... An old mindset he can't shake yet. But I promise he'll bounce back, he just needs a little time."

I nod in understanding. I wonder where that mindset came from. And- and what on earth could it be? He looked so terrified, it's like he thought he would be punished in the worst way possible.

"C'mon, let's get you a drink. You've been sweating and losing a lot of fluids that you need to get back."


With nothing else to do, I follow Gray Eye to the benches to rest and rehydrate. Once I'm ready to get back to it, the others show me how training as usual goes for Masked Bladers and take turns working with me so I can get the hang of things.

The rest of the day passes, and though Sun comes in every so often to check on us, I don't see Gold Eye or Silver Eye again. I ask the others about it, and they tell me they might have gone to work on some equipment or facility repairs after finding Sun- that's what they always do when they're not training, unless Sun needs help in the office.

At the end of the day, after we've finished showing in the Masked Bladers' private locker rooms, they show me to my room in the private quarters for all Masked Bladers and bid me goodnight.

With nothing else to do, I simply lock the door and settle into bed, waiting until lights out to get my communicator.

I won the tournament, sir. I'm now the eighth Masked Blader and I can start on my path towards gaining responsibility and control here. And when I won the tournament, I had the chance to help my opponent by telling him how he could improve his relationship with his Bey and become a better Blader.

I hesitate, taking a breath as I parse the strange but comforting warmth that forms in my chest as I remember our talk in the halls.

Gold Eye said he was proud of me for doing so. He said it showed that I was truly the best trainee to become a Masked Blader.

There's no immediate response, so I assume he's not in touch yet and start to put it away, only stopping when it buzzes in my hands.

"What's there to be proud of? Masked Bladers aren't meant to intervene with the trainees- if they do, then the weaklings find cheats to straggle ever-so-slightly above the rest, not enough to truly be worth something but just enough that they can't be weeded out as needed."

The warmth fades with a stinging sensation that- even though I've never really been conscious of it it before- envelopes me in a sense of heavy familiarity.

I'm sorry, sir.

"What's your ranking among the Masked Bladers?"

I beat all seven. I'm now the top Blader in the Snake Pit.

"If only they were still ejected for losing, the Snake Pit could already be back in my control by now."

I swallow hard, biting my lip as I try to figure out how to broach the subject. Before long, I have to just fall back on what I know.

Sir, may I ask you something important?

"What is it?"

Why didn't you tell me about the Shadow Bladers? Why would you make copies of all my friends' Beys and force the Shadow Bladers to battle with them? You know it's not right.

"Is that the narrative they spun? Don't tell me you're already getting wound up in their web of lies when I told you they were deceitful, lying wretches."

"I didn't force them to do anything. They had a choice- accept the Shadow Beys I was kind enough to create for them, or they could take the pathetic Beys they came to the Snake Pit with and leave."

That's not a choice, that's an ultimatum.

"Do not talk back to me, and stop being such a soft-hearted imbecile. If they were truly so morally righteous as to refuse to battle with copied Beyblades, then why do they still have those Beys? Why did they accept them in the first place? The truth is that the Shadow Bladers want nothing more than to crush your friends' Beys to dust. Don't be taken in by their acting, I'll not tell you again."

I stare at my communicator, eyes wide with shock. How on earth could he speak to me like this when I'm doing the logical thing and trying to get my facts straight? This isn't like him at all...

"Do you understand me, Shu?"

Helpless, I sigh and type in my response. Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir, it won't happen again.

"It better not. The next time you think of playing at being a detective, remember this: I know the Snake Pit far better than you ever will. I was its creator and its god. You are nothing to it."

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