I Know I Shouldnt - Smii7y X...

Da NathanSketch

2.9K 35 10

Charley, younger sibling of YouTube's Blarg, meets his high school friend for a recording night. When feeling... Altro

Brotherly Love
Little Visits
Sappy Couple Things
Pretty Boy
property of mine
What Do We Do?
The sole visit
Feeling blue?
His Parents
Toonies To The Tin
quick writing update!
my friending
Patience and Complience
Almost there. (A/N at End)
Stationary, Standby
A promise is a promise.
Little Ray of Sunshine
Little Hands And Feet
I'm sorry

Alone Again?

177 1 1
Da NathanSketch

"Hey, Charley? What do you think about staying at Jaren's the night of my birthday?" Matt walked into my office as I was editing. I had really started to enjoy YouTube as much as he did and now, most of my time went to editing if I had nothing planned.

"Only the night? I could give you a couple days with your girlfriend if you want. You guys haven't really had any proper days together in a while. Have you asked Jaren about this yet?" He shook his head.

"I haven't asked Jaren yet, wanted to know if you'd be alright with it first. But also, a couple days would be great if you really don't mind!" I nodded and smiled at him.

"If I offer, I'm not just saying it for the sake of it. I mean what I say. When are you going to ask Jaren?" I pulled my headphones off completely. He shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe later, I'll call him unless he calls me first for some bizarre reason." I nodded then processed what he had said.

"Why call him later? What do you have to do today?" He showed me the bag he had slung over his shoulder.

"I was about to go change after I spoke to you. I'll only be two hours gone." The bag usually held his work out stuff, and he usually put it in there for safe keeping, otherwise he'd forget where he put stuff. I gave him a big nod, understanding why he wasn't going to phone Jaren now.

"Ah, right. You want me to do anything before you come back?" He shook his head no.

"Nah, we've stayed pretty on top of things recently. Nothing desperately needs done, but if you get bored and need something to do, I have editing I was going to get round to, today. Up to you though. I was going to have a look at it after I called Jaren and such." I nodded.

"We'll see how I feel. Never know, might just end up recording instead." I smiled and looked at the screen.

"That is a good idea. Back log a few sessions of footage, even if it's just a voice-over kind of video." I nodded, acknowledging his advice.

"Well, imma go get changed and then head out. Text me if you need anything from the store while I'm out."

"Yep. Will do. Tell what's-his-face I said hi." I heard Matt laugh. I could never remember his gym buddies name, but I could spot him a mile off. Always called him 'what's-his-face'.

"I will, don't worry!" And with that, the front door closed, leaving me alone in the house. The editing took longer than I expected, so by the time Matt was home again, I was still editing. As Matt poked his head around the corner I had just taken my glasses off to adjust to not having them on for a second.

"You alright, kid?" I smiled as he called me kid and looked at him.

"yeah. I'm just starting to get tired now. Think I've been editing for too long. I need to pace myself a little more, rather than doing a long session if editing." Matt nodded.

"Definitely. Never get to a tiring point, unless you have plenty of content to publish for a week while you get used to editing after a break. Don't over work yourself, ok? I know you're bad for that." I smiled and nodded.

"Sir, yes sir. " I laughed to myself as Matt tried not to laugh while he shook his head.

"I hate you." He started to walk away.

"And yet you still let me live with you. Can't hate me that much!"

"Shut up! Anyway. I'll call Jaren in a little while. I'm sure he'll say yes anyways, but better ask."

"Don't make it seem like he's that desperate!" Matt laughed and poked his head back around the door frame.

"You can't tell me he isn't." I took a minute to think, and then nodded.

"You right, you right. What's-his-face say much?" Matt shook his head and sat on the couch in my office.

"Not really. He said hi. I told him last time I was working out that you had a person now, so I don't think you'll get much 'messages' from him anymore. He's good at backing off at least." I nodded

"Yeah. That's a good thing. He was very persistent last year for my 21st birthday. You know, when we went to the bar?" Matt nodded.

"Yeah. He was quite apologetic for that afterwards." I smiled, remembering him apologizing for 5 minutes to me for being a dick while he was drunk.

"He's chill though. I like him. Every time I've spoken to him he's been super nice, but I'm not sure if that's partially because of that birthday Bar night."

"Probably is. That's just how he is. Even with me. He was a dick to me to begin with and now he helps me in the gym. Anyway. I'mma go shower. I'll call Jaren after." I nodded.

"Enjoy your shower." He shook his head as he left my room. I had finished one of the videos I was going to edit for today, so I decided to leave it as is and get back to editing tomorrow. My upload schedule was only twice a week anyway, a third video was for a treat, or to make up for shorter videos.

In a week it was going to be Matt's birthday, and I still didn't know what to get him. What do you get a -soon to be- twenty five year old man who has almost every possible minion merchandise out there that doesn't cost a small fortune? Maybe a Pop vinyl? A minion blanket? Something for his guitars? The list was both limited and Endless. Looking through stuff now would be risky, so I would have to wait until I go to bed or until he's recording.

"Hey Jaren. How's it going? Ah, cool. I have a question." As he spoke his voice got louder.

"Would you mind having Charley over for a few days, or even a week, around my birthday? You know how it is. Don't exactly want to kick her out to a hotel for a day, do I?" He was at my door now. I turned to look at him. He was still drying his hair.

"What days? I don't know. You can figure that out with her! I'm just asking if you're okay to have her. Yeah, why? Can't you just call her on discord? That would be easier, wouldn't it? Then you can do all your lovey dovey stuff, and I get to keep my phone. Yes I am being difficult. You got a problem with that?" I burst out laughing.

"you're an annoying little shit, aren't you?" I said as I laughed. He looked at me and flipped me off.

"It must run in the family!" He laughed.

"huh? ah, ok. Thanks. I'll speak to you later. see you."

"He's gonna call you when he has a minute. He's at his parents at the moment, so I don't know when he's gonna be home. You never know, he might even call you on the way home."

"Probably not. He doesn't have hands-free, and he's a more responsible driver than me."

"you're saying you've answered the phone while driving?" I nodded.

"Yep. The whole time. Usually it's been good timing and I'm at a stoplight when someone does call, but there have been times, yes, where I have been driving and have answered the phone."He stood still for a moment.

"I no longer want you to drive me places." I laughed at him.

"I'm not that reckless. If someone else is in the car I get them to answer the phone for me." He shook his head and walked away. Within twenty minutes, Jaren had called me.

"Hey, I thought you were at your parents?"

"Yeah, I was. When Matt called me I was thinking about going to get groceries, so I used that as my excuse to leave. Matt said he wanted you to be over for his birthday?"

"Mhm. Well, I thought, they don't really get much alone time together since before I was on graveyard shifts, and now I work from home, so I thought I could get them a few days together."

"Yeah, I get you. So you want to stay over for a week or something?" He asked.

"Yeah, sounds good."

"How about we get you over at mine the morning of Matt's birthday, and then you can just get ready at mine. You'll have all of your stuff here and it means we can just Uber to where we were going to have dinner, and bar jump after. At least I think that's what Matt was wanting to do."

"I mean, that sounds good to me. I think he was wanting to do some bar jumping. I actually am so lost for what to get him this year. Might just have to be a card with money." I laughed to myself.

"You could get a pop figure for him. Maybe a king bob one? I was having a look at a few and I think he'd really like that one. I'll send you a link to where I was finding ones when I get home. But yeah, we'll properly sort out everything next week, but you can at least tell Matt that he's got a whole week of alone time with his girlfriend."

"Yeah, sounds good. Maybe a pop figure would be good. Maybe another lunchbox as well." I laughed to myself.

"He does not need more lunch boxes. I swear to god if you buy him more lunch boxes, I won't speak to you again." I smirked to myself.

"You would probably last a maximum of two days really." I leaned back on my chair.

"Well-yeah- but..."

"I think he pop figure is a good idea. I'll have a look around. You need to get your groceries, so I'll let you go. Speak to you again soon!"

"yeah, speak to you soon. Love you!" I quickly said a 'love you too!' Before he hung up, and them started to browse through pop figures. Jaren was right, the king Bob one looked like one of the best. I missed seeing him. It wasn't a long drive, but we were both so busy. With me trying to set up a somewhat stable income as well as getting different degrees under my belt to be more helpful, and him being overall busy with his merch, we haddn't found a good time to meet up again, until next week. I had already gotten my sea tickets covered before hand and were now in the process of being sent to me, which was something I wasn't sure when I was going to finish. I took a gamble when I was setting up my application and lesson timings. Legally, I could also now captain a boat if I wanted to.

"Charley! One of your friends are here! He has a lot of tattoos!" I smiled and hurried up to greet him.

"Damian! You're home now!" I ran to him and hugged him. He laughed and nodded he looked a little scruffier compared to when he left.

"I am. Only for a month though, and then I'm back on the road. How's your HGV licence going?" I let go of him and ushered him in.

"I uhh... I haven't quite gotten that far yet... I got my sea tickets though!" He smiled and nodded.

"That's what you were wanting to get first anyway! Good on you! I'm proud of you. Anything else new with you?" A blush formed across my face.

"Oh- a someone." He teased me.

"There might be a someone... yes..." he smiled, happy to have read me like a book.

"Come on then, show me a photo!" He was more of a gossip than the neighbourhood mothers. I smiled and laughed. Matt came from somewhere and something finally clicked.

"Oh my god- it's you! Holy shit- I'm sorry bro, I didn't recognise you before! How've you been?" Damian laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I've been good, you know, just truckin' along." I looked at him for the pun.

"I hate that you just said that." I shook my head and then continued to look for a decent photo of Jaren and me. There weren't many, but there were certainly one's that were worse.

"So what's it like living out of your truck for two months? Obviously you figured you suit a beard." He smiled and Matt sat down.

"Eh, it was kind of awkward to begin with this run. Especially since its a new truck I haven't really gotten much time to make home before I was needed. But after a few restless nights, the only issue I had was keeping myself fit. You remember how big I used to be. Might need to get back at it while I'm home." He poked his belly a bit, obviously slightly upset with how much he'd slipped.

"Ah, just buy a set of weighs to keep in your truck. Maybe those water ones you can adjust." Matt suggested.

"Good idea! How fucking long does it take to find a photo of your man?" He turned to me, slightly impatient with the time i was taking.

"Excuse me! Keep your fucking beard on! I'm almost there! Here." I pressed on one of the better photos Jaren took whole he had taken my phone. I had dozed off while we were watching a movie and he took a photo of us. Between the two of him kissing my head, he'd taken one where he had leaned his chin on my head.

"Nyawh- you guys are too cute! I'm surprised Matt is actually okay with you having a boyfriend." I started to laugh.

"You didn't see him when he found out. I almost had a boyfriend with a broken nose!" Matt looked down. Damian looked back at the photo.

"Wait, Matt, is he Jaren Smith from your year?" Matt nodded. Damian looked surprised.

"Damn, he really had a good up. You remember Jaren from Matt's year, right, well, you remember him being about, don't you?" Damian looked at me and handed back my phone. I looked at him blankly and shook my head.

"I really remember nothing about him being around, but the I also tried to block everything out a few years back, so it must've worked."

"I forgot about all go that, yeah, that makes sense." I nodded.

"I just remember you were obsessed with him. I mean, you were obsessed with all of Matt's friends, but you adored Jaren. He always seemed to put a smile on your face when he was around. You always wanted to play video games with him and sometimes me, but if we were around, Matt wasn't allowed to play games. But usually if we were playing the games with you, Matt was bashing heads together for upsetting you." He laughed to himself in memories.

"It's almost like a subconscious. If I was obsessed with him when I was younger, maybe that's why I fell for him when I saw him." Everyone shrugged their shoulders. Neither knew how likely or unlikely it was, so neither commented on it.

"No idea, could be a possibility though. But I have a few more people I need to visit, so I'll be seeing you." He started to get up, so I got up with him.

"Ok, well make sure to stay in contact while you're home. We've missed you!" I gave him a final hug while we were at the door.

"Yeah, I was planning on it anyway, it's Matt's birthday soon, so I'll be back around then. Can't miss his birthday, can I?" I smiled.

"I look forward to seeing you again. I really have missed you this time around." He gave me a parting bear hug.

"I missed you too kiddo. I plan on doing shorter stunts away now. I asked to do more of the local runs so I get more time home. I'll see you soon." He let go of me and walked away. I closed the door behind him and felt something in my pocket. That sneaky- I pulled it out to see a small plush bear, something the size to put on a key chain, but without the key ring to attach it. I set it on the window sill where all of my other nick knacks sat.

Soon it was Matt's birthday and I was now getting ready at Jaren's. I had started my drive at 8 in the morning and got there in about 45 minutes. We sat and chilled for most of the time. I also got a nap in before we should have been getting ready. I was quick to get dressed. Black jeans, vans and hoodie, with a white t-shirt underneath and a leather jacket, just in case I got cold.

Jaren, on the other hand took his jolly little time. His fashion sense overwhelmed him in situations like this apparently, and he hadn't planned an outfit for today before.

"Jaren! For fuck sake- I know you want to look pretty, but no one will actually care. Just throw something together!" I shouted at him from the living room. I was sat, cuddling with Octavia while he got dressed.

"Dude! Get a fashion sense before you tell me what to do about an outfit!" I heard a thump from the room, followed by an "ouch"

"Are you okay?" There was a mumble in reply.

"Mhm, yeah. I just fell, that's all." I smiled to myself and slightly laughed.

"That's what you get for insulting my fashion sense."

"Well, you come in and help me then!" He sounded defeated. I went in and he was in a white t-shirt and a pair of boxers, sat on the edge of his bed.

"Well. Black pants would probably be a good start. Match the socks please." He got up and grabbed a pair of socks and pants. As he got himself dressed in that, I had a look through the rest of his wardrobe.

"Hmm. You want to keep that t-shirt, or change?" He shrugged in reply, so I chucked a black one at him. "Its more so casual, so green hoodie. Your black jacket on that should be fine. Only if you want it. You have too many shoes for me to even contemplate, so you can choose what fits." I turned around and he was stood there, fully dressed, otherwise the hoodie. He looked confused, but I knew full well that he knew himself, that he had fallen in love.

"How the fuck did you do that so fast?" I smiled.

"I mean, I three this together in a shorter time than that. I know for a fact you were trying to mix too many colours together. I'm no fashionista, but I am an artist. I know how too many colours can make it harder to understand. Just pick two colours that go well with each other and then an accent." He slowly nodded. I knew I had lost him.

"Ok, you're in all black other than your hoodie. If you really wanted you could change your t-shirt to white and it would still work, because it makes your hoodie the accent colour. Which it is right now."

"Oohh- I gotchu. That makes more sense now. This outfit is really nice! Just the shoes..."

"don't take too long. We've only get ten minutes before we have to leave." I walked past and out of his room to sit with Octavia again. He emerged after a minute or so with a pair of white shoes. He'd also changed his t-shirt to a white one. It worked well, surprisingly.

"It doesn't look too dumb, does it?" He asked as he looked at himself. I shook my head.

"Looks pretty good to me. And I record time!" I laughed. He made a face at me.

"Hey! Be nice!" He couldn't help himself from laughing too.

"You want a drink or two before we go?" He started to walk towards the kitchen. I nodded.

"Yeah, sure. Just get me a beer of any sort." He nodded and took out his phone on the way to the kitchen. When he came back he had two beers and a bottle opener. He passed one to me and went to open his. I popped the cap off mine using my ring. As jaren passed me the opener he realised the cap was off.

"I didn't grab twist off ones, did I?"He checked the top of his cap.

"You didn't, but I can pop the caps off using my ring. And a few other things. It's like my party trick." I set the lid on the table and started to drink.

"You think Matt will like she we got him?" Jaren nodded. He had delivered his gift under my name so I could wrap it for him and give it to Matt before I left. I told him not to open them until before he leaves.

"Probably. Hes probably also annoyed that you told him to wait for so long to open them." I smiled, thinking of how anxious he would have been before he opened them.

"Gotta make him feel like he's going to have to add to his outfit. I love doing shut like that. I normally buy him stuff he has to wear for his birthday, so he wouldn't be surprised if I actually did. I did also add a thing for his girlfriend too though. A little bracelet. One of those tap and you can tell them to fuck off kind of things. Matt has one too." Jaren nodded, and then processed what I had said.

"Tap and tell them to fuck off?"

"Yeah- well, normally it's saying I love you or something, but fuck off is the truest form of I love you, isn't it?" Jaren laughed and took a sip of his beer.

"How many bars are we going to anyway?" The thought had crossed my mind, but the number could very well only be limited to the area where we were going to be. Even then, there were always ubers and taxis.

"I have no idea. I guess it's up to Matt."

Soon we were on our way to dinner. Before hand Matt had texted saying both an I hate you and thank you for the gifts. Just like I said would happen. The dinner wasn't anything special, so we cut that short and went bar jumping. Matt's girlfriend called out after a few bars. She hadn't drunk much, more so since she had work the next day.

With each new bar or club, the night became harder to remember. The music blasted through the fog. Small things popped up, like what we drank, or where we were, but nothing more than that. When I woke up, Jaren was in the shower and I was tucked in bed, clutching the covers over my front. My clothes, I could see, were scattered across the floor. I hurt. Everything seemed to hurt, but I knew that there would be a good few hickies added to my collection. I felt cold. I wasn't used to having this much off while in bed. As I thought to myself, I heard a loud thump coming from the bathroom.

"A- Are you okay?" I called out to him.

"I- uh yeah, just dropped something. Sorry if I woke you."

~Jaren POV~

I think something happened. But I don't know. If something happened what would happen? What would happen to me? To her? To us in general? Would Matt kill me? For real this time? I don't even know if there was any protection used. If there was I can't find it. I can't imagine she'd be using any kind of birth control. What if I did something? What if I hurt her? What if-

I slammed my fists on the wall in front of me, and then I heard her call out to me. I panicked and made up whatever I could to make her think nothing of it.

Whatever may have happened, it was stupid. Whatever I did. I was stupid. And unless she brings it up, I will say nothing.

I walked through to the bedroom again.

"Sorry again, for waking you." She shook her head. She was sat up now, but still had the covers over her, hiding herself. I smiled at her and sat on the opposite side of the bed.

"If you want a shower, I still have another set of towels in the bathroom. You can use them. And here." I handed over an old dressing gown that I was given a few years back. It was too big for me then, so it should fit her without a struggle. Perfect for covering what she needed.

"Uh- thank you." She smiled. As I turned around, she raffled around, obviously getting on the dressing gown. The weight shifted on the bed and I could see her, from the corner of my eye, going to the bathroom, and then the faint noise of the shower filled the room. I sat for a moment, with my head in my hands, and then I got myself together and got dressed, leaving my hair to air dry. While she showered, I went and fed Octavia as well as letting her out.

~Charley POV~

As the hot water ran down my back, I felt everything start to relax. I felt like something had happened, but there was no way to be sure unless I asked, but how do you ask that with still sounding sane? Everything added up. Even where he left hickeys on me. They all ran down to there, with an abundance of them across my thighs. I still felt cold, even though I was slowly and gradually turning up the temperature of the water. Nothing could warm me up. When I got back to the main bedroom to find something warm to wear, Jaren was no where to be seen, but I could feel the draft come from under the door. I picked out a pair of sweat pants and two different Tshirts to go under my hoodie. One short sleeved and the other long. I walked out to where I assumed Jaren would be. He was there.

"You doing alright?" I asked him. He nodded and watched Octavia playing with a few toys.

"Yeah. You?" I nodded to myself.

"I think so." My reply made him look at me confused.

"you think so?" I kept watching Octavia.

"Well. I don't think I'm doing well enough to say I'm doing alright, but I'm not doing bad either. So I feel like, I think so, is the best way to look at it." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"What's bothering you?" He asked as he rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand and leaned his head on top of mine.

"I... Did... You know what? Lets not worry about it for now. I'm fine." I looked up at him, smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you." I turned to go inside to find that blanket from the last time I was here.

"Love you too." He let go of my hand and called Octavia inside.

I found the blanket in a closet in the hallway. It was warm in the closet, so I stood there for a few moments before going to sit on the sofa with the blanket wrapped around me.

"Are you okay?" Jaren spotted me waddling to the sofa wrapped up warm. I popped myself down and looked up at him. I nodded.

"I'm getting there. I'm freezing." He looked at me very confused as to how I could be cold.

"How? Like- I can literally go outside with just a t-shirt on and that makes me overheat. Let me feel your forehead." He came over to me and placed his hand on my forehead, flipping his hand over to check.

"I mean, your temperature is normal. Maybe a little on the warm side, but nothing to worry about. Are you sure you're ok?" I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine... Could I actually get a glass of water please? since you're up?" He smiled nodded and kissed me on the head. When he got back with my water, he sat down to cuddle me and we picked something to watch. Even though we hadn't been awake for long, I fell asleep while he played with my hair.

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