I Think You Have the Wrong Nu...

By b3lovassimp

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You get a random text one night laying in bed. It's someone asking to go on another date with you. As fun as... More

The first message
The Job
The Setup
The Reveal
The hangout
A magical suprise
A night to remember
After we met
Let's get to work
The Fountain
Family Dinner
The goodbye?
Plane Ride
Y/N's place
A Special Dinner
The Sleepover
The Morning After
Afternoon on the Town
Telling the Family
A walk with Dad
Calling back Home
Dress Up
Soft Launch
Are You Tired of Me Yet?
Whats for Dinner?
Dinner at Hailee's
BBQ Clean up
The Fitting
Two girls in Target
Pizza and Legos
Packing for Home
Spa day(Pete/YN)
Spa day(Hailee/Cheri)
Meeting her Parents
Zander's Night
It's nice to be home
Meet the Circus
Morning of the Met
Walking the Carpet
See you soon
Time apart
Monterey to Malibu
We're home
Settling in
Whatcha Doin'?
Oxnard V2
The Big Apple
Mountain View
All Nighter
First Family Holiday
Release Day
Don't Tell y/n
Dj Haileefrfr
Back to work
The Gucci Suit
Spooky Month
The Spooky Date
Spooky Baskets
The Couples Costume
It's Happening
The Announcement
Home Alone
Deck the Halls
Coast Worldwide
Hot Coco
Turkey Dinner
Planning Christmas
The Anniversary
Fun in Bed
The Holidate
When you Wish Upon a Star
The First Date
Emerald Ring
The Night Before Christmas
A White Christmas
The First Christmas
Christmas Day FRFR
New Years Day
The Next Chapter
Chaos Coordinators
We're getting married
Say Yes to the Dress
Wedding Bands
Venue Plans
Final Fittings
Kiss the Girl
The Reception
The Married Life
Coming Home
You're Insane
The Honeymoon
Santa Maria
Big Sur(prise)
Their Future
Maybe we can do this
Big Feelings
It's a...
Night Changes

So Good

1K 22 0
By b3lovassimp

June 2

1:30 pm

15 days until I get to kiss that adorable face of yours.

 Man, I can't wait.

I have missed waking up to you singing and dancing around the house so so much, it always got my days started on a good note.

And 15 days until I get to annoy the shit out of you. 

But I will resume the dancing and singing around the house once you make it back home. It's not the same knowing you won't walk in at any given moment.

But hey you'll be home just in time for our anniversary well our 6 months that is.

I can't wait to see you. And I can't wait to celebrate us.

6 months is a big milestone. 

It's been the best six months of my life.

Y/n puts the phone down and begins to think to herself.

If there is one thing I have learned from this whole Hailee being gone for work thing. It's that us being in a distanced relationship has shown me just how much I love her. Like really love her, like wanna marry her kind of love, but I also know it's way too early for that. Hmmm, I got it I'm gonna call my dad. *calls Allen*

Hey Dad.

Little miss, what can I do for you? You don't just call to say I love you.

Yes I do!

Thats not the point honey. You normally call for advice or to talk out situations. And I'm so glad you do, so what can the old man help you with today?

I had a question. Well actually maybe a few. I don't fully know, I guess it depends on how you answer the first one.

Can I ask if you are in trouble?

No, no, I'm not in trouble I have just been doing a lot of thinking.

Good thinking or bad thinking?

I would say really good thinking.

Ok so long as you are in good head space and not going to do anything bad or crazy.

Well, you could call it crazy but hey I learned to be crazy from you. And if there is one thing I learned from you it's that what I think I'm about to do will be good for me. 

While it is crazy its a very good crazy.

Well, sweetie lay it on me. can your mom hear this? or is it shh don't tell mom?

a shh don't tell mom at least for now.

 I'll have one more phone call after you depending on how this goes. *exhales*

Ok hold on let me go into the garage for the call. ok I'm in the garage.

ok i can do this just breathe.

Hey, hey, sweetie, you're talking to me, don't worry just say whatever it is you need to say.

Is it crazy If I give Hailee a promise ring?

She comes home in a week or two and it would be for our six-month anniversary.

HAHAHAHA sweetie you were nervous to ask me that? 

Yeah I mean I know I'm younger but I think she's the one for me.

Look I gave your mom one after we went out for six months too. 

Granted we were in high school and we were young and we didn't know each other half, as well as you two, know each other.

Really you gave one to Mom that early?

I sure did. 

We had our ups and downs as any couple will. But your mother and I have got 20+ years together at this point. So if you're asking me, no it's not insane to give Hailee a promise ring.

*sigh* I'm relieved you're saying that.

I'm proud of you sweetie it's not a proposal but to me, it's the same idea. Both of them in a way are a commitment to your future and show just how in you are. And i think a promise ring is the right step.

Yeah, I want to give her one. I mean her being gone has shown me that she's the one for me.

Well sweetie I'm in your corner and I'm sure your mom would be too.

Now, I think you have some shopping to do when does she make it back home?

14 days.

So, I'm going to assume the other call is her dad?

Yeah. I'm a little nervous, scratch that, I'm shocked I haven't shit myself yet.

A word of advice from someone who was once in the same position.

Oh my god yes, anything to help me get over the nerves.

*fights back tears*

Dad whats wrong?

Nothing is wrong y/n, I'm just happy for you and proud of you. 

My little miss is growing up and starting her own little love story.

You're gonna make me cry now.

*pulls himself together*Well let me say this really quick then. If you are as in love with Hailee as you say and based on the way you two interacted here. Not to mention on that Met Gala carpet, I think her dad will say yes or approve. You can just see how much you love that girl. You love her with all of your heart and then some. Thats the thing about our family we love with everything we have.

You're right Dad you always know what to say.

Now I'm gonna hang up and you're gonna make that call to Hailee's dad and let me know what happens after sound good?

Yeah, Dad bye, and thanks again for all the help I love you.*Hangs up*

Ok alright, the call with my dad went well. We can definitely call Pete. He's always loved me I survived the walk for christ's sake. I also got it cut in half,and HAilee said that had never happened. okay okay we can do this.*Dials Pete*

Hey Kiddo how are you doing?

I'm sure by now you heard our girl Hailee is coming home in two weeks.

Yeah, I was actually calling to talk about that.

oh is she actually gonna go down to visit you in Monterey that's so sweet of her. You really should spend her short few days together.

oh no, I think she's actually going to go home to her house.

 I'm going to make the drive and stay with her for a few days though so don't you worry you'll still see me.

Well, I look forward to seeing you again y/n. But if that's not what you were calling about then what are you calling about?

*deep breath in and out* Well Pete...

 I was calling to ask if you would be okay with me giving Hailee a promise ring when she gets home...


C: what was I supposed to hear?

Get over here this is amazing!

Just so we're clear the answer is yes right?

Well, of course

I mean you really didn't have to ask me but it's sweet that you did.

Yeah, but you guys mean the world to Hailee and I called my dad to ask if it was a crazy idea.

 I love Hailee so much. And her being gone it's really put into perspective that she's the one for me. 

While I eventually want to propose to her, a promise ring just seems like a good place to start.

C: Did I just hear that our little girl is gonna get a promise ring?

You sure did honey and y/n here wanted to ask you and me. Not that she needed to, but she also knows just how much more special it would be knowing that we gave our blessing.

Well, kiddo it's a yes from us but you're gonna need to get shopping. So I'll let you go oh and I'll send Hailee's ring size. Momager Cheri knows it.

Okay, thanks so much Pete talk with you later.*hangs up*

Holy shit I really just did that. Well looks like I need to get to the shopping.

Y/n takes the rest of the day to soak in that both Cheri and Pete were over the moon about the idea of y/n giving Hailee a promise ring. The next morning y/n answers Hailee's texts like normal, all while searching online for the perfect promise ring. At this point, a few days have passed and now having Hailee's ring size y/n has narrowed it down to a few rings. Y/n had narrowed it down to the Tiffany Harmony band ring, A carrier love ring, and a Swarovski rare ring after sending the three rings to both sets of parents, it's decided that y/n is going to get the Tiffany ring. So the next day y/n makes their way to the nearest tiffany store to get the ring. After getting it y/n heads back home to hide the ring.

June 9

Well, I finally got the ring now to put you away until she makes it home next week. I must say you look so pretty, you'll look even better when you make it onto Hailee's hand. Speaking of Hailee she's texting me right now.

 That means time to tuck you away. *puts ring box in pocket*

9:00 am

I touch your hand for the first time I see it on your face and another lifetime is flashing by...

Yes, I did hear the new Halsey song if that is what you are asking.

I'm not asking just follow along.


 You're going to see them later this month I know you learned all the lyrics since it dropped at 9 pm last night.

ok ok, no need to call me out like that.

 I'll follow along.

I'm here standing in the same dress youre in your apartment.

I'm already gone.

You're all I think about and everywhere I look.

I know it's bad but we could be so good.

In the back of my mind, all I hear is your name.

I bet you're happy and that's fine but I regret just one thing.

I never got to change your mind.

I'm here standing in the same dress and you're in your apartment.

you're all I think about and everywhere I look.

I know its bad but we could be so good

You know this is sweet but are we just gonna sit here and text song lyrics?

play the song on the Apple TV skip to 2:10 and just sing your little heart out.

odd request but alright.

Unknown to y/n, Hailee is just outside of y/n's place and is gonna use the key that Hailee was given back in NYC. As soon as Hailee hears music she walks in to surprise y/n

*Silently opens door*

Maria calls me and she says she's getting married. She asks me if there's any extra weight I carry! and do I think about the one that got away!

*slowly sneaks up behind y/n*

I know her name, I think about her every day!

Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look *grabs y/n and spins her around*

Holy shit !

*grabs Hailee's face* You're here wait but there are still 8 days till you were-

Well, you see I had a big enough time gap to justify coming home early *kisses y/n* and hearing that song just made me miss you so much. 

Because you are everywhere I look and you're all I've been able to think about now I'm all yours until the 14th.

I- oh my god you're really here!*touches Hailee's face neck and shoulders*

Yeah I am really here. 

I'm not going anywhere either I'm just so glad to be able to hug you and hold you again but I think Ive missed this the most *kisses y/n*

Kissing me?

Oh yes, I have missed your morning kisses so much. 

I Didn't realize how good of a thing I had until It was gone.


 Oww why did your pocket stab me? 

More importantly, why are sharp objects in your pocket?

It's not a sharp object.

Well you can't be happy to see me.

I am... oh wait you mean... *hits Hailees shoulder* 

Hailee Caribe Steinfeld. You have me using the fake middle name because of that joke.

But seriously what is it?

Well about that, I guess now will work.

Excuse me what? Now will work for what?

I wanted to do something special for you but this moment just kinda seems right, so here goes nothing *digs in pocket while pulling away from Hailee*

Should I be concerned?

No, I don't think so. *opens the small box from pocket* I got you a promise ring.

No way!

 What the hell it's so nice oh my god. 

Are there, wait are these... diamonds that are on it no-no-no that's too nice? 

I can not take this you don't need to drop money like this on me.

No, it's a promise ring for you and you are worth every penny I put towards this ring. 

The whole family even helped me pick it out.


Yeah, your family and Mine. Mainly just my parents for my family. I even called your Dad and mentioned it and he was over the moon. 

The next day I sent pictures to Your parents and Griffin and asked for their opinions on what you'd like more.

Oh my god, so you picked this?

I picked 4, I thought you'd like. 

I used the family to narrow it down from there. Now would you please let me do my sappy speech?

Oh uh yeah I'm sorry I'm just a little shocked that a surprise that I planned for you is somehow now for me.

Well while you were gone, even though it was only for a month and a half. I realized something about two weeks into you being away. 

Life was better without me huh?

HAha no, let me finish. 

The discovery was that I missed you, and I had the whole time. Starting from the second I left you in that airport. There wasn't a day I spent not missing you.


Don't start crying I'm almost done here I swear. I've made it this far without crying myself.

I can't promise that.

Well, I'll wrap this up then.

No please say the whole speech.

Well, I came to the realization I missed you with every fiber of my being.

 I missed us waking up together, making breakfasts, and making fun of each other. I missed it all. Every love song was a sad song as long as I wasn't with you. And when you told me you were coming home even if it was only for a few days it clicked that I really wanted to spend the rest of my days with you.  And well I just wanted you, no, need you to know I'm in this. So here I am now with a promise ring for you. Hoping you'll take it.

You are insane.

Well, I never said I wasn't.

 And you know what they say love makes you do crazy things.

But you are perfect for me and I accept this promise ring, and the promise of a future with you that comes with it. Now respectfully shut up and kiss me. *grabs y/ns face and kisses her*

So how did I do on the ring?

Knocked it out of the ballpark. I should have started texting random numbers years ago. *looks at ring* 

If only I knew earlier it would get me a princess in shining armor to commit to a future with me.

Yeah, there's that sense of humor that I've missed so much.*goes in for a kiss*

Now I know it's 9 am, and I know the whole committing to a future with me is kinda big news but...

Where is this going?

Can we please lay down in bed and cuddle, the jet lag is hitting, and I just really want to enjoy this moment with you. And snuggling up in bed and watching stranger things sounds like a good celebration to me.

Yeah, we can go and watch Netflix and chill.

No, we are Netflix and relaxing do not get it twisted.

I know I've just missed giving you a hard time. 

Come on there's a bed with fresh out of the dryer blankets and sheets waiting for us upstairs.

If I fall asleep you better pause the show, at this point you are setting me up for failure here.

Scouts honor I'll pause the show for you, or will I? 

I guess you'll never know! Haha

Is it too late to return this promise ring?

I really hope you're joking because I know you know that I was...

Of course, I was. I had to get you back, you weren't the only one who missed getting to annoy someone.

Hailee and y/n proceed to binge-watch Stranger things season 4 Vol.1 over the next two days.

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