The Greatest Swordsman Male R...

By DeadFizh08

114K 1.6K 623

Hi! My name is Noctis L/n and this is my journey to how I become the Greatest Swordsman in Remnant's history... More

Volume 1 - Chapter 2
Volume 1 - Episode 3
Volume 1 - Episode 4
Volume 1 - Episode 5
Volume 1 - Episode 6
Volume 1 - Episode 7
Volume 1 - Episode 8
Volume 1 - Episode 9
Volume 1 - Episode 10
Volume 1 - Episode 11
Volume 1 - Episode 12
Volume 1 - Episode 13
Volume 1 - Episode 14

Volume 1 - Episode 1

8.4K 142 93
By DeadFizh08

Noctis P.O.V

Now you have been wondering where I am right now. I'm in a dark room with a very angry Huntress looking at me trying to pierce through my soul, while next to me was a teenage girl who was looking around the room wondering if she was in trouble.

Noctis: "Now the question is how I got in this situation you may ask, a well funny thing you ask.


It had been one month since I left and I meet a couple of people some of them were white-haired tsundere older women. Anyway, I was in the City of Vale while reading the map that I had that I brought in I few towns before heading to this one, I'm trying to look for a hotel and all the towns I've been to there had no hotel there. Anyways back where I was, I was trying to read the map while standing beside a Dust Shop named Dust for Dawn, I notice this and I was thinking to get some dust for my travel to be safe If I ever run into trouble.

Noctis: "I hoped I won't get in trouble..."

I entered the Dust Shop and the clerk smiles at me and nodded, I greatly smiled back and continue my shopping, I was scrolling through the items I notice a Red hooded girl wearing a headset while wearing music.

Noctis: "She must be younger than me...So why she's here late at night?"

I turned around towards where the clerk is to ask where the dust is, but then I saw a couple of thugs with the clerk and one guy with a weird hat and a cane. Then the thug notice me and he pointed his gun at my face, I calmly looked through the gun hole and look back toward the thug

Thug: "Alright, Kid. Stay calm and no one gets hurt."

Then he looks at my waist and notices my Wado Ichimonji.

Thug: "Hey, Kid. The nice sword you got there."

Before I could say anything I heard a scream.

Red-Haired Girl: "Heyah!"

I see another thug fly past me and crash toward the guy who was robbing me. Then the guy with a hat noticed this and see's me and the teenage girl who stood beside me.

Hat Guy: "Okay...Well, get them."

Noctis: "Wait?! Me too?! I didn't do anything?!"

The henchmen were rushing toward us, I launch myself toward the left and the Red-Haired Girl toward the right., One of the thugs looks at me and started swinging punches and kicks. Looking at this, his attack was slow.

Noctis: "I have to thank, Raven for this when I see her again."

Then he quickly threw a punch toward my face, but I successfully block it and punch him in the gut making him go down. The Hat Guy notice me and smirked.

Hat Guy: "My my...Aren't you peachy one?"

I shift my gaze towards the Red-Haired Girl she had her weapon out and I notice how huge of a scythe it was.

Noctis: "Wow...Now that's fucking big."

Red-Haired Girl: "Language!"

Hat Guy: "That's what she said."

Noctis: "Shut up!"

The Hat Guy ignored my comment and smokes his cigar.

Hat Guy: "You two were worth every cent. Truly, you were."

He dropped his cigar and crushed it with his cane as the approaching police sirens were heard. I look to my left and see the red and blue lights coming this way. Then the Hat Guy unleashes a red blast at the Red-haired Girl and me, she fires at the ground and leaps over and I just jump towards where she was. When we landed and looked around at where he was. We looked at the building and see the Hat Guy climbing up a ladder on a nearby building.

The Red-Haired Girl look toward the Shopkeeper.

Red-Haired Girl: "You okay if I go after him?"

The Shopkeeper just nodded. Then she sets off and went towards the rooftop, I was thinking to go or not, but then my gut was saying that I should go and check if she needs help. With that, I leap over the lamp post that was above me and went towards the destination rooftop.

I landed next to her and she wasn't paying attention that I had just arrived, her eyes were glued to the Hat Guy who was robbing the Dust Shop.

Hat Guy: "Both of you are very persistent..."

Then we heard a getaway Bullhead rises and opens the hatch to allow the Hat Guy inside. He holds up a red Dust Gem.

Hat Guy: "End of the line, Red and Black."

He throws it on our feet and fires at it, resulting in a large explosion.

Hat Guy: "Whoa! Hohoho!"

But he suddenly stops laughing when he sees me wearing my Grimm mask and unsheath out Wado Ichimonji from its scabbard.

Hat Guy: "Huh?"

Red-Haired Girl: "Woah..."

She saw me blocking the attack with my katana. I look at him and dash towards the Bullhead, successfully getting inside. He steps back a bit smiling at me.

Hat Guy: "Well you're more persistent than I thought."

Noctis: "And you very friendly than I thought."

Roman: "Heh...Well, Black the named Roman Torchwick Kid, and I guess you don't know who I am."

Noctis: "Don't know and don't care."

As I was about to swing my katana, the door of the pilot seat was suddenly opened and I notice a blaze of fire blasted out the door suddenly I was off the Bullhead and crash back towards the rooftop where the Red-Haired Girl was in.

As I open my eyes I notice a woman in a purple cape is now in front of the Red-Haired Girl, as she looks at her with an awed look. Her name is Glynda Goodwitch and why I know I saw her in Raven's magazines from the Top Huntress. She started waving her weapon and summons several streaks of purple at the craft. Roman is thrown around in the back until he goes to the cockpit, where the woman in red is who shot me out of the Bullhead, she started to go towards the back and Roman is struggling with the controls.

Glynda glows purple for a moment and aims another blast above the craft, resulting in a dark storm-cloud right over the Bullhead.

Roman: "The hell...?"

With a flick of her wand a large jagged hail starts falling that pummels the Bullhead and even breaks through the window, narrowly missing Roman's head.

The woman in red reaches the back and her arms and chest light up like fire, aiming a burst of energy at Glynda. The Huntress blocks it, but the flames splatter behind her and glows hot with the enemy's raised hand. Glynda back-flips out of the explosion which destroys part of the rooftop, and magically a large arrow, which she throws at the Bullhead. The woman in red shatters the arrow with several blasts, but it reforms just in time to hit the side of the Bullhead due to Roman's quick aerial lean. The wreckage separates and reshapes into more arrows that encircle the Bullhead, but the woman in red summons several glowing rings around herself that expand and destroys the shards.

Noctis: "She's a Maiden from what Raven had told me about!"

The Red-Haired Girl finally acts so she reverts her scythe into its rifle form to fire at the woman in red, who blocks each shot as I unsheathed my Wado Ichimonji from its scabbard then I use my Semblance to make my eyes turn red and also to spread my arms and my swords in demonic energy and used one of my swords techniques.

Noctis: "One Sword Style: Bird Dance!"

I send a black wind energy slash toward the woman in red everyone was surprised and amazed by this why because I didn't even use dust, but the woman in red managed to block it with her Maiden power.

Noctis: "So she manages to block one of my sword techniques with my Semblance, but she is already tired from blocking my attack."

The woman in red is furious so she creates several blazing circles around her opponents. Glynda telekinetically pushes the Red-haired Girl and rolls herself out of the explosion's radius while I leap away from the explosion, looking up to see the hatch is closed and the Bullhead flies away.

I canceled my Semblance then suddenly I felt a little pain in my arm I sheath back Wado Ichimonji back to its scabbard I turn around and see the Red-Haired Girl in front of my face with an awed look

Red-Haired Girl: "How can you do that powerful air slash?! It's amazing!"

Noctis: "Ugh...Sword Technique and my Semblance."

She nodded and quickly went to Glynda Goodwitch.

Red-Haired Girl: "You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?!"

End of Flashback

So that's where we are now, I'm next to Red-Haired Girl while I wait for the adults to come in and lecture us, for trying to help an old guy...Wait where is the problem with that? I felt a tug in my shirt and I look at the Red-Haired Girl who was smiling at me.

Red-haired Girl: "What was that amazing sword technique that you do?" 

Noctis: "It's my sword technique called One Sword Style."

I said while I extended my hand for a greeting.

Noctis: "My name is Noctis L/n now what's your name cause I know it's not Little Red."

Ruby: "Hehehehe...No. My name is Ruby Rose is nice to meet you."

She accepts the handshake.

Noctis: "Likewise."

With that Glynda came inside the room and had a very annoyed face toward us.

Glynda: "I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, Young Lady, and especially you too, Young Man. Both of you and others are in great danger."

Ruby: "They started it!"

Noctis: "She's not wrong."

I received a very cold stare from Glynda.

Noctis: "Shutting it up now."

Glynda: "If it were up to me, I'd send both of you home...With a pat on the back...And a slap on the wrist."

She demonstrates with her riding crop, which Ruby barely avoids as she gives out an.

Ruby: "Eeek!"

Glynda: "But...There is someone here who would like to meet you two."

She moves out of the way so a surprised Ruby can see a man in a green come through the doorway, holding a mug and a plate of cookies. I somehow recognize this man, but I can't put my finger on it.

???: "Ruby Rose...*Leans towards Ruby's eyes* You...Have sliver eyes."

Noctis: "Okay...Nothing personal dude, but it's creepy."

I said getting him to look at me with a smile.

???: "And you have red eyes."

Ruby then looks at me but then cock her eyes in confusion.

Ruby: "But he has blue sir?" said with a confused look

???: "Yes, but when his Semblance activates his eyes turn red."

Then he sips his coffee from his hug, but suddenly I see an excited Ruby Rose who violently shakes me rapidly.


Noctis: "Wwwwaaait whaaat."

I said with a shaky voice with this action the man laugh at this making Ruby stop shaking me and look at him for a moment.

???: "So. Where did you learn to do this?"

He gestured his head at the tablet showing Ruby's fighting the thugs.

Ruby: "S-Signal Academy."

???: "Then what about you, Young Man?"

Noctis: "Oh? I...Um, I didn't go to an academy...I wish I could, but I was an orphan and I was taught by someone who took me in."

I said while avoiding eye contact with them cause the way of remembering my past is something I really don't want to remember.

Noctis: "Also, Raven told me never said her name 'cause It probably causes trouble."

???: "I see...Is okay now? *Looks at Ruby* They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" said with a confused look

Ruby: "Well...One teacher in particular."

???: "I see..."

He puts the plate of cookies on the table in front of Ruby. She tentatively picks up one, eats it in a single bite, and then, not seeing any rebuttal,m shovels the rest into her mouth. I slowly was going to take one, but I was stopped when Ruby slap my hand away from the cookies.

Noctis: "Ow!"

???: "It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty old crow..." 

Ruby was mumbling through her full mouth and I was trying not to laugh at her antics, she swallows her cookies and started to speak again, but more clearly.

Ruby: "That's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like Hooowaaahhh! Witchaaa!"

Then she accidentally slaps my face.

Noctis: "Ow!"

I cover my eyes.

Ruby: "Oops heh sorry..."

???: "So I've noticed. *Places his mug on the table and sits down opposite Ruby and me* And what is an adorable girl doing at a school, designed to train warriors?"

Ruby: "Well...I want to be a Huntress."

???: "You want to slat monsters?" said with a confused look

Ruby: "Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going apply to Beacon!"

He nods and continues hearing while I am also intrigued by her story.

Ruby: "You see my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey I might as well make a career out of it! *She giggles* I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know!"

???: "And what about you, Young Man?"

Noctis: "Uhm...I never really thought about it actually, like I said I was taught fighting and home-schooled but never in my life didn't sometimes look in what I'm going do for my future."

???: "I see...Do you know who I am?"

I shook my head calmly not knowing who he was and then he shift his gaze toward Ruby.

Ruby: "You're Professor Ozpin. You're the Headmaster at Beacon."

Then It hit me like a train, now I knew where I saw him before he was in the top best Headmaster academy in all of Remnant. I've heard that Beacon is the greatest academy in the world.

Noctis: "So this is Ozpin that my mentor warns me about."

Ozpin: "Hello."

Ruby: "Nice to meet you."

While I nodded.

Ozpin: "You two want to go to my school?"

Ruby: "More than ever...I mean I want to, but I don't know about you, Noctis?"

They looked at me.

Noctis: "What shall I do? Raven told me about Ozpin and the warnings about him. Maybe I can get information about him at his school or maybe have a life in the future when I graduate."

I look at them.

Noctis: "Sure. I'll go to your school."

Ozpin: "Excellent. So when you leave go rest up, you have one day for preparing your things and you both can early ship going out tomorrow to your new home. *He looks at Ruby* And you to Miss Rose."

Ruby: "Yay!"

With that being said I was outside smiling like an idiot, knowing I'm going to be in Beacon and can't wait to get started so that I can repay my mentor, I felt a tug in my yukata and I see Ruby was next to me.

Ruby: "I guess we will meet each other in Beacon and who knows maybe we can in a Team together."

Noctis: "Yeah hope so, 'cause I'm not good at making friends."

Ruby: "Don't worry, me neither *Giggles* So let's get some rest and start our new school year as friends."

She extends her hand.

Noctis: "Friends, huh? Sure."

I accept her handshake and later on she runs off in a different direction by the end of the street she waves goodbye and disappears into the corner.

I look at my hand and I couldn't believe what is happening to me, I made my first friend and I'm going to school with other people for the first time ever. I was so happy, I started looking at the cracked moon and pretended to catch it with my hand and knowing what I'm going to do in my future.

Noctis: "Whatever your plan is Ozpin, I can knock it down and enjoy a life that my mentor gave me."

End Episode

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