๐๐‘๐Ž๐–๐ ๐’๐”๐†๐€๐‘

By Niasctrl

15.2K 707 67

Two former best friends are reunited. One of them believes their friendship is strictly platonic; meanwhile t... More



789 52 9
By Niasctrl


❝sᴏ ɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ɪ ᴍᴇᴀɴ, sᴛᴀʏ.❞

"Ugh." I groaned stirring in my bed trying to go back to sleep with my face literally stuffed into the pillow.

My head was actually pounding so bad right now. Last night was definitely a night. What no one knew was that after the sun went down my cousins and I went on a walk. Which we all know wasn't actually a walk.. so basically I ended up getting completely cross-faded.

I honestly don't remember anything from after the walk.

Never again bro.

Rolling over onto my side my heart almost jumped outta my chest. Trace was asleep shirtless right next to me. I sat up completely to rub my eyes. Seeing that I was in my childhood bedroom.

The bright pink walls along with the mindless behavior posters instantly gave me a headache and made me cringe.

Feeling movement in the bed I looked down seeing a sleeping Trace beginning to wake up.

"Good morning." His raspy voice spoke.

"Good morning. You already know where everything is so i guess make yourself at home more than you already have.." I informed exiting the room and entering my old conjoined bathroom with Rhyan.

Looking at myself through the mirror I looked a damn mess. My hair was all over the place, my lashes were falling off, and I had huge eye bags under my eyes.

Fuck me.

Bending down I reached into the cabinet to grab my toothbrush and a rag. I quickly splashed some cold water then used the rag to wash over my face with warm water. After doing so I began brushing my teeth.

Hearing the door opening I turned my head to see Trace entering the bathroom.

"I need to take a leak." He announced and I nodded.

I closed my eyes while still brushing my teeth to give him at least a little bit of privacy.

"Aight i'm done."

I opened my eyes back and spit the toothpaste out before brushing my tongue; completing my oral hygiene routine.

"You know what I've realized, you always find someway to be in my presence. Because you didn't drink last night so you were fully capable of driving home."

"And if I do like being around you, what's your point?" He teased, tilting his head at me.

"But why? Why do you want to be around me so much?"

"Because I just do..."

"Mhm" I hummed eyeing him suspiciously.

"But on a more serious note you think you could retwist my hair ?"

"Sure, but there's a rule. You gotta sit in between my legs facing me and that is non negotiable." I looked up at him through the mirror.

"Ain't never heard of no rule like that." He turned his lip up.

"My way or the highway buddy boy." Patting his cheek.

"Bogus as hell."

"I mean i'm literally doing you a favor and for FREE, so I really don't see why you're complaining."

"Yeah aight man whatever." He gave in and I just smirked.

"Whew that morning breathe is doing you wrong." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Haaaaa" he stepped closer to me blowing his hot breathe in my face.

"You're actually disgusting." I pushed him away from me while he laughed as if it was the funniest thing ever.

Walking out of the bathroom I headed downstairs hearing loud talking. Entering the dining area where my family was.

"Good morning." I greeted everyone.

"And why're you at my home? Kenji questioned with a mouth full of bacon.

"Word of advice, close your mouth when your eating. You look like a pig." I advised patting his cheek.

"Good morning baby. There's two plates in the microwave one for you and one for Trace."

"Alright thank you."

I crossed the threshold between the dining room and kitchen. Grabbing my plate I re-entered the dining room.

"Soo I was thinking there's this party on friday and I was wondering could I go?" Journei asked fluttering her eyelashes.

"You must think we boo boo the fool." My mom turned her lips up.

"What are you talking about daddy?" She asked playing clueless.

"We know all about the party Journei. We know that it's for seniors and last I checked you are only a sophomore." My mom replied pointing at her with her fork.

"And how did you learn all of this stuff?" She questioned knowingly turning her head to face Kenji.

"We have our resources.." My dad spoke secretively.

"And by resources you mean Kenji, right?" She asked.


"Damn Kenji you snitching now? That's crazy." I instigated glancing back and forth at the both of them.

"Hey I had to do what I had to do. It was either her or me." Kenji shrugged.

"You flaw." Journei sucked her teeth with a frown looking at Kenji.

"Personally i'm not letting nobody talk to me like that... but that's just me." I turned my head to the side scratching my head.

"Toi enough. You are too old to be this childish." My mom fussed sending me a flare.

"Well excuse the hell out of me." I mumbled underneath my breath.


"Stop moving so damn much." I popped Trace with the rat tail comb.

"Ow that shit hurts." He winced in pain.

"It's not my fault you don't comb your hair out. If you did maybe you wouldn't be so tender headed."

"That don't mean you gotta be so rough."

"Would you like to do it yourself?"


"That's what I thought. Now hold your head up straight, you hurting my back."

He straightened his posture. Right now I was combing his hair out before I twisted it. On the tv was greys anatomy.

"I will never forgive them for killing mcdreamy off." I spoke more so to myself.

"The hell is that?" He quickly turned his head.

"Didn't I just tell you stop moving?" I popped his head with the comb again.

"Nigga stop hitting me."

"Then stop moving! It's real simple. I don't have time to be playing these games with you I have places to be today."

"Such as?"

"Minding the business that pays me. You should try it."


"Wasn't supposed to be funny."

After about 15 minutes I was done detangling his hair. So I parted his hair into different sections before oiling his hair then greasing his scalp. Now finally beginning to twist.

"Toi! hey girl hey I need a favor." Journei busted into my room soon plopping onto the settee in front on my bed.

"Chile what you want now?"

"Can you bring my friends and I to the bowling alley?"

"Ooh I don't know, you know gas is pretty expensive here.." I grimaced.

"Girl please stop acting like you broke." She sucked her teeth.

"I'm not acting, gas damn near $7."

"Toi please." She whined.

"I can't. I have things to do today, why you didn't ask Rhyan?"

"He's with his kids today."

"And what about mama or daddy?"

"Apparently they need to catch up on the young and restless." She rolled her eyes

"Oldheads." I mumbled.

"Trace will bring you."

"Says who." He snaked his neck back.


"Thank you Trace!" She smiled embracing him in a short hug before exiting the room.

"What the fuck was that? I never agreed to be no damn chauffeur for a bunch of teenage girls." He complained.

"Again when will you learn that I don't care."


"Hope you'll have just as much fun as I will tonight." I teased.

"Bro stop playing where you going tonight?"


"Toi." He spoke sternly.

"Speed date." I revealed and he busted into laughter.

"Why you laughing?"

"That's the funniest thing I heard all week. Speed dating. How old are you 45?"

" You can laugh all you want, regardless ima have a good time." I sassed matter of factly.


"Switch!" The announcer yelled over the intercom.

Standing up from my previous sit I rotated to the seat to my right. Where I came face to face with a white guy with brown stringy hair. Ewk!

"Hi, i'm Brandon nice to meet you." He extended his hand.

"Likewise, i'm Toi." Giving him a firm handshake.

"Wait. Now correct me if i'm wrong but your name is Toy as in Toys R Us." he laughed hysterically.

"No. Toi as in T-O-I."

"You've got to forgive me I have never heard that name before."

"Mhm." I hummed ready to get to the next person.

"So what are you looking to get out of this speed date?"

"I'm looking for something very casual, nothing too committed."

He nodded. "At least we both have that in common. You have any baby daddies I should be worried about?" He sly smirked.

"B-" I started to say but was interrupted by the announcer saying to switch.

It's best that we switched, because I was about to go the hell off on him. The nerve.

Rotating chairs I now sat in front of a lighter complexed man with a low cut fade and lots of tattoos on his neck.

"Wassup wassup I'm Chris and you look real good." He complimented.

"Thank you, I'm Toi."

"Toi hm I like that. It's different."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"So Toi who you bank with? Chase? Navy Federal? Bank of America?"

"Are you being deadass."


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I mugged.

"I'm tryna to make you some money what the fuck you mean what's wrong with me."

"That's why you can't put everybody on."

"You bitches don't know how to act." He continued ranting.

"Boy fuck you and you can go to hell. Broke ass nigga them dusty ass jeans you got on the fuck."


Roughly grabbing my chanel clutch I rotated to the next seat. In front of me was a hispanic guy with practically no hair and lots of tattoos.

"Holá senoritá, David. " He reached for my hand which he kissed.

Ugh okay...

"Hi, Toi." I introduced.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady. How has your experience been so far?"

"An absolute mess." I stressed, massaging my temples.

"Well hopefully I can turn this experience around for you. So why's a beautiful lady such as yourself even doing speed dating?" He asked nicely.

" Just trying to get to meet some new people."

"Ahh I see. What do you like to do for fun?"

"I enjoy trying new things and really just experiencing life to the fullest."

"SWITCH." the announcer yelled.

"Wait senorita." He slid me a piece of paper with a number written on it. I took it from him flashing a small smile, moving onto my last person.

What the fuck.

In front of me was a white guy with dreads.. yes actual dreads along with a tie-dye bandana.

"I come in peace." he greeted bowing his head.

"Okay cool..."

"I go by the healer." He informed bowing once again.

"Toi. No offense but did you shower?" I scrunched my face up slightly at the stench coming from him.

"No offense taken. To answer you question no I do not believe in showering. It's merely a myth, the man wants us to believe that we need to shower to smell good. Nonsense!" He shouted, causing a few heads to turn.

Yea i'm never doing this bullshit again..

"And your locs? You don't see how it is disrespectful for you to wear them?" I questioned raising an brow.

"Of course not! My ancestor vikings invented this style so of course I will honor their legacy by wearing them as well."

"One last question, how old are you?"


I'm sorry, but I could no longer hold in my laugh. I started laughing in his face, because he truly believed everything that he just said.

"Alright, well you have a terrible night. Goodbye." I grabbed my clutch and headed towards the exit as quickly as possible.


Entering my place I dropped my keys in the key fob. Hearing talking I grabbed my pepper spray out of my clutch and slowly walked further into the apartment. Where I saw Trace laying on my couch asleep.

Nah I need to move, because how the hell are they getting into my apartment while i'm not here.

Placing my pepper spray back into my purse I dropped it onto the counter. Before making my way over to Trace. I softly smacked his face making him quickly jump up. Once he realized it was me he calmed down.

"You really just had to smack me?" He mugged.

"Yes. Why're are you in my home and how did you get in?" I asked, tapping my foot.

"The concierge let me in duh." He stood up from the couch stretching.

Clearly I need to have a talk with him.

"Okay that's one answer, but you still didn't tell me WHY you are here?"

"Because I wanted to hang out with my bestest friend." He pinched my cheeks before entering the kitchen opening my refrigerator.

"You've literally been with me damn near everyday for the past 4 months since you've been back. Youn get tired of being around me all day everyday?"

"Never." he shook his head. "How was your speed dating." He asked tight lipped.

"I don't even want to talk about it."

"Damn it was that bad?"

I nodded.

"I don't really know what else you expected to be honest, but what's for dinner tonight?"

"I don't know what you gone eat, but i'm about to order myself some food." I replied, walking out of the kitchen and into my bedroom with him close on my trail.

"Why're you following me bro?"

"Girl ain't nobody stunting you. Hand me my phone off that charger." He pointed.

I grabbed his phone. "Ain't nobody told you to use my charger neither, but here we are."  The phone lit up showing multiple messages from someone named Layla.

I tossed him the phone.

"You're such a male whore." I spoke entering the bathroom.

He chuckled lowly still following me "How bro?"

I opened the cabinet grabbing a large towel and small towel.

"Don't act dumb."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He smirked.

"Get out Trace."

"Why you mad?" He grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him.

"Unhand me right now." I tried getting out of his hold.

"Not until you tell me why you mad."

"I'm not mad, now let me go."

"You suck at lying."

"Can you just let me go bro." I stopped fighting back.

"All you have to do is tell me why're you mad then i'll let you go."

"Layla, who is that?"

A hearty laugh left his mouth as I just stood there looking at him confused.

"Layla is a client of mine. She asked me to do a cover up piece for her." He revealed letting me go.

"I don't know no clients who text their tattoo artist at damn near 12am, but I digress." I hummed.

"Technically the shop doesn't close until 1. So technically i'm still available."

"Fuck you." I sat down on the edge of my bathtub starting my bath.

"I already told you just let me know when." He shrugged leaving the bathroom.


2.4k words

anyways thoughts? 👇🏾

and a quick family tree update

Rhyan; Toi's fraternal twin brother. Age:24
Journei; Toi's younger sister Age:16
Kenji; Toi's younger brother Age:14

Nyomi; Toi's mother Age; 47

Kameron; Toi's father Age:49

I haven't introduced any of Trace's family, because they live in DC while the story is based in LA. When we get further into the story i'll introduce them.

Month we're in right now is end of September.

vote + comment pretty please!

ok bye 🫶🏾

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