I still like you | Steve Harr...

By heretowriteabouted

10.1K 323 86

Season 3 but with you in it. It all started with free ice cream, and ended with a fight against Russians and... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 13

890 26 6
By heretowriteabouted

"Honestly, I don't really feel anything." Steve said. You were still tied together in the chairs, resting your backs against each other. "Do you?"

"I don't think so. I feel normal."

"Yeah, I feel fine." He agreed. "It kinda feel good. I... I like it?" 

A calm sensation started tingling in your belly. You giggled as you felt your heart beat faster. "Wanna know a secret? I like it, too! I feel good."

"Morons. They messed up the drug." 

"They messed it up." You laughed and turned your head to face the wall which caused Steve's to face the ground. A calming euphoric warmth spread in your entire body. "Morons." You clenched your jaw. 

"Hey, morons!" Steve shouted and you both laughed. "Mor- Whoaa. Morons!"

"Yeah, something's wrong with us." You laughed as two of the men returned through the door. They opened up a metal box and started to pick out different scalpels and knives. You chewed your empty mouth as your heart kept on beating fast.

"Who do you work for?" The leader asked.

"Scoops." Steve said and you both chuckled. "Scoops Ahoy." He added which made you laugh even more. Such a silly name in such a silly situation. 

"How did you find us?"

"Totally by accident." Steve's answer made the doctor pick up a plier.

"Where you going with that, doc?" You asked as you tried not to giggle. 

"What is that shiny little toy?" Steve wondered as the doctor put the plier around one of his fingers. "Whoa whoa whoa! Wait, no! Wait! Wait!"

"There was a code! We heard a code!" You shouted when you heard Steve in distress. He stopped yelling which implied that the doctor and leader had stopped. Instead they walked over to you.

"What code?"

You repeated the code for him. "Blah, blah, blah. You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town and we picked it up on our Cerebro and cracked it in a day. A day! You think you're so smart, but then a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living cracked your code in a day, and now people know you're here." 

"Who knows we're here, little bitch?!"

"Uh, well, Dustin knows." Steve replied. 


"Yeah, Dustin Henderson."


"It is your small curly-haired friend?"

"Oh, curly-haired, great hair, small. Kind of like a 'fro. Yeah. He's long gone, you big asshole. And he's probably calling Hopper, and Hopper's calling the US cavalry. They're gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin', and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You're gonna be two pieces of toast."

You giggled quietly and rested your head on Steve's shoulder. The euphoric feeling also seemed to boost your emotional attachment to Steve that had built up these last weeks of hanging out with him. You both snickered together. 

"Is that so?" 

"Yeah." Steve replied with sass and you both burst into laughter again. Then the alarm started going off just like it had done before. You felt Steve shrug behind you. He'd been right. The leader left. 

Soon Henderson flew into the room to pounce the doctor with an electric stick he somehow created. 

"Henderson, hey! That's crazy, I was just talking about you."

"Get ready to run. Robin's getting help." 

And so you did. You stumbled through the corridors out to the long long hallway where you came from. Dustin and Erica had parked a vehicle for you to travel with instead of walk. 

"Jesus, slow down." Steve complained as you both tumbled around in the backseat. 

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" You both slurred as you spoke. 

"It's the Idy 300." 

"No, idiot, it's 500."

"It's 300!" He argued. 

"Let's say.. a million." You said and you both cracked up in huge laughter. The drug definitely reinforced the sense of strong connection between you and Steve. 

"What is wrong with them?" You heard Erica ask.

Dustin tried to focus on his driving, "I don't know", but still managed to crash into some barrels causing the car to abruptly stop. You groaned as Dustin opened the car door to let you out. 

"Ouch! We're coming."

"This sucks."

Dustin tried a key-card for the elevator and it worked. You stepped inside. 

"Damn, we're back here?" You asked as Dustin pushed a button and the elevator suddenly lifted. Steve was standing on a low cart that rolled back and forth as he fought to keep his balance on it. "Hey! You look like you're surfing!"

"Surfing! Yeah! Whoa!" Steve exclaimed and continued balancing on the rolling cart. You laughed loudly at him. "I'm a natural, check it out!" You pulled the cart away from him by accident and he rolled onto the ground with a thud. 

"Wipeout!" You yelled and he groaned. He continued laughing while Dustin sat down beside him.

"He's burning up" Dustin was worried.

Steve replied with "You're burning up" as Dustin started to touch his swollen face. "No, no, ouch!!" 

"His pupils are super dilated." 

"Maybe they're drugged?" Erica suggested.

Dustin turned his head to Steve again. Steve booped his nose, "Boop." 

"Steve, are you drugged?"

"How many times, dad? I don't do drugs, it's only marijuana." Steve booped Dustin's face again and you giggled.

"This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?" 

"Boop." Steve touched Dustin's face again. 

"We all die, Dustin." You said as you twisted your hair with your fingers. "It's just a matter of how and when." Your heart was pounding in your chest, a peaking high rushing through your veins.

"Steve, where did you park the car?"

"Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" Steve asked. 

"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick."


"Alright, okay, food." Dustin settled. "You can have as much food as you want only if you tell me where you parked the car." 

"Uh-oh. The car's off the board. They took the keys away, man. The Russians. Like, forever ago." You both started laughing again. The elevator door opened and you stepped out into the fresh air. 

"Oh my god that taste so good. Steve, can you taste the air?" 

"I taste it, I taste it!" You both gaped with your arms out. All of a sudden the kids pushed you back and through a door. They rushed you down another corridor and out to the cinema. They sat you down and made you promise to stay there. 

"Fine, dad." Steve rolled his eyes and you both giggled again. He had popcorn in his lap! Yay.

"What's happening?" You tried to focus on the movie playing in front of you.

"I have no idea." 

"I'm so thirsty."

"Let's go find water." Steve suggested and you two left the cinema to do so. You found a drinking-fountain outside and Steve started chugging. "That's amazing." 

"So, I wasn't totally confused in there or anything, but... I'm pretty sure, that mom wanted to bang her son."

"Wait, wait. The hot chick was Alex P. Keaton's mom? They're the same age."

"No but he went back in time."

"Then why is it called Back to the Future?" 

"He has to go back to the future because he's in the past." You tried to explain. "So the future is actually the present, which is his time." 

Steve raised his eyebrows as though he understood, but then said, "W... What?"

Wasn't it obvious? "Okay, move, it's my turn now." You pushed Steve away from the water to drink. That tasted amazing. Wow.

"Wow." You heard Steve say and looked up. "(Y/N), you gotta check this out." He pointed up to the ceiling. The lamps were casting blue beams at you. The twinkling light rays danced slowly as you skipped over to Steve.

"This ceiling, it's beautiful." His voice sounded distorted and the room felt like it was spinning. Shit, the lights were trippy. 

"Oh, wow." You started to slowly spin around whilst looking up at the roof. The feeling was lovely. Drugs were kinda fun.. Oh no. Spinning was a bad idea. You felt your stomach turn. Oh no. Both of you rushed to the nearest bathroom to puke in different stalls next to each other. It felt like you barfed up your organs and entire inside. 

You flushed the toilet and laid on your back like an 'L' with your legs against the stall's wall. "The ceiling stopped spinning for me." Your head was aching and the rush was still tingling but you could see straight. "Is it still spinning for you?"

You heard Steve shuffle. "No." He said. "You think we puked it all up?"

"Maybe. Ask me something." You suggested and added "Interrogate me" with a Russian accent. 

"Okay. Interrogate you. Sure. Um.. When was the last time you, uh, peed your pants?" 



"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw. It was just a little bit though!" You giggled without shame. "I'm joking. But it was so scary." 

"Yeah, it's definitely still in her system." Steve chuckled and you both burst out laughing.

You sat up from your lying position and rested against the wall. "Okay, my turn."

"Okay. Hit me."

"Have you... ever been in love?" Definitely drugs talking. 

"Yep. Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year." Right. It was last autumn. He imitated a gunshot to express his heartbreak and chuckled.

"Oh, right. Are you, uh, still in love with her?"


"Why not?" 

"I think it's because I found someone who's a little bit better for me. It's crazy. Ever since Dustin got home, he's been saying.." Steve paused before he went on. "You gotta find your Suzie, you gotta find your Suzie."

"Wait, who's Suzie?"

He let out a short sigh."It's, some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you, I'm not 100% sure she's even real." He scoffed. "But that's not-- not really the point. That doesn't matter. The point is, this girl, you know, the one I like.."

You weren't sure where he was going with this. 

"It's somebody that I.. I didn't even acknowledge in school, I completely ignored. And for the dumbest reason. I guess I deep down still liked this girl but, I knew she didn't want anything to do with me. Maybe Tommy H would've made fun of me when she rejected me. I wouldn't be prom king. It's stupid. I mean, Dustin's right, it's all just a bunch of bullshit anyways. I should've talked to her, I should've been hanging out with this girl all the time." Steve was rambling. 

You swallowed, confused and anxious about where the conversation was heading. You knew Steve was high, you knew he had been an asshole all high school. Had he really changed?

"First of all, she's hilarious. She's so funny. I feel like, this summer I have laughed harder than I have laughed in a really long time." Steve continued and you smiled slightly. "And she's smart. So smart. Way smarter than me. You know, she can crack, like, top secret Russian codes." 

Your smile dropped and you pulled your knees up to your chest. Yeah, he was talking about you. Not Robin, not some other girl. But the dude was still higher than a house and your feelings were all scrambled. 

"You know? And she's just, drop-dead gorgeous. Literally stunning. She's unlike anyone I've ever even met before."

You hugged your legs and rested your head against your knees. 

"... (Y/N)?" He knocked on the stall. "(Y/N), did you just OD in there?"

"... No, I am... still alive." You leaned against the wall again and stretched your legs out from the fetal position. You sat in silence for a moment before Steve's feet appeared from the gap between the stall wall and floor. He slid under and sat up on the opposite side.

"This floor's disgusting."

"Yeah, well, I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so..." Steve said. His face was still almost unrecognizable. He looked at you dead serious. "What do you think?"


"This girl." 

"She uh, sounds awesome."

"She is. And what about the guy?"

"I think he's on drugs, and not thinking straight." 

Steve looked down at his leg and stroke his pants nervously. "Really? Cause I think he's thinking a lot more clearly than usual." 

"He's not." You quickly said and he looked up at you again. "Look, he doesn't even know this girl. He might've had a crush on her when they were little, but.."

Steve leaned forward. "(Y/N).."

"Listen, Steve. It's shocked me to my core, but I like you." You said and a vague smile formed upon his lips. "I really like you. But I'm not like your other friends, and I'm not like Nancy Wheeler."

"(Y/N), that's exactly why I like you."

You scoffed. "Do you remember what I said about history class? I meant it Steve, I... really, really meant it. We haven't spoke to each other for a reason. I really don't think it's because you liked me, or that I hurt your feelings. You're high, Steve." It kind of hurt to say those words out loud, but you knew what kind of guy Steve Harrington was. And the feelings you had felt as you got to know him were just created from the adrenaline, right? This was all so stupid. You were not doing this. You never let anyone get under your skin. And you knew that the two of you probably would break up in a week if you confessed your feelings - and you weren't going to get heartbroken over Steve fucking Harrington. 

Steve looked at you in silence as you proceeded to turn him down. Reject him. "I didn't understand why people liked you. The girls gossiped about you, the boys wanted your confirmation. And I didn't get it. Because, you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor. And you asked such dumb questions. And you were a douchebag!" You let your frustration out.

"I... I know, I was--"

"Steve." You blinked slowly. "You're high, we're high. We've been through a lot." You two sat there silent. You waited for his response but he just looked away. "Steve? Did you... OD over there?"

He forced a chuckle. "No, I just... Uh.. Just thinking. I mean, yeah. We haven't processed anything that we've been through." He finally said and you smiled in relief. "And I mean, that drug made me think I could fly just a second ago. Have you even thought about the fact that we've escaped a Russian secret base?"

You giggled. "We saw a portal. And you almost had your finger cut off. What the fuck?" 

"I thought he was going to castrate me! I tried to offer them free ice cream when they interrogated me but I guess that only works with Erica. Damn. We brought a ten year old girl to a Russian army."

"Didn't you say that you were a good babysitter?"

"I mean, yeah, did anyone die?"

"Almost, like, several times."

Your laughter was cut off when Robin, Dustin and Erica rushed into the bathroom. "Okay. What the hell?!" Dustin yelled. You both fell into laughter again. You slapped Steve's calf as he slowly lied down on your legs laughing. 

jesus christ it's a long chapter and as i've mentioned before i dont wanna take away robin and steves relationship so they of course are gonna have their private moment with robin's confession

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