Ashes to Ashes | āœ“

By TheConfusedTurtle

58.6K 3.4K 9.9K

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||Ashes to Ashes||
Act I
1 || Chains of Freedom
2 || The Blank
3 || Cinere
4 || Questions and Answers
5 || Humanity's Gift
6 || Her Game
7 || It Stokes the Fires of the Soul
8.1 || Bound By Red and Gold
8.2 || Bound By Red and Gold
9.1 || The Ember Core
9.2 || The Ember Core
10 || A Broken Mask
11 || The Downfall of Kou
12 || Mae's Request
13 || Dance with Fate
14.1 || Flight
14.2 || Flight
Act II
15 || The Watchtower
16 || Cursed Queen
17 || A Rude Awakening
18 || Pawns
19 || Tell Her
20 || Influence of the Core
21 || Cornered
22 || Cold Reunion
24 || The Weak Flame
25 || Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
ā‡ ā­‘ā­’ā­‘ā‡¢
Art Gallery
25k Milestone Celebration!
50k Milestone Special (pt. 1)
50k Milestone Special (Pt. 2)

23 || Where Loyalties Lie

564 61 217
By TheConfusedTurtle

"Well then, now that we've all quieted down." Dinah turned to Nova with a flurry of her shimmering midnight blue gown. "Get them to their feet and head down to the Core. It's time to begin."

Felix barely registered the hand clamped around his shoulder, hauling him to his feet. His vision darkened and the room spun, but even through the haze, he could make out Aiko's form. Someone helped her to her feet—Ameris he assumed from the look of his unscarred hands on her arms. She gasped, leaning awkwardly against him to take the weight off her wounded leg. Dinah swept past her with a wicked grin on her lips, trailed closely behind by Nova, who stepped over Mae's tiny, broken body. When they had passed, Aiko met Felix's gaze with a sorrowful look. His heart fluttered and he quickly looked away.

"If the right person makes a request of you in the right way, you are unable to refuse." The words echoed loudly in his mind and numbness settled over his body down to the very tips of his fingers. He let himself be dragged away. I can't trust Dinah, but I can't dismiss the possibility. It was true that there wasn't a single request Aiko had made of him that he had refused. Originally, he thought it was because he cared about her. He thought it was how things were supposed to be. After all, he couldn't recall a time he had ever found himself so intimately attached to another. Even his master was distant and cold, and he didn't have enough memories of his parents to latch onto fondly.

But maybe Aiko had always been toying with him. The notion pushed a thorn deep into his side and his head throbbed painfully. Even if it was true, hesitation still lingered at the back of his mind. Jumping to conclusions would only tear him apart from her, which she didn't need. It would drive them both into a corner, separated from the help the other could provide. Shaky as it was, he clung to the glimmer of hope.

There was no pride in the way she looked at him now, no satisfaction at the painful looks he shot her way. Without her blank in place, she was an open book, and her pages read only of regret. If she had used him in the beginning, he couldn't blame her. He planned to do the same.

He shook his head and focused on taking one step at a time. The red carpets were a monotonous walkway that led him deeper into the castle's halls, drowning him in a sea of red and gold. He had only seen glimpses of the castle, and this section of it was nearly the exact same. Biting his cheek, he steeled himself. We'll sort this weak flame business out later. For now, I need to find some way to get us out of here.

To distract himself from the buzzing chaos of his uncertainty, he stole a quick glance at the party making the journey down to the Core. Two guards trailed at the back of the group, their chests crossed by the golden sash of Ameris's faction and their expressions grim. Niveus guards, at least. Behind Felix, the Furvus guard prodded him forward with a grunt. He obeyed, though he was painfully aware of how sluggish his steps were. Each one he took was like pushing through a thick bog. His legs were heavy and his body ached. It didn't help that he had done nothing but walk for as long as he could remember. It was becoming quite sickening.

Aiko walked across from Felix, leaning heavily on Ameris and wincing with each step that forced her wounded leg to the ground. The arrow stuck out awkwardly from her thigh, but it didn't seem to have dug too deep into her flesh. Though that brought some semblance of relief, it was quickly dashed to pieces as his gaze landed on the cracks that splintered through her skin. Her eyes were glowing with the brilliance of her flame, and her breath fogged with smoke with each slow, pained exhale. His fingers curled tightly into fists. Her short break from the Core's suffocating call seemed to have ended, thrusting her deep into her connection with it.

He gritted his teeth and glanced ahead, where Dinah walked proudly between Nova and the second Furvus guard. Her skirt trailed behind her, a perfect reflection of the night sky beyond the window-lined wall. For someone with so much blood on her hands, she was too beautiful. Too perfect. It was almost as though she was a doll, crafted to be as alluring as possible despite the malice in her eyes and the venom on her tongue. She spoke of murder as though it was nothing more than the usual gossip of court ladies. Even the murder of her husband had only been something for her to scoff at. It turned eyes her way and she basked in the attention with pride.

Bile burned the back of his throat. Was life truly so trivial that she would exchange it readily to achieve whatever goals she set?

As long as greed like hers exists in this world, I will never run out of work. Unless, of course, I set down my blades and walk away of my own accord.

The ropes bit into his wrist again and he pulled against them. Something fell slack and his heart skipped. He let his arms fall still, careful not to disturb the binds too much. If they dropped away now, he would only find himself tangled in them once more. But if he could pull free once he was away from the guard...

He cleared his throat. "Do you intend to take all of us down there?" he asked, flattening his voice into an uninterested drawl. If Dinah caught on to his intention, she was sure to retaliate. "The Ember Core won't be pleased with so many intruders—even if the outside barrier has weakened enough to let you enter the castle. You're not wearing the identification keys, are you?"

Dinah stopped at the end of the hall. Her gown shimmered in the light as she turned to him. Her gaze shifted between him and Ameris, bewilderment furrowing her brow. "What keys? I only know of the ring that opens the door to the Core."

Ameris stood straighter under her scrutiny. "The barrier disappeared after the night Felix was caught—three days prior to Aiko's coronation. I didn't find it necessary to explain it to you. Still..." Frowning, he eyed Felix. "There may be some truth to his words. The Ember Core is likely more focused on protecting itself than the castle. Without emricona, we may be unable to enter. It placates the Core."

"Fascinating," Dinah murmured. Shaking her head, she prowled toward them, sweeping the long trail of her skirt across the blood-red carpet. "Where can we find this... emricona?"

"It's the gold all residents and workers of the palace wear, Your Majesty," Nova said, dipping her head. Her voice had turned hoarse as though she had torn it apart with tortured screams. A twinge of satisfaction fanned Felix's weak flame.

Dinah hummed to herself. Her gaze swung toward Aiko, who flinched. A dry laugh tumbled from Dinah's lips as she straightened. "Ah. I see what you're getting at, Felix. You sly fox. Ameris, how many pieces of emricona do we have with us?"

A beat. Then, Ameris sighed. "Five. My guards will have one each as well, so seven altogether."

"Perfect." Dinah smiled, glancing at Felix over her shoulder. "That's one for myself, Nova, Felix, you, and our most esteemed guest, Aiko. Dismiss the guards. We have no need of them."

"Excuse me?" Ameris faltered. "With all due respect, Your Majesty, I believe this to be unwise as we—"

"I will not repeat myself," Dinah snapped, waving her hand to dismiss the two Furvus guards. They left in a hurry, always in a rush to do less work than they should. She joined Nova at the entrance to the next hall, trailing her hand along the corner of the wall. "Aiko can do no harm to us with the Core's power as she is, and my veil seems to be suppressing this power as well. I do not fear Felix in his current state, but he seems to have a game in mind. I will humor him. I love a good gamble; I fear it would be rude of me to dismiss his efforts." She laughed to herself, hiding her smile behind her hand. "Perhaps he still cannot shake free of the Core and is a puppet tangled in Aiko's strings, moved by her desperate will to be free."

Ameris's expression twisted into a defiant grimace, yet he bowed to her will and dismissed his guards as she had asked. When the sound of their footsteps faded down the hall, he slipped a gold band from his wrist and tossed it to Nova. He pried Aiko's cuffs free and clamped one around Felix's wrist before handing the second one over to Dinah. The weight of the cuff dragged Felix into a warm sense of nostalgia, where he walked free by Aiko's side, laughing easily at her jokes as she smiled brightly at him. They danced in the dark stairwell, adventuring through the castle as she led him down the Ember Core. Knife in hand, he almost killed her then, his lips a mere breath away from hers. Was that a lie of his weak flame too?

Unbidden, his eyes met hers. It's going to be okay, he promised, though his lips remained firmly shut and his voice silent. It's a game I swear to win.

Weariness dampened the brilliant flame in her eyes, but she didn't shrink from him. "Emricona will not protect you from the full force of the phoenix god's wrath," she said firmly, holding his gaze. "Even if you tear me from the Core and snuff out my life, Niveus will never be yours. I am no puppet nor vessel to simply be cast aside carelessly." Sucking in a deep breath, she pinned Dinah beneath her glare. "Heed my warnings before you find yourself drawn in too far."

Dinah gave a low chuckle. "I still have a wish, Bright Soul, and I would like it granted."

Leaving no more room for argument, she started down the hall. Nova remained for a moment longer, her gaze lingering on Felix. A sneer twisted her face and she turned away, limping after Dinah with her head held high, as though the wound was nothing she couldn't handle. He had no doubt he could take her out—despite his current state. As long as he made do with her crossbow, she was no threat to him. Ameris shoved Felix forward—a halfhearted warning when the man carried no weapons—before joining Aiko.


The portrait hall was the same as Felix remembered it. Long-dead royals watched with distant, prideful gazes as he shuffled to the hidden door. Their eyes seemed to follow him like the ghostly whisper of those he killed; they weren't truly there, but if it was dark and he found himself alone, they would haunt him. All except for Aiko's painting, which was scarred beyond recognition; there was no face to focus on and no eyes that trailed him. Now that he knew for certain it was her behind the blackened marks, the sight of it snatched his breath away. Back then, there was little pity in the way he looked at her picture. He was swallowed whole by it now.

"Did you know... there's some talk of letting the Cennín line die with Aiko?" She seemed so small when she spoke those words. Crushed to know that there was no value in her living. She was nothing more than a curse. A blight upon her homeland. It was why Ameris turned, it was why no red-sashed guards were seen around the castle, why not one of her citizens stayed to fight back. Mae or no Mae, their home was threatened, and most had to have fled.

To set Aiko free...

Dinah ran her hand along the priceless paintings, her fingers trailing across the canvas. The portraits of the dead royals seemed to frown at her. "Which one holds the door?"
"Untie me and I'll tell you," Aiko grumbled, eyes fierce as she glared at Dinah across the room.

Dinah laughed good-naturedly, but there was a harsh edge to it. "Come now, I can't give up all my cards, now can I?" She jerked her chin. Nova lifted her crossbow, pointing the bolt at Felix. A smile slithered across Dinah's lips. "Consequences, Aiko. Remember? Do as I say or watch your weak flame pet suffer."

Aiko's shoulders stiffened, her lips pressed into a thin line. With a growl, she nodded toward the one portrait with no name plaque. Ameris slipped her ring from her finger and followed Dinah to the large painting. They fiddled with it for a moment, fingers skimming the edges of the frame as they searched for the hole to insert the ring into. A click resounded as the ring slid into the lock; a second followed shortly before the hidden door swung open.

Though he knew the stairs separated them from the Core in the room below, Felix could already feel its warmth caressing his cheek. A whisper beckoned him forward, inviting him into the presence of the phoenix god's great gift, Niveus's sacred sustainer of magic.

Dinah descended into the dark first, the swish of her gown fading as the tip-toed down the steps. As Felix followed, ushered forward by Nova, the same heaviness from before overtook him. It became a chore to climb the steps, and his body prickled with unease. His wounds burned as though pressed beneath a hot iron.

Sand scuffed against the soles of his boots as he stepped off the landing. Dinah had already approached the egg-like structure of the Core, covered in black vines and emanating a searing heat. The air around it shimmered with the haze of magic—the same as the veil that blanketed Aiko's connection to it. It was the same as before, save for the large cracks that splintered its amber surface. The pleasant hum had turned to a painful groan.

Dinah clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "No wonder you're so desperate to cling to Felix. Your time really is running out, Aiko. It looks like the Ember Core is preparing for a reset."

Reset? Felix glanced at Aiko, who had shoved away from Ameris's support. She balanced herself, despite the blood oozing from the wound in her leg. The dark look in her hazel eyes screamed of her pain, and yet she was attempting to suppress it in the face of the Core. But as always, the answers to his questions were sealed beneath her tight-lipped frown. She gave nothing away, leaving him stranded with the whirl of uncertainty that threatened to pull him under.

"I suppose it's a good thing I got here when I did," Dinah said, turning to face them. "Now, when the Core kills you, I'll be here to absorb its power so it won't destroy everything. There's only so many times I could stand by while you use its power for your childish fits before I have to do something."

Felix fiddled with the rope. It slackened more, releasing his wrists from its painful hold. Unease coiled tightly within him at Dinah's nonchalant claims to the use of magic. Humans didn't wield magic. Moreover, magic was never spoken of in Furvus. How could its queen be so knowledgable, so confident that she could steal the power of the Core from its chosen holder?

Sharing Felix's discomfort, Ameris turned his hawk-eyed frown to the Queen of Furvus. "Kill her? I thought we had an agreement. You said you would call off the orders for her life and free her from the Core instead."

"This isn't my wish, it's the Core's." Dinah sighed and rested a hand against her cheek. Wrapped in the warm firelight, she seemed distant and surreal. Her pale skin was paper white, her blonde hair the color of straw, and her gown darkened by the glow. Beneath the high neckline, a small object glowed azure, dimming and brightening with the Core's flickering light.

"But you want it to happen," Ameris snapped. "You want Aiko's time to run out. You want the Core to reset."

"I wish to become the Bright Soul," Dinah answered simply. "The only way for me and Aiko to both achieve our wishes, is Aiko must die. I am sorry that you misunderstood the terms of our agreement. That's hardly my fault, I would say. As a citizen of Niveus and a high-ranking member of the court, perhaps you should have studied your god's gift more. Instead, you toyed with the Bright Soul. Don't get sentimental now, Ameris. You always wanted to use her."

Ameris glanced at Aiko. Pushing his shoulders back and setting his jaw, he pulled a small knife from his waist and began to saw away at the ropes around her wrists. Surprise stirred the embers in Felix's chest—Aiko's wide eyes mirrored the feeling. A frustrated huff pulled from Dinah's lips and she raised her hand to Nova, who was already lifting her crossbow.

"If that's your choice, so be it," she sneered. "I offered you the power you sought, but I see you've chosen to remain a fool."

Ameris made no response. Dinah's hand dropped at the same time Nova's bolt fired. It pierced his chest and he dropped immediately, staring emptily at the ceiling shrouded in darkness. The gold sash across his chest was already soaked with blood.

"No!" Aiko cried, struggling against her bonds. Though frayed and half-cut, they still remained firm around her wrists. She dropped to her knees beside his body, leaning her ear against his chest as if she thought there was a chance that life still clung to him.

Felix shook his head numbly. He was dead. Even wounded and forced to rely on one eye, Nova didn't miss. With Felix standing there so close, it was almost as if she was proving a point, reminding him of why she was the Perfectionist. He gritted his teeth. Though he held no regard for the regent who had caused Aiko so much pain, it burned to see the horror in her eyes as the truth finally settled on her shoulders. Sixty seconds, he reminded himself. I have sixty seconds. Wrenching his hands free of the loose rope, he grabbed his knife and sprinted toward Dinah.

He twisted, ducking in close enough until he was certain his blade would reach her. Shock flickered across her green eyes and she took a wary step back. It didn't matter. He sliced the knife in an upward arc, tearing across her chest. Too shallow. Advancing, he sliced a second time across her collar bone. She dodged, and he was left with another shallow cut.

Nova lunged at him, throwing him to the ground. She pinned one hand against his wounded shoulder, forcing all her weight on it. Searing pain tore through his body and his vision flickered. He cried out despite the satisfactory smile it dragged to her lips. Her one eye glared down at him triumphantly.

"I suppose it was a good thing I screwed up that shot," she hissed. "The look of pain on your face here is something I wouldn't miss for the world. So you're more than just a machine, huh?"

His breath came in short gasps as he fought against the choking, burning pain. Beneath it, though, a glimmer of hope stirred. With all her weight on one shoulder, his other hand was free. He fumbled for the vials of powdered poison in his pocket, suppressing his smile beneath his blank when his fingers brushed the smooth glass. Pride would be her downfall.

Prying the vial free, he smashed it against the side of her head, smearing black powder across her face and in her eye. She screeched and fell away. His palm began to tingle from the contact, but he rubbed it in the dirt as he pushed himself upright. The stench of rot clogged his senses. He choked on his breath, backing away from Nova, huddled with her face pressed into the dirt.

Dinah. Felix snapped his gaze back to the queen. She was standing in the same place, frowning down at her cuts. Glittering silver blood oozed from the wound, dripping across the front of her gown. He shuddered and jerked away in surprise. A hand flew to his temples. It's the poison. The poison must be getting to my head.

The silence was eerie, crawling down his spine like thousands of tiny ants. Rather than mock him in that sly, snake-like voice of hers, she trailed her hand across one cut with a simple sigh. It closed behind her fingers, leaving only a smudge of silver to show it had been there at all.

Realization shattered his blank, pulling his eyes wide with surprise and leaving his mouth hanging open in an unspoken gasp. It wasn't possible. It shouldn't be possible. Humans didn't wield magic.

Yet there she was, sealing her wounds with the touch of her fingers. She turned the same grace to Nova, whose panicked, pained gasps came to a stop as soon as Dinah's hand touched her.

Gripping his knife, Felix backed away from her until his foot brushed Aiko's leg. He glanced down at her. She was staring numbly at Dinah, her hazel eyes dark and unfocused. The Core's markings spread farther up her neck and she winced, sucking in a sharp breath. They spoke no words, but he could almost feel her resonating with his thoughts.

This wasn't a game they could win.

As though nothing had happened, Dinah turned to the Core. "Well then," she said with a pleasant lift in her voice. She lifted her hand, her billowing sleeves parting to reveal twisting lines of silver tracing up her arm. "Now that we're all in agreement on the terms, shall we begin?"

The markings began to glow and the Core groaned in return, its amber center darkening as the small, blue light on Dinah's chest brightened. The air shuttered as a chill sank deep into the cold. A choked cry escaped from Aiko's lips as she doubled over. Felix quickly steadied her shoulders, his heart climbing to his throat. Her skin was feverishly warm and the cracks in her skin lit up with the fierce fiery light from before.

A large crack split the center of the Ember Core, and Aiko screamed.

*shoves worries asides* We're moving right along toward the end! There's only two chapters left... :D

See you next time!

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