My One and Only

By xxThistleThornxx

2.1K 58 122

Sweeney Todd and Nellie Lovett are living happily now that they are together but the judge is still alive and... More

Times have changed
A rainy day
Control your bloodlust
Dinner with the Williams
Tensions rising
Decisions and sacrifices
Unfortunate events
A hopeless trial
Aspirational escape


139 3 5
By xxThistleThornxx

The night was very chilly with no stars or the moon showing. Nellie tossed and turned in her sleep, it was difficult to sleep without Sweeney next to her. The bed felt cold without the barber's warm body on it.

Eventually, Nellie decided to stay awake, she couldn't sleep and she'll probably close her shop tomorrow knowing that she might be exhausted from lack of sleep. She kicked off the blankets as well, despite the room being chilly but Nellie felt strangely hot, her head was dripping with sweat. Perhaps it was stress.

Suddenly, the door cracked open a little. Nellie lifted her head up to see who it was, she guessed it was Sweeney but then she also remembered he was passed out in his shop, so who was entering her room?

"Mum? Are you awake?" Toby whispered. Nellie let out a sigh, she was a bit disappointed it wasn't Sweeney but she also felt lonely and could use some company.

"I've been awake" she answers, "why you up so late?"

"I had a nightmare..." Toby replied feeling embarrassed though Nellie only smiled at him and patted on the mattress as a way of telling him to get into her bed which he did almost immediately.

"What was your nightmare about, love?" Nellie asks sweetly as she brushes Toby's hair. "It was about you." He began, "you took me to the Work House... you said you didn't want me anymore and that I was a burden..." his tone of voice changed and his eyes look like they were going to water, "and then... Mr. Todd... he killed you... I don't know why, but he did..." a few tears trickled down his face which Nellie quickly wiped them away with her finger. Her heart was crushed by his words.

"Now love, I would never do that to you, I love you as if you were me own, and if anyone ever took you away from me I'll always find a way to bring you back into my arms" she soothed.

The boy lifted his head and looked into his mother's eyes, "I wish you were my real mum..." Toby murmured making Nellie stare at him in awe and her heart fluttering madly. "Oh Toby, you sweet thing!" She grabbed his small body and pulled him to a tight hug where he immediately returned it. "No matter what you'll always be my son, blood or not you are my son" she whispered to him. Toby felt happy tears wanting to spring down, he wasn't used to anyone saying nice things to him, especially if it was about family.

"As for Mr. Todd" she pulled away from the hug to look at the lad, "he'll never hurt me".

"How do you know?" The boy queried.

"Because I'm all he has left" she answered. Toby didn't dare question what she meant by that but instead placed his head on the crook of her neck and eventually the two drifted off to sleep, Nellie feeling more comfortable now sleeping with someone, she finally slept peacefully.


Eleanor was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, Toby was still asleep in her room and Sweeney was still in his shop, possibly still passed out. She worried about him, what will their plan be if Alexander investigates the two shops? Will Sweeney stop killing people? What will they do if Alex finds out about their crimes? There were too many questions running through her head and honestly she wasn't in the mood to open her shop. She felt like having a picnic at the park, especially since today was a rare sunny day and she wants to spend her entire day with her barber and boy.

As if he knew she was talking about him, Sweeney came in through the back door with his back hunched down like usual, but his attire looked slightly different. He looked tired and his hair was a mess and his eyes were droopy and there were dark bags under them. It was like how he looked when he first came back from prison, the poor thing looked beaten up and was very cautious of his surroundings.

"Mornin' love" Nellie spoke softly but Sweeney only grunted and sat in a booth where there was a window next to it and he started to look through it.

Nellie let out a sigh and walked towards him, sitting across from him in the booth he sat in. "Sweeney, are you alright? I came by your shop yesterday and you were passed out".

"I needed to think" was all he said. "Alcohol doesn't solve anything, dear," Sweeney couldn't help but glare at her, why was he acting like this?

"Is there something your not telling me? Please tell me! And will you stop killing?" Nellie leaned forward trying to read his eyes, but his eyes were blank.

"I won't stop until I get the judge" he muttered, which made Nellie wide eyed and her mouth open a little. "Sweeney Todd do you not remember that a friend of mine is a lawyer and is on the investigation of missing men in this street and if he finds out it's us we'll be hanged!" She spat almost in annoyance but was very well irritated by his attitude. But Sweeney only got up from his seat and stood in the middle of the pie emporium which had Nellie to follow him.

Nellie stepped closer to him "listen, you can kill the judge, but don't kill anyone else, only him, alright?" Sweeney finally softened his gaze a little at her, "the beadle?"

"Him too, just those two. No one else," she stated. Sweeney let out a sigh, "very well". Nellie smiled at him, "thank you love, and don't worry about the meat, I have enough money for real meat" she wrapped her arms around his and kissed him passionately on the lips which he returned.

"I love you" she whispered, her eyes showing how much she loved him. Sweeney only answered by giving her a light kiss on the forehead.

"Ya know love, I've been thinking we should go out to the park and have a picnic" Nellie changed the subject. Sweeney raised a brow in confusion, "why?"

"It's a rare nice day today, and you could use some fresh air. You've been cooped up in here for who knows how long and I want to spend more time with you" she placed her head on his shoulder, "we have been spending time together, Nellie".

"Not yesterday, I was alone all day and night" she pouted. "Well I'm sorry, I'm here now" he teased, wrapping his arms around her body and holding her close.

"Can we go on a picnic?" Nellie asked again. Sweeney rolled his eyes a little, "fine..."

Nellie wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tightly, "thank you love! You have no idea how much that makes me happy!"

"Nellie... I can't breathe... too tight..."

"Oh sorry..." she backed away from him a little and pecked his lips. "I'll pack some snacks".


The odd family were enjoying their time at the park. Sweeney surprisingly felt relaxed, and with Nellie next to him he felt at peace. Toby was somewhere in the distance flying a kite while the demon couple settled nicely below an oak tree chatting a little and eating some snacks.

Nellie inhaled the fresh air that surrounded the opening. She felt alive. For awhile, she felt trapped in her shop, especially that one time where it rained and she had no choice but to be imprisoned in her own home. Having a picnic was a great idea and Sweeney looked calm and relaxed and didn't seem to stop staring at the baker, making her blush.

"What ya starin' at?" She flirted once she noticed that Sweeney's eyes stayed glue to her. "Nothin, just a certain baker that looks lovely today". He wasn't lying, Nellie was wearing one of her good dresses today, it was a blue and white striped dress, it was simple but still beautiful and it seemed comfortable to wear. Sweeney was surprised how well it suited her dark exterior and it went well with her red curls. Speaking of her hair, she actually took the time to brush those stubborn locks of hers along with adding a bit more makeup to her face than usual.

"You look lovely yourself, although you should really start wearing other clothes. I think you'll look nice in blue, a rich navy suit will do you nicely", Nellie complimented.

"Clothes are quite expensive" he answered.

"I'm sure you have enough money for it, you've been spending most days in your shop" she retorted.

They continued chatting on about clothes until Toby joined them. They continue chatting and eating more snacks and just enjoying the view, after all, it was a rare sunny day for London.

Eventually the trio decided that it was time to go home and maybe play some card games.


On their way home, they somehow stumbled upon Alexander Williams who gave them a smile and waved, "good day to you Mr. Todd and Mrs. Lovett, and hello to you Toby" Alex bend his head down to the boy which Toby shyly waved and smiled at him.

"Ello' Alexander, great to see you. You've come to enjoy the weather?" Nellie asked. "Oh yes, the weather is lovely, my wife and children have come out to enjoy it too, they're watching a puppet show right now and I'm out to get some snacks for them" Alex answered and it seems he smiled a bit at the mention of his family.

"Oh that's nice. I won't keep you and your family waiting, Mr. Todd and Toby and myself just got back from the park so we best be on our way" Nellie smiled, though Sweeney wasn't too pleased and just wanted the conversation to be over so they can go home.

"Alright, but before I let you go, I've talk to my wife about this and... I was wondering if you and Mr. Todd, including your boy would like to join me and my family for dinner next week, how's that?" Nellie opened her mouth a little in surprise at his request, she would like to meet his family and she would like to know more about her friend she hasn't seen in so many years.

She glanced at Sweeney who didn't look happy and his eyes stared back at Nellie's that she knew said he didn't want to go, she'll have to try and talk him into it.

"I'll think about it. When the time is right I'll let you know" was all she answered. Alex nodded understandably, "alright, just give me your answer when your ready".

"Thank you," and Alex was gone.


Back at home, Nellie was trying her best to convince Sweeney to come to dinner with the Williams.

"C'mon Sweeney... please!"

"For the last time I said no! And if you want to go so badly why don't you just go by yourself, or take the boy with you?"

"Because Alex specifically invited both of us and I don't want to do it alone. What if he starts asking about the missing men and if I've seen anything?" Nellie began grabbing the loose strings on her dress, she really didn't feel comfortable with Alex asking her such things even if they are questions he has to ask since it is a serious matter.

"Just tell him that you didn't see anything, it's that simple!" Sweeney answered with annoyance. "Please just come with me Sweeney, I would feel a lot better if you will come with me!" She continue to beg.

"Just take Toby with you and you'll be fine".

"But I want you there too!" Nellie took a deep breath, "look, I know you don't like a lot of people, especially socializing with them, but these are one of these days where I need you to be with other people, plus Alex is a nice man and I'm pretty sure he has a lovely family too, I think you'll get along nicely with him".

"He's a lawyer, Eleanor and you know I don't like the law" he spat. "I know you don't, but maybe try and give them a second chance? I grew up with Alex and he's been nothing but kind, I'm sure just by becoming a lawyer won't change a thing" Nellie retorted.

Sweeney let out a loud, long and agitated sigh. "Is it really that important to you that I should come?" He asked.

Nellie nodded, "it would mean the world to me if you come. Besides..." she crept up to him and placed her hand seductively on his chest, "you might get something after the dinner if you're good... a little something to make up for forcing you to come to dinner with people you hardly know..."

Sweeney knew immediately what she meant and he hated how her seductive tone always has its ways with him. He could feel his pants becoming tight as she continues to pet his chest slowly and gently that it nearly sends him off. He honestly wishes to rip her dress off and take her to bed right here and now.

"Alright..." he finally answered which had Nellie squealing with joy.

"Thank you love! You have no idea how happy that makes me!" She squealed, hugging him tightly and looking up at him with so much love, though Sweeney was displeased with the decision.

"Don't forget the reward if you behave" she reminded him. She then cupped the sides of his face and pecked his lips. At this point, Sweeney couldn't help but think he was being treated like a dog, but if it'll make Nellie happy, and him as well if he does act good, then it's worth it. Besides, being with the woman he loves in the sheets was heaven.

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