Abused RWBY x Big Brother Rea...

By JD_rules02

138K 1.9K 2.2K

Team RWBY were abused when they were just kids by who they thought were their family. So they each decided to... More

Bio and Family
Meeting the Girls
The (L/N) Family
Initiation Day
Initiation Day Pt. 2
First Day
Dealing with Problems
Mystery Person
Family Time
The Search
Day Off

Food Fight and Master Plan

2.7K 44 9
By JD_rules02

Please read the ending author's note at the end of the page for important plans for the story.

It was a quiet and peaceful afternoon in the Beacon lunchroom. Weiss was eating her lunch normally, Blake was reading and catching up on notes and Yang was catching grapes in her mouth from Nora from across the other table. The only family not present were Ruby and (Y/N). That was until Ruby came from nowhere and slammed a heavy book on the table startling her sisters.

Ruby: Family, Sisters, Weiss....

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream!

Yang: This outta be good. (Catches another grape)

Ruby: A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, to have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!

Weiss: Did you steal Onii-chan's binder?

The cover of the binder reveals a crossed out title cover and was written with red pen that says "Best Day Ever Activities".

Ruby: I am not a crook. (Looks around her) But please don't tell him!

Elsewhere, (Y/N) is looking around for his binder that held all of his paperwork on the Vytal Festival.

(Y/N): Where in the hell did I put it?

He then looks in a drawer and sees the paperwork but no binder. He then sees a rose petal on top of the papers.

(Y/N): *SIGH* Ruby (L/N).

We now return to the cafeteria with Ruby resuming her speech.

Blake: So what are you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off this semester with a bang.

Yang: I like to kick off with a 'Yang'. Haha! Get it?

Her sisters shake their heads in disappointment as she is then hit the head by an apple from Nora.

Nora: Boo!

Ruby: Look, it's been two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going great! But classes start tomorrow and I want to have as much fun as possible.

Weiss: As your sister, I am proud of you but as your partner, I'm scared of what you're planning. So I'm stumped.

Blake: I don't know.... I might sit this one out.

Weiss: Sit out or not, I think however we spend our last day, we should do it as a family.

Nora: I got it!

Weiss: I for one think-

Weiss was then interrupted by a pie being thrown at her face. RWBY looks over to JNPR and see Nora sitting back down pointing at Ren trying to blame him while Ren has his head in his hand, Pyrrah having her hands over her mouth and Jaune looking on with shock.

Meanwhile, Sun is walking with his best buddy and team mate Neptune as they made their way through the campus towards the lunch room.

Sun: And then these two guys were going so fast. Faster than anything I could see!

Neptune: How fast we talking?

Sun: Like one second they're there, then gone and then reappear in a different locations. It was almost like they were leaving behind.... after.... pictures?

Neptune: Images. Afterimages is what it's called dude.

Sun: Whatever.

Neptune: So you're telling me that they were so fast to leave behind after images, strong enough to cut through aura without the use of semblances and to top it all off, they don't even have semblances in the first place?

Sun: Sounds about right. But keep the whole Eclipse guy a secret. And I mean it.

Neptune: Bro, chill out. I understand.

As they keep walking and talking, through the windows, into the lunch room, there was food flying and students running for their lives.

Sun: You better man. It's just that I don't wanna screw this up. These guys are really cool. No offense to you though.

Neptune: None taken.

And then Jaune is flown across the room and smacks right into the window.

Sun: Okay they're just in here. I'm really excited to meet these girls. We can meet the other guy later. So be cool, okay? You can be cool right?

Neptune: Dude.

Neptune stands there with his arms crossed and with a gleam to his toothy smile.

Sun: Good point.

???: Oh hey, it's you from the docks.

The two of them turn around to see (Y/N) walking up to him with Sam and Kanao beside him.

Sun: Oh hey! Looks like we're meeting him first after all. But who are the other two?

(Y/N): Oh, these are my old team mates. We used to be a team when we here at Beacon but now we're TA's here.

Sun: Cool! Oh what're your names?

Sam: Names Sam. Nice to meet you guys.

Kanao: And my names Kanao. It's a pleasure to meet you.

(Y/N): So where are you guys off to.

Sun: Oh we were about to head in to the lunch room. I wanna introduce my buddy Neptune here to those girls!

Neptune: Sup!

Sam: Wassup!

(Y/N): Oh what a coincidence, we were about to head in to see my sisters as well.

Neptune: Wait sisters?

Sun: Adopted.

Neptune: Oh! Wait that means your their.... brother?

(Y/N): Yep!

(Y/N) puts his hands on his shoulder and gives off a menacing aura with a closed eyed smile on his face.

(Y/N): So don't get any funny ideas. We clear?

Neptune: Y-Yes sir!

The aura is now gone and was replaced with normalcy.

(Y/N): Good!

They then enter the lunch room and are shocked to see it in its current state which looked like a war was breaking out as students started running for their lives with Nora standing on top of a pile of tables.

Student: Food fight!

Nora: Ahahahahahaha! I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

(Y/N): 'This isn't a food fight. This is a food war!'

A/N: Damn! That sounds like a better title heading!

(Y/N): 'Yeah well, you're too late to use it.'

A/N: Screw you! You .... you.... cute mother fucker! God why are you so sexy!?

(Y/N): 'That's because I am a loved anime character that can kill anyone with a sweet smile on his face as well as a reader insert. So you tell me.

A/N: I.... how did you.... but you're a.... you know what forget it. Back to the story at hand.

(Stop at 20 seconds)

Then Ruby hops onto one of the tables and points at JNPR with a carton of milk in her hand.

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be DELICIOUS!

_WBY: Yeah!

Ruby then looks over to see (Y/N) watching with a shock filled expression.

Ruby: Hi Onii-chan!

(Y/N): H-hi Rosebud.

Ruby: You wann join in?

(Y/N): I'm good. I'll uh.... I'll just wait till you're done.

Ruby: Alright!

Nora then hops down in front of a table with water melons.

Nora: Off with their heads!

And with her order, JNPR sends dozens of melons at RWBY.

Ruby: Yang! Turkeys!

Kanao: Wait. They're not planning....

(Y/N): Oh no.

Sam: Oh hell yes! This is gonna be awesome!


(Y/N) is now pinching the bridge of his nose as he looks at the complete mess and destruction teams RWBY and JNPR have caused.

Sun: I love these guys.

Neptune is not amused however because he is the only one out of the spectators to be covered in soda. Sam wipes his finger on his shoulder to get a sample and puts it in his mouth to taste it.

Sam: Hmm? Grape.

Kanao: ..... Really?

Sam: What?

The doors are then swung open as Glynda comes into the room with an angered expression as she uses her semblance and riding crop to to reorganize the entire room back to how it's suppose to look. Minus the stains and giant hole in the ceiling.

Glynda: Children, please! (Pushes glasses up on her face) Do not play with your food!

They all stand there silently until Nora makes a loud burp and Yang come falling back down, crashing through the ceiling onto the floor.

(Y/N): Dear Oum. Yang, you alive!

Sam: It's Yang dude. Of course that little bomb shell is alright!

Kanao: My my you children are filthy. (Takes out a packet of tissues)

As the students start to laugh, (Y/N), Sam and Kanao make their way to them with smiles and laughs of their own, as Ozpin appears behind Glynda and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Ozpin: Let it go.

Glynda: *SIGH* They're suppose to be the defenders of the world.

As the professors look at the scene. (Y/N) and Blake are picking Yang off the ground, Sam his arm around Ruby's shoulder both laughing their butts off and Kanao trying to clean up Weiss's face but is having a hard time with her laughing as well as trying not to giggle at the whole predicament.

Ozpin: And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part. After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.

Ozpin begins to walk away until he is stopped.

Glynda: And what about (Y/N) and the other two?

Ozpin turns around to see (Y/N), Sam and Kanao laughing along with the students as they try to clean them up of their stains.

Ozpin: Sometimes it takes awhile for kids to act like true adults. So again, let them have their fun. Especially (Y/N). He needs it more then anyone else we know.

Glynda: Yes Headmaster.

Ozpin and Glynda then leave with Sun and Neptune in tow, mostly because Neptune needs to clean himself of the soda on him.


(I don't know if episodes one and two of volume two were during the same day or are taken place a day apart, so I'm just winging it and saying their on the same day just at different times of said day. Please don't hate.)

It was now late afternoon as we see Atlas bullheads in the sky approaching the school. As (Y/N) looks up into the sky to see them land, he starts to wonder why Ironwood was here.

Sam: Wonder why Irondick is here?

Kanao: Sam be nice. He's the general and head master for Atlas. The least you can do is show him a sliver of respect. No matter how much of a pain he is.

Sam: I'll call him whatever I want.

Kanao: Whatever you say.

(Y/N): Come on we gotta go see Ozpin.

As they walk towards the elevator they notice Glynda come out with an annoyed expression.

Kanao: Professor. (Bows head)

Glynda: Afternoon to you as well.

They then get into the elevator and on their way up, they can tell something was up at the top of the tower between Ozpin and Ironwood.

Sam: What do you think they're talking about.

(Y/N): Who knows. But with this many Atlas bullheads here at Beacon, it can't be something good.

The elevator dings and opens to reveal Ironwood slamming his hands onto Ozpins desk with an angered expression.

Ironwood: What do you mean Qrow is no longer your concern?!

Ozpin: As I said, I don't want to anything to do with Qrow because of his actions he and his team have done to my students. This goes for the Schnee's and the Belladonna's.

Ironwood: *SIGH* Oz.... you're letting your feelings for these children blind you. You need to focus on our main goal on finding and stopping Salem.

Ozpin stands up, looks behind Ironwood to see (Y/N), Sam and Kanao with sad expressions on their faces, practically begging him to do whats right. He then walks towards the window to look out at the rest of his students walking, talking and having fun with each other.

Ozpin: You are right James. We do need to focus on finding Salem and put an end to her plans before she and the grimm conquer this world.

Ironwood smiles while the three teacher assistants look down in sadness and anger at what Ozpin is doing.

Ironwood: Glad we're on the same-

Ozpin: However...

Ironwood shuts up and raises his brow in confusion.

Ozpin: As the Headmaster of Beacon, I can not overlook my students being abused and mistreated by their own family. Especially if they are some of my most trusted associates. You know that I too was once a parent. So I will not sit by when this information was presented to me and allow them to be tortured. However, my urge to stop Salem is just as strong, so I will allow Qrow to only come here as my informant and that is that.

Ironwood sighs in defeat because once Ozpin has made up his mind, it cannot be changed. He then turns around and heads towards the elevator. He stops halfway to meet (Y/N) and the others and they each give their own neutral faces and greetings. Well except for Sam.

Ironwood: (Y/N).

(Y/N): James.

Ironwood: (Turns head in Kanao's direction) Ms. Tsuyuri.

Kanao: (Bows head slightly) General Ironwood.

Ironwood: (Narrows his eyes and looks at Sam) Samuel.

Sam: (Smirks slightly) Irondick.

Ironwood: Grrrrr!

He then walks into the elevator and turns around. But before he presses the button, he says one last thing.

Ironwood: Just makes sure they're prepared for the war that's coming.

The door closes and now he is gone as Ozpin hangs his head low.

Ozpin: I hope they never have to.

(Y/N): Ozpin, as much as I want to disagree with him, he is right about the possibility of war breaking out. So we need to make sure these kids are ready.

Ozpin: I understand that. It's just that there are one too many problems we have to worry about from the White Fang, to Salem and her inner circle, who we still have no idea who they are and the fact that Eclipse is still out there and specifically targeting you and your family. I don't want my students to fight three problems at the same time.

Sam: And we understand that Oz but the fact still remains that an all out war will soon begin and it will not be pretty when the grimm kill all of the people when there are plenty of students to help. And trust me when I say that this years students are more than capable of taking 50 grimm down before they go down themselves.

Kanao: Sam is right sir. These children are strong enough to take care of themselves in a fight. But it is our job to make sure that they have the training and knowledge on how to defeat the enemy.

Ozpin looks up at the three and smiles as he remembers the time they were here at Beacon when it was all four of them together.

Ozpin: You four always knew what to do to get people inspired. (Y/N)'s leadership gave people the courage to stand and defend. Kanao's caring nature would always bring people together and help each other. Sam's tenacity gave the weak the will to fight and follow his lead. And lastly Michael....

The three hang their heads low as they start to remember his bright and goofy smile.

Ozpin: That child always gave people the hope they needed to fight for the right thing and to keep on fighting to the very end.

The three adults couldn't help but shed a few tears as they remember the good times and fun that Michael would always bring.

Ozpin: (Y/N)....

(Y/N) brings his head up to look at Ozpin with teary eyes.

Ozpin: I know you will honor Michael's final wish and bring him peace. Out everyone that he ever trusted, he trusted you the most to honor his goal.

(Y/N) couldn't help but give a small smile with the tears still present.

(Y/N): Thank you sir.

Ozpin: (Nods head) Hm. (Stands up and walks over to a shelf) Now back to business.

Ozpin grabs three sets of folders and walks over the three and hands the folders over to him.

Ozpin: I understand that you three came in here to discuss the upcoming festival and tournament.

Kanao: That is correct sir. We are just unclear of what are roles are.

Ozpin: Well that's easy. Kanao, you and Sam will serve as this years tournament referees.

Sam: Referees? That's new.

Ozpin: Well I thought it was the best idea to have on site referees so that the participants don't go overboard and hurt themselves. As well as to make sure they don't break the rules.

(Y/N): What about me?

Ozpin: Nothing really. Well your job is to actually make sure none of team RWBY's past family members show up and try to steal them back. So your more of a bodyguard for your sisters. So the same role as being their older brother.

(Y/N): So basically keep doing what I'm doing but just more observant. Is that right?

Ozpin: That pretty much sums it up.

Ozpin then walks back towards his desk and sits in his chair.

Ozpin: Now, I believe we are done here. So you may take your leave.

As the three enter the elevator and the door closes, Ozpin sighs and spins around to look out the window and starts to talk to himself.

Ozpin: I understand that he was killed in battle. But please, don't blame (Y/N) for it wasn't his fault. I just hope you two "talk" it out like adults.


We now see Blake in the dorm on her bed, as she starts to contemplate on what has been happening with the White Fang and Torchwick. But she was brought out of her thoughts when her sisters walked in.

Yang: Ugh! We should've never let him play!

Ruby: *Giggles* You're just made because the new guy beat you!

As Ruby and Yang keep talking, Weiss notices Blake trying to avoid them by walking away from the situation.

Weiss: Stop! Lately you've been quiet, antisocial and moody.

Yang: Uh have you met Blake?

Weiss: Which I know is kind of your "thing" you have going on but, you've been doing it more than usual. Which, quite frankly, is unacceptable to me, Ruby and Yang. You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something is wrong.

Weiss then proceeds to hop onto a chair and balance off it while heroically pointing at her sister.

Weiss: So tell us Blake (L/N), what is wrong!

Ruby and Yang stand there dumbfounded at what their sister is doing as she tries to shakily keep her balance on the chair. She then proceeds to hop off and place the chair back in front of the desk and stand where she originally was. Before Blake could retort, (Y/N) shows up out of no where sitting in the window.

(Y/N): She's right kitten.

They all jump at his sudden appearance as he sits there with his arms crossed.

(Y/N): You made a promise to these three. So let's hear it.

Blake: .... I just don't understand how everyone can be so calm.

Ruby: You're still thinking about Torchwick?

Blake: Torchwick, the White Fang, Eclipse all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!

Yang: Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the Huntsman, I'm sure they could handle it. Even Onii-chan is trying to find more info on Eclipse.

Blake: Well not so sure about it! They don't know the White Fang like I do! I used to be apart of those protests when I was a kid and the fact that they just switched over to violence for no considerable reason just doesn't add up!

The other three sisters look at each other and then they all look at (Y/N) for anything he has to say but all he does is shrug his shoulders.

(Y/N): Hey this is between you girls right now.

Weiss: Okay, between blowing up night clubs, stopping thieves and fighting for freedom, I'm sure the three of you think you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do wells!

(Yeah I actually looked up how to spell it. Sue me for my OCD.)

Ruby: Uh who?

(Y/N): The bad guys, rosebud.

Ruby: Oh!

Weiss: But let me once again be the voice the voice of reason, we're students. We're not ready to handle this sort of situation!

Ruby: Well yeah but....

Weiss: We're not ready sis!

Blake: And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just gonna sit around and wait for graduation day! They're out there somewhere planning their next move and none of us know what it is but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not.

Ruby: Okay! all in favor in becoming the youngest huntresses and single-handedly bring down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale, say aye!

Yang: Yes! I love it when you're feisty!

Weiss: Well I suppose it could be fun.

Ruby: None of you said aye.

(Y/N): Aye.

The sisters look over to (Y/N) with his hand raised and a smile on his face.

(Y/N): What? You think I'm just gonna let you have all the fun? The adults of the house also need some time to wind off.

Ruby: Adults?

And out of nowhere, Kanao pops her head from below the window outside of the room right next to (Y/N) as the girls look at her with confusion.

Yang: Big sis?

Kanao: Hello.

Weiss: How are you...?

Kanao: (Brings finger to lips) A Huntress secret for another time.

Blake: Alright! We're in this together.

Ruby: Let's hatch a plan!

Yang: Yeah!

Ruby: *GASP!* I left my board game in the library!

Weiss: We're doomed.

As Ruby sprints out the door, she doesn't pay attention and runs into someone, knocking her to her butt.

Ruby: Sorry. Are you alright?

???: I'm fine. Just watch where you're going.

The mystery girl proceeds to help Ruby up as Ruby keeps apologizing. (Y/N) and Kanao watch the whole thing unfold as they feel something suspicious coming from these three students.

Kanao: (Y/N), these three are trouble. I can feel it.

(Y/N): I know, I felt it too. Text Sam about these three and to make sure to keep a close eye on them while they're here at the school.

Kanao then proceeds to text Sam about the whole situation, as she does the black haired girl walks by, giving him a mischievous smirk.

(Y/N): Evening.

???: To you as well sir.

As they walk off Ruby walks up to him and Kanao.

(Y/N): Make some new friends Ruby?

Ruby: Seems like it. They're exchange students from Haven academy. They're here for the festival.

(Y/N): Hmm?

Ruby: Something wrong Onii-chan?

(Y/N): Not sure rosebud. Now hurry up and go get your board game. I wanna have one sparring match against you girls before it's lights out.

Ruby: Awesome! Be back in a few!

Ruby then proceeds to use her semblance and runs off to the library. (Y/N) continues to watch the Haven students as they walk away and walk around the corner.

(Y/N): Just what is going here?

Done! Sorry that this chapter so long to update and I'm sorry that it's short, I'm just at a writers block right now. I do want to continue this story but I also want to make a new story about a little ghost girl named Erma. If you know who that is, congrats you win a cookie as well as a hug and you a real cultured homie to me. So I think I'm gonna do that. Don't worry, this story will still be updated, it will just be longer updates than usual. I just love posting new ideas and stories in order to see what you guys like best. Anyways, that's all for now. Stay rockin' rockstars!

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