Starry, Starry Night (Stardus...

By under_a_bus

21.4K 725 218

Y/N didn't want any trouble, he just wanted to finish this school year, pass his classes and maybe build up e... More

DIO's Curse
Tower of Grey
Silver Chariot
Dark Blue Moon
Yellow Temperance
Emperor and Hanged Man
Wheel of Fortune
update :)
Bonus~ (Y/N) meets the other Joestars
The Lovers
The Sun

Who Will Be The Judge!?

3.6K 73 17
By under_a_bus

The coffin was no where near damaged enough to have been in the ocean for up to one hundred years. The sleek dark wood, gold accents and heavy padlock looked just as well preserved as the day they were made, polished to a finish, ornate and handcrafted for someone with a lot of money to spare on such luxuries. The only signs that it had been lying at the bottom of the ocean for decades were the barnacles forming a thick crust over its surface, still not a single gem out of place or a detail worn away. 

After being brought to the surface off the coast of Africa, the sailors wasted no time in finding a way to open the heavy chest. Carelessly chipping off barnacles and bits of wood off the once smooth side to reveal a small sign, simply with the word 'DIO' written in fancy lettering across the gold plate near the padlock of the coffin. 

The boat was found empty, only three steaming cups of coffee as evidence anyone was aboard to begin with, the cruiser just left floating on the waves. The coffin was found open, the plush red insides open for the first time in one hundred years, but without a sign of what was originally in there. Just the silent ship and the calm sea, drifting and floating on one Starry, Starry Night. 

.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

"It's Jojo!"

"Ah! Jojo!"

"You're right it's Jojo!"

"Jojo!" "Good day Jojo." "Hi, Jojo." "Hey Jojo."

"Jojo," one of the many girls surrounding him grabbed his arm, pulling him down slightly to her level, "You took four days of school! What were you up to?"

"Hey you!" she was quickly pulled off him and shoved aside, "What do you think your doing grabbing Jojo's arm like that! Don't be so chummy with him!"

By this point, he was surrounded, a girls forming a group behind him following him on his way to school. To say he was annoyed would be an understatement, he just wanted to be left the fuck alone. Always vying for his affection and screeching about wanting to walk with him to class, it was starting to give him a headache, and when they didn't shut up he snapped.

"Shut it! You're pissing me off!" he yelled hoping it would somehow get them off his back.

But it seemed to have had the exact opposite effect.

"Ah! He spoke to me <3! To me!"

"No, it was me!"

He sighed, accepting the unfortunate fate that he was going to be stuck with this for a lot longer than he wanted.

.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

He was running late again, the sound of his alarm failing to wake him in the morning. One quick shower and snack later, he found himself sprinting towards the school, not willing to be caught sneaking into the back of the classroom after being caught last time and he was not looking to rearrange the gym cupboard again anytime soon.

For once in his life he rejoiced in seeing Jojo's groupies hanging outside of school, their loud blabbering meaning that school hadn't started yet. He wasn't late, no cupboard rearranging for him today, just class, and maybe a little bit of staring at Jotaro's back for too long. Jojo did have a great back in his defence.

Speaking off staring at his back, that was exactly what he was doing right now. Y/N tried his best to scoot around the group of girls, trying to get to the stairs only a few feet away from him. He couldn't even see beyond that point, mainly due to a certain boy at the top of the stairs. Damn tall people and their fucking fan club. He takes it back, he's no longer pleased to see any of these girls, not now they're blocking his way to school. He glares at their backs with a annoyed look in his (E/C) eyes. Guess he wasn't getting past anytime soon.

Something was off, he could feel it. They're was a weird vibe in the air, something that wasn't due to the suffocating crowd he was pushing through. And as soon as he got to the top of the stairs, his suspicions were confirmed as Jojo suddenly staggered and fell. A gash appearing in his leg seemingly out of nowhere blood running down his calf as the ground moved from under him.


Shit, (Y/N) thought, He's going to break his fucking back. Fighting the urge to run after him, he watched with wide eyes as Jotaro fell directly into one of the trees to his side, barely harmed, sitting upright hanging off a couple of branches in a dazed state. His knee was still dripping blood as he straightened himself out causing the other boy to finally move from his spot and run down the stairs after him.

"Are you alright Jojo? Are you okay?" clearly he had been beaten to it by a pretty girl shoving her face close into his arm.

"You're lucky, a few more inches and you would had hit stones."

"Let's hold hands next time you go down, Jojo. Just to make sure!"

His stoic expression didn't seem to change, not seeming to even pay any mind to the large cut in his knee. Just the sight made (Y/N) cringe, knowing he would have been on the floor crying in seconds if that was him. Quickly he grabbed his bag, going to root out something for him to mop up the blood with, maybe he could even get in a few words with the guy he obviously had a crush on.

But before he could even get anything out, he was once again beaten to it buy someone else. Not one of the girls, but a tall boy with pink hair he'd never see before. Offering out a pristine handkerchief with a flourish, "You... Your leg seems to be bleeding. Use this to clean yourself up. Will you be all right?" 

There was a moment of awkward silence as they seemed to size eachother up, weary glances being exchanged between the two before Jojo spoke up.

"Yeah.. it's not too deep," the pink haired boy turned to leave, "Hold it. Thanks. I don't recognize you, do you go to my school?"

"Noriaki Kakyoin," he paused shaking his head, his cherry shaped earrings moving slightly due to the movement, "I just transferred here yesterday. Nice to meet you."

He left just as quickly as he had arrived, pivoting on his heel and heading towards the school at a lazy pace as if he had all the time in the world. Silence once again took over as everyone paused watching the boy go, leaving the girls to debate who their alliance was truly to. The pretty stranger seeming to be a true contender to Jotaro's popularity.

Taking this as his chance to step in, the (H/C) boy moved to stand in front of his crush, a concerned look on his face, "Do you need to go to the nurse? I don't have anything first lesson so I could take you there," maybe he would even get to talk to him a little more.

"Fine," there wasn't even a slight limp in his step as he made is way to school.

Quickening his pace, (Y/N) ran to catch up, taking his short response as a yes to the question, happily leaving the girls standing there still shocked. He fought back the urge to fist pump the air, he'd done it, he had actually gotten the nerve to talk to Jotaro. He was so cool and now they we're walking to the school nurse together. That was almost a whole five minutes of walking together!

"Jojo, don't tell me! You got into a fight again?" the nurse sighed signalling for him to take a seat by the nearby chair, "(Y/N) how about you take a seat too please, just so you can walk him back to class and make sure he doesn't get into anymore trouble."

"Come on teach, has Jojo ever gotten hurt in a fight?" one of the boys skiving in the nurse's office said.

"Yeah think about it," the other added.

"Ha ha ha, I suppose your right. Fine! I'll believe you fell down Mr clumsy," she picked up a pair of sharp scissors moving closer to Jojos leg.

"Hold on. What are you going to do with that?"

"I'm going to cut off your pants, I need to be able to get to that wound. I could just take them off but I doubt you want me to do that. Well I'll let you decide while I take these two fakers temperatures so I can send them back to class."

"No! We've got colds let us go home!"

The (E/C) eyed boy moves his gaze to look out of the window but soon returns it to Jojo as he hears something fall on the floor. The handkerchief Kakyoin gave him lies on the floor, it unfolding to reveal a scribbled note on the underside. And by the reaction on the taller boys face, it wasn't anything good that was for sure.


"Doctor what are you doing?" the two skivers start to back away as the nurse gets closer and closer, slashing her fountain pen through the air wildly.

"Can't you see that I'm shaking out the thermometer for you?!"

"What do you mean?"

"But doc! That's a pen, not a thermometer" they stager back sweat dripping down their faces.

"A pen!? A pen you say?! Does this look like a pen to you!?" she stopped, suddenly foaming at her mouth, eyes going dark and teeth gritted into a snarl, "Stupid! What stupid boys you are! You think this thermometer is a pen!? Why don't you take one more look up close."

(Y/N) recoiled, stumbling back as he watched the nurse jab the pen straight into one of the boys eyes, blood mixing with ink as she yanks it sharply back out a deranged look on her face as she swivels around to face the other two.

"Jojo you aren't going to tell me this look like a pen are you?" she lunged as the boy tried to reach out and grab Jotaros arm. 

Jojo moved quickly restraining the nurses hand as it dug inches below his eye straight into his cheek. He struggled to mover her hand back, her inhuman upper body strength challenging his ability to keep it from stabbing further in. Sweat dripping down his temple as he shook and strained, the boy next to him unable to do anything as he tried and failed to pull the nurse off him. Where had she suddenly got this strength from?

"Step back!" 

"What?" he looked up at the boys struggling figure, confused why he wanted him to back off.

"You should do as he says," Noriaki Kakyoin, the boy from the floor was sitting idly in the window holding a small wooden puppet as he grinned, "I've attached my stand to the doctor. She is under my control. Attack my stand and you'll hurt her, jojo."

Stand? What the hell was he talking about, (Y/N) thought but as he glanced down at the nurses leg he quickly let go. It was a tentacle of sorts, a green snake like thing curling itself up the doctors leg. A stand, was that a stand.

"Wh-who the hell are you!?" The usually stoic boy growled.

"My stands name is Hierophant Green. I have a stand just like your friend Avdol-And while I am human I have pledged my loyalty to HIM. That is why I will kill you," he flicked up the puppets arm causing the doctor to arch back her mouth opening to a sickening sight inside.

There was something inside her mouth, a small dark blob that Jotaro had clearly also seen too as he grabbed her and went straight for her mouth with his teeth. There were too of him, no one Jojo and one weird brightly coloured version next to him, was this, Jojo's stand? In it's teeth was whatever had been in the doctors mouth, aggressively pulling it out before letting her fall to the floor.

"I won't let you harm her! Now that I've drawn out your stand to see it for myself, I know it's nothing more than a parasite, Kakyoin!"

Two human like torsos tangled in the air like smoke, the larger one that seemed to come from Jotaro still biting into whatever was inside that lady. It was bright green with networks of white etching around it's body and forming a sort of mask on its face. This was Hierophant Green then, this was Kakyoins stand for sure, what else could it be.

"Kakyoin! This is your stand? The colour and texture remind me of a shining green melon!"

Probably not the time, (Y/N) thought, maybe focus on the not dying part. He stood frozen and thought to himself for a second, wait why am I still here? He looked around, the boys had already ran out the room, he was standing where the doctor had been a second ago slightly behind Jojo as he tried to figure out what was going on. 

"You'll come to regret this Jojo, that you ever took it out of her."

"By the look of your forehead, I can crush two melons for the price of one if I want to. But no need to go that far, I'll just knock and drag you out to my grandfather. I'm sure he'll be happy to meet you. And I'd like to know more about this DIO guy as well," confusion suddenly took over his face as the stand began to melt out of his stands hand a weird liquid being formed from the torsos hands.

"Jotaro, what's happening?"

"Get back!"

"Take this! My Hierophants Green's.."

"Kakyoin! No strange moves you hear me?"


Green crystals shot through the air in every direction, the (H/C) barely missing the sharp edges as he dove under one of the beds. Jotaro wasn't so lucky as his stand took the brunt of the attack causing him to crash into the wall behind him forcing him straight through the door. 

"Emerald Splash! What looked like ooze to you was the destructive energy Hierophant Green controls! Your stand's chest has been pierced and thus you as well! You're bleeding internally and not just you.."

"B..But how?"

"I told you. I said that attacking Hierophant Green would hurt her. My stand can travel farther than yours, but it dislikes open spaces! It loves to hide in things. And it gets angry if you try to pull it out... That's why it ripped her throat to shreds. It's your fault. You're responsible for this, Jojo," Kakyoin said, glaring straight into the taller boys eyes, "Jojo.. This is all on you. You did it. If you could have just let me kill you quietly, she wouldn't have gotten hurt."

Jotaro slowly pushed himself off the ground, legs trembling slightly as blood dribbled down his chin. He was a mess for sure, but looked like he wasn't giving up anytime soon that was for sure.

"And still you rise. How sad if I were to liken this to something you're like a punching bag in front of a boxer! You rise again only to be beaten down once more."

"I beat the crap out of more people than I have to. Some are still in the hospital there's plenty of teachers that got on my bad side and never came back to class. And I make it a policy not to pay the check if the meal was nasty and not worth the price it was. But even a guy like me can spot evil when he sees! Evil means to use the weak for your own gain and then stomp on them when it's over. And that's what you've done! To a woman even! And your stand gets to hide from the victim, the law, the consequences. But I will be your judge," he runs his fingers over the brim of his hat, a cruel look in his eyes.

"You have it all wrong. "Evil"? The loser is who is evil. And the winner is justice. Whoever survives to tell the tale. The end justifies the means. The loser is the evil one," he stands back, stand re-emerging as he holds up the wooden puppet, "It's over! Emerald Splash!"

"The loser is the evil one? If that's the case, let me show you, just how evil you are."

Eyes wide (Y/N) watches as his stand readies itself before reflecting the next barrage of crystals coming his way. All he can do is lie there, still not making a sound, waiting for it to all be over. There wasn't much he could do anyway, otherwise he'd end up like the teacher, bleeding out on the floor.

"ORA ORA ORA! My stand will be your judge!"

The final punch was thrown as Kakyoin was sent flying, blood spewing from the many cuts in his body causing his stand to fade away and his eyes to close as he slumped to the floor in the down destroyed nurse's office. 

"Wh-What was that Jotaro," (Y/N) managed to let out as he moved some rubble to stand, "What's going on? And what was that thing you both had, you called it a stand?"

"So you can see them. Well I guess you'll also have to come with me," he bent down and swung Kakyoin over his shoulder, "Time to ditch school."

"Huh, wait why?"

"My grandfather's friend will explain and I want to know a little more about DIO from our new friend here."

"Okay," he ran to catch up as the boy started to step over the chunks of the school.

"Your names (L/N) right/?" he stopped to turn his eyes baring right into the others.

"(Y/N) (L/N), but everyone calls me (Y/N)."

"Jotaro Kujo, nice to meet you (Y/N)."

.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

A/N Hi <3 i hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I'm going to try to make this as close to the real plot as much as i can! Sorry for any typos and please do tell me which characters you would like to see as love interests! I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible <3

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