Radar Love (Yandere Hetalia O...

By Queen__Alice

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Requests are closed Yandere Hetalia x Reader ONLY, no country x country sorry Female reader only Warnings wil... More

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Sweets (America)
🍋 Drawn to You (America) 🍋
🍋 Don't Get Caught (Germany) 🍋
Heart of Ice (Russia)

🍋 Trust Me (America) 🍋

459 8 0
By Queen__Alice

⚠️Warning: lemon 18+ content!

C/N: Country name


"Ugh. America, that power-hungry bastard! He just wants you all to himself, see!" England was livid. You had rejected his proposal, and there was only one country that he blamed for the whole thing.

"I'm very sorry to have upset you." You spoke calmly, taking a sip of the tea that he had so carefully prepared for you. "I have made up my mind, please respect that. I know you two aren't on the greatest terms, but America loves me, and I want to be with him."

Your rejection had made England spill his own tea on the carpet, and he sat sulking across from you.

"Perhaps he does "love" you, but it isn't a healthy love, I can guarantee you that!"

You could feel that there was something else in that statement other than England's jealously and anger toward America.

"What do you mean not 'healthy'?" you asked, concerningly.

"Nothing," he replied spitefully. "You said you made up your mind, after all."


He sighed. "I don't think you realize how controlling America will try to be. I think that his concept of love when it comes to you won't be what you expect. I've seen the way he acts around you, the way he acts toward other countries who are around you. America is a superpower, you're not, C/N."

You shook your head, not wanting to believe it. "America is just very protective of me. I think you're overreacting."

England crossed his arms. "I hope you're right. I really do care about you, you know?"

You remembered that conversation with England like it was just yesterday, but really it had been six months ago. Or had it been closer to a year? It was hard to tell at this point, the days really blurred together.

You had stuck to your guns. You had wanted to be with America, choosing him over England, and you had gotten what you wanted. However, as a result that was the last time you had spoken to England.

Things really began to change after you told America that you had decided to be his.

"You really mean it, C/N?! We can be together?! I can't even describe how that makes me feel. I vow to always protect you and help you whenever you need me. I'm going to be the best hero ever for you!" You remembered him lifting you up in the air that day with his incredible strength, then pulling you into a tight embrace. But then his voice got low, soft. "I'm so glad you made the right decision, C/N. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't."

You chalked it up to America just being excited that you two were finally together, but as time went on you became less and less sure.

First, it was your friends, your fellow nations. They were treating you differently. When you asked them why, no one really gave you a straight answer. Only Spain had eventually spoken up.

"I'm sorry, chica, but with you being within America's sphere of influence now, none of us dare intefere in your national dealings. It's America's jurisdiction," he explained.

"But I'm still an independent nation. Just because I'm with America now doesn't mean you guys can't be around. Who told you guys that?"

"Well... America."

When you confronted America about it, he just brushed it off and said that you were overreacting.

"I don't want any of the other nations giving you a hard time or bothering you. I'm your protector now, remember? I'm your hero, aren't I?"

The look he gave you with his puppy dog eyes begged you to let him have this, to let him be your hero.

"Its just that, I don't think my government is a fan--"

America wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you, cutting you off. "Who cares what they think--- I mean... I'm just trying to protect you and do what's best for you. You understand that right?"

"I suppose so..."

"Just trust me, babe. Ok?" He lightly kissed your temple, making you feel warm and fuzzy.

"Ok, I'll let it go this once, but you really don't have to get involved with my government, I'm fine."

Next, it was the incident.

"Woah C/N! My agents just uncovered a plot to overthrow your entire government!"

"Wha--? Are you sure?"

"Yup! Looks like you'll need some of my help, C/N. How about I send some of my military over?"

"I think we can handle it by ourselves. You really don't need to---"

"Trust me, babe. Don't I know what's best for you?"

Then it was the candidate.

"Babe, babe, babe!" America came bursting into your home that day. He really thought he owned the place at this point. "So, you know how you guys are having elections soon? Well, I picked out a candidate that I know you'll just love!"

"You picked one out? I don't have a say in this matter, they have to be voted in by the people, you know that, America. Plus, I'm pretty sure the deadline for a candidate to register has passed, so whoever you picked will just have to wait until next time."

That wasn't true, America had just been too overbearing as of late. He involved himself a lot with what you did, and often tagged along to meetings that had nothing to do with him at all, always in the name of "trying to protect you" and "making sure the other nations don't pick on you or try to take advantage of you".

You didn't like it. Could England have been right all along? Speaking of, you hadn't seen England in a while...

America came up behind you. "Come on, babe. There has to be some way I can... convince you..." he spoke softly, the feeling of him breathing down your neck sending shivers down your spine. He hardly ever spoke softly.

He peppered small, sweet kisses down your neck. Despite having incredible strength and energy, he could be gentle when he wanted to. Especially when it came to pleasing you.

He licked your neck and then sucked on it, gently pulling on your skin.

"Mmm... America--- wait. I really don't think we should be doing this right now."

"Why not?" He guided your hand to feel his hard member pressing against his pants, practically begging to get out. You bit your lip as you felt your heart start to race. "We're just going to have a little bit of fun. I haven't been able to be alone with you for so long."

Yeah, and there was a reason for that. What-- what was it again? You couldn't think straight as America wrapped his arms around you from behind and slipped his hand under your pants, rubbing you slowly. You could feel his shaft pressing against you.

It was too hard to think right now. You shut your eyes and pursed your lips together as he stimulated you.

"Am I doing good?" he whispered softly into your ear and you could only let out a shaky breath in response, moaning quietly. He laughed. "Why don't we move this to your bedroom, hot stuff? I think you want some more," he teased, pulling his hand out of your pants, fingers completely wet.

"I don't know..." you said wearily, but you didn't protest any more. There was a reason your government didn't want you alone with him. What was it?

"I promise you'll enjoy yourself, my little puppet." He picked you up with ease and carried you to your bed.

He undressed you and bent you down onto your knees in bed, taking his pants off after. You were wet, and ready for him. Your head against the pillow, you wiggled your butt a little as if to signal him to hurry up.

But this is a bad idea. Why? Why? Why?

But none of that mattered anymore as you felt him begin to stretch you slowly, his tip going in, then, the rest of him. Your thoughts and worries became muddled, then faded completely.

"Ahh--" you let out, gripping the sheets.

"You little whore--" he grunted, "I've been dying to take you again. Tell me you missed it. " He went slow and made sure you could feel each and every stroke.

"Ah-- mmm, I've missed your cock so much, America! Oh fuck--"

"Oh you're so tight-- you really haven't had anyone else-- have you? God, I love you for that--" His thrusts had started off long and slow, but he was slowly picking up the pace, going as deep as he could each time, and each time a moan escaping your lips. "My loyal little nation. Tell me what I want to hear."

"I'm yours--" you panted. "You own me-- America! Claim me! Fuck me!"

It drove him wild, his grip tightening around your waist, the sounds of your bodies slapping going faster and faster. His face was red, breathing heavy, focused on nothing else but fucking your pussy sore.

"Beg! Beg!!"

"More, please more! Please-- please America, stretch me--" your drool had gotten on the pillow now, as you continually moaned into it, and America gave no signs of letting up.

He pulled out and you desperately wanted him in you again. He wanted the same.

"Turn around." He commanded, flipping you over himself when you weren't fast enough. He threw you around like a rag doll, handling you with ease. You really had no power against him. "I wanna look at you when you cum on me."

He put one of your legs over his shoulder and pushed himself back in, going back to his rough, rhythmic pumping, grunting and looking down at you ravenously.

Occasionally, he leaned down to kiss you and lick your neck. In that, he was always gentle, such a contrast to the way he pounded you like a beast.

You saw that he was close, struggling to hold it in as he panted and grunted, face red. You wanted to send him over the edge and feel him spill it into you.

"Fuck--- cum in me, America--- please-- give it to me-"

But to America, everything was a battle, a competition. Everything was a way to show or prove that he was on top. Even in your relationship.

"You first, baby--" he got out, barely able to contain himself. After licking it, his hand went down and found your clit. He never broke eye contact with you, his entire being focused on the faces you made as he began to rub and abuse it.

"Oh my God! Yes!" You shouted, overstimulated by his rubbing and thrusting. "Ohh fuck!"

"So sensitive-- you like when I rub it like this, huh?" He said in your ear. "Tell the whole world what you're doing--"

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" You cried, gripping him tightly as he delivered you to a shaking orgasm. All while he gave a last deep thrust inside you as he felt you squeeze his seed out of him.

He got off you and plopped beside you in bed.

You were exhausted, but America, as strong as he was, was recovering very quickly.

Your eyes were shutting, struggling to stay open, but you were hearing a commotion outside. You glanced at America to see his face empty of all emotion.

"America, is something happening...?"

"Oh nothing, nothing. Just bringing some troops in, stuff like that. Listen, I think you and I should go to DC for a while, just a little getaway. Wouldn't that be nice, you and me?" He moved his hand up to your neck, squeezing gently. "You're my loyal little nation, aren't you? Get some rest. Let me handle everything."

You had to give in to sleep.


"I'm just protecting you, doll."

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