Just another unknown girl?.

By Hidden-truth

176 4 6

Life. We live it and die because of it. life is something we all must go through. Some end it, some begin it... More

Chapter One: New House same crap
News travels fast

School sucks!!!! .....Ima stilll go though:/

16 1 2
By Hidden-truth

Ughhhhh!!!! my mind groans to itself silently as I unplug my earphones from my ears slowly to a stop as I reach the big front gates of Chester High God even the name sounds like a dam dramatic tv show. I push the gate forward with much effort (I'm not one of those girls and their summer body's more like a girl and her Nutella body's) I chuckle at my own thought ( so strength isn't one of my big suits but luckily my bark is bigger than my bite and I get on just fine) . I simply Stroud along the rocky path listening to passerbys conversation apparently something quote: " ultra amaze balls shocko" happened this summer God I hate the teens of today's language I mean come on people fought their asses off for you to be able to speak it and here you are basically pissing all over it. I nod in agreement at my own thought, I do this a lot... No wonder people call me weird. But I don't really care , I haven't had a real friend since cloud and the twins and even though I DO NOT miss them at any given moment I simply miss the company now I feel more so alone than independent. "Jenny!! Jenny!!!" I hear over the crowds of people lined up outside the school entrance snapping me back to reality , I look up and see a small girl pushing and showing her way to the crowds of groaning sleep deprived students. " Louise" I say given her hand a shake ( as you can tell I'm not keen on human interaction but Louise doesn't mind, I like that) "nice to see you, have a good summer?" I ask flashing her a gleaming smile " you got braces!" She exclaims mid jump " Ya a few months ago, I can almost hear cloud now" " like oh my gawd where's the train for those tracks!" I say pulling my best Cloud voice snorting at the simmerality. " Em I don't think she'll bother you, at least not this year" Louise mutters a smile slowly creeping on her face. "What why she's Cloud that like saying a donkey won't donk" I smile at my own pun." So you didn't hear" " what no" my eyebrow slowly twitching( usually I stay far away from student rumours or arguments as most of it is either bulshit or plane dumb, but when it come to Cloud my cat shall die to curiosity. " Well apparently....,, Louise O' Connor please stand over at your correct tutor class please" echoed the voice of miss kean or as I like to call her miss plane mean , she's a tutor for the second years, I had her last year and Absolutely hated it. Ever since my dad walked out on me my sis and mom I just can't deal with shouting and that's all miss mean did not at of course since I'm kind of a nerd I was safe from her watchful gaze but not from her nails on a chalk board like vioce. " hey I better go" Louise groaned flinging her bag on her shoulder " wait what about Cloud" " I'll tell Ya later" she mutters about to run " you'll prob hear it soon enough any ways" smiles Louise and off she went as the bell rang singaling for the herd of sheep we call students to start their day and there is I stood wondering wildly what could have possibly happened this summer to cause this kind of reaction especially about Cloud.

( short chapter as next one will be long hope y'all enjoyed)

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