Chapter One: New House same crap

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JACK PROV: Hey my name is Jack or as my friend calls me JJ short for juienvillian joker. Ya you heard right friend as in only one I mean don't wrong I had loads of friends back in 4th,5th 'and 6th class its just after summer ending people changed not caring for anyone's feelings just merely their own greed. I felt as if I was alone in this strange place some call home. Home a place you can call your own a place where you feel loved and understood, I myself have never felt or seen this but luckaly I met someone who could show what it was like .

Beep beep!! "mom seriously has to relax" I mutttered to my self as I packed what was left of my stuff in a suitecase beside my bedroom door. She's been beeping like this for the past hour screaming about how the reilter of the new house is expecting us soon and how been late was a bad impression blah blah ...... the usually crazed mom speech, guess it didn't help that we all woke up late and how me ,Jenny, dad and little Lou was still packing our thhings in a rush. I zipped my suitcase up and called for Lou and Jenny to hurry up before Moms speech becomes a testament at court . They only sighed and came from their rooms with a gloom looks n their faces ,probaly just upset about the move I thought to myself not asking for a reason for we were in way too much of a rush for chitchat. So I dragged my bag to the car and waited for the rest as they said their goodbyes to the house. I myself said them the night before and cried more times then id like to admit. I had lived in this house for 2yrs now the longest time of all our moves put together you see my mom and dad started this centre thingamajig for sucideal kids and their parents and also for parents who have been through the death of their child because of sucide. It began at our local church on wednesdays at 6 but soon later travelled all around the country which led mom and dad to be gone long weeks on end to promote the centre. Soon they agreed that they would take us wth them on their travels r "adventures" should I say. At first it was exciteing but now I'm fourteen and its been a whole year since we agreed to come along on the ride and we've moved 12v times in a matter of months. Things were becoming out of control and every time i tried to talk about it to my parents theyed merely sigh and say nothing. No one ever talked to me. Except for my little sister Lou every night shed have endless conversations with me full of loads to say not even waiteing fkr me to respond she only six but hell can she talk some stuff shed say that I have been in the same room to with ness but id merely nod until shed fall asleep and kiss her forehead soflty goodnight until ghe next night. Jenny n the other hand is seventeen and will be done secondary school in the fall I think the moves have been hrdest on her since she had friends to leave behind sure all I had to leave was a rather nice tree that stood in our first gardn that id like to skech in the evenings when my homework as done. Little Lou was too young to know what theses changes meant since shed metely make new friends days lather. Jenny and I never seen eye to eye in our first house but now we see nothing as we never speak only in grunts and sgh now and again, sh mtly spends all of her to e in hr room in which I have never entered jus simply seen the door. One night I heard her crying in her room late at night I was going to go straight in but as soon as I worked up enough courage I heard her light been switched off and decided o let her sleep ,the next day she went early straight to school, I never spoke of it again and to be honest I hate myself a little because of it. Everyone was eventually ready so we merely packed the boot of moms mini van full of all our crap that we lugged from one house to another our only benefits is that we could all packe our stuff without a second thought we sure have had enough practice.

TWO hours later:

The new house seems nice but so did all the others. I've learned not to become attached to my new surroundings because sure enough a few weeks from now we will be in the Same perdicament so I just chose my room (whatever was left just the usually no one cared to ask me for my opinion or input). I set camp and headed to bed with a plate full of food and my music on high in my head phones when the door knocked , mom ran to it probally thinking it was the reilter who didnt bother to come in the end but no, there standing in our new porch was a tired looking woman with a forced smile and to her right stood what looked to be her daughter, a girl with long brown hair sitting around her shoulders she wore jet black jeans with a black veil brides T-shirt as she shuffled shyly from foot to foot as her eyes focused only on her black docks. The woman welcomed my mom to the neighbourhood with a homemade pie as they chitchated about schools and shops, my eyes were glued on the girl, she was... she was beuitiful. I mean not just her face I just got a sense of niceness and acknowledgement off her that I havent gotten in a long time. I stood in the porch as my mom chatted the ears off our new neighbour, I simply stood stareing blankly at this girl hopening desperstely that shed be the one to break the curse, that shed be the one to talk and acknowledge me. At first she didn't say a word and even that threatened my whole trail of thought of finding my first friend in years but as her mom and my mom became more and more used to each other without a word she lifted her head slightly and read the words that lay written in grafiti on my jet black shirt " Ladies man" I myself was starting to shuffle shyly as I realised the true embarasment of the words. At first the girl didnt mutter a word she just read the words over and over again adding to the redness of my now swollen cheeks. But after a few minutes of pure torchure she just fiashed me a smile and a slight giggle relieving me of the shyness and akwardness that she had earlyer cast upon me. At the sight of her daughter giving a slight laugh the girls mother glanced at her blankly as if she was some kind of weirdo laughing at her own reflection. I smiled back at her which made her blushed slightly. "Right Jenny we better go" said the girls mother nodding her head at my mom in some kind of goodbye,"Jenny" I whispered to myself softly, it just fit her so good that it gave me butterflys which made me smile even harder. Jenny and her mom left our porch after saying goodbye to my mom leaving me standing in awe at this girl I have just recently met but felt like I knew her for much longer. My mom left seconds later leavening me standing in the porch as Jenny left my new garden. I had hoped she would have said goodbye to me or have even flashed me one of her shy signature smiles but no. Just when I was about to turn and go back inside I seen jenny and her mom walk into their house a few doors down and as they did Jenny's mom talking her ear off whilst Jenny looked at her feet and nodded . I seen her hand slightly wave in my direction. Maybe it was just by accident, a reaction to what looked like a lecture from her mom or maybe just maybe she waved at me. Needless to say that night I didn't sleep much I mostly stayed up all night thinking of this great new girl I had this just met earlier a girl who seemed to like me something I had not felt in a while.Liked. Jenny seemed somewhat broken as if her own smile surprised her but as I looked down at the scars that lay softly on my wrists I realised that I to was broken and maybe just maybe we could fix each other.

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