Truth be Told [Reiner x read...

By par13ker

153K 4.8K 1.5K

"What happens if you die." Reiner asks. His eyes were hooded by his hair and his voice was deep yet soft. "Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
New Book
Special 2

1 year-ish special

961 27 18
By par13ker

  A/n: A few days late but, here is when they found out Y/n was pregnant. (And a bit of how it happened🙂).

Year ????

   This was your third time throwing up in the last couple of hours. This time you were drained of all fluid and just didn't care. You found yourself leaning on the toilet, exhausted. You assumed it was something you ate. This wouldn't be the first time, the food that has been shipped to Marley has either gone bad in the trip or it simply didn't agree with you.

You just decided to wait it out in hopes that you'd be better for the rest of the day. It was only morning and you were with Pieck. The rest were out early dealing with reconstituting Marley. Most people decided after a year to go to Paradis island. You recently got back from Hiruzu island discussing trade and "payment". So you also considered the possibility of you adjusting to still land.

Since Reiner wasn't with you on your 2 month trip to Hiruzu, you could guess how he greeted you.


  The sun was setting and the light was shining and casting an array of red, orange, and yellow. You leaned back on the palm of your hands, legs stretched out, and head facing up. Telling him a story of you and your partner on the ship. 

"Yea and Sam got sea sick, so I was taking care of him for most of the trip to and back", you chuckled.

"Really?", he questioned.

"Yes ok? You're kind of spacey", you looked to him and instantly froze when you saw the way he was looking at you. Like you were prey. Clearly he was trying to cover it up and you found it adorable. So to further tease him you pretended you didn't notice. "But yea, everything is settled with them. We should be getting the shipping of weapons. It's nice over there too...... the next time you should come". You gasp from excitement. "There was actually this restaurant that looked out into the ocean. We should definitely go. The food is really good."

"Yea that sound nice..... but wasn't the trip suppose to be a few weeks. Why two and a half months?", he countered.

"Oh, yea...... about that", you chuckled, "Our 'host' gave us a whole tour of the major cities. He was..... ummm..... nice", you were about to say the truth. But knowing how protective he got would not help. He caught on however and scrunched his eyebrows.


"Nothing", you wave you hands, "He just had a little too much to drink one night and basically wanted a uhhhh..... threeway with him me and Sam. Funniest night I swear."

"Nope", you heard him mumbled. And before you could even blink, you were lowered to the ground and him hovering over you. "Did you tell him you were married. That you were mine."

Your breath caught in your throat as you stared up at him. "Yea I said.... I was married..... showed him the ring and all. See?"

He wrapped his hand around yours, kissing the finger host of the ring. "I missed you so much"

"You told me that ", you whispered and leaned in to finally give him what he wanted. What he craved. "Let's go back to the room"

He shook his head and you scrunched your eyebrows, "Reiner please..... we're in public"

"It's midnight.... No one is out........ and I don't think I can hold back any longer......." He leaned down and kissed you passionately. Forcing his tongue into your mouth making you moan. "But it seems like you don't care", he continued kissing. His lips moving well with yours. And you gave in laying down on your back and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. It was true you missed him. Every part of him. And it's been too long since you've been with him.

  "Fuck Reiner", you moan as he started kissing down your body. Sucking on your nipples after having you naked and tried to make his way down further. That is until you stopped him. Panting he lifted himself up.

"What's wrong", he came back up and gave you a peck.

You avoided eye contact embarrassed and mumbled, "just missed you...... and it's been a while. That's all" Hearing that, he didn't wait to reach his hand back into your pants and felt your wet core.

You gasped in which was accompanied by him connecting his lips with yours. You squired under his touch, squeezing your legs together around his hand praying that he didn't feel everything.

"Yea you did miss me", he removed his hands and sucked everything that was on them. Your ears turned beet red to that point you couldn't speak. But seeing so, he grabbed your available hand, and brought it down to the tent in his pants. Your mouth watered at just the feel of his erection. Looking back up into his eyes you didn't need anymore reassurance when you heard his next words.......

"You're not alone"

(End of flashback)

You still remained hovering over the toilet, on the verge on falling asleep. Until an unexpected voice came from the bathroom entrance, "Have you told him"

You jumped out of your position and whipped your head around to see her coming in with a cup of water. 

"Dammit Pieck you scarred me", you sighed and weakly reached for the cup of water. "Told who? What?", you took a sip and savored the feeling of the cool liquid soothing your raw throat. It was enough to bring you back slightly.

  She looked to you dumbfounded and you stared back with just as much cluelessness as you did when she first came in.

"Stage 0 of acceptance...... cluelessness", she sighed and helped you sit up. You now sat on top of the toilet, hunched over and took another sip of water. Pieck on the other hand stood across from you deciding the best approach for her suggestions. Either way you should be aware that something is up. But deep down she knew that you were denying it. It was written on your face once she mentioned "him".

You tensed and froze. She saw, and sort of felt bad. Nothing wrong with being afraid, and that's clearly what you are at the moment. Who wouldn't.

"Y/n?", a voice echoed from the entrance. You looked to Pieck instantly and had a pleasing look. Maybe she could help you in anyway. You were in so much denial. Her eyes softened contradicting the true panic in your eyes. But she shook her head and whispered,

"It's not going anywhere", she whispered.

As soon as she finished, heavy set boots rapidly got closer and a familiar head, one that you promised to love for the rest of your life poked  his head around the corner and looked relieved to see you. But then scrunched his eyebrows witnessing the scene.

"Are you okay", he walked up to you and grabbed both sides of you face. You nodded your head and put on your best poker face and smiled.

"I'm fine, just stomach bug", you replied and moved from his grip to get another sip of water. This one purposing in calming you down.

This can't be real.....

But like everyone around you. From your mom, to the woman still standing across from you, and obviously the one who stood before you could read you like a book. Reiner scrunched his eyebrows again and looked back to Pieck while you were drinking your water. In a silent manner, he questioned what was wrong with you and in response she shook her head. It was your secret to tell. And it's not fair to either of you for her to even give him as much as a hint indicating that she knew.

Once done, and setting down the now empty cup, you felt a warm hand wrap around yours and pulled softly. You didn't even look at Reiner to know it's him and follow him out of the bathroom. From behind you felt someone else squeeze your hand for support and let go briefly as a good luck.

You followed him out and ran into Connie and Jean. You gave them a subtle wave. Reiner did the same. It went on until you both were out of sight from anyone. Still walking side by side, he slowed his pace,  "Whats is the matter."

You took in a deep breath...

Just tell him

"I thinking, there maybe a slight possible outcome that I mAybe...... pregnant", you softly say and wait. Wait for your heartbeat to settle down. For your hands to stop shaking and for Reiner to say anything

This is not  the best time to go mute.

"I'm not entirely sure though", you panic as you watch his face go blank. His eyes widened and it was as if he froze. "It's just you know....... Morning sickness...... and we recently with no protection and it's the only conclusion I can come up with."

Your heart started picking up in pace. You released a long breath trying to relax, "Look it took a lot for me to say or even think of the possibility, can you please say something", you looked up at him.

It was that, that snapped him out of it. The true vulnerability in your voice broke his heart. You tried not to cry when in fact he didn't say anything, all he did was nod his head and pulled you into a soft hug. Something gentle and you felt his care through it but not what you wanted. You wanted reassurance. Honestly, you wanted him to be happy. To share such a moment, but you didn't think he was expressing either.

You weakly wrapped your arms around him and felt the ball forming in your throat urging you to let it out.

  "Give me some time..... I'll talk with you later.", he whispered and kissed the top of your forehead.

"Reiner....please", you whisper, a last desperate attempt. His golden eyes searched through yours.

But it wasn't enough, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips and then on you forehead. You kept your eyes open the entire time....... But he didn't meet them again. Instead he grabbed your hand and led you back to where everyone is. It was a silent walk and you just gave up.

Walking back into the place, mostly everyone was waiting. They looked at you two on arrival. Pieck instantly saw the look of distress on your face as you tried to cover it up with a smile and a greeting to everyone.

"Enough lovebirds, Reiner she just got back...... stop hogging her.", Jean scoffed and turned around.

You chuckled but to your left, you felt Reiners hand leave yours as he nodded to everyone and walked off to the room you both share. Jean and you both watched him walk off and then made eye contact, "I was just joking...."

"Na uh", you teased and walked up to him, "You can't take that back Jean, I'll sign your hat, if I'm that famous."

Pieck was the one to tap you on the shoulder, reeling you away from everyone's attention. And the look on her face had you back to what occurred less than half a hour ago. And the tears failed to stay in as they made it to your water line. You shook your head and she just grabbed your wrist and pulled you off. Leaving a whining Jean and Connie behind.

Once you got to her room, you let it all out. Just pouring out the tears and told her everything. You felt ashamed and embarrassed. But this time there wasn't anything to run from. This was something that was guaranteed to follow you for the rest of your life. Pieck hushed you and held you until it was time for dinner and at that time she asked if you wanted anything.

You shook your head and continued to lay down on her bed and turn over. You were drained from everything that happened and fell asleep before she could object.

Walking out Pieck looked to everyone but the man who was looking at her. Reiner tilted his head in question; looking for you but Annie beat him to it.

"Where's y/n", she spoke already chewing on her food. Pieck just painfully smiled, "She's tired...."

Reiner looked to her with concern as Pieck beckoned him to follow her. He quickly got up thinking there was something wrong with you oblivious to the true pain her caused. Everyone just watched with question but Annie was the one to be nosey. She had told everyone that she was going to the bathroom but in reality, she was waiting just outside the door that Pieck and Reiner were.

"What is wrong with you", Pieck spoke in stern voice as soon as the door was shut.

Reiner's eyes widened as he realized that Pieck was talking about more than just your sickness.... she knew the reason behind it. "You know?"

Pieck shook her head, "That your wife is pregnant and when she grew enough courage to tell you, you did everything but comfort her."

"Wait does she think I'm mad", he froze and glanced to the entrance, ready to walk to your room if she said yes.

"No, she thinks you don't want the child, and she thinks she is alone. I knew she was scared to tell you but there was some excitement in her eyes....... And now I don't know. She's just down right now and refusing to eat."

"Idiot", Annie walked in and startled both of them. Reiner look as Annie barged in and walked straight up to him. "This conversation is over....... Go", she pointed out the door. It was intended for Reiner and he couldn't object. He glared back at Annie but after a couple of seconds he was off.

  "She is strong for dealing with him, honestly", Annie sighed and face palmed.

"Yea", Pieck watched as the door shut,  just hopeful that he will be able to make u odor the shitty way he handled the situation.

You were still sleep when he walked in and picked you up to move to the room you shared. You were still sleep when he laid next to you and hugged you softly, ready to be there when you woke up. He saw how your eyes were still sort of puffy and the dry tear stain marks that outlined down your cheek.

He was elated. More that anyone could be in that moment. When you told him your maybe pregnant, yes he froze, but it was out of shock. Millions of thoughts running through his head. Starting with the fact he was truly living out his dream. The dream in where you both grow up together, get married, and have kids. He never thought he would live to see the day. He never thought you would ever end up pregnant because he didn't think you would want to be with him.

He just needed time to process, but he admit the way he handled it was terrible. He shouldn't have left you alone. He should have been upfront about how excited he was. About how much he anticipated this moment.

You remained sleep through the night, Reiner falling asleep rubbing up and down your back and surprisingly woke up before you too. This time you were tangled in his embrace. Legs intertwined and arms wrapped around him.

You were well rested and sleeping peacefully, until a familiar wave of nausea woke you up. Without knowing how or caring why you ended back in your room, all you were worried about was making it to the bathroom on time. With success you threw up nothing but water from the day before. It burning the back of your throat and causing extreme discomfort. With the combination of jolting out of bed quickly and throwing up, you got a little light headed and moaned in slight pain.

Taking a couple of deep breaths, you try to come back and whilst doing so you saw someone coming up from your right. You didn't even want to look at his face as you watched your throw up flush down the toilet.

"Baby I-"

"Reiner it's ok........ I'll come out and then we can talk, there is always a second wave.", you leaned back on the toilet and closed your eyes waiting for the anticipated second round. Reiner shook his head and walked up to you and bent down to brush some of the hair out off your head. He pulled it back and put it in one of your hair ties that was on your wrist.

You avoided his gaze as he spoke, "No your not okay"

"Thanks", you scoff.

  "Y/n.........", he started, "I think I gave you the wrong impression last night."

"That you don't want a child, and if I happen to be pregnant it is more of a burden than something to look forward too....... No I think I got your message.... Loud....... And", you threw up the second round that you knew was coming.  He rubbed your back softly. It wasn't much granted you didn't have anything in your system. But it did felt like any other time. "Clear", you sigh and got up.  He kept silent as you brushed you teeth to get rid of the aftertaste.

But as soon as you were done and about to leave, he grabbed on your waist tightly and hugged you from behind. "That's not true........ I want this....... When you told me that you may be pregnant I was shocked yes and that was what froze me, but I was thinking about being able to raise a child with the woman I'm in love with. I know this won't make up for the moment you told me, and I'm so sorry for that.", he turned you around and saw the gleam of hope and frustration sort in your eyes and that's when he froze......

"So your ok with this?", you stared at him wide eyed.

He gently gave a kiss on your lips and moved them patiently for a little until he pulled away, "I'm not just ok Y/n", he chuckled, "I'm happy, excited, scared....... Of the face your making at me right now"

"Reiner you can't do that" You crossed your arms and stood back. He reached out his hands to touch you on the shoulder but you shrugged it off and turned around. "Alright then"

He sighed, "You're mad at me"

"I'm not mad, I just.......... don't know how to confirm it.", you walk back over to the bed and curl up into a ball. You had thought you were well rested but, after throwing up, you were once again drained.

Light footsteps came from behind you, followed with a big hand placed on top of your arm and rubbed it lightly. "We'll just have to wait and see, but you only curl up like that when your stomach hurts."

"Yea but....... I mean it does....... but you know....... That could be anything. Like period cramps, or something could be wrong with my appendix... or......."

"Or it could be that you've been throwing up with nothing in your stomach.", he chuckled.

You rolled your eyes and kept silent. That was when you curled yourself further into a ball. Next thing you knew a heavy body laid on top of you and Reiner starting peppering kisses all along your face. "Is Y/n scared.... Hmmm", he teased and gave another kiss on the tip of your nose.

"No", you move and push your face into the pillow, "I'm not....... I would rather know sooner than later...... that's all."

"Patients is all we can have right now", he mumbled as he turned over, pulling you to straddle on top of him. You sat on his waist as he placed his hands on yours. He leaned up against the headboard, "I shouldn't even bother asking if you're hungry huh?"

You groaned and leaned your head on his shoulder, "Trust me, way past that point."

He chuckled, grabbed your hand and started to get up. You followed after him to the kitchen.  It was empty for everyone was already out doing their task. And you were about to open the fridge until Reiner held your waist and lifted you back onto the counter. "I'll do it."

"I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself", you mumbled and crossed your arms. He smiled and leaned forward.

"Will you just allow me to take care of you? Is that so difficult?"

You shrugged but didn't protest any further. "Fine."
He had his back to you as he placed a pan on the counter. Heading to the fridge you watched, "Baby just a head up", he leaned his head back you locked eyes, "You are going to be sick of me for the next 9 months. If this is how you react to me just fixing you breakfast."

You smiled, a laugh escaping your lips, "Oh I'm counting on it."

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