
By skittle724

13.4K 616 66

They started as project but many of them failed and were only left as what numbers they were assigned as. To... More



248 16 2
By skittle724

"Thanks for letting us grab lunch with you," Allura smiled kindly as she helped pay for the lunch as lance was talking to Lotor on the side while she was with the other two boys.

"That's what friends do, did you guys want to hang out later?" Shiro offered as they walked outside.

"Do we have too?" Lotor asked flatly and she sent him a glare.

"Be nice," she hissed.

"No," he frowned.

"I'm on his side, I don't wanna socialize anymore," Keith rubbed his face tiredly and raised his hand.

"You too lance?" Allura asked.

"I uh, might just need a break?" Lance smiled awkwardly.

"We can walk over to pidge and hunks place while lance hangs out down town? Like a break," Shiro offered as an option. Lotor frowned at the idea and Keith shrugged, just wanted to go home.

"Are You okay to walk home alone?" Lance looked over at Lotor calmly.

"I'm perfectly capable, pero las reglas," Lotor mumbled the last part and lance was surprised when he heard Lotor speak Spanish.

"I'll be waiting for Allura, no worries," lance smiled up at him.

"Me siento capaz de cuidarme," he nodded and Lotor smiled softly with a small chuckle.

"I'll see you two at home later," Lotor waved them off and started to walk away towards the street that would take him far to their home.

Lance sat on a bench and Allura looked at him confused. She didn't know lance knew Spanish.

they were trained to fight but she and Lotor were tested and forced to study to be quick thinkers, she was fluent in many languages from Europe. Italian, French, polish, German, and even Dutch. Somehow they never made her study Spanish. She never knew what Lotor studied. She never would've guessed lance was bilingual.

"We'll be back in twenty okay? Just chill out for a little?" Allura gulped nervous to leave each of them alone. Lance could hear her voice starting to change, it was possibly the way she was talking even, her vocabulary, she sounded like the teenagers from the movies they've watched. Maybe that's why she was so likable?

"I will," lance looked at her reassuringly and she inhaled an anxious breath but followed Shiro to go find their other friends.

He looked around curiously seeing other kids being on their own, couples, elderly, families, children in wheel carriers, this was the real world and how normal people acted.

Lance had a soft smile watching the scenery, everyone was just living their lives, it made him feel special being able to admire people just being people. It was nice.

"Hey your in my seat," a familiar voice laughed sarcastically.

Lance jumped a little startled as he looked behind him seeing that boy from the store and his friends again. He didn't move but looked at them curiously.

"Hi," he smiled instead.

The girl giggled a little covering her mouth.

"Hi, sorry my friend is being a jerk," Nyma walked over and sat on the bench with him.

"It's okay, I'm just waiting for my sister to come back with her friends, I'll leave then," lance motioned to where Allura left before.

"Your sister? And the guy you were with before is your brother?" she trailed off smiling waiting for him to answer.

"I mean im not related to either of them, im adopted," he shook his head.

"Nyma stop sucking up to any cute face Yoy see," rolo barked and she glared back at him.

"What's your name kid?" Rolo asked frowning.

"It's Keith," lance said sarcastically.

"Well Keith, since your new do you wanna hang out with us? I think it would be super fun," rolo raised a brow with mischief in his smile.

"Since your in my seat and all," he hummed. Nyma frowned at him but rolo shook his head smiling.

"I'm good, just waiting," lance frowned.

"Like I said earlier," rolo grabbed the back of lances shirt and shoved him to the ground. "I'm not asking,"

Lance grunted falling against the cement and looked back with annoyance.

"And I wanna teach your boyfriend a lesson for talking back to me, embarrassing a little," rolo stepped over and was about to press his foot against lances back but the avian was quick to not let his wings get touched under his shirt.

"I don't want trouble," lance scrambled to his feet. He didn't feel threatened by bully's but he was aware of the ruckus it would cause. The attention it could attract.

"To late," rolo smirked and threw a punch at him.

Lance easily moved to the side pushing his wrist the opposite side making rolo stumble. His friends gasped trying to not laugh.

"I don't want trouble," lance pursed his lips not wanting to fight.

"I do," rolo spat on the ground.

"Are You sure?" He asked. It's just like sparring. Just don't kill him, humans are fragile.

"I'm sure I can kick your ass," the human chuckled with a cocky attitude.

"Okay," lance smiled cracking his neck and stretched his arms above his head.

Rolo held his fists up and tried to punch Lance, the avian dodged again and easily moved out of the way from the second punch. He twisted and elbowed rolo in the spine and kicked him to the ground.

"Youre slow and predictable, you have other limbs and you shouldn't always attack, dodging can help you more to tire out the opponent," lance explained putting his hands in his pocket.

"So like why are we fighting?" He tilted his head to the side confused. Nyma and the other boys laughed a little.

"You fucking bitch," rolo took out a knife.

He attacked lance again swinging the knife and actually was able to slice lances arm when he tried to grab his wrist. Lance looked at the blood that dropped on the cement.

"Rolo come on, that's not cool," Nyma glared seeing the gash on the side of lances arm as he gripped rolos wrist easily.

Lance looked at rolo calmly, to calm, it sent a chill down rolos spine seeing it wasn't him being cocky, or confident. It was the fact he still wasn't threatened and was comfortable. the movement of a fight was natural to him. The blood dripping onto the cement didn't make the new kid bat an eye.

"You can say stop any time, I don't want to hurt you," lance whispered to him.

Rolo felt fear sink in his stomach.

"You need to be taught a lesson," rolo gulped determined and snapped his fingers for his buddys to join them. Looking back at them for help.

Before rolo turned his head back a fist collided into the side of his face. He yelled surprised and tripped over his own feet when lance let go of him.

The other teens came up and grabbed each of lances arms to secure him as Nyma was checking on rolo.

"Hold him!" Rolo barked but his head was spinning.

"You got him to bleed, leave it," Nyma shot but rolo ignored her as he went over to his struggling opponent who was just trying to get free.

"I'll do more than just a little cut," rolo grabbed his knife back.

Lance kept his eyes on rolo, not showing any weakness, don't be afraid, but he had to make sure he didn't angry either. He just needed to keep his cool-

Lance gasped and coughed harshly when rolo punched him in the stomach. His arms were still behind him from the other boys that held him back. He didn't say a word before a knee was slammed into his stomach again, and again, and again. Lance was trying his best to keep any sounds from escaping but he coughed trying to just breathe.

"Just say stop," rolo smirked cocky again. Lance looked at him but kept his mouth shut. He's been through worse.

But that didn't stop rolo from grabbing his hair just to punch him in the cheek. Over and over again still he tasted blood.

Don't. Don't fight anymore, not the humans, they would die if he tried to fight back. He wouldn't know when to stop.

Lance was released and fell to his hands and knees coughing till he spit out blood while it dripped from his lips and nose. He rasped a noise but the word didn't come into.

"What was that bitch? Got something to say?" Rolo crouched down next to him smirking.

Suddenly another foot came up and kicked across rolos face causing him to fall to the side.

"Kind of an unfair fight don't you think man?" Keith crossed his arms looking down at lance and rolo confused.

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