The end is just the beginning

By RedSnow1997

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Me and my sister are about two years apart, everyone is supposed to sign this magic book and relive their par... More

Not like the others
Questioning our destiny
Everything in between
To follow or not to follow one's true heart part one
Part 2
Part 3
Take a walk in my shoes
Time for a bake off
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
A risk we have to take
Battle of the guitar players
You're tea-rrific just the way you are
Be honest with yourself
That's ok that just means you're just like me
Switched at birth
We've got to get the magic back
Bet dates are NOT real dates
To be a princess
We are not our parents we make our own choices
Save the lake
Now you know my secret
It should really be your choice
I'm cured
Lab partners
And the winner is....
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Someone's in the kitchen with Ginger
Something isn't right here
You make it look so easy
I'm bad and that's good
Plus one
First date jitters
Are you sure this is the right way
I'm hungry are we there yet?!
I'm not nervous wait you're nervous too so am I
Can we borrow your house? Ok thanks!
I feel pretty
Are you a bad guy or a good guy?
For generations to come
This is not a trick

To every story there two or more sides

1 0 0
By RedSnow1997

Where the male narrator is all for everyone to change things up, the female narrator likes playing by the book, and like Apple wants everyone following their destinies. But if what had master Grim says is true then what will happen to me? What happens if I have nothing to sign? Do I not have a story or a destiny? Or even after Raven signs am I supposed to take her place at the end of her story since she'll be locked up at the end of hers for poisoning Apple?

You can see why it would be that the female narrator and I wouldn't get along very well. I'm not good or evil, even if I'm Raven's sister. No one tries to force much of anything on me since we're all under the impression that I have no destiny. A part of me wants to have something to hold on to look forward to, to have something planned for me just so that I'm not confused whether about who I am or who I'm supposed to be or about my story about what's supposed to be planned out for me, but on the other hand I like the idea of getting to be in control of my own destiny.

But since I don't have one.... What's there for me to control or not control?! Where do I fit into this? Am I nothing more than a mistake? A glitch of some kind? Why do I even exist? The only thing being forced on me is that I'm supposed to be taking the how to be evil classes. My mother would be so proud of me, if she wasn't trying to put all her faith into Raven. Right now the only thing I'm sure of is North Wind.

But like any great story there are always more than one side to each side. I guess that makes Raven a Rebel and Apple a Royal, or whatever that means. Those that want to flip the script and turn the page and those that want to follow the rules and go after their destinies and follow in their parents footsteps. If that's true where does Cerise stand? Her mother went off the page and married the big bad wolf. No one knows her secret.

I guess that means she's a rebel? And as for me I stick witch my sister, but I'm stuck either way everyone's friends with me or at least friendly with me but because I don't have my own destiny to follow I'm not a "threat." And there's Apple White.

In order to hear her side of the story we have to go back to that morning. With Apple and her best friend forever after Briar Beauty sleeping beauty's daughter. I can't believe it this year we get to participate in Legacy Day, and there's so much to do! Yeah you're right Apple and the after party is gonna be such a page ripper!

Um Briar it's not just all about the parties this is destiny we're talking about, hello future queen. Hey daughter of Sleeping Beauty after all if I'm gonna be catching z's for long time I'm gonna live it up and party on until then, and I don't wanna miss a single moment of it. Yeah its just as future queen I can't let anyone post anything bad about me on Mychapter. Apple who the hex would think to do that? Everyone loves you!

This time unlike last that statement was true, everyone loved apple and would do anything for her and I do mean anything. Including lovable giant Tiny. Hi Apple can I carry your books for you? Of course Tiny aren't you the sweetest little thing? Briar leaves her side to catch up with friends as Apple approaches Daring who has a hand over his mouth covering his smile since he just got his teeth whitened.

When the two approach Blondie Locks daughter of Goldilocks from the story of the 3 bears, the gossip queen always wanting the scope on all and everything. Especially me cause I'm such a mystery. That I'm supposedly totally off the page and there's never been anyone ever like me. But right now she's interested in the relationship between Apple and Daring who always look and act like a couple even though they aren't cause to Apple it's just high school and that they'd have forever after to be with each other.

They walk away heading to lunch. But later while I was up in my room with North Wind we were supposed be rooming with Maddie, but change of plans. Thanks Apple! Oh this is gonna be the best ever after! Ooh I know that cheerful voice anywhere. I slump my shoulders, that's not Maddie. It's.... Hello roomie number one. Hi Apple. I wave to her putting on a kind of fake kind of genuine smile.

Perfect timing it looks like you've got your stuff already set up. Come help me set up Raven's oh and you too Briar. Um Apple about that see Raven and I and Maddie are all roomie together. Not anymore, since Raven is a big part of MY story you know she poisons me and my prince comes and rescues me from an enchanted sleep.... Yeah so? So, since you and Raven were looking forward to being roommates this year and you two are so important to me I talked it over with Headmaster Grim and now we're all gonna be roommates this year.

But-but..... I complain. It will be ok North Wind whispers into my ear rubbing my shoulders as I frown. I disappointingly take a step away from his grasp and look out the window, Raven was not gonna be happy about this. What's the matter Angel? Did I do something wrong? No North Wind my disappointment has nothing to do with you sweetheart. I remind him, I was just looking forward to like Raven rooming with both my sister and Maddie.

I love Apple like a sister, but she's so over after the top over every enchanting thing having to do with hers and Raven's destinies and everyone's really. I *sigh* and he pulls me away from the window eloping me in his arms, my head against his chest, his head on my head, as I take a deep calm breath and close my eyes letting him comfort me enjoying the cold yet warm embrace that is my North Wind. Cold by touch but has a warm feeling to him.

Have I told you how much I love you? I ask him looking up into his blueish purply eyes. I always remember those things, but remind me again anyways. I love you so much. I'll love you forever after. Gee Onyx that's a very long time. It sure is, I mumble nuzzling my head against him. Then begin to pull away when I hear Raven's voice on the other end of the door. Briar you have to hide I don't want Raven knowing you helped me. I'll go out the window never done that before. Excuse me Onyxwind. We move out of the way as Briar jumps out the window where below Daring just so happened to be in order to catch her.

But yeah Onyxwind that's our ship name I guess. I kind of like it. Onyxwind? He asks me. That's us silly it's our ship name I guess. What's that? Well a ship is both a boat and short for relationship, and when you're in a relationship like being on a ship like the cargo we're kind of like a package deal, so they combined our names into one name that people will start calling us when it catches on. I'll write it down for you. I close my eyes and cast a spell in my mind, and when I open them there it is, the journal of important stuff for North Wind to remember.

I summon my pen and write it all down so that he won't forget. Then I light my hands up with purple fire as they denigrate going back to where they were, my pen in my belongs and my journal of important things for my boyfriend back in its hiding spot. Now do you remember the spell to or the hiding spot to find the journal? Uh huh under the mattress of the bed you use back at the ice castle. And who is NOT EVER supposed to go anywhere near it or find read it or find it?

My sister Jackie. Because? Because you say she's the wrong kind of evil and will manipulate me but not in the same way that you do. Good boy. I say patting his head. Here's a treat. People cookie or dog cookie? It's a both editable kind of cookie. Transform. Sit, shake, roll over, lay down.... Catch! Good boy North Wind. Whose my good boy? Me, me I'm your good boy. Awe I wish we were allowed to have pets in the dorms I'd love to keep you here with me.

It's not fair Kitty can "transform" and Maddie has a dorm mouse, but he lives in her hat, so that's different, and Duchess can turn into a swan, but if I asked if I could keep you you'd have to be enrolled as a student. And despite that you don't have your own story just like me Ever After High would chew you up and spit you out sugar.

Even if I did keep you that would be breaking the rules and where it's good for Raven and I do that, I don't like the idea of getting in trouble and breaking the rules. I'm a good girl I behave. Even if I'm not really supposed to. I couldn't keep you even if I wanted too you and Jackie have to help Crystal, one day she'll be the snow queen and take after her parents, it's funny that she isn't enrolled.

But hey, I can agree to meet up with you in the morning. Meet me at my window in owl form tomorrow morning, and we'll go down to in book end together. We'll go and I'll introduce you to my friends that we run into. If there will be any. In the meantime later tonight I'll ring you up on the magic mirror on mirror time. But I think that's all for now. Thank you, wait.... Give me your phone.

He looks around for it. North Wind it's right there in your pocket. Oh right I knew that. Come wake me up at about noon so I'll set your alarm at 10 which will give you two hours to sort everything out and if you get to my room here I'll write it down in the notes on your phone.... Your passcode is my name, hopefully it will be so obvious that no one except for yourself and me can ever get into it and it's something you won't forget.

Which one? Just Onyx. It's 4 little letters. Spell my name for me. O. Yes. N. uh huh. Y. Go on. X. Good job. Use that code to get in and out of your phone. If I'm still asleep when you get here and it's not none yet let me express this to you as clear as the sky above if it's not a class day don't wake me up till noon. Understand? Yep. Repeat what I just said? If I come to wake you up when it's not a class day don't wake you up until noon. Good boy. You may transform into your dog form and sleep at the foot of the bed.

Did you hear me? Foot of bed in dog form. Got it. Ok, don't forget I'll ring you up tonight on mirror time. I won't forget. And why? Because that's when I get to talk to you. Good boy. Mwah. I kiss his cheek. He leans down and plants a gentle kiss on my lips. As the wind carries him away. I love you. Love you too!

Like I said Raven wasn't very happy and we agreed that this would in fact be a very long year, and just like we promised. At 10am North Wind got up, and looked at his phone. It's 10! Yay time to go see my girl. He changes into his carbon copy of his outfit and does whatever he's told to do for Crystal and transforms into his owl form and flies to EAH and remembers exactly what my room is.

Since it's still only 11:30 he plays back what I said in his head and sees that it's not noon and transforms into his dog form as instructed and lays down on the foot of the bed keeping my feet warm, as I smile in my sleep knowing that he's there. When that time passes he crawls over to the head of the bed and licks my face. Plya. I rub the slobber off my face with a grin on my lips and reach up and scratch behind his ears. Good boy you remembered. Hey that tickles stop he giggles.

I roll my eyes and pull my hand away. I yawn and stretch. Good morning I chuckle, thank you for waiting. I lean over and kiss his nose. Here's a cookie for you. Yumo thanks a bunch. He wags his tail. As promised we'll head off to in books end. Surprisingly enough I believe that's where Apple and Briar were heading too. Today is rehearsal for legacy day, so after our moment in town I might not see you again the rest of the day, but I'll message you if I need you. Keep your phone charged and on and on you at all times.

Well I should probably go get changed for the day. Let me go do that, I'll pick out an outfit for you. Um ok. I nod. The outfit doesn't change it's the same one I had on in Raven's side of the story. Once he brings it to me, he playfully plays tug o war with me and I giggle and pull back, now let's not pull too hard or we'll rip it. Let go now please? I beg him. He opens his mouth and drops it. I use my hair dryer and put on clothing mode to dry it, spraying my Dark Kiss perfume on myself, and flashing it on. I cast a spell to make trees grow out of the window as we slide down the vine. Well I slide down North Wind transforms into his owl form and flies down with my phone in his talons.

Thanks I don't want to forget that. I scratch under his chin as he coos at me like a happy little owl and drops my phone down into my hands. He pecks my cheek with his beak like mouth as I blush a little thanking him. He transforms into his human form and walk down into the town. We stop in front of hocus latte store and he says he wants one. Do you want something angel?

No I don't drink coffee remember? Oh right. And you shouldn't either the last thing I need a hyper North Wind bouncing off the walls. But think about it this way.... The more energy I have the faster I'll get my kingdom duties done for Crystal and the faster I get done the faster I can come see you again. And I'm very much rather spend time with you then with my sister at the palace working.

I love you too honey. I giggle giving him Eskimo kisses. Rubbing my nose against his own. I sense a but coming. He frowns as I pull away. But if you have work you have work, it's not the end of the world if we don't see each other everyday. It's the end of my world when I don't get to see you everyday. When I hear that I can't decide if I want to coo and awe at his sweetness or cry at how adorable he is. So I do a little bit of both as I hug him.

Farrah? Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? I shake my head. No these tears are not necessarily sad tears but I'm also not sure if they're happy tears either their just tears because your just so adorable and sometimes I just can't take it. If I could spend every min of everyday with you believe me I would. But neither of us would get anything done. That's ok I don't like working. I don't like working either but in a school like ours it's kind of fun.

What if your school wouldn't chew me up and spit me out? The only way you'd be able to pass your classes is if we came up with some kind of method to help you remember things. Now go inside and get your coffee. Ok. He kisses my cheek, be right back. I blush as he runs off. That's when I see Apple and Briar come up. Girl what are you so happy about? Briar asks me as they come up to the latte place too. Yeah Onyx you're glowing like Cinderella's glass slipper.

Speaking of.... Hi Ashlynn. Onyx, Apple, Briar it's so hexcellent to see you all. She comes to stand by my side and hugs me and the other girls. Then comes back to my side. A goose comes down and says he's got a shipment of shoes for the Glass Slipper. And down come 300 boxes of shoes. As she catches them all. So, Onyx, and you girls as well if you'd like but we really should get back out into the forest and go on some kind of nature hike again real soon.

And if that wolf friend of your wants to come he came come to he's so precious. Both: Wolf friend? I face palm. Yeah sometimes North Wind transforms into a little wolf pup when he wants to play around, especially when we go with Ashlynn on her nature hikes. Ooh you just said his name and the more you think about him the more you blush. Yeah have you ever noticed when he's near that she looks as shined up and polished as my mom's old glass slipper. I cover my face groaning.

As all the girls coo beside me that's when I hear his voice come up behind me. I'm back. Before he can spill coffee from rushing over to me to make sure I'm ok I flick my hand at the cup to make it stop mid motion as he wraps his arms around me. Farrah? What's the matter? Don't cry. Oh she's not crying Ashlynn giggles while Briar and Apple cover their mouths to hide their own giggles.

Is she laughing? Nope. She shakes her head. Her face is red like a tomato. She's mad? No silly she's being bashful and embarrassed. Why? Awe you really are the perfect boyfriend. I groan again. Her cheeks are probably warm. Here I'll cool you off. He says trying to pull my hands away from my face. Come on Farrah it's not like you got glue stuck to your hands and put them to your face. Unless you did cause I've done that plenty of times.

I groan again. He tries to pull my hands away from my face. She's so cute the girls tease. I do as I'm told after hearing the playful threat that North Wind whispers into my ear. If you don't pull your hands away from your pretty face angle I'll just tickle you until you can't keep them there anymore. I groan again. Angel come on don't do this he teases. Awe angel what a sweet little nickname. Onyx I'm gonna count to 3 and if you don't I'll start up. I stop groaning and peek through my fingers.

Like I said he's not very smart but he makes up for it by being sweet but this I'd like to see, and not see him mess up. 1.... 2.... Onyx don't make me do this. Do what? Apple asks him. Confused as the other girls giggle at our antics in confusion. But before he can speak again I push my hands up to his mouth. But with his hands free, I worry. I remove my hands, and replace them with my lips and intertwine my hands with his so that he can't reach out and attack.

Oh, oh you know who you should talk to? Apple questions us. As I pull away and bind his hands gently. Who? I ask calming down enough to speak. Uh why did you bind his hands? Not tight. I wave her off. And before he can give an explanation.... You say a word about this and your playful little threat will become mine and I'll actually go through with it. He pretends to zip his mouth.

Anyways who Apple? Blondie Locks she's always trying to get the scope on me and Daring and being a couple even though we're not, but you two make the most adorable couple ever. You two are just right as Blondie would say. You two are perfect. And you'll be all over Mychapter and get to be on one of her webisodes, and even in her blog. Oh well would you look at the time.... I'm so sorry North Wind but we have legacy day rehearsal to. Come on Apple I bet you can't wait to sign that book, or at least today pretend to.

Let's go girls. See ya later Ash. I call over my shoulder. Bye North Wind. I quickly kiss him goodbye. I love you. I love you more. He tells me playing with my hair as little ice specks dance in my hair. And I love you most. He turns into an owl and flies away. Awe! All the girls coo. Yeah, yeah nothing to see here people move along. I say pushing the girls in front of me.

But what Apple and no one else knew was that my sister Raven had other plans and we hear Headmaster Grim give the rules of the book again, and Raven trying to ask questions. Unlike before when we started with Maddie this time Apple is going first. She says she pledges to follow her moms footsteps and be the next Snow White, but yeah well that's Apple wouldn't expect anything more than perfection from her.

Next was Briar who says she pelages be the next sleeping beauty and sleep for like a lot of years but before then she's gonna live it up and already plans on throwing a big bad party in her dorm room on Friday night. Next is Daring and he had pledged to be just like his dad. But then what happened with Raven happened and I guess they both had the same idea because Raven had ran off in frustration while I followed after her, and Apple ran off in the same direction crying.

Both end up in the Enchanted Forest but I guess in two separate parts. And then Headmaster Grim comes out of nowhere and apologizes for startling her. Begging Apple to do everything she can to change Raven's mind about going after her destiny. But that's not what Raven wants even if Apple will follow his commands. But as the female narrator tries to close out with a grim ending since she wants students to follow their storybook endings.... Male narrator cuts her off.

The scene is set paths have been broken and questioned now that Raven is questioning her destiny and doesn't want to sign the book....What will happen tomorrow at Ever After and is anything really set in stone? I guess we're gonna have to find out the hard but fun yet chaotic way. Won't we? But that's tomorrows chapter here at Ever After. Until then this is Farrah Onyx Queen signing off.

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