Top Girl

By maliaskyes4

20.3K 327 41

The streets of Summerhouse were riddled with unlawful activities. Dushane and Sully were the ringleaders of t... More



743 16 4
By maliaskyes4

Lydia welcomed herself into Sully's flat as she always did. There was never a need for her to knock.

A paranoid Sully came rushing around the corner to see who was at the door. The surprising reaction made the girl furrow her brows.

'Oh, hey Lyddy'. He scratched the back of his head nervously before rushing forward and hugging her. 'Let's go get breakfast'. He made an attempt to push her out of the door but she wouldn't budge.

'What the fuck are you up to then?' Sully could hardly ever hide anything from Lydia.

A huge bang erupted from behind as someone wanted to be let in. Sully checked the window before opening the door and letting in a young boy who carried a bag in his hands.

'Oi, oi, wait there. Been using that toothbrush?' Like a father looking out for his son Sully asked.


'I'm gonna check you know'. His paternal nature made Lydia smile.

'Jason this is Lydia. We were just going to get some breakfast so you can go and sit in with Mike and eat what you brought.' Sully once again tried to get Lydia out of the building.

She stood with hands on her hip sassily waiting for answers that he clearly didn't want to offer up. Each time she tried to step around him he moved in her way. His stature was much bigger than her own so it worked to his advantage.

'Sully!' Her best puppy dog eyes came out to play as she moved closer to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck she could see his mind working over what to say. His hands met with her waist as he took in all her facial details. The one single freckle on her left cheek, plump lips planted in a pout, a tiny chicken pox scar just below her hairline.

Whilst he was distracted she took it as the prime opportunity to shove past him and rush into the living room before he could stop her.

'Sneaky bitch.' She heard him laughing behind her.

Mike was sat on the sofa with the young boy as they tucked into market food. It all looked normal until her eyes casted upon a chained up man in the corner of the room. His hand was secured to the radiator making him unable to leave.

She recognised the man as Sully's own cousin, Jermaine. 'What're you up to now Sul?'

He pulled her to the side and began to explain his plans. He kidnapped Jermaine in the hopes his friends would sell his car and they'd get the money for it.

'So much for family over everything.' The girl rolled her eyes at him but still wandered over to the sofa and sat with him.

'I got this for you.' The boy spoke up as he handed some fruit over to Sully.

Sully tossed it over to Mike offering it to him.

'What is it?' The disliked man asked to which the boy answered.

'It's a pear'

'It's a fucking avocado' The man under hostage spoke up with irritation in his voice.

Lydia took the time to take in the boy before them. His nose was bruised and his face was slightly scraped in multiple places. His hands and fingernails were grubby and his clothes were ill fitting.

'Who's this then?' She asked curiously.

'Jason meet Lydia. He's the lad that stole my phone. Proper little hustler him'. Reaching out his arm Sully ruffled up the boys short hair.

Lydia sat comfortably on the couch watching different videos on her phone. She should've took up Sully's offer on breakfast since she could barely stand to look at Mike's face for more than a single second.

Sully shuffled closer on the couch and watched over her shoulder out of boredom.

'What are you watching?' Jason sat on the other side of the girl trying to get an eye on the phone.

She wasn't really watching anything much, just any video that took her attention on YouTube. 'What do you like to watch Jason?'

The boy racked his brains for a while but in the end he couldn't think of anything. 'My mum doesn't have a telly or anything.'

He shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care but Lydia knew the look behind his eyes all too well. She passed over her own phone to the boy allowing him to take a pick from the platform.

Sully watched him with eyes filled with sympathy.

'Alright I'm bored'

Sully started to poke Lydia over and over making her squirm and giggle. Mike scoffed and left for the kitchen whilst Jermaine wished he had that option.

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