The puppeteer of the elites (...

By Wongleets

34.2K 1K 56

The white room. A hellhole that takes in children and churns out perfections of the human society. Ayanokoji... More

Incident and truths
The twin's POV
The aftermath of the trial
SCP and stuff
Secret keeper
Pool. Wooooooo. Fun.
Deserted island exam part one
Deserted island part two
Deserted island part three
Deserted island part four
Sports festival? What's that?
Sports festival events
Sports festival, the reveal!
Sports Festival... START?
Deception, lies, and the ugly truth
The battlefield on the board
The artificial genius versus the natural one
The clashing of two unstoppable forces
Sorry, not an update.
Second day of Sports fest! Lez fight!
Sibling rivalry
Doubts surfacing
Daily life arc (subject 00)

Deserted island part five

788 24 0
By Wongleets

Keiko POV

We just finished eating and most were about to go to bed. However, I decided to leave the camp to confirm some suspicions and perhaps get some blackmail against class C. It was good that I had made my social standing in class unimportant for events such as these, so most wouldn't notice me if I left without informing them. In the grand scheme of things, I will eventually get exposed, however, I can enjoy the freedom that comes with lack of charisma for now. To be honest, most of my classmates aren't very smart. They may be academically smart, but most require a leader to follow in order to win. So, basically, they are people born to bend to other's will. At least they are better than everyone else in this school in a few other matters besides academics.

Because of this, most aren't very observant, relying on others to help them. In this sense, I find most people I meet to be fools. Everyone is their own person. You cannot simply rely on another to help you every single time you get in a fix, that is irrational. Humans are made as one being, so that even without others, they can survive. Most do not utilize this fact, and instead lean on others for support. Inevitably, everyone will lean on another. Human society is truly unfair. Everyone believes and trusts the government to do what's right, but if they do anything wrong, they must bear the brunt of it from those who believed in them. Similarly, if one entrusts work to another but they make a mistake, they will probably be issued a punishment for it. Many say that it is human imperfections that make us perfect, but I beg to differ.

Isn't that an excuse for incompetence to allow people to feel better about themselves? Wouldn't this lead to overconfidence in oneself and a lack of effort to improvement? That is why I find such people to be hypocrites. Making excuses for faults is something people do daily, everyone lies, everyone commits wrongdoings, but most get away with it. Why? Because they are surrounded by unsuspecting people, people who cherish them and think the world of them. If you ask me, that impedes growth. Let's say you were born into a family where everyone hated you and in every single setting, you had no one as your support? Those with weak wills would probably want to die. Those are truly defects, failures of this world. If they choose death, so be it.

However, someone with a strong will would probably want to defy all odds and prove themselves. Depending on their methods, they could be fools as well. For example, if they decided to simply work on their strong points and stand out among their peers, they will most likely burn out like a small flame in the wind. Those who decide to monopolize and improve every single part about themselves are the ones who are more likely to survive. Cut no corners. Maximize your potential. Those who hold back despite having the power to rule over the rest, are the biggest fools of them all. However, ruling over others is not the best either. Piling up people's expectations will also lead to your downfall. Be too confident, too trusting, too cruel... And it will all be thrown down the drain. That is why I trust no one. Not Kiyotaka, not Sakayanagi, not my classmates. No one. Everyone around me is a potential obstacle, or a tool to be exploited. So I will crush them or use them before discarding them, when the time comes...

The best and most viable option is to control and manipulate everything from the shadows, and act like you are much worse than you actually are. Underestimation is one of the greatest tools in my arsenal. Acting is easy enough, since you just have to fake it. And I've been faking things since the day I was born. So, really, the things to fear are not the things towering above you...

But those you think are below you.

Time skip

I quickly wiped the sweat off my forehead which was throbbing in pain from my running in this condition. It was going to rain soon and I was holding the digital camera that I was given by Hashimoto. It was to collect evidence of Katsuragi and Ryuen's deal, but there's something else I want to record... I heard some people talking loudly nearby so I sneak around cautiously, careful to hide at a good vantage point, and begin filming. Who am I filming? Why, Horikita and Ibuki of course. I predict about a minute from now Ibuki will throw the first punch, and I will get concrete evidence for leverage against class C.

As I expected, Ibuki started throwing punches and kicks at Horikita, who narrowly dodges them, which is quite impressive, since I'm pretty sure she just wants to keel over and faint right now. Been there, done that. I see... so he's going to swoop in after she's done with Horikita... Nicely done. Soon enough, their dialogue finishes and Ibuki knocks her out with the last hit before running off, presumably to Ryuen. I'm positive he is still on the island, even though most of class C has returned to the ship. Isn't it reason enough, given that he had a walkie talkie next to him when I visited him, and Ibuki had one buried near class D's camp? It was obvious that they were communicating with each other, and since it is highly unlikely that he would trust others, being the tyrant he is, he would probably still be on the island, supervising every action to ensure it all goes according to his plan.

I stop recording and go over to Horikita. It had begun raining, and she was breathing heavily, clearly suffering. In this world, winning is everything. It doesn't matter who or what I have to sacrifice, as long as I win. This time, Horikita, you were our pawns. But fear not. You were useful to me. However, I will still require your services for a little while more before I discard you so... I turned to face the man beside me. "We should carry her to the teacher's tents." Kiyotaka nodded, picking her up, careful not to arouse her. Then he reached his hand out to me, so I did what I would normally do. I quickly moved a few steps back and nearly punched him in the face, but stopped myself since Horikita was in his arms.

"Ow." He said monotonously. Ah, the pressure I exerted on the surrounding air still hurt him huh... I need to learn to hold back in this school. I can't go around killing people like I used to... He retracted his arm, and we started walking to the tents. I scouted ahead. "There's a cliff where we're going. It's a quicker path to the tents, but the rocks will probably be slippery because of the rain." I reported, shielding my eyes from the rain. I'm getting soaked...

He nodded, and despite my warning, decided to take the shortcut. Well, I suppose she is dispensable. He does have blackmail on Kushida, who would also be good to exploit. Horikita still has much to learn. She trusts one of the two people you should never trust, since we both no longer think of humans as people of our standing. After all, we abandoned our humanity a long, long time ago...

Flash back

A girl in a pale pastel pink robe is playing chess against eight other children at the same time. She walks to each table in a practiced motion, never wavering. With each move she makes, the children get more and more nervous, some pulling at their hair, some clenching their teeth tightly, most breathing heavily and looking dizzy. But, the girl doesn't care. She keeps moving the pieces, until finally, she says, "checkmate." The other children are all crying, out of fear.

"J- Just what are YOU!?!" A boy screams, holding his head in agony. He was hyperventilating now, and the other children were hysterical. "Aren't you going to help him?!?" Another girl sobs at the expressionless girl's feet. The girl's hollow yellow eyes scan the scene. You all... are defects. Trash. If you can't win... What's the point of living here? In this place... specifically made to cultivate winners? She walked away, ignoring the group, exiting the room.

She walked down the hallway and made eye contact with a boy with similar features as her. He had just exited from a room that was filled with muffled screaming. They looked away from each other and separated just as soon as they met.

That day, sixteen were disposed of.

Flash back end

We made our way to the cliff. "There's a path you can follow here, if you're careful." I informed him. Just as he was about to walk down the direction I pointed in, the ground beneath him broke off. "Ah... he fell... What a hassle..." I sighed, hopping off as well, making sure to protect my body with my limbs. I fell beside him, quickly standing up and brushing myself off. "Achoo!" I sneezed, covering my nose and mouth with my hands. I looked down at my sopping wet clothes. Ugh... I started pulling off my shirt. Then Kiyotaka grabbed my arm as I was about to pull it over my head. "What are you doing?" I asked, unsure as to why he would suddenly grab my hand.

He had placed Horikita under a tree nearby, to let her rest. She would probably wake up soon, due to the impact from the fall. She was starting to stir. He pulled my shirt down. "You shouldn't undress in front of boys." He told me frankly. "Is that so?" I asked, not knowing if what he had said was true. But I used to change in front of boys all the time before... and take baths with them... is it wrong in normal human society? I have much to research... As I was thinking this, he put the back of his hand to my forehead. I pulled back soon after.

"Just like I thought, you have a fever. You should sit out too." He told me. I shook my head. "No thank you. This isn't much- koff!" I coughed into my hand, and saw blood. "Ah, I should take my medicine when I get back..." I said blankly, using rainwater to wash my hands. He stared at me. He seemed... angry? No, menacing. Yes, that was the word. "You still haven't recovered. Go. Back." He looked at me sharply. I held my chest, rubbing the part that ached. "Pass. I can last two more days if I lasted one whole year with this." I retaliated. He sighed and shook his head, giving up. I saw Horikita slowly getting up.

"Where am I...?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes. Kiyotaka went over to check on her. "Looks like your fever went up. We're on our way to the teacher's tents. You should retire, you won't be of any use to the class in this state. Our keycard is still stolen anyway." She snapped back at him, looking at him fiercely. "No! I can't retire, I've already lasted this long, it would be a waste to quit now. I still need to fix my mistake..." she curled up, not noticing me at all, since I was on the other side of the tree.

"No, you've done enough. Even if you did stay, you wouldn't fool the teachers at roll call, and I doubt you'll be able to get the keycard back. And even if you did, they still know our leader is you." She still stubbornly refused. "No, I have to... we can't afford to lose anymore points... I'll just act as per normal during the roll call, and we'll be safe." "Do you truly believe you can do anything at this point? Your health matters more than this test. I'm sure everyone is grateful for your help so far anyway, so you can rest easy. Nobody will hate you for this. So, just rest." "Are you telling me to give up? I can do this... by myself!" "No ones telling you to give up. You can't do things alone, unfortunately, you're not that strong. You need someone to help you. You want to earn your brother's respect, don't you? I know that feeling better than anyone else. So, I'll help you." "You're not the type of person to say things like this..." she mumbled, before succumbing to sleep. I looked over. Trying to earn her brother's acknowledgment, huh... That sure sounds familiar...

We both stood up, making our way to the tents. He carried her again, and brought her to Chabashira sensei. The teachers sorted her out, letting her rest in the sick bay. The two of us walked back together. "So, Kiyotaka." He looked over at me. " Have you found the answer to my questions yet?"

Flash back

A boy was standing over a girl, bleeding heavily in the arm. She was just as battered as him, but he had a gun cocked to her chest. The girl suddenly smiled, confusing the boy. "Why are you smiling?" He asked. She smiled sadly. "This will be the last time I smile. So, before it all ends, let me issue you a few questions. Are all humans equal? What is freedom? I want you to find out for me, since I probably won't be leaving anytime soon." The boy recognized them as the girl's last words to him with emotions. He nodded. "I'll help you find out. So, be happy with the life you had. I cherish you, sister, so...

Goodbye. I hope that your suffering ends here...


A loud band was heard as the girl slowly closed her eyes and the boy fainted. The experiment... was a success.

Flash back end

He shook his head. "But I hope to find them soon, in this school. Before we both go back. Before we get lost again." They looked up at the clearing sky before going their separate ways.

If only we could be like this, forever...

Author's note!

Hey, it's been awhile! Hope you like this so far! If you're interested in why I made Keiko sick... that's a hint for a later incident. Here's what she looks like! Sorry it looks so horrible...

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