Deserted island part five

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Keiko POV

We just finished eating and most were about to go to bed. However, I decided to leave the camp to confirm some suspicions and perhaps get some blackmail against class C. It was good that I had made my social standing in class unimportant for events such as these, so most wouldn't notice me if I left without informing them. In the grand scheme of things, I will eventually get exposed, however, I can enjoy the freedom that comes with lack of charisma for now. To be honest, most of my classmates aren't very smart. They may be academically smart, but most require a leader to follow in order to win. So, basically, they are people born to bend to other's will. At least they are better than everyone else in this school in a few other matters besides academics.

Because of this, most aren't very observant, relying on others to help them. In this sense, I find most people I meet to be fools. Everyone is their own person. You cannot simply rely on another to help you every single time you get in a fix, that is irrational. Humans are made as one being, so that even without others, they can survive. Most do not utilize this fact, and instead lean on others for support. Inevitably, everyone will lean on another. Human society is truly unfair. Everyone believes and trusts the government to do what's right, but if they do anything wrong, they must bear the brunt of it from those who believed in them. Similarly, if one entrusts work to another but they make a mistake, they will probably be issued a punishment for it. Many say that it is human imperfections that make us perfect, but I beg to differ.

Isn't that an excuse for incompetence to allow people to feel better about themselves? Wouldn't this lead to overconfidence in oneself and a lack of effort to improvement? That is why I find such people to be hypocrites. Making excuses for faults is something people do daily, everyone lies, everyone commits wrongdoings, but most get away with it. Why? Because they are surrounded by unsuspecting people, people who cherish them and think the world of them. If you ask me, that impedes growth. Let's say you were born into a family where everyone hated you and in every single setting, you had no one as your support? Those with weak wills would probably want to die. Those are truly defects, failures of this world. If they choose death, so be it.

However, someone with a strong will would probably want to defy all odds and prove themselves. Depending on their methods, they could be fools as well. For example, if they decided to simply work on their strong points and stand out among their peers, they will most likely burn out like a small flame in the wind. Those who decide to monopolize and improve every single part about themselves are the ones who are more likely to survive. Cut no corners. Maximize your potential. Those who hold back despite having the power to rule over the rest, are the biggest fools of them all. However, ruling over others is not the best either. Piling up people's expectations will also lead to your downfall. Be too confident, too trusting, too cruel... And it will all be thrown down the drain. That is why I trust no one. Not Kiyotaka, not Sakayanagi, not my classmates. No one. Everyone around me is a potential obstacle, or a tool to be exploited. So I will crush them or use them before discarding them, when the time comes...

The best and most viable option is to control and manipulate everything from the shadows, and act like you are much worse than you actually are. Underestimation is one of the greatest tools in my arsenal. Acting is easy enough, since you just have to fake it. And I've been faking things since the day I was born. So, really, the things to fear are not the things towering above you...

But those you think are below you.

Time skip

I quickly wiped the sweat off my forehead which was throbbing in pain from my running in this condition. It was going to rain soon and I was holding the digital camera that I was given by Hashimoto. It was to collect evidence of Katsuragi and Ryuen's deal, but there's something else I want to record... I heard some people talking loudly nearby so I sneak around cautiously, careful to hide at a good vantage point, and begin filming. Who am I filming? Why, Horikita and Ibuki of course. I predict about a minute from now Ibuki will throw the first punch, and I will get concrete evidence for leverage against class C.

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