Meeting Once Again (An Amours...

By Sandtrooper-647

804 18 4

A suggestion made by a user on AO3. Based on JN105, an alternate scenario in which Ash and Serena reunite soo... More

Unrelated Work: A Game of Chess & Talks of Occasional Loneliness

Meeting Once Again

552 13 3
By Sandtrooper-647

A/N: Well it's been about 6 months and this book is finally finished. Make it 10 or 11 if you count the day I received this idea (on AO3 to be specific). But it's finally done. And may be my last Amourshipping book based on JN105.

So relax yourself, get something to drink since this one-shot is quite long, and enjoy reading.
And maybe even provide some feedback, I want to know if my writing quality has improved or diminished over time.

[With Ash & Goh, 1 hour before Chloe's arrival]

This was before Ash and Goh found that Altaria that would send the two on a wild goose chase. The reason they were sent to Hoenn (Lilycove specifically) was to collect some data on the local water-types, all of which the two boys were familiar with, which also meant Goh didn't have any new catches at that time.

So as of this time, the two of them and their pokemon were not too far from Lilycove's contest hall and are currently having lunch. Goh was scrolling through his Rotom Phone's Dex, deciding what pokemon he should catch next while he and Ash are still in Hoenn. And Ash, he just enjoyed his food alongside Pikachu.

"You know we've done everything we needed to do here, ready to head home yet?", Ash asked as he looked towards Goh who was still scrolling through his Dex.

"Eh not yet, i want to catch at least 1 pokemon while we're still here", he answered as he continued to scroll, as he was doing so, Ash got up to throw away their trash when a sudden gust of wind blew by and brought to him a poster. This one specifically promoting the city's Contest Spectacular, which also showed Lisia and Ali (her Altaria) front and center.

"'Contest Spectacular'?", he questioned as he held the poster in both his hands and made his way back to Goh, Grookey and Pikachu. They saw him come back and looked to him.

"What'cha got there Ash", Goh asked as he, Grookey & Pikachu looked to Ash curiously.

"This poster ended up getting caught in my face, says something about 'Contest Spectaculars'", he explained showing the poster to him and the two pokemon.

"Aren't they just Pokemon Contests? Your friend Dawn does take part in those"

"It could be, but it's been years since i've seen a Pokemon Contest in person, or even compete in one", of course the last contest he has seen in person was Dawn's. Plus all this talk about Pokemon Contests were bringing up old memories to Ash, like those with his past travelling companions May and Dawn. The blue-haired coordinator being his recent reunion with aside from Brock and Misty and he has yet to see May again or her brother Max. He had a lot of fond memories with everyone of them.

But another person came to mind and that was Serena.

Ash did meet the Lumiose siblings again about a week ago and some conversations from the two (especially from Bonnie) made him think back to their journey through Kalos together, and made him think about Serena too. The boy always wondered what she was doing now as a coordinator. Probably taking on the contest circuit here or in another region, continuing to hone her skills.

The topic of Serena to Ash has been a sensitive one, ever since that one strong act she did to him back at the airport changed his entire view on her forever. But if he were to ever reunite with her, he would do it with a smile on his face.

As he was reminiscing on past friends. Goh suddenly snatched the poster from him and stood up, looking at it.

"Ash, you may have just given me an idea", he said confidently as he held the poster in his hands.

"You want to give Contest Spectaculars a try while we're here?", Ash bluntly asked, causing Goh to almost fall over from that question.

"What? No! I'm gonna catch an Altaria", he answered. "I just realized i haven't caught that or Swablu, and that's what i'm gonna catch"

"Also can i say, i like how these two look in this poster", Goh added pointing at Lisia and Ali. "They look to be close"

And as soon as Goh has said that, he, Ash, Grookey & Pikachu heard the cry of a pokemon from above, and it was the pokemon Goh was looking for.

"Altaria!", he exclaimed seeing the Humming Pokemon flying above. "Ash, we're going!"

And with that, Goh scooped up Grookey and pulled Ash off the bench as the three began sprinting off, chasing after that Altaria, while Pikachu was behind them trying to keep up with the three.


Recapping everything that has happened on Chloe's end, learned from her father about a coordinator in Hoenn who owns a Sylveon, opening up Chloe's eight path to help Eevee decide on what she wants to evolve into. Once arriving in the region of balance she gets scouted by Lisia, an idol and the pioneer of Contest Spectaculars and eventually meeting the coordinator with the Sylveon, Serena.

Under her suggestion and guidance of trying out Lilycove's Contest Spectacular, that's what Chloe's about to do in about 30 minutes.

All of this happened in an hour, and now we return to that wild Altaria chase with Ash and Goh.

[Lilycove Park, with Ash and Goh]

For the past hour, Ash and Goh have been going around the park of Lilycove City trying to look for an Altaria Goh wanted to catch. And by Ash and Goh, i mean mainly Goh, the Project Mew Chaser just dragged his friend along for the ride. He could've saved catching an Altaria for later or maybe even catch a Swablu and have it evolve, but no, Goh went for the catching route.

Pokeballs could be seen being thrown into the air, and from up above, an Altaria was dodging each one of them with ease, while giggling to the person it was trying to catch it. Of course it would be Goh, he could be seen holding another Pokeball ready to throw and his bag was on the ground and open too, showing off many more Pokeballs. (At least 214)

Ash was also there with Pikachu on his shoulder while he held Grookey in his arms.

"Come on... just a little more", Goh said as he threw more Pokeballs at the airborne Altaria, and each time he failed, ball after ball doesn't land a catch. And the Altaria that looked down to Goh continued to be playful with him.

"Oh is that how you want to play it, eh?", he taunted at the Dragon/Flying-type pokemon as he scooped a lot of Pokeballs from his bag and began to throw each ball at rapid-fire towards the Altaria, not caring if he misses as long as he manages to catch it.

Ash who just watched on from the sidelines sweatdropped along with Pikachu and Grookey, saying.

"Come on Goh, don't we have somewhere to be?", with Pikachu and Grookey chiming in with Ash too. When they thought they lost that Altaria for good, both of them learned Chloe was in Hoenn and was scouted by Lisia. And Goh called her in advance saying he and Ash will be there to see her debut. But now there will be a delay since that Altaria is back.

The raven-haired trainer could drag Goh with him towards the contest hall, but there's a high chance he'll break free from his grip and run back and use up all his Pokeballs to catch that playful Altaria.

[Lilycove Contest Hall, Backstage]

Ever since arriving in Lilycove City, Chloe has spent the afternoon with Serena. From learning about the coordinator's relationship with Sylveon since she was an Eevee, advice about to keep moving and not staying in one place and to suggesting to try out Lilycove's Spectacular. With her help of course.

As of this time Chloe and Eevee along with Serena and Sylveon were currently backstage. Chloe's performance is first with this being her debut. But curtain call for her and the other coordinators wouldn't be for another twenty minutes. So that gave way for her and Serena to converse in the meantime.

From behind the curtain on the sidelines, Chloe could see the audience, all of them holding glow sticks and are cheering. Wanting to see their favourite coordinator take stage. Eevee who was being held in Chloe's arms looked to the audience and gasped in awe at the sheer amount of people. But unlike the evolution pokemon who was calm, Chloe was nervous, this is her first time doing something like this in front of a large crowd. Not only that it's live too, so even her family back in Kanto can see it.

Sensing the nervousness coming from the maroon-haired girl, Serena walked up to her and stood beside her, saying.

"I take it this is your first time to be in front of a large audience?", she asked.

She turned her head to the left, seeing her friend/mentor's face and answered with, "Yeah, i feel like what if i mess up? This is my debut after all"

"It doesn't matter if your debut is a success or a failure, all that matters is that you and your pokemon have fun", Serena advised as her Sylveon walked towards her. But that wasn't the end of Serena's advise.

Chloe then looked towards her as she looked back.

"When the time comes and you take the stage, enjoy yourself, and that goes for Eevee too"


"I know you'll do great out there Chloe", she smiled at her and Eevee. The two took the advice and Chloe responded.

"Thank you, Serena", she just simply nodded in response.

And now with her nerves calmed, Chloe then noticed Serena's outfit. Of course both of their outfits are similar for this Contest Spectacular just with a different color. It's what Serena wore on her left ankle which caught Chloe's eye just now. A blue ribbon tied to her left ankle, and she was very aware of the symbolism it held, which made her think back to earlier.

[With Chloe and Serena, about an hour ago]

"Sometimes things might not go too well, and you get depressed..."

"But that gives so much joy for when you do succeed!"

Chloe was stunned by what Serena had said, it made her think she was wise among her years.

"When you talk about your dreams, Serena, it looks like you're sparkling...", Chloe commented.

"Really? Maybe because i'm with my pokemon", she answered. As she looked towards Sylveon and Eevee. "I not only have them to thank, i also have friends to thank, i always wonder what they're up to now..."

"Especially him..."

Chloe was surprised when Serena said that last part out loud. Did she have a muse she looked up to? She could've ignored that then and there, but curiosity got the best of her. So with a smirk similar to that of Miette, she asked her bluntly.

"So who's the lucky guy?", Chloe asked her. Which made Serena think she was getting a visit from her Kalos rival. And in response, she flailed her arms which almost hit Chloe.

Once things calmed down for the two, they didn't discuss it again.

[End of flashback]

"Looks like i was right to be curious, I should probably ask her again after this...", Chloe thought to herself.

As she was thinking about it, she and Serena didn't notice a third person walk in, and it was someone one of them were familiar with.

"Judging by your faces, i can tell both of you are excited", Serena and Chloe pulled away from the person who placed their hands on the two's shoulders. The two of them also recognized that person's voice too.

"Lisia!?", both Serena and Chloe said in shock as they saw the idol before them.

"It's me! And Chloe, i knew you'd try out Contest Spectaculars, how are you feeling so far!", she excitedly asked the maroon-haired girl.

"W-well my heart's beating fast, that's for sure...", she answered nervously. Lisia is two things: outgoing and nosy. Plus her face was literally inches away from hers so that added to the tension.

"Isn't it great! 20 minutes from now you'll surely wow everyone", Lisia's exclaimed to her, which was starting to make her uncomfortable. At least Serena was around.

"Lisia, you're making her nervous", Serena told her as she placed a hand on the idol's shoulder.

"Sorry", she apologized sheepishly to her while scratching the side of her head.

"I know it's normal for you to be excited, but you seem more excited than normal", Serena questioned. Same with Chloe, and that was about her friend's relationship with the idol.

"Sorry about that, it's just that i'm finally able to see my uncle again!"

"Wallace right?", she asked which Lisia nodded in response. "Didn't you say he would meet you outside before your performance?"

And as soon as Serena asked that, the realization had hit Lisia.

"How much time before this all begins again!", she asked eyes wide while gripping Serena's shoulders.

"About 15 minutes", Chloe answered. Lisia nodded at her and continued to look at Serena. "If my manager finds out i'm not back in time, tell her it's a family emergency"

And with that Lisia ran off to the backstage exit to look for her uncle, not giving Serena a moment to object. Chloe then walked up to her asking.

"Are you and Lisia friends?"

"We are", Serena answered. "I crossed paths with her a couple of times when i first came to Hoenn"

[With Ash and Goh]

5 minutes have passed for the two boys, Ash now sat himself down on the ground alongside Pikachu and Grookey, waiting for Goh to catch that Altaria. Again, Ash could've pulled Goh away from this long catching standoff against the Humming Pokemon, but Goh would choose to not budge.

Speaking of Goh, he was now exhausted along with the Altaria he was trying to catch, and was down to a single Pokeball. With the rest of them either being formed into a small pile or blown off somewhere thanks to the Altaria.

"Just one last Pokeball, don't miss your shot", he mentally told himself.

"Pokeball go!", as Goh was about to throw his last Pokeball towards the Altaria, his throwing arm was immediately grabbed by Ash.

"Ash, what are you doing!", but before Goh could question further, Ash adjusted Goh's throwing arm and straightened his head to face the exhausted Altaria who was still in the sky.

"There, now you won't miss", he answered.

"Thanks...?", Goh said while wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Now, Pokeball GO!"

Goh threw it towards the exhausted Altaria who didn't bother dodging that last ball and it was immediately sucked in. The ball that contained said pokemon fell onto Goh's small pile of used balls until it dinged, signifying it was caught.

"Altaria has been registered to your Pokedex"

Goh then took out his Rotom Phone to read up on Altaria's entry.

"Can we go to the contest hall now? You promised Chloe that we would be there", Ash questioned as Pikachu got onto his shoulder while Grookey got onto Goh's.

"Right, also sorry for making you wait for the past ten minutes"

"You might want to tell that to Chloe, you promised her we would be there"

"I think we still have time to get there before it starts, so let's get going", Goh said as Ash nodded in response. Before the two would even take a step to head for the contest hall, a voice called out, to Ash specifically.

"Ash Ketchum, well if this isn't a surprise!"

Ash and Goh turned around to see a teal-haired man in his mid 30's whose upper clothing is least to say "revealing". But what do you expect from someone like Wallace, he'll look good in anything and take it with stride. (Or is it pride?)

"Ash, you know this guy?", Goh whispered to him. Ash stared at Wallace. He swore he saw his face before but couldn't recall where he saw him before.

"Kinda?", he whispered back to Goh, before turning back to him.

"I know i saw your face before, what was your name again?", he asked.

"Hmph, clearly someone of your skill doesn't need to remember my own name"

Ash and Goh took that as their cue to leave, they began walking away from the man saying goodbye and hoped they'd meet again only to be stopped by Wallace.

"Now hold on just a minute", Wallace grabbed Ash by his bag and brought him up so that his face is at his level. And for someone like Wallace, he's surprisingly strong to pick up a teenager with ease.

"Can you let me down now?"

"We're kinda in a hurry, so can Ash and i talk to you another time?", Goh added as he and Ash along with their pokemon began walking away, heading for the contest hall.

For the next 3 to 5 minutes it was spent with Wallace trying to get Ash to remember his name. Once he mentioned the Wallace Cup and May and Dawn, and his former status as the Hoenn Champion jogged Ash's memory a bit. And only one mention of Hoenn's current champion who's a stone enthusiast triggered the contest master's jealousy.

"Knowing that you're here i want to have a battle against the ninth strongest trainer in the world", Wallace suggested to Ash as a way to satisfy his ego.

"Excuse me, Wallace was it? Me and Ash really need to be somewhere", Goh tried to reason only to be cut off by Ash's immediate response.

"You're on!", Ash's eyes instantly lit up to the suggestion.

"What!?", Goh gasped. But it's to be expected of Ash, he wouldn't pass up a battle, especially if it's against someone who presents themselves as a challenge.

So here was the current scene, Goh was on a bench with Grookey, he hoped that this battle between Ash and Wallace wouldn't be too long. As for Ash and Pikachu, they were on opposite ends, staring back at Wallace.

"This better be short", Goh muttered as Grookey sat beside him on the bench.

"What do you say Ash, does a full six on six sound good?", Wallace asked Ash from across.

"You have me on board!", Ash agreed while Goh sighed.

"If we can't make it time, might as well watch it", Goh told himself as he took out his Rotom Phone and began looking up Lilycove's broadcast.

"Pikachu, i choose you!", the mouse pokemon made its way onto this temporary battlefield and it was now Wallace's turn to call out a pokemon.

"Going with our aces, i see? Well then, Milotic, take stage!"

And now Ash and Wallace's battle would begin, Pikachu vs Milotic. Unknown to the three and their pokemon, a face from earlier just got there minutes ago to witness the battle starting.

"Now Milotic use-"

Before Wallace could even call out his attack, an ice beam was fired from out of nowhere. Catching everyone by surprise, Ash and Wallace looked up to see an Altaria.

"Another Altaria?", Ash questioned.

"And is that a gem on its neck?", Goh added as he squinted his eyes.

"Ali?", Wallace muttered looking up to the Altaria in the air. It then flew down and towards their trainer, whom Wallace knew really well.


Ash and Goh did see her earlier when she scouted Chloe, and it was shocking to see her here in person.

"Unbelievable! I finally see you again for the first time in six months, you promised to see my performance, and i find you here battling someone!". she yelled as she walked towards Wallace while Goh walked towards Ash.

"Isn't that Lisia, the girl who scouted Chloe?", Goh whispered to Ash.

"It is", Ash confirmed.

"Lisia, i can explain-"

"Don't Lisia me, Uncle Wallace!"

"Wait, Uncle!?", Ash and Goh's eyes widened by that statement, and Wallace briefly turned around to face them.

"Right, you never met my niece the last time you were here", Wallace said to Ash.

Looking away from her uncle for a second and recalling Ali, Lisia stared at Ash and Goh for a moment before walking up to the two.

"My uncle wasn't a bother to the two of you, was he?", she asked.

"We tried to tell him we were in a hurry, but he kept pestering my friend over here", Goh answers pointing towards Ash. Lisia momentarily turned around to face her uncle, saying:

"We're gonna have a talk about this later", then walked towards Ash and looked at him with interest.

"C-can i help you?", Ash said nervously as Lisia stared at him a bit too closely.

"Nothing, just want your name you cutie", Ash's reaction was a slight tint of red appearing on his cheeks.

"Ash Ketchum, w-why?", he managed to answered and Lisia went eyes wide with that response.

"Well that changes everything, come here you!", Lisia grabbed Ash by the hand and began leading him towards the contest hall.

"Goh, help!", Ash called out to him.

"Ash, wait up!", Goh began running towards him with Grookey and Pikachu with Wallace falling behind them.

"Lisia, don't you do anything reckless!"

[Lilycove Contest Hall]

After being guided by Lisia, Ash and Goh now found themselves in seats of the audience.

"That was awfully nice of Lisia", Ash said, still confused by how she guided him and Goh into the audience. He was expecting something else to be honest, he was almost seventeen.

"At least we made it in time before the contest started, we should probably thank her later when we get the chance", Goh said as he looked down to Grookey who was adjusting how he sat on Goh's lap.

"Well i can take both of you to her once this is all over, plus we still have a battle to do, Ash"

Did i forget to mention Ash was seated in-between Goh and Wallace? Well here you go! Plus these were the last vacant seats in the contest hall.

Going to backstage for a moment, Lisia just made it back, and just in time for Chloe's debut to begin.

"You're back, finally found Wallace?", Serena asked Lisia in which she nodded yes, and the idol has a very big grin on her face which made Serena question her.

"Are you okay?"

"Nothing!", she answered. "Also thank me later", she told Serena as she walked off somewhere to go and talk to Ali, leaving the honey-blonde coordinator confused. And Chloe just got back to her since she left for a bit to go and drink something.

"Did i miss anything?"

"Miss Cerise, you'll be on in 3 minutes", one of the backstage crew called out to her and Eevee. And with a deep breath, and setting Eevee down onto the ground, the scouted coordinator and her pokemon would now make their way to the main stage.

All the events of Chloe's debut performance remained unchanged from the original, Chryssa, Ren and of course Professor Cerise saw the broadcast from Kanto, said Professor who was bawling his eyes out and saying how proud he is of his daughter. (And yes, Cerise was on his knees) And Goh's reaction to Chloe's performance stayed the same from the original. But with the inclusion of Ash and Wallace seeing it and their opinions. And that they were in person too.

"Chloe you're amazing!", was what Goh yelled out from his seat, which startled Ash and Wallace quite a bit.

"What? I'm just showing my support", and Goh goes back to cheering his friend on, and this time with a glowstick in hand. (Where did he get it? It was conveniently placed on his armrest)

As Goh continued to cheer on for Chloe, that left Ash and Wallace to talk.

"Your friend out there, Chloe was her name?", Wallace asked in which Ash nodded in response.

"My niece was right to scout her, she does have potential, she just needs some guidance", Wallace adds.

"I don't really think being a coordinator would suit Chloe", Ash comments which makes Wallace look to him in interest.

"You're right about her being a great coordinator, i can tell she's not breaking a sweat out there, but Chloe's dream is only for her to find out, along with helping Eevee find out what she wants to evolve into"

"What Eevee wants to evolve into?"

"Yeah", Ash nods. "But if you want to know Chloe better, then you should be asking Goh"

"YAY CHLOE!", and by this point, Goh was waving his glowstick like crazy, Grookey was also mimicking his movements too with his own stick.

Once Chloe's performance ended, everyone else was now applauding and Goh was now out of breath from earlier.

"I'm... okay... just need to... catch my breath...", Goh said as he breathed heavily, he almost tired out his vocal cords from all that cheering. Ash and Wallace ignored him for a bit to continue talking a bit more while Grookey tended to his trainer.

"So your niece is up next?", Ash questioned.

"Actually she's going last, there's one more before her", Wallace explained. Ash was gonna ask him another question but Goh beat him to it.

"So who's the next coordinator?"

And just on cue, the stage lights dimmed and spotlights centered around a rising platform.

"And to our next coordinator, a performer from Kalos who has shaken up the coordinator world since her arrival, give it up for, Serena!"

Ash's eyes widened when the next coordinator's name was announced. And once the platformed rose, revealing the coordinator in question along with the following pokemon. A Pancham on the left, a Delphox on the right, and a Sylveon front and center. Ash, Goh and Wallace were not that close to the stage but they could make out her face easily.

"Serena!?", Ash leaned forward in his seat when he finally got a good look of her from a distance. Despite not seeing each other in the last two years, she was still very recognizable to him. Before either Wallace or Goh or Pikachu could question his sudden outburst. A Pokeball suddenly burst open from Wallace revealing an Absol wearing a purple scarf around its neck held in place with a gold clasp.

"Absol!", the aforementioned disaster Pokémon called out and was ready to jump through the audience, only to be held back by Wallace.

Said contest master held onto the disaster pokemon saying, "Absol, i know you just got out from the vet, but stay calm, i'll take you back to her later", Absol then calmed down a bit after Wallace said that and sat down near Wallace and Ash.

And yes, the audience rows were wide enough for a pokemon like Absol to walk through.

"Serena has an Absol now?", Ash thought to himself, and was also unaware that Absol stared at him with curiosity for a moment and went over to him and to sit right in front of him.

Goh leaned over to Ash, whispering, "Hey Ash, you know her?". But Ash did not hear him, his eyes was set on her and her pokemon alone.

(To those who read "The Idol and the Researcher", Absol is similar to Ash's Bayleef, but is a bit prideful)

"Delphox, Mystical Fire! Pancham, Dark Pulse! Sylveon, use Swift!", the honey-blonde commanded her three pokemon as Delphox went to the far right while Pancham went to the far left while Sylveon got in front of her trainer and into position.

Both Delphox and Pancham fired off their moves which collided with each other creating rings of fire and dark type energy. Added with Sylveon's Swift expanded both rings while adding green balls of energy. From backstage where Chloe and Eevee were watching, Eevee was in awe by their performance.

"Amazing...", was all Chloe could say as she was captivated.

Going back to Ash, Goh and Wallace. All three of them were amazed. Goh had zero comments as he was focused on the effects currently floating mid-air. Grookey was fully intent on jumping through those fire and dark rings so Goh had to keep an eye on the grass monkey by holding onto him. Ash had no comments as he was still in awe from what he was witnessing. And Wallace, he was the only one to make a verbal comment thus far.

"She's certainly has improved from when I last saw her, these rings have a certain flare to them"

"Yeah...", Ash responded to the contest master's comment as he was still in awe. Wallace took notice of Ash's response and expression and so did Absol who previously had a wide smile on his face.

"Delphox! Flamethrower! Sylveon, Quick Attack! Pancham, Ice Punch!"

Delphox ran across to the other side of the stage while Jumping over Sylveon creating a ring of fire with her stick. Sylveon quickly jumped up into the air above said ring of fire and Pancham sealed the deal by jumping up and encasing it in a ring of ice.

"Woah, that Ice Punch covered it perfectly", Goh said amazed as he still held onto Grookey.

"Now for the finale!"

Pancham used Stone Edge on opposite ends forming platforms which was used for Delphox and Sylveon to jump onto where both their fire and fairy type attacks collided. And as a result that concluded their performance, the structure they created with their moves slowly disappeared. (Is disintegrated also the right word?) Along with Pancham's Stone Edge where Delphox and Sylveon were previously standing upon.

From backstage, Chloe's Eevee was crying of excitement and could possibly jump out of her trainer's arms and Chloe's expression from that finale was a bright smile on her face.

Going back to Ash, Goh and Wallace. The audience around the three were visibly applauding with their glow sticks and so was Serena's Absol who was smiling and jumping around a bit. Only to be restrained by Wallace so that he won't accidentally injure the people in front. Since he's currently holding onto the pokemon's ball, Absol is his temporary responsibility.

"You need help there Wallace?", Goh asks the contest master as he leans towards him to make contact.

"It's alright Goh, Absol will calm down eventually", he says as he continues to hold onto Absol. "But he's not wrong to be excited, despite missing out on this contest, Serena and the rest still manage to shine"

"I'm still impressed with how that Pancham perfectly encased that ring in ice", he comments. Leaning away from Wallace for a moment and making normal face to face contact with Ash.

"So Ash, what did you think?"

Ash as of now has been in thought for maybe 2 minutes now. In his mind played two scenes, one of which was Serena's performance which he just witnessed and the other, the moment where he finally saw Serena different those 2 years ago. It was of course their farewell, the kiss did leave an impression on him.

"Ash? You there?", Goh was now getting his attention by snapping his fingers in front of his face while Pikachu lightly pat his face with his paws. Which resulted in snapping him out of thought.

"Did you say something Goh?", he asked now facing him.

"I asked what did you think? That Serena girl's performance was amazing, wasn't it?"

"I thought you were rooting for Chloe", Wallace said as he looked to Goh while Absol stared at Ash.

"Ash's been silent this whole time, i'm concerned"

"She grew a lot, I could tell by the look on her face, her confidence, that smile... she certainly stole the show", Ash could go on, but he was now met with questioning stares from Goh and Wallace. Even Absol. The three of them looked to each other for a moment thinking of Ash's current odd behavior before turning back to him.

"Again, I can take both of you backstage if you're interested", Wallace spoke up.


Skipping past the awarding for the Lilycove Conference. Serena and Lisia could be seen re-entering backstage with Chloe and Eevee waiting for the two along with a couple of coordinators who look to be packing up already.

"Congrats you two!"

"Chloe! Just the person I wanted to see!", in typical Lisia fashion, Lisia was too close for comfort once again making Chloe nervous. But what can you do it's Lisia, she's sociable and nosy.

"So have you made a decision yet! You will consider contest spectaculars? Will you!", Lisia said in her usual excited tone which made Chloe uncomfortable again. Except Eevee, she didn't bat an eye to Lisia's advances.

"Lisia...", Serena sighed as she placed her hand on the idol's shoulder and dragged her away from Chloe. "You're making her uncomfortable again"

"Uh, sorry Chloe", Lisia apologized to her with a sheepish smile on her face.

"Chloe!", the familiar sound of Goh's voice could be heard by the two coordinators and the maroon-haired girl. And following that up, Goh could be seen arriving backstage with Wallace, Absol and Ash falling behind.

"I can't believe you actually made it! For a second there, I thought you would get sidetracked catching pokemon", Chloe said as Goh approached her.

"But we didn't, plus you and Eevee were amazing out there!", Goh complimented. But before Chloe could return the compliment, a pokeball fell off his belt and opened, revealing the Altaria from earlier.

"Taria!", Goh's Altaria now refreshed, surprisingly pulled him, Chloe and Eevee into a tight hug. Slightly crushing their back in the process.

"Uh when did you catch an Altaria?", Chloe asked which was followed up with Eevee sticking her head out, gasping for air.

Lisia saw the interaction between the three and couldn't help but laugh a bit, commenting, "That one really reminds me of Ali". She then looked behind her seeing her uncle approach her who proceeds to ruffle her hair.

"You and Ali look closer than ever, Lisia", Wallace commented.

"We are, still taking on the stage together", Lisia responded as she and her uncle chuckled a bit at Goh's Altaria.

"You're still not mad at me about earlier, aren't you?", Wallace questioned.

"Nope! I'm still mad at you about that", Lisia responded not breaking her positive tone.

Noticing Lisia talking to her uncle, Serena called out to the two. "Wallace it's been awhile-"


But that was cut short in the form of her Absol running into her out of love, making the two hit a nearby wall. Fortunately, Absol charging towards his trainer didn't injure her in anyway or said pokemon.

"Absol, you're back!", said disaster pokemon proceeded to lick his trainer out of affection. After the short reunion between them was done. A familiar hand reached out for Serena.

"Need a hand there?", and now we get to Ash who holds out his hand for her to grab.


"Long time no see, huh", he says as he pulls her up to her feet. The two stared at each other for a brief moment and a slight blush could be seen on their faces. This is their first reunion after they parted ways and those feelings deep down will be a topic for later. The two were then brought back to reality by the sound of Pikachu on Ash's left shoulder.

"Pikachu, it's been years!", she greeted the mouse pokemon and smiled who waved back to her.

"What are you doing here? How are you even here?", Serena had many questions for Ash. The last thing she ever expected from him was actually showing up to a contest spectacular in person.

"Call it a coincidence", Ash chuckled a bit as he answered.

"You're welcome you two!", Lisia got the two's attention, breaking up their conversation. While in the background, Wallace could be seen trying to break out of a hug from Goh's Altaria while Goh did his best to pull said pokemon off the contest master.

"So this is what you meant by "thank me later"?", Serena asked the idol who approached her and Ash who had a smile on her face and nodded yes quickly in response.

"You actually know Ash?", Chloe was the next to approach the two. "That's a surprise"

"It's a long story", Ash answered her.

"Goh, anytime now!", Wallace was still in the process of breaking free from Altaria's hug but said pokemon was not breaking free anytime soon. As for Goh, he was doing his best to pull off Altaria. Chloe deadpanned at the scene of her friend doing his best to get his newly caught pokemon off of the contest master.

"Will someone just tell him to recall that Altaria to its ball", with Eevee piping up in response. Sounds of Wallace's screams could also be heard from Goh's attempt at pulling his own Altaria off of the contest master while everyone else recoiled from the sound of his screams.

We now go to outside of Lilycove's contest hall, and the current group of six plus two pokemon (said pokemon are Pikachu and Absol) were seen exiting. Each of them in conversation, Ash and Serena, Goh and Chloe, and Lisia and Wallace.

While Lisia talked with her uncle, Goh and Chloe had questions for Ash and Serena.

"I'm surprised you and Ash know each other", Chloe said to Ash and Serena as she walked beside Goh.

"Must be a small world then", Serena replies before turning to Ash to ask a question. "So what brings you to Hoenn? I thought you were journeying through another region right now"

"Research work believe it or not, me and Goh were actually done here, but then Goh wanted to catch an Altaria then see Chloe", Ash answered.

"I did call her in advance after all", Goh added. "And you're the friend Clemont and Bonnie talked about?"

"You known Clemont and Bonnie?", Serena questioned.

"We were actually in Kalos recently", Ash answered. "I had a battle with Drasna while we were"

"Drasna of the Elite four, seriously?", Serena was definitely surprised by his response.

As Ash and Serena continued to catch up on things (with Goh and Chloe occasionally chiming in for questions), from how Clemont and Bonnie are doing to what Ash was currently doing, this was mainly about Serena wanting to know what Ash has been up for the last 2 years. There is still the matter of those feelings from their farewell, but both Ash and Serena found it best to bring it up later.

As the group of four continued to talk for a good few minutes. Wallace briefly stopped his conversation with his niece to remind Ash.

"Say Ash, how about onto that battle we didn't go through with-", before Wallace could finish his reminder, he was yanked by the right arm from Lisia who pulled him down to her level.

"Could you give me and my uncle a moment", Lisia requested with a forced smile(?) on her face.

"What do you think you're doing!? Can't you see those two are reconnecting", Lisia whispered to her uncle as she gestured to Ash and Serena, who along with Goh and Chloe gave questioning stares to the uncle and niece.

"Me and Ash never got to battle earlier, I wanted to do it now before I forget", Wallace answered his niece, and so that Ash doesn't forget him again the next time he comes to Hoenn. But before Lisia could object to that idea. Ash approached the two.

"Hey Wallace, if you're still interested in battling against me, i'm up to it", Ash told the contest master while Lisia kept signaling no to her uncle, but unfortunately, Wallace made up his mind.

"Of course I am", Wallace answered.

There was of course no objecting room here for Lisia. It was their choice after all. So she along with everyone else was now at a battle court in Lilycove's park. Ash and Wallace were now on opposite ends of the field, with Pikachu beside his trainer. And Serena, Lisia, Goh and Chloe were watching from the sidelines.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? Ash battling my uncle will be a while", Lisia told Serena.

"Of course i'm okay with it, If he saw the result of my growth, I also want to see his", Serena answered.

"And besides, me and him will still have time to talk once this whole battle is over", she added.

"Huh, if that's what you say", Lisia answered.

"Show him what you got there, Ash!", Goh cheered for his friend alongside his Grookey.

"Ash, Pikachu, show me what you can do!", Serena cheered for the trainer and pokemon on the field.

"Ready Wallace?", Ash looked to his opponent on the other side as he held a Pokeball in his right hand.

"Ready", he confirmed.

With Pikachu called onto the field, and Wallace releasing his Milotic. The battle between the as of this time 9th strongest trainer in the world and contest master begun. The battle was similar to that of the original. Ash and his pokemon against the likes of Milotic and Swampert and a few others. The result of the two's match was of course Ash winning, and Wallace giving Ash both a second Rain Badge and his own scarf.

Ash attempted to refuse both items but Wallace responded with, "To ensure you don't forget my name or face again"

Shortly after that, Wallace and Lisia parted ways from the four of them.

"See you around Serena! And Chloe, please consider becoming a coordinator!"

As the four continued to wave goodbye to the uncle and niece. Goh turned to Chloe to ask a question.

"Are you considering Lisia's offer?"

"Maybe, as much I enjoyed what me and Eevee pulled off today, an audience that big can be quite overwhelming", Chloe answered as she wiped the sweat away from her forehead. Even though she and Eevee didn't break a sweat with their only pokemon contest appearance, the realization that they (mainly her) performed for an audience of that size was quite the shock.

"So, i'll be putting that option on the fence for now", she added.

Turning away from Goh and Chloe, we go back to Ash and Serena.

"I never knew Dragonite could be that friendly", Serena said.

"She's friendly alright, and a hugger too", Ash replied. Recalling all the times Dragonite has hugged him and others.

"Pika!", Pikachu agreed with that sentiment and made his point by hugging the side of Ash's face much to his trainer's annoyance.

"Yeah yeah buddy, we get it", Serena smiled at the adorable interaction between the boy and his partner.

From above the sky was noticeable starting to set, with the blue hue slowly shifting into an orange. Chloe looked to the sky for a second before turning to Goh, saying.

"I think it's time we head home now"

"Well the last boat back to Vermilion will leave in about 10 minutes, so let's go", he agrees before calling out to Ash who was still talking to Serena about his pokemon.

"Hey Ash, we're going home!", with the two's conversation being disrupted. Ash and Serena looked to Goh who was not far away from them getting Ash's attention. For the two of them, deep down they didn't want this to happen.
Pikachu was of course with the two for the duration of their talk. But didn't say a word to respect the two's privacy.
The two of them still want to talk more. Sure they can exchange contact info but it's a bad idea to confess your feelings to someone over text or call. If both of them were to do so, then it would be today.

"You're leaving already?", she asks, with a slight hint of sadness in her voice.

"Yeah", he answers, clearly drifting off to think.

Both Ash and Serena were trying to muster two ways so that they could talk a bit more. Serena already found hers, while Ash did the same.

"Hey Ash, I was wondering if I could-", but before she could finish her request to Ash, he was running off to the direction where Goh and Chloe were currently standing.

"So Ash, ready to head home", Goh asked him as he just arrived to the two while Pikachu was catching his breath from holding onto Ash.

"Actually, can both of you go ahead? I'm planning to stay in Hoenn until tomorrow", Ash told the two which got responses like a questioning look and a confirming nod.

"What, why-", Chloe placed right hand on Goh's left shoulder and pulled him back so that she could give Ash a question.

"This is about Serena, isn't it?", Ash was about to ask her a question but she quickly responded.

"She actually mentioned you earlier, and don't worry, we understand", Chloe answered. Goh read the situation well and added with his own question.

"You have feelings for Serena?", Goh said as he looked to Ash while Pikachu answered for him with a nod.

"Wow...", Goh placed a hand on the side of his head in realization. "I can't believe i'm just hearing this now"


The sound of the ferry horn was heard at the docks of Lilycove's pier and from the docks we could see Ash, Serena and Pikachu waving goodbye to Goh and Chloe who waved back to them from their ship.

"Bye Chloe! Bye Goh!"

"Don't worry Goh, I'll be back in Kanto before you know it!"

Despite being inaudible to the two trainers at the docks, they could make out Goh and Chloe's figures waving back at them. After some time their ferry was now far off into the horizon, the two of them started walking away from the docks and back into the city.

"You said you wanted to tell me something, well what is it?", Serena asked. Ash stretched his arms for a moment before saying.

"You know a perfect place to sit down, i'll tell you there", he answers.

"Pika chu", Pikachu adds as he tells his trainer.

"Oh, and Pikachu wants to catch up with Delphox and the others", he adds.

Serena smiles at the boy and his partner before responding with, "I think I know a place, come on", Serena gestures to the two and began to guide them along, while Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder to walk alongside them.

After walking for some time, the two trainers plus the mouse pokemon found themselves in a familiar location. It was the area where Chloe met Serena and Sylveon, plus the lighthouse nearby is a clear landmark to where the two are. As the two released all their pokemon to interact, all was going well, each of their pokemon was getting along with each other plus Serena's pokemon were checking up on Absol who has been away for 2 weeks.

Absol's reason for being at the vet? Pokerus.

Ash and Serena now sat on a bench as they watched each of their pokemon interact. All in all, everything was good. Well except for the part where Delphox was doing her best to make Dracovish not chomp down on her stick. The two watched their pokemon for a good minute before facing each other.

"So what did you want to talk-"/"So are you ready to talk-", both of them asked at the same time but stopped.

"Sorry", Serena apologized. "Go ahead"

"Alright", Ash calmed his nerves before speaking. The sight of his and her pokemon helped with his nerves quite a bit. If it was just him, Serena and Pikachu, then it would be a bit difficult.

"Remember when we said goodbye at the airport?", Ash began.

"Oh, that...", Serena drifted off and looked down. She looked back on her goodbye with Ash as both good and bad. The good was of course declaring her love in a way he could understand. The bad was how it would affect their friendship in the future.

"I-I'm surprised you remembered, why bring it up?", she asked. Hoping to keep the conversation going.

"Of course I remember, it's hard not to", Ash answered, before realizing how he worded it. "N-not in a bad way, I mean!", he reassured her. By this point, Ash and Serena's pokemon now watched the two with interest from afar. With Pikachu and Serena's pokemon providing context for the rest of Ash's team and Absol.

With all the awkward atmosphere gone and Ash reassuring this isn't anything negative, he continued.

"Ever since we said goodbye back then, I started seeing you in a different light, whenever I thought about you, I always had this tingling feeling that made me happy.", Serena listened intently to his words. When did Ash get this thoughtful, she asked herself.

"I once asked my mom about these feelings I have about you but she was vague telling me about it, and once my friends in Alola found out about it...", Ash paused for a moment before continuing, "Let's just say, they did their best on teaching me about love and it payed off"

When Ash's friends/classmates found about Ash being clueless when it came to love. The best way they helped their friend learn about it was making him experience it. One of these examples was making the boy go on a mock date with Lillie. With the others following them, occasionally coaching Ash on what to do.

"If we ever met again in the future, I hoped i'd get to tell you how I feel", Ash closed his eyes and took a deep breath before coming face to face with Serena, saying.

"Serena, I'm in love with you", Ash said the words Serena wanted to hear, and Ash was met with a slightly flustered Serena. Ash was expecting a major reaction from her, but she stayed silent for a moment before calling out in concern.

"Serena, are you alright?"

"This is-isn't a dream, is it?", she blinked her to see if she was seeing all of this correctly.

"Maybe? If it is, then it's probably a good dream", Ash teased. Then he suddenly felt her grab a piece of his clothing.

"That's not the answer i'm looking for!" which annoyed Serena significantly. Still wearing Wallace's scarf, Serena yanked both ends of it pulling Ash closer to her, Ash was caught by surprise and as the two closed the gap, they both met in a kiss. Serena cupped her hands around Ash's face while Ash was shocked by the sudden display of affection, he complied shortly after.

As the two were currently locked in a kiss, they were unaware that their pokemon were still watching and are shocked by the display of affection their trainers are giving each other. Most of them had their mouths agape, while others like Sirfetch'd dropped his leek upon seeing them, Absol nearly fainted only to be propped back up by Sylveon, and Dracovish being clueless to the two trainers' actions.

As the two parted from the kiss, Ash was left with a stunned look on his face while Serena had one of satisfaction.


She just smiled at Ash's stunned look before saying, "Ever since I kissed you that day, I wanted to know what you thought of it, what you thought of me, and then here we are, you're back in my life and I hear it from you", she then takes Ash's hands and places his in hers.

"I love you Ash, I always have"

Ash and Serena now stared back at each other both of them having a smile on their faces. This would be the perfect opportunity for the two to go in for another kiss, but various cheers from their pokemon caught their attention. All of them were supportive of the two's newfound relationship. All except Absol who was still being comforted by Sylveon.

Realizing that all their pokemon were watching them the entire, Ash and Serena separated their hands from each other out of embarrassment with a slight blush on their faces.

"So, does this make us a couple now?", Ash questioned. 

"Well...", she proceeds to kiss Ash on the cheek in response. "The answer is yes"

Confirming that they are a couple now. Out of all the pokemon to have a major reaction (and no it's not Absol) it was Dragonite, she ran towards the two trainers and locked them in a hug out of happiness.  

"Dragonite, we can't breathe...", Ash told the dragon pokemon. But instead of loosening the hug, she just tightened it, slightly injuring their backs in the process.


Ash and Serena were stuck in Dragonite's hug for about a good 2-3 minutes before pulling away. By that time the sky was now changing to full night and the two were recalling all of their pokemon one by one.

"Since I'll be leaving Hoenn by tomorrow, what do you want to do?", he asked as he recalls, Dracovish, Dragonite and Sirfetch'd.

"Huh?", that question caught Serena off-guard for a moment.

"So what do you want to do?", Ash repeated. "Maybe I can hear a bit of your adventures here in Hoenn", he suggested. "You've practically heard everything from me, i'm battling up to get to Leon, i'm currently working as a research fellow, I became Champion of Alola-", that last part took Serena by surprise.

"You're the Alolan champion!?", Serena was shocked by that last part.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?", Ash questioned, wanting to confirm if he indeed told her.

"No, you're just telling me now", Serena's responded with Ash's other pokemon like Gengar Lucario adding in by nodding no along with Serena's pokemon minus Absol. 

"Whoops, my bad", Ash chuckled as he scratched the side of his head.

"Pika pikachu...", Pikachu sighed and facepalmed at his trainer's response.

"Ash you just don't drop information like that on someone suddenly", Serena proceeded to lightly punch Ash in the chest in response. "But wow. Alola's first champion, congratulations"

"Thanks", Ash responded. "Sorry for not telling you sooner", as Ash proceeds to recall Gengar and Lucario, he asks Serena again, "So what do you want to do-", immediately after, the sound of his own stomach caught the two trainers' and five pokemon's attention.

"Dinner sounds like a good idea", Serena suggested. She takes out four pokeballs and began recalling each of her team one by one. "Everyone return!", after recalling Delphox, Pancham and Sylveon but before she could recall the disaster pokemon. Absol approached his trainer and nuzzled her left leg with the right side of his head.

"Absol, what is it?", Serena kneeled down to look at the disaster pokemon face to face who stared back at her with pleading eyes. She knew those eyes well.

"You want to be out of your ball tonight?", Absol nodded in response.

"Of course you can", Absol smiled at his trainer's response before walking away to circle around Ash out of curiosity. 

"Serena, what's Absol doing?", Ash questioned as he watched the disaster pokemon circle him while Pikachu did the same from Ash's shoulder.

"Warming up to you", Serena answered. "Usually Absol is wary of new faces"

Ash kneeled down to look at Absol, as did the pokemon who stopped circling him. "Even though I'll be leaving by tomorrow, I want to get to know you Absol"

"Absol!", the disaster pokemon sensed Ash's words were sincere, and in doing so Absol cried out in agreement with a smile on his face. Getting back on his feet, Ash turned to face Serena, saying:

"Lead the way", as he held out his right hand for her to grab.

"Gladly", Serena then grabbed Ash's hand, their fingers linked together and the two began walking back into Lilycove hand-in-hand with Pikachu on Ash's shoulder while Absol walked alongside Serena.

"I gotta ask, how did you catch Absol in the first place?", Ash questioned as he looked at Serena for a second.

"It's actually an interesting story, it all happened about a year ago-"

The scene then shifts to Ash and Serena and their two pokemon walking back into Lilycove. Buildings were lit up, the streets looked quite busy and the sky above was clear with all the stars in view. With this chapter of today coming to a close. What will happen next as they continue to climb up towards their dreams. 

The answers to come, as the journey continues.

Author's Notes:
I originally wanted to add two epilogues like "Goh and Chloe placing bets on Ash's relationship status with Serena" and "Lisia and Wallace at an ice cream shop" but this work is already long enough. And there you have it, "Meeting Once Again". My AU where their reunion happened sooner. 

I'm Sandtrooper/Quailbardo, and I wish you all an adieu for now.

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