Davesport (yandere story)

By CharatheBanana

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Hello! My first dsaf story : D planning on making a one shot as well I made a playlist for this story: https:... More

Prologue: watching you~
Chapter 1: sleepover!
Chapter 2: happy hunting
Chapter 3: stalking my stalker
Chapter 4: generosity
Chapter 5: messing things up
Chapter 6: springlocks

Chapter 7: goodbye fazbears!

288 9 9
By CharatheBanana

(Hello again! Hope you enjoy this chapter : D)

POV by jack:
"So...what's the plan?" I ask him still pretty bummed out. He smiles devilishly. "I have two robots here that we can use to TERRORIZE phone dude!" He told me.

My eyes widened a little. I know too well that these robots are dangerous. I turn to the corner of the back room where two robots sat.

One was foxy, the pirate that for whatever reason people wanted to....you know- and then ballon boy. The most annoying thing in this whole restaurant.

"I've done some calculations and I've realized these two robots are most likely be able to terrorize phone guy!" Dave explained to me.

Dave's smile grin even wider, he was already laughing too. "This is it, old sport!" "People are going to remember this event for many years to come!" "They'll call it....'the bite of 87'!" He laughed again.

I just kept looking at the robots. Still wondering what there going to do to phone guy exactly. "Since you've been so good thus far, you can pick out which one I get to 'fix'" "keep in mind I only have time for one!"

I nodded to him slowly, then looked at both of the robots. Foxy seemed like a interesting choice, due to that fact he loves him. Also because foxy is generally more scary than ballon boy.

But then I thought....ballon boy is a robot everyone hates! He isn't generally scary but maybe Dave would make him more creepy for the plan? So, thinking it over a bit I finally decided.

"I choose the horrifying plastic- ballon- toddler" I told him pointing to the ballon boy. Dave smiled brightly, he probably would be happy either way.

"Excellent choice!" "He hates this character" Dave celebrated. "I don't think anyone likes ballon boy" I told him simply as I stared at the scary clown child.

"That's true" "I hate it" Dave said laughing again. "I'll get working on the robot once you leave, old sport" he told him. I smiled at him nodding.

I still can't believe I'm going along with this....but it's too late now. I already murdered children and a janitor....also I messed with robots but I feel like that's not as bad as murder.

"Alright we'll then I guess I'll leave now" "see ya tomorrow, Dave" I told him waving goodbye. He quickly waved goodbye to me still smiling.

I went home and eventually went to sleep. I was scared and weirdly....excited for tomorrow. I still feel bad for everything I've done...but with Dave by my side it doesn't feel as bad.

The next day, I woke up still a little scared and excited at the same time. I was about to get out of bed when Dave appeared in my bedroom.

Dave was just staring at me looking very tried. He had big bags under his eyes and his mouth was open. My eyes widened as I could feel my face heat up.

"....oh my god....Dave's in my bedroom..." I said nervously under my breath. I quickly moved a little in my bed. "Hey, Dave.....you been here long?" I asked him still a flustered mess.

"Oh, since about 4 am" he said simply. I put my blanket over my face still super nervous. I didn't want him noticing my blushing face.

"That's ummm...weird-" I said trying to avoid his stare. "Don't be shy, old sport" "this is far from the first time I've seen your bedroom!" He explained.

This only made me more nervous. I was sweaty under the blanket but I didn't want to take it off. 'I've seen his bedroom before too....I'm not gonna tell him that-' I didn't respond to him for a while and his expression changed.

"Uhh, let's go back to the beginning" he said simply as he could tell I was nervous. "Yes let's-" I said quickly. I slowly moved my blanket away from my face.

"I'm here to pick you up, old sport!" We got big plans for today" "You ready to have some fun, sportsy?" He asked me. The way he said fun was a little weird to me....but again this is Dave.

"You know it, davey!" I said smiling up at him happily. Again, I'm still nervous about all this but seeing Dave so happy made me happy I guess....

"Great...let's see.." "first step on the agenda: let's have some pre-honeymoon fun!" He exclaimed. My face quickly went red once again. So I moved the blanket back to my face.

"Take out your phone!" He said. I just stared at him. For a couple minutes....'I'm sorry?-' "well what are you waiting for, old sport?" "Whip it out!" He told me.

"That's what she said!" I yelled laughing softly. He just stared at me. This was super awkward and uncomfortable..... "Dave...?" I asked.

It was still silent. "Are you okay?" I asked him getting concerned. Again no response. He just kept staring at me. "Ummm you're staring Dave" I told him.

"Sorry, old sport" "it's been awhile since I've slept..." "I'm just so excited!" He explains to me. It makes sense...I could tell by the bags under his eyes and the fact he's been at my house since 4 am. I was concerned for my friends health though.

"Have you been eating, Dave?" I asked him in a concerned tone. "Who has time to eat in these busy times?" He asked me. "Go on, old sport!" "Take your phone out!" He yelled at me again.

I did what he asked and took my phone out of my pocket. I moved my blanket away from me and sat up on my bed. "Good going, Elderly game-" "OLD SPORT!" He quickly yelled in the middle of his sentence.

I again just stared at him. Very confused and concerned for his well being. Not saying a thing for a couple minutes. "I've always wanted to do this!" "Say the numbers as I type them out!" He yelled to me.

I believe he met the other way around but I looked back at my phone and did what he asked. "5, 5, 5, 1, 9, 8, 7," he called out each number slowly as I typed them into the phone.

The phone started to ring. 'Uh oh...' 'I know this number' "shh, it's ringing!" "Let me do the talking" he told me. I handed him the phone smiling softly at him.

He seemed so excited about this and it was actually really cute. "Hello, hello hello?" Said the guy on the other line. 'Phone guy' I knew right away.

"Hello?" "Is this Scott cawthon?" Dave asked him. "Yes, that's me" "is this Dave?" He asked back. Dave didn't say anything for a minute. He did what he did to me, just staring off into space.

"Why did you call my phone head, Dave?" He asked him. "I need to ask you a question, Scott" he said. It's weird hearing dave talk to him like this but maybe that's because he is tried. "Where are you?!" "Why aren't you at work dave!" "Your late" phone guy yelled at him.

I rolled my eyes, phone guy was really annoying. Dave saw me roll my eyes and smiled at me nodding softly. "Okay, what's the question?" Phone guy asked Dave when he said nothing.

"At Freddy's.....do you have children inside your robots?" He asked calmly. My eyes widened at him. I quickly shivered, knowing the answer to that horrible question. "What?!" "Wh-" "I-" phone guy stuttered to speak.

"Oh, you do?" "Well then, you'd better let them out!" Dave said to him laughing loudly. I immediately got nervous again. 'This is gonna end horribly isn't it?' I thought to myself worrying.

"DAVE, I SWEAR IF YOU DONT COME TO WORK ILL-" phone guy yelled at Dave. "Got it, boss!" "See ya later, broski" Dave told me smiling brightly. I smiled at him but inside my head I was panicking.

"DAVE, DONT YOU DARE HANG UP THIS PHONE OR ILL-" phone guy yelled at him again but Dave quickly hung up. I sighed softly. "That was fun, old sport!" Dave said smiling at me.

I put my phone back in my pocket. Sighing once again. "Let's go and show phoney what true horror is!" Dave exclaimed. "You should clean yourself up first though" I told Dave as I looked at his very dirty uniform that he probably hasn't washed in months.

"Yeah.....fine...." Dave said tiredly. "Ima look as fresh as a market plum, old sport!" He said proudly. "I'll use your shower, sportsy!" "Go to work and terrorize phoney" "I'll follow you over, after I'm done with my shower!" he told me.

I smiled at him nodding. "The showers at the end of the hall on your left" I told him about where the bathroom was. "I know where your shower is, sportsy" "I used your shower before" he told me simply.

I immediately started blushing again. And I just stared at him awkwardly. "I'll-" "go shower now..." he said nervously. "See you at work then" I told him trying to hide my blush.

"See ya then, sportsy!" He exclaimed happily. I quickly left my house after getting into my uniform and walked to work.

POV by Dave:

'Yikes....that was awkward' I thought as I walked into sportsys bathroom. 'I've been at his house a couple of times without him knowing.....why on earth did I tell him that?'

I sigh softly. 'I love him a lot...but I can't just tell him right away' 'we have to get this done first!' 'Maybe in Vegas I'll tell him' 'I already know he likes me....but I still shouldn't say anything yet' I thought as I got into the shower.

After taking a shower and getting dressed. I then walk to fazbears. The restaurant that I will never see again. I hope sportsy has been keeping phone dude busy while I was getting ready. I walk into the restaurant happily.

I was so excited! This plan is perfect! Now I got to find phone guy and sportsy to show them the robot. Ballon boy looks terrific! As in horrifying.

I see phone guy and old sport. They seem to be having an intense conversation. Welp time to barge in like I always do! I happily walked over to them. I smiled brightly at Sportsy. I could tell he was relieved to see me.

"WHY, HELLO THERE, OLD SPORTS!" I greeted them both. Old sport smiled happily at me as I saw phone guy jump. "NO, NO, NO" he yelled as he pointed at me shaking. 'Ha what a wimp!' I thought.

"Good timing, aubergine" old sport complimented me. "The best timing, sportsy!" I replied with a huge grin on my face. Phone guys tone seemed to change, he was still shaky but seemed to be relieved. "D-Dave!" "Oh thank goodness your here.." he told me.

"Miss me, phoney?" I ask him. Happy but a little confused. "I'm going to level with you man..." "this thing... jack....total psycho" he told me nervously. "I shouldn't even say he's a man!" "It would implie he's human..." phone guy seemed to whisper the last part.

"I like old sport, phoney!" "He's a swell guy" I told him smiling brightly at old sport. He seemed to smile softly back sort of blushing even. "Dave." "Please." "This guy is all kinds of screwed up!" "Dave, you murder kids for a living" "but even you have a twingle of humanity inside you" phone guy explained to me.

"You have hopes and dreams" "this....creature.....surely even you can see it dave" he told me but I wasn't even looking his way. I was looking at sportsy. He seemed sad. Whenever phoney would say that he's crazy...I could care less about what phoney thought of me! But sportsy....he cares a lot!

Everything phone guy is telling me...it's nothing like the sportsy I know. "I'm right here man.." old sport tells him weakly. "It dosent have hopes and dreams!" "It deprives on death, destruction and anarchy!" He tells me. One: none of this is true. Sportsy isn't as crazy as me. Despite them helping me....I still don't see them being different than any other normal person. Two: even if this were the case why would I care?

"It's a monster, Dave" he told me in a strict tone. I saw sportsys face go from sad to done right depressed. I've never seen him that sad before. Knowing that this was because of phoney made me mad.

"He's my monster, phone face" I told him glaring at him. "And he's a Danm fine monster, at that!" I yelled at him. I slowly felt my face heat up but I quickly dismissed it. "He's kiddie strangler v2!" I exclaimed.

I looked back at Sportsy and he was smiling at me shyly. Seeing him happy always made me happy. "He's hollow inside, Dave!" "Look at the soulless empty grin!" Phone guy pointed out.

Old sport quickly stopped smiling and frowned again. His eyes seemed to be pleading with phone guy to stop. But he didn't. "Dave, I'm warning you..." "it's only a matter of time before your next" he warned me.

Sportsy seemed like he wanted to say something, he was pouting at phone guy. "Please." "Get rid of him." "For your sake" phoney told me pleading. I know phone guy dosent have any eyes but I could tell he was trying to use his eyes to plead with me just like old sport is pleading with him.

"I've made my mind up" "oh, and I'd love to stay and chat, but I think we're done here" I told phoney simply. "Ive distracted you all for long enough" I told them both. I could tell sportsy was starting to get a little happier.

"What do you mean by that, Dave?" Phoney asked me. "Check party room 1" "if you're quick you might get one last glimpse of your son before he gets CHOMPED!" I yelled at him smiling devilishly.

"WAIT!" "NO!" "OH GOD!" Phoney yelled scared and terrified for his sons well being. I smiled as he left then turned to a nervous sportsy. "Common, old sport!" "We gonna wanna see this" I told him quickly leaving to follow phone dude.

POV by jack:

I was so nervous. I didn't know what to do....I might as well follow him. I feel bad for phoney but at the same time I'm mad at him! I'm not a monster! Right? It's Henry. He's the monster....but he's not here. So me and davey have to pay for his crimes. Right?

I walk into the party room nervously as I saw the monster ballon boy. Dang...Dave did give the robot upgrades. The thing was terrifying and he was holding phone guys son! The poor boy was crying like crazy. "OH GOD!" "WHAT IS THAT?!" Phone guy yelled in horror.

Dave just smiled at him as he walked in next to me. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE BALLON CHILD?!" "WHYS HE HOLDING MIKE JR?!" He yelled at Dave scared and angry. "Phoney, since day 1, you've been a thorn in my side" Dave told him calmly but you could tell he was upset.

"Tryna kill me, tryna fire me, tryna get rid of me etc" he listed them off still pretty calm. I just stared at him a little worried. "Hell, I'm pretty sure this whole party is just a sting operation to try and get rid of me!" Dave exclaimed.

I realized that that was probably true. Phone guy would try anything to get rid of Dave but despite that....today he seemed to believe I was worse than him. Which I still find weird....I understand what I'm doing is wrong and I still feel bad. But then why am I doing this?....I don't know.

"I'm a big boy, Scott" "that I can take" he told him still pretty calm. I nervously fidgeted with my fingers now looking at the angry and scared phone guy. "But, yesterday evening, you fired old sport" he said seeming to get a little moodier. My head turned to Dave when he said that.

"What dose THAT have to do with anything?!" Phone head asked him angrily. Immediately, Dave's expression changed and I could tell he was no longer calm. His eyebrows narrowed. "You hurt me?" "I'm mad" "you kill me?" "I'm annoyed" "but don't you Dare ever lay a hand on my orange baby!" He yelled at phone guy.

My eyes widened as I stared at Dave. My face immediately became red once again. I didn't even try and hide it this time. I just slowly smiled at him in surprise. He did all this.....just for me? "Don't talk to me or my old sport ever again!" He told phoney.

I nervously smile then look over at phone guy. He looked absolutely terrified and surprised by Dave's response. "Bb, show Scott what we do to snitches around here" Dave told the ballon boy robot.

Slowly but surely ballon boy bites down on mikes head. I flinch slightly as I watch the blood from the kids head go down. The scary robot still holding onto his head. "MIKE JR, NO!" Phone face yelled tears falling out of his eyes.

I nervously move back from the robot and phone guy. Dave was still close to them though. "DONT YOU REALIZE HOW EXPENSIVE FRONTAL LOBES COST, YOU SCUMBAGS?!" He yells at both of us.

I turn away from him and the scene. Immediately feeling guilt. Dave just smiled at him. Which only made me feel worse. I followed Dave's plan knowing something like this would happen but I still continued following it.

Maybe phone guy is right....maybe I am a monster. I sighed softly. Me and Dave eventually left the room. I felt sick to my stomach but then Dave turned to me.

"Well, that was fun, sportsy!" He said smiling brightly at me. My face was still red but not just because of Dave. "We've messed up his life once again!" He exclaimed. I sighed and slowly nodded to him.

Why.....why on earth do I still go along? It's because of Dave isn't it? If it was someone else doing all of these horrible things....would I still be doing this? I don't want to be a monster. "I'd consider this a job well done!" He says to me, getting me back into reality.

"I had fun, Dave.." I said shyly still blushing. He smiled brightly at me. "So.....Vegas?" He asked  me. I still felt guilty....but for whatever reason right now....Vegas sounded good. Especially if Dave was going to be there.

So I sighed and smiled back at him. "Vegas" i responded to him. Dave smiled even brighter and seemed to be very excited. "Let's go, old sport!" "Tomorrow is gonna be legendary!" He yelled happily. I laughed softly and nodded.

Welp....I guess this is it. No more Freddy's. No more dead kids. No more phone guy. No more Matt. No more jimbo. No more smelly Scents. No more puppet.... I knew I need to say goodbye to my sister at least. So I did. She told me exactly what phone guy told me. I sighed and left.

I walked home to get packed and ready to go to Vegas. Dave did the same. I know Dave said tomorrow was going to be legendary.....but I feel like everyday with Dave is.

(Hope you guys enjoyed it! This is based on dsaf 2 the radical ending! Also I just realized how this makes things confusing at the beginning of the story- uhhh lol let's just say that the time when Dave and old sport talked was earlier like before the story? Idk lol- because of this mistake I think ima make another dsaf book- then a cuphead one again don't worry lol I've been trying to do sander sides but I haven't gotten many views so idk- I'm also thinking about a Lego Batman and Henry stickmin one what do you guys think? Let me know!)

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