Coming Up For Air

By Writer4Life1328

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Coming Up For Air
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Six

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By Writer4Life1328

        It’s her, the swimmer. Mick looked up as he handed her her towel, and was surprised to see a familiar face. After their last confrontation he had stopped trying to get her attention, and had instead resorted to sulking. He didn't know why it had affected him so much, but it did and he hated it. He had never really been close to anyone, and this sudden attraction to a complete stranger threw him off guard.

        Seeing her here, like this, Mick didn't really know what to do. When Mick heard the jeering crowd and the voice he'd heard countless times, he decided that enough was enough. He and James had been friends for quite a while growing up and he knew how he could be. He used to just stand by, not participating but not doing anything about it either, and he finally got sick of it. No one deserved to be treated that way, and James didn’t have the right to humiliate anyone like that.

        When he got to the lake, he saw a crowd standing on the shore and a girl floating alone in the water. He could hear James taunting her, but he couldn’t see him.

        “That’s enough.” The words were calm but the tone said that he was serious.

        James had to have recognized the voice, and he looked over to where Mick was standing, leaning casually against a tree, effectively hiding his clenched fists. “What are you doing here?”

        Mick made his way to James, ignoring the many followers as they stepped aside. Mick got right in his face and hissed, “Leave the girl alone.”

        “Or what?” James challenged.

        “Or I tell everyone what you did six months ago.”

        “Let’s not forget who’s been convicted of assaulting an unarmed man.”

        “If you’re really that confident then by all means, continue,” Mick stated, never breaking eye contact as James seemed to think it over. After a moment, he called his mindless peers away, and he turned to the girl, summoning her to shore.

        That’s when he learned that it was the girl he’d seen before, the girl he’d illogically felt drawn to. He quickly wiped the surprise from his face and prayed that she hadn’t noticed as he finished collecting her things and handed her bag to her. She took it and they silently left the lakeside headed towards the parking lot.

        Mick didn’t know what to say, but he felt like he should say something. “Are you okay?” He asked after a moment of silence.

        “I’ll be okay,” she answered quietly. “Thank you,” she added a moment later.

        “Don’t mention it.” He stopped and spun to face her, holding out his hand. “We haven’t officially met, I’m Mick.”

        She smiled lightly, shaking his hand. “Emily.”

        He smiled and they continued walking. “So, did you drive here?”

        Emily nodded and then realized he couldn’t see her. “Yeah.”

        Mick tried to ignore that fact that he suddenly became disappointed. “Okay well, I’ll just walk you to your car then.”

        “Okay,” she said. Mick could have sworn she sounded disappointed as well, and he hoped he wasn’t just imagining it.

        “Are you okay?” He knew he had already asked her, but this time he was hoping for a different answer. She just seemed so... sad.

        “Um, I don’t really want to go home right now,” she admitted, embarrassed.

        “Well, I have a few things I have to do…you can join me if you want.”

        “You don’t mind?”

        “Not at all.” He turned slightly so she could see that he was smiling. “I could use the company.”

        She smiled back and nodded. “Okay, thanks.”

        Mick turned back and smiled so wide he was glad she couldn’t see. He didn’t understand what was happening, or at least he refused to believe what it was he really felt. Either way, he was glad he was going to have time with her, even if it was just a few hours.

* * *

        Emily was sitting in a large, dark green pick-up truck, her beach bag resting snugly at her side as they drove to some unknown location.  She couldn’t believe everything that had happened in the past hour. First she’s publicly humiliated by the one person she’d stood up to, and now she was riding shotgun with a boy who was convicted of assaulting an innocent man. Still, sitting in his truck, she couldn’t help but look at him. His shaggy brown hair, falling just above the bottom of his neck, his lightly tanned skin and strong jaw; he didn’t look like a violent man. And the way he stood up for her, even though she was pretty sure he didn’t know it was her at the time; that didn’t sound like a violent man.

        “I’ll be right back, do you wanna wait here?” Mick asked. Emily hadn’t even notice they’d stopped. She looked over at him and nodded, not failing to notice that he had dark brown eyes hiding under his dark hair. He shut the door and she took a deep breath, urging her pounding heart to slow. What is going on? Even as she thought it she knew what was happening. His tall, strong build, the way he’d defended her, helping someone in need, his mysterious yet seemingly harmless demeanor...

        She jumped when she heard the door shut again. “Sorry,” Mick said, obviously seeing her reaction.

        “It’s okay,” she said and looked out the window, forcing herself to think about anything but Mick.

* * *

        Mick stopped at the pharmacy to pick up his mom’s prescription and the grocery store to grab the few things on his mother’s list before he was out of things to do. He got back in the car and looked at Emily. She had been quiet the entire ride, and all he wanted to do was to get her to smile, or at the very least talk. “Hey, um, I’ve gotta run this stuff home, do you want me to drop you off or do you feel like coming with me?”

        “I’ll go with you if you don’t mind.”

        Mick had been expecting her to want to go back, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t pleased. “Not at all,” he smiled and started the engine, wondering how his family would react. He had never brought a girl home, hell he’d never really brought anyone home. He turned out of the parking lot and headed to the house.

* * *

        Emily stared out the window the entire car ride, watching the trees and houses pass by. She had agreed to go with Mick only because she dreaded going home. Her dad had given her the day to do whatever she wanted, and no matter what had happened she wasn’t about to go back.

        About ten minutes later they pulled up to a large white house and Emily felt an involuntary wave of longing. It was just as she’d imagined a house with a normal family would look. It had two floors of curtained windows, every room a different color. There were flowers growing on either side of the front door. A narrow cement path wound its way to the four stairs before where you’d cross a wooden porch before reaching an average but pretty white door with a small window.

        “It’s nice,” Emily said as they walked up the path.

        “I think so,” Mick smiled. A moment later he opened the door and they entered a small hallway with a large wooden staircase. “Mom?” Mick called, carrying to small bags.

        “I’m in the kitchen!” A woman called out.

        “I’ll be right back,” Mick told Emily before going to the end of the hall and turning right.

        Emily nodded once and stood awkwardly, waiting for him to come back. She heard a loud banging noise, but couldn’t figure out what it was until a small girl went running down the stairs and nearly crashed into her.  Large brown eyes peeked out from behind long brown hair, the same color as Mick’s. Sister? Emily wondered.

        “Sorry. Who are you? I’ve never seen you before.” It was amazing how she managed to sound like a curious little girl and an accusing adult at the same time.

        “My name’s Emily, I came with Mick.” Emily couldn’t help but smile at the little girl.

        The girl stared at her for a moment before continuing her race in the same direction Mick had headed. Emily realized that that had been the first real smile she’d had in she didn’t even know how long. She turned back to examine the rest of the room when she hear a yell. “Mickey!” Emily had thought the girl had went further into the house, but the yell was much too loud. She spun back around and saw a small head eyeing her from the doorway at the end of the hall. Upon being spotted, she disappeared. 

        “What is it Maddie?” He sounded further away.

        “I’m not gonna yell it.” She tried to say it quietly, so as not to alarm the intruder, but it had to be loud enough for him to hear.

        Emily could just picture Mick rolling his eyes as he went to Maddie and leaned forward to listen closely, standing partly in the hall so that Emily could see him. She saw them whisper for a moment and then Mick called her. “Emily! Will you please tell Maddie here that you are not going to kill us!”

        Maddie waved her hands dramatically and playfully hit Mick, who laughed. “Maddie, I promise I’m not here to kill you.” The girl turned her head and look from Emily to Mick, as if judging to see if it was the truth of if he was in on it too.

        Suspicion slowly left her eyes and she approached Emily with a smile. “Hello, I’m Maddie, sorry I thought you were a crazy killer.”

        Emily smiled and said, “That’s okay, you can never be too careful right?”

        Maddie smiled, turned and went back to Mick. She whispered something to him, which made him laugh, and then she headed towards the kitchen.

        “Sister?” Emily asked when Mick looked over at her and smiled.

        He nodded. “How’d you know?”

        “She looks like you.”

        Mick didn’t have time to reply due to the fact that a petite woman came around the corner, drying her hands on a blue dish towel. “Mick you didn’t tell me you brought company.” She swept by Mick and offered her hand out to Emily. “Hello dear, I’m Desiree, Mick and Maddie’s mother, you can call me Dezi.”

        “Mom, you’re going to scare her away.”

        “Oh, be quiet.” Emily smiled at the harmless family banter, longing to be a part of something so loving. “Emily right? Maddie told me. Her father let her watch a horror movie last night, so she’s a little paranoid right now. Would you like a drink or anything? Something to eat?”


        “I’m all set, thank you Mrs…”  Emily realized that she didn’t know their last name. I’m in their house and I don’t even know who they are.

        “Kinglsey, call her Mrs. Kingsley,” Mick called, still standing in the background.

        “I hate that and you know it. Just call me Dezi.”

        “Okay Mom, now that you’re done with that… Can we go?”

        “You’re leaving already?”

        “I told you in the kitchen that I was just dropping your stuff off.”

        “Right, well, it was great meeting you Emily, you’re welcome any time you want.”

        “Thank you,” Emily said as Mick walked over and beckoned his mother away.

        “Sorry about her, she gets a little... excited sometimes,” Mick said when she was out of hearing range.

        Emily smiled. “It’s fine; she seems nice.” Nicer than my parents.

        Mick put his hands in his pockets, unsure of what to say. Finally he broke the silence. “So… What do you want to do now?”

        “Anything, I need to get my mind off things.”

        “You hungry?” Mick asked.

        “I could eat,” Emily admitted.

        Mick smiled and gestured to the door. “Shall we then?”

        Emily grinned and followed him back to the truck. Ten minutes later they were sitting inside a small locally owned restaurant sipping sodas. “How are you doing?” Mick asked after a moment of listening to the chatter around them.

        “I’m okay,” Emily answered. She had to admit that this was a good place to distract yourself; with all the people and noise around you, it was hard to think of anything.

        “So, um, what did you do to piss James off? If you don’t mind my asking,” he added, not wanting to sound like he was pushing her or anything.

        “It’s stupid…” Emily started. “He tried to kiss me and I stood up and made a comment that apparently he didn’t like and now he feels that he has to ruin my life more than it already is.” She hadn’t meant to say all that, hell, she hadn’t really meant to say anything, it just kind of spilled out. She was just so frustrated with the way things were going, and it felt good to be able to get it off her chest, even if it was to a boy she barely knew and who may or may not be a violent freak.

        “Yeah, that sounds like James,” Mick commented.

        Emily wanted to ask how they knew each other, but she heard the bitterness in his voice and decided not to. “Do you go to Franklin High? I’ve never seen you there before.”

        “No, I go to a different one.” Again Emily sensed bitterness so she didn’t question further.

        She was quiet for a minute, trying to think of something to say, hoping he would come up with something first. When the silence became to much she awkwardly said, “Um, I’m not very good at this.”

        “At what?”

        “Talking to people.” Why am I telling him so much? I don’t want him to get to know me, it’ll make it that much harder when he leaves. Even as she thought it she knew she was lying. She wanted to know him, and she wanted him to know her. More than that, she wanted him to like her.

        He chuckled softly. “You’re doing fine. Why are you so shy anyway?”

        “My parents aren’t exactly the best…” she knew it was vague but like she said, she was horrible when it came to talking to people, especially when she had to talk about herself. It’s not bad when the other person talks, because then all she has to do is listen, but talking about her life isn’t something that comes easily to her.

        “Oh…” He didn’t know what else to say. Yes, he wanted to know more, but he didn’t want to pry. He could tell that something was obviously going on in this girl’s life, but he didn’t know what and he didn’t want to upset her by asking.

        “You seem like a nice guy, I just have to ask…” She started but cut off.

        “About getting convicted?” Mick guessed. Emily nodded. “It’s kind of a long story, and it’s complicated…” He wanted to tell her everything, needed her to know the truth, but he didn’t think it was the right time.

        “It’s okay, I understand.”

        “Some other time okay? I’ll tell you all about it, and you can tell me about your parents.” Mick smiled to show that he was trying to be friendly.

        Emily didn’t know why but she was touched, and excited. Some other time, that means he wants to see me again! She did her best not to squeal like an underage school girl, but she couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “Deal.”

        Mick took another drink before saying, “So, what do you want to eat?”

        “Um, I don’t really have any money…” It sounded so much like a corny first date movie, but it was true, she didn’t. How embarrassing would it be if I didn’t tell him that and then after we ate he didn’t have enough money to cover us? Or what if he got really mad at me?

        “That’s fine, pick whatever you want.”

        “Are you sure?” She never really had anyone buy her anything before, and she felt bad.

        “Positive,” he beamed up at her, and she felt herself blush. She raised the menu in an attempt to hide her cheeks and after a moment decided to order a turkey sandwich.

        They spent the rest of their time making small talk and eating, and then Mick brought her back to her car and she headed home.

* * *

        Emily slowly opened the door, doing her best to prevent the slight creaking and clicking when she closed it. It was quiet, and upon further investigation she saw that her father was asleep. Thank God, I did not want to have to deal with him tonight. It didn’t happen very often, but sometimes he fell asleep before she got home, and when he was out he was out. She went into the kitchen and prepared his meal, leaving it in the oven as she always did when he was asleep, and went up to her room.

        She felt like jumping up and down she was so excited. It had been one of the worst and best days of her life. After the awkward first stage of their meal they got into a steady, comfortable pattern and it all seemed so effortless, talking to a boy she barely knew. And the end… Emily didn’t think she would ever forget it.

        Mick went up to pay the bill while Emily waited at the table. When he returned her smiled and they went out to the truck. The ride was relatively quiet, but it was awkward like it was before. The lake parking lot wasn’t very crowded, only a few cars parked. Emily opened the door and stopped, looking over at Mick. “Thank you.”

        “You’re welcome,” he smiled. “You know… You don’t always have to be alone.”

        It was such a random statement and it caught Emily off guard. “What do you mean?”

        “Every time I’ve seen you you’ve been alone.” Emily started to say something but he didn’t let her. “I’m not pretending that I know you, I’m just saying that you don’t have to be the quiet girl in the background.”

        Mick was looking her right in the eyes, and as much as she wanted to she couldn’t look away. “I-I don’t how.”

        “I could help you…if you want.” Emily could tell by the look on his face that he regretted saying it, but she thought it was the cutest thing in the world, even if it was corny.

        “O-Okay.” She wished she would stop stuttering.

        “Um, if you’re not doing anything tomorrow…”

        “No, I don’t think I am. Meet you here around noon?”

        Mick seemed relieved which just made Emily smile more. “See you then.”

        Emily couldn’t believe everything that had happened, but hanging out with Mick almost made up for the fact that James absolutely humiliated her. She had never felt for anyone the way she did for Mick, and she was finally beginning to understand what all the fuss was about. Watching chick-flicks and reading romance novels; Emily had never really understood what the big deal was, and she was convinced that it was all an over dramatization.

Sitting on her bed, thinking about Mick, she finally realized that some of them were spot on.

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