Alpha Shield

By RaevynLondon

38.4K 1.6K 1K

Coming from a traditionalist family who believes that an Omega's only place is beneath the heel of an Alpha... More

Author's Note
Sanctuary - Abby
Assist - Killian
Alarm - Killian
Blossom - Abby
Notes - Abby
Mace - Killian
Strength - Abby
Chocolate - Abby
Security - Killian
Simple - Killian
Inevitable - Abby
Beta - Killian
Stranger - Killian
Distraction - Abby
Defective - Abby
Prey - Killian
Changes - Abby
Consent - Abby
Denial - Killian
Timing - Killian
Worthy - Abby
Follow - Abby

Red - Killian

1.9K 73 48
By RaevynLondon


Hazy red-tinged fog cast the room into shadows like a horror film.

Part of an elite squad in Alpha Corps, Killian had seen action on every continent on the planet. He'd been part of missions toppling governments, rescuing entitled diplomats, and slogging through some of the most treacherous terrain known to man. Many of his missions were classified so heavily that only the President and the team involved knew the details.

Through all of that he'd kept his cool. Calm and decisive under pressure. It's why he'd risen through the ranks with ease. Needed something done quickly and quietly in a volatile situation? Send in Killian and his team. Target not cooperating? Tempers and tensions on the rise? Killian and his team would handle it.

All of that... gone.

Mitchell Parmador was a dead motherfucker.

Remember your place.

The red fog taking over his vision dissipated leaving a halo around the Omega trying to disappear into the corner of the couch. He noticed Selah had taken Abby's hands and was talking softly to her. Realizing his rage was reaching critical levels, he forced himself to concentrate.

"... can't be sure the unauthorized entry was related to the note or not." Selah said softly to his trembling Omega.

No, damnit, not his.

"Could it have been a distraction?" Abby asked just as quietly.

The tremor he could hear in her voice made him want to smash something. Clenching his fingers into fists at his side, he resisted the urges flowing through him. Torn between launching the nearest lamp into the wall or wrapping Abby up in his arms to shield her from the world, he wasn't sure which impulse was winning so he focused on just maintaining his post by the door.

"No, we don't think so -" Malcolm began.

"It's possible," Selah interrupted her mate. At his growl, she growled back, "Keeping things from the "poor little Omega" has never worked out well. She needs to know."

"We'll discuss this further at home, mate." Malcolm's growled response didn't inspire the trepidation he was hoping for if the heated light in Selah's eyes gave any indication.

Killian let his lips curl slightly. Between pregnancy hormones and her stronger Omega side, Selah and Malcolm were at least entertaining to watch.

Ignoring the simmering Alpha at her side, Selah turned back to Abby, "It's possible. I'm sure they're still looking into it, but without any evidence to directly connect them together, it's just speculation."

"Someone put a note on my door!" Abby breathed out the statement, but the fear hit Killian in the solar plexus stealing his breath.

"Yes, and for some reason, all the people - Sanctuary's director and the security staff - don't seem to be concerned enough. The note was actually found earlier today, so that's why the alarm and the note may not be connected." Turning to Malcolm, Selah continued, "But this latest note wasn't delivered through an intermediary or "found" on the grounds somewhere. It was a lot closer to her, and it's a direct threat, not just a copy of some crazy manifesto!" Selah's voice rose with each word.

The combination of pheromones from a distressed omega and a pissed off one filled the room with an acrid combination that made Killian's nose twitch. Sending his alpha instincts into overdrive, he wanted to hunt down and render limb from limb whomever put these females into distress. Alphas were biologically programmed to protect those weaker than themselves. Omegas ranked right at the top of that scale. An Omega whose scent made him want to throw away a lifetime's worth of independence? Number one on the list of needing protection. Add in a breeding omega, and the ranking scale imploded.

Just like he felt his head might implode with the range of scents emanating from the omegas and Malcolm.

Yes, his primal half whispered in his mind. They scared our Omega. We will end them.

Red filled his vision again in images sent from his aggressive inner Alpha on a rampage. Blood splashing the ground, squishy soft insides decorating the walls, and lifeless eyes whirled through his brain. Killian wanted to feel some kind of remorse for his murderous thoughts. But he didn't. Not at all.

When he found Blossom's asshole father and whoever else made the little female fearful, he'd only feel pleasure in making sure their end was as slow and painful as possible.

The scents of flowers and lemon coming from the hallway alerted him to the arrival of newcomers. When two females poked their heads into the room, Killian fought the unreasonable urge to push them out of the room and bar the door. Their scents sent his instincts screaming to keep the pair away from the room, but he reigned in the impulse. The females were obviously Omega and no threat to his Omega.

Damnit. Not. His. Omega.

Taking a deep breath through his mouth to try and bring his self-control back online didn't help. He could taste Blossom on his tongue. Forcing his heels to push deeper into the floor to ground himself, he refocused on the discussion going on in the room.

"Selah, I don't think you've met Haley Baker. She's Sanctuary's director." Malcolm introduced his mate to the blond female who smelled like cloying sweet roses.

"No, I haven't had the pleasure!" Selah twisted to face the newcomers. She made an attempt to lift herself up from the couch, but with her pregnant belly throwing off her center of gravity, she didn't make it very far. Settling back onto the cushion with an annoyed huff, she extended her arm to shake the hand of Sanctuary's director.

"We were just discussing the recent events, and Sanctuary's lack of response to the threats against Abby," Selah charged into the discussion avoiding the usual nice-to-meet-you banter.

Like her, Killian's alpha purred respectfully in his head. Killian mentally nodded in agreement. He hadn't had many interactions with her throughout the years, but this past month, he'd come to find that "appearances could be deceiving" applied to Malcolm's mate wholeheartedly. Selah looked sweet and kind, and she was both of those things. She worked tirelessly with the OSF to treat Omegas and sometimes their Alphas. But he'd also seen the aftermath of her ripping the throat out of an Alpha male who'd threatened her and her babies. Literally.

Since then he'd noticed Selah led with kindness and compassion, but she wasn't shy about delivering the blunt and sharp edge of her tongue either. Apparently she'd skipped compassion and went straight to the sharp edge for Sanctuary's director.

"Yes, while we take all threats to our residents seriously, we run a rehabilitation center for abused and traumatized Omegas. We regularly receive threats not only against our residents but our staff as well. We can't call in the OSF for every one of them. We'd need to have our own investigative team assigned here permanently." Director Baker replied with an air of someone who'd had this conversation multiple times before.

"Someone tried to breach the grounds today," Selah nearly growled at the other woman.

"While not a common occurrence, it is also not an unusual one. We've had disgruntled and enraged Alphas attempt both the front entrance and the receiving docks before, and we will again." Director Baker responded, keeping her own tone calm and ignoring the low growl beginning to roll from the gravid Omega.

Placing a trembling hand on top of Selah's clenched fists resting in her lap, Abby's nearly sub-vocal purr was meant to soothe her friend, but Killian found himself reacting to it as well. The remaining red haze clouding his vision receded, and his shoulders dropped as his muscles across his back and upper arms relaxed.

"There have been several attempts and alarms since I've been here," Abby confirmed.

And there went any relaxation he'd just achieved. Grinding his teeth to hold in his own growl of frustration, Killian started counting to 100 to keep his instincts in check.

"But this note wasn't like the others," Malcolm interjected, giving Selah a warning glance.

"It is different from the others sent to her," Director Baker acknowledged, "But it is just like the hundreds of others we receive for our other residents. 'I'm going to get you back.' 'You need to get back to where you belong.' 'You're a worthless bitch, but my mark on your neck makes you my worthless bitch.' 'You're going to wish you had just taken it.'"

"Everyday we get these notes. Every. Day. Even when they're signed with an address, the law says that writing a threatening note isn't a crime. The only exceptions are when there's a restraining order, but even then, they might get a fine and a warning. If it's a mated couple, there's not even that. The OSF can't investigate every note."

"Well, they should!" the brunette who had come in the director burst out before sitting with a soft thump on the coffee table in front of the couch. Reaching out with both of her hands, the female clasped Abby's free hand in her own.

"Catrina, this is Selah, Malcolm, and K-Killian. They're friends and with the OSF." Abby introduced the tiny brunette. "Catrina is a friend."

"Did you see a note on my door this morning?" Abby asked the other omega.

"No, I didn't see anything," Catrina answered, distractedly looking at Selah before turning her blue eyes back to Abby, "Selah... That Selah?"

Abby just nodded with a blush staining her cheeks. Killian's nose picked up hints of shame coming from her, and he wanted to wrap her in arms and purr for her.

What the actual fuck was wrong with him? Purr for her?

"Wow! I'm so honored to meet you!" Catrina whisper-yelled, vibrating with excitement.

Selah's head swung to the other Omega from where she'd been preparing to go to battle with the director, "Sorry?"

"Abby has told me so much about you, and all about what happened to... you know..." Catrina continued softly, "I wish that I was brave enough to-"

"Catrina, we've talked about this before," Director Baker interrupted, "Violence is not the answer."

The prim tone of the Omega director set Killian's teeth on edge. Everything about the female set his internal alarms pinging. Chalking it up to her calm in the face of the threat to his - no, damnit - Abby, he entered the conversation to put the discussion back on track.

"What has been done to increase security for Sanctuary? Malcolm and I have both pointed out some security risks yet nothing has been done. Why is that?" He cut off the growl as it tried to leave his chest, but his voice was still low and rumbly in annoyance.

"Because all of those things cost money. Sanctuary doesn't charge the Omegas who seek shelter here. The only Omegas who pay for anything are the ones in the hospital wing who are here for medical procedures that aren't trauma related. The rest of Sanctuary runs on the kindness of donors. We have to make every dollar stretch, and some of the upgrades and equipment you've suggested are just too costly. We can't afford more security personnel either. Even just the suggestions you've made for the trees totals over $20,000."

Turning on her heel to face him directly, she arched a golden brow and added, "Speaking of security issues. From my earlier conversations with Mr. Blacketer, I understood that you weren't mated. Mr. Hayes, correct? Unmated males are not allowed inside of Sanctuary without prior visitor approval."

Despite the growls now coming from both Killian and Malcolm, Director Baker didn't budge. Part of him could acknowledge her points. His father supported Sanctuary, along with several other charities and arts, just enough to be able to lay claim to being a philanthropist and to collect the tax deduction. General Hayes liked showing up to the balls and galas to show off his Omega, his wealth, and his medals, but Killian knew from his rants at home that the General didn't spread his money around by choice.

"There was an alarm-" Selah began.

"Yes, which has been solved." Director Baker interrupted again. Proving she was either brave or stupid, she turned her back on the heavily pregnant female despite the lnow audible low growl now coming from the Omega. "I appreciate your concern for our Omegas, but you'll need to leave, Mr. Hayes."

Later, he'd blame the overstimulation from his murderous hind-brain combined with the acrid pheromones emanating from Abby and Selah for the words that spewed from his mouth before his brain caught up to it, "Abby will come with me to the estate. I can provide protection for her there."

Every head in the room snapped towards him. Malcolm's frustration shifted to a knowing smirk with a little tilt of his lips. Selah turned an inquisitive gaze on him before rapidly looking back and forth between him and Abby. A twinkle appeared in her eyes, and she nodded in approval of the idea. He caught a strange look crossing Director Baker's face, and shock bloomed on Catrina's features.

It was the pure fear on Abby's face that made him pause.

Her wide honey eyes caught and held his, and the scent of terror swamped the room. The powerful scent of her fear almost made him back out of the room, but he steeled himself and drew the scent deep into his lungs. The knife-edge sharpness of her fear stabbed into his chest. He forced his knees to lock and to stand strong when he felt this overwhelming urge to coddle the curvy little omega and soothe her into peacefulness with his purr.

Thank God the rest of his unit couldn't see their commander crumble in the face of an Omega. He'd never hear the end of it.

"Absolutely not, Mr. Hayes. Abby has been through enough trauma from Alphas. The court remanded her to Sanctuary until we feel that she's ready to leave or until she meets and accepts a mate." Director Baker drew herself up to as much height as her full 5' 4" frame would allow.

The mental image of a kitten puffing up against a lion crossed Killian's mind, but since this kitten was standing between him and Abby, he didn't find it funny. At. All.

Baker turned to Abby, "Have you met your mate, Abby?"

The question made his teeth clench, but the condescending tone caused Killian worry he might crack a tooth with the force his jaw ground together. His whole body tightened though when Abby flashed him a look from under her lashes before answering the question.

"Of course not. I'm not looking for a mate. Ever."

Her soft answer should have made him relax. He wasn't looking for a mate either. He'd sworn off the idea of mating and continuing his family line decades ago. He didn't need a mate to tie him down. Didn't want to be committed to one woman when there was so many women and adventures to be found. He was footloose and fancy free and that's the way he liked it.


Then why did a sharp pain stab through his center at the thought of walking away from this little bit of curvy female? Why couldn't he just go back outside and leave her to the care of her friends and Sanctuary staff? Links already bound him to this woman, and he hadn't even done more than brush her knee with his arm. He needed to get far away from her before he did something they'd both regret.

His inner Alpha roared in displeasure at the possiblity of leaving Abby. He trapped the roar in his throat, but a low, feral sound escaped his chest. Abby and Catrina flinched in response, and Director Baker's face pinched in disapproval.

"It's time for you to go -"

"Then I'll become security here." Killian couldn't believe the words spilling from his lips.

From her expression, Director Baker couldn't either. "All of our Alpha staff are mated. You are not." Her tone indicated the answer was simple, and the topic dismissed.


Red threatened to invade his vision again as this female intervened between him and his omega. His Alpha didn't care that the Director was also an Omega. Didn't care about the amazing work that Sanctuary performed for Omegas in need.

All his nearly feral inner animal cared about was that she represented a barrier between him and his female. Stopping him from claiming and taking -

Sweet fuck.

Digging his nails into his palms, Killian used the pain to bring himself back to reality. He was disturbed to find that in his blind rage, he had moved halfway towards the couch where his Omega sat. Luckily, Malcolm had started talking to Baker so she and Abby faced him instead of Killian. She hadn't seen him move closer like a predator on the prowl, but someone else had.

Catrina's eyes narrowed on him like she knew what murderous thoughts ran through his Alpha pheromone riddled brain. A fierce looked filled her features before she pulled Abby's hand further into her lap like she was protecting her friend from the scary Alpha in the room.

His instincts were running riot. His Omega wasn't safe. The director and her friend weren't... right. Something was off, but Killian shook his head and wrestled to bring himself under control. Of course, he was reading them as threats. They stood between him and dragging Abby off like somekind of primitive cave dweller.

He was so fucked.

The idea of dragging Abby off to a cave should have filled him with disgust.

Inside his pants, his cock hardened at the idea of taking her to a den where he could rut her through a heat in privacy and safety. Provide soft furs and materials for a nest. Feed her from his hunt. Shelter her from any and all threats while he filled her over and over and stretched her on his cock. Smear her slick over his chest and drink down her fluids to quench his thirst. Lock her to him with his knot so she had no choice but to squeeze him as she came over and over. See her belly swell with -


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