His love

By yrl0verr

5K 239 55

After Wooyoungs long lived dream ends he goes back to his home town to open a small bakery More

The regular
Liking people
The girl
Door to door

The bakery

507 30 6
By yrl0verr

5 months later

3rd pov

"Hey look a new bakery." Yunho says pointing at a bakery.

"We should go in." San says looking at his other friends.

"Im fine with that." Mingi says.

"Me too." Seonghwa says.

The group of friends go into the bakery and are greeted by a very enthusiastic voice.

"Hello welcome to woos bakery." Wooyoung says.

"OH MY GOODNESS WOOYOUNG!" Yunho shouts covering his mouth.

"YUNHO!" Wooyoung shouts running out from behind the counter hugging him.

"Ok ok." Mingi says splitting the two up.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in America. Why are you in a bakery?" Yunho asks Wooyoung.

"My career is over." Wooyoung says laughing.

"What?" Yunho says.

"Ya my manager ended my contract." Wooyoung says.

"Yunho we are all confused." Seonghwa says.

"OH." Yunho says.

"Everyone this is Wooyoung my bestie from elementary school, Wooyoung this is my boyfriend Mingi, and my friends Seonghwa and San." Yunho says.

"Ok ok. As much as I would love to talk I should take your guys order and then we can talk." Wooyoung says walking behind the counter.

"But it's nice to meet you all." Wooyoung says smiling.

Everyone orders and sits down at one of the tables.

"So who is he?" Mingi asks Yunho.

"I can't believe you guys don't know who he is. He is a very well known dancer." Yunho says.

"Really? Because I've never heard of him" Mingi says.

"He was very well known here in Korea, but then moved to America to get more successful and it worked so he stayed in America." Yunho says.

"I've still never heard of him." Mingi says.

"Just wait at some point a group of teenage girls with come in here and start fangirling. It happens about once a day." Wooyoung says surprising almost everyone at the table.

"I don't believe it." Mingi says.

"Mingi there's no need to be jealous." Yunho says.

"I'm not jealous!" Mingi shouts.

"Yes you are." Seonghwa says.

Wooyoung just laughs at the 3 friends arguing, but he notices that one of them hasn't said anything.

He looks over that the guy who's named San and notices that he staring at him.

San quickly looks away when Wooyoung catches him.

"See he's verified." Yunho says showing Mingi his phone.

"Wait let me see." San says making grabby hands at the phone.

His voice is amazing

Wooyoung thinks to himself.

Before they all could continue talking the bell rings indicating that someone has walked into the bakery.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" One of the girls who has walked in shouts.

The group of girls start squealing and jumping up and down.

"Hello welcome to woos bakery." Wooyoung says walking behind the counter.

The group of girls once again start squealing and jumping up and down while going towards the counter.

They all ordered their food and ask for pitchers and autographs from Wooyoung.

Before they sit down Mingi calls them over to their table.

"Question?" He says to the girls.

"Yes?" One of them say.

"Why is he so popular?" Mingi asks.

"First of all." One of the girls say. "He is hot, he is good at dancing and is super nice to his fans and he's hot."

"Why?" Another one of the girls asks.

"Are you a hater?"

The girls start bombarding Mingi with a bunch of questions, but Mingi is lucky when Wooyoung tells the girls that their food is ready.

"Mingi you are aware that he isn't gay right?" Yunho says. "You don't have to be jealous."

"He isn't gay?" San asks.

"San that's the first things you've said since we walked in here. Besides when you asked to see that he was verified." Yunho says.

"Ok and-" before he can keep talking Seonghwa looks over his shoulder.

"He's stalking Wooyoungs Instagram." Seonghwa says.

"I AM NOT!" San shouts slamming his phone on the table.

Yunho goes to grab the phone, but before he can San throws it off the table.

Yunho just sits back and smiles while San goes to grab his phone, but it's not on the ground.

Instead it's in Wooyoungs hands.

Sans face goes red as Wooyoung hands him his phone back winking at him.

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