Tower of God Highschool

By eglets11

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Written by the rising star of the fafniction community, Eglantolius Gewelliane Loremipsum Esdeythe Trinatalio... More

Chatper 1: Bam, Betrayals, and Beatups
Charpter 2: Wangnan's Annoyingness, Bathrooms, and Clubs
Chparet 3: Fires, FUG, and Fried/Spicy Chicken
Charpet 4: Khun Aguero Agnes, Babysitting, and Ice Cream
Chaprte 5: The Second Day of School, School Festivals, and Surprises
Capter 6: Aguero Agnes, A JailBreak, and Catastrophic Blood Loss
Charttpre 7: Aguero Agnes Again, More Blood, and Car Crashes
Chstper 9: Viole, Violence, and Very Unexpected People
Carpeth 10: Another Schoolday, Big Questions, and an inCel Child
Cjapter 11: Gaymers, G-Fuel, and Gigabytes of Mysteries
Chpter 12: Arboretums, Bees, and Crushes Part 1
Chpter 13: Arboretums, Bees, and Crushes Part 2

Cpharter 8: The Hospital, "Healing" Doctors, and Hard Truths to Swallow

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By eglets11

Authors AN: chapter 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK for Readings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DISCLAIMER: I wish I did own Tower of god but I do not own tower of God even though I wish I did but I still don't because wishes don't come true because life is unfair but I can still dream but that's all dreams are dreams and I still don't own Tower of God and just in case you didn't get the memo I don't own Tower of god and I'll say it again just for good measure that I don't own Tower of God but I can write this faniction but I still won't own tower of god and that's sad.

Tower of God Highschool

✰»⊱•············· ⋆°˖༻✯༺˖°⋆ ·············•⊰«✰

Cpharter 8: The Hospital, "Healing" Doctors, and Hard Truths to Swallow

September 25, 4:27 PM, Tower City Hospital

Wangnan worke up with a huge headache and blurry visoin.

"ugh where am i" he saod looking around ocnfusedly.

He was in a hospitlal room like you see on tv. It was white and there was a window anda abed that Wangman was in, and one of those bags with tubes on a stick.

Wangnan look his body which was covered head to tow with bandage! He was very injure from hemhorging, that was the reason for his cast!!

Then Wangnan saw a gril in the door of the room. She had long waist black hair and pink eyes and was wearing a flower on her hair. Her name was Yeon Yihwa and she had fire powers.

"OMG Wangnab,, thank God you are finally awake/alive! It has been like over 2 days since the events of last chapter occurred and this is totally natural and necessary exposition!" The girl said. "I was so worried that you were going to die that I CAME~ all the way to the hospital to see you! Are you okay?"

Wangnan look at the girl. "Who... are you?" he asked

"Y-you don't remember me?" Yihwa gasped in surprise and sadness. How could Wangnan not rembener her? Did he had a brain injury from the UFO thing? Oh no that was so bad!

"I-I-I..." Yihwa looked at Wangnan and started crying because she was scared that Wangnan would not be able to remember anything. "WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! WANGBNAN!!!!!!!!"

"Oh Yihwa you shouldnt cry... I was onyl joking," said Wanman and it was true he didnt actually lose his memorys! That only happens in anime and soap operas and stuff and not real life!

"W-W-WHAT!!!!!!!???!E" Yihwa said in anger. "Y-Y-You BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKAA!!! I was ACTUALLY WORRIED about YOU and you PLAYED a JOKE on ME like THISSS??????????????!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID BAKA!" SHe started to hit Wangnan angrily in her angry anger and Wangnan started saying "Ow ow ow that hurts ow."

"Ow... why are you so violent and personality switching all the time..." Wangnan said in pain. "Also, I wasn't completely lying about losing my memory. There are some thing I can't remember/."

Yihwa gasped in horrification again. "Oh no!" she yelled and started crying again.

"Calm down Yihwa, I remember most stuff about my life and whatever, but I can;t remember wahat happened to put me in the hospital. The last thing i rememmber is being kidnap and thats it." said Wangnan.

"OH... you still remember me?" Yihwa brightened up. "Phew, thank Goodness for that. I don't really know what happened either, I just found you bleeding out on my lawn."

"WHATS?" Wangnan asked amazed in a bad way abpout what Yihwa told him. "How did I get on your LAWN? BLEEDING?"

Yihwa shrugged. "I don't know either but this is what happened..."

She explained all the stuff about the UFO (which was actually not a UFO but The RACHELIMOUSINE™ (but Wangnman didnt remember)) and the crater in her front lawn, which just raised more questions than it answerd.

"Wow... that is so werid..." said Wangnan. "How did that happen?"

"Yup it really is weird" said Yihwa in aggreement.

"Well I guess that is just a mystery that will never be answered," said Wangnan.

"yeah" said yihwa.

"Huh, I just noticed something." said Wangnan and looked at his bandages. "If I was admitted here for hemorrhagic trauma, what are these casts on my arms for? Wouldn't they be useless in treating blood loss?"

A nurse in a sexy nurse outfit came in. "Oh they just look cool" she said in a valley girl accent and started twerking.

"You should not be a medical professional" commented Wangnan. The nurse kept twerking.

"Ugh! Oh! Ahn! MMmmr! Yeah! Huh!~ Shake that booty! Yeah! AWWAHAA!~" she moaned.

CLub music started playing in the background and the sexy nurse started twerking harder. Then the light started dinming and a bunch of neon lights started flashing. The hospital looked more like a strip club than a place for medical treatment.

"THE DOCTORRRRRRRRRRRRR..." the hospital loudspeakers satrted saying.

A disco ball lowered from the ceiling and a sparkly firemans pole with the words "wanna touch my pole? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" emblazoned in sparkly gold text emerged from a hole in the floor.

[The music switched to "Sexy And I Know It" by LMFAO mashed up with Caramelldansen From Another Room, which I know doesn't exist but it should. someone go make it.]

"IS INNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Rainbow lights started flashing everywhere and smoke/fog started pouring in from the hole in the ground from the fireman pole. A platform began rising from the pole hole and the silhouette of a lab coat could be seen from behind the fog.

The nurse was no longer twerking, but was now default dancing. Several other nurses entered the hospital room/strip club and began doing the orange justice, flossing, and other fortnite dances I don't care about.

"Wtf" said Yihwa,the exclamation of confusion and bewilderment quickly becoming her defining character trait. Wangnan quickly regretted asking the question as the smoke began to clear and the form of the silhouette became clear.

"Wangman, my man!" cried a muscular man in a lab coat. He was, thankfully, not doing a Fortnite dance, but, unthankfully, clad in nothing but said lab coat and a truly minisculte Speedo. The doctor began sensually thrusting his pelvis, clutching the fireman pole (which also doubled as a strip pole, apparently) while shaking his... other... pole.

"You should not be a medical profesional either" Wangnan said, his eyes bleeding from the egregiously curative inefficiency of... whatever this was supposed to be, a theme bisexual strip club or something, what with all the dancing nurses, and dancing doctors, and whatnot.

"Ah, cmon Wnagnan-chan, don't be like that," the doctor said sultruly. He posed on the pole gayly. "You know my PhD is in dance! Exotic dance!" He shook his groin again, much to Wangnan and Yihwa's agony. "Don't be so cold Wangy-nangy~! ☆ It's me, Doctor Daddy, here to kiss your boo-boos goodbye! ♡" He puckered up his lips and winked, one hand on his hip and the other next to his face in a victory sign.

"How did you get a medical liscence" asked Wangnan, unconvinced by Doctor Daddy.

"Oh Wanggan-kun... we both know that's not important," the doctor dodged the question like a true professional. "Anyways, Wang-wang honey ♡, I'm here with a DI-AG-NO-SIS for you!!! I've got it all~ written down... on this little piece of cloth right here!" Doctor Daddy, to Wangnan and Yihwa's horror, began to slowly remove his Speedo.

"NO! NO! I DON'T NEED TO KNOW!" Wangnan screamed.

"OH MY GOD... WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THAT? WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THAT?" Yihwa covered her eyes, but it was far too late.

Doctor Daddy disgruntledly put his Speedo on again. Wangnan and Yihwa stared at the wall with unseeing eyes, a memory engraved in their minds that would plague the depths of their consciousnesses for all of eternity.

"Ugh, well fine then be like that. I guess I'll just say the diagnossi from memory then," Doctor Daddy huffed. "Patient Wangnan Whatever his last name is-kun here arrived at the Tower City Hospital Emergency Room at 12:14 PM on September 23, 2012. Initial injuries noted include numerous lacerations and puncture wounds to the back and side. The patient required several blood transfusions during transport to the ER. Continuous pressure was maintained, and most bleeding was successfully controlled upon arrival to the ER. Recommended treatment is rest, blood transfusions, and continued treatment of the wounds."

"Wow that does not sounds good" said wangnan.

"Yeah it wasnt... you were bleeding a ton when i found you on my lawn... I really thought you were going to die!" Yihwa added.

"Well thank goodness that's over now and I feel much better now! In fact, I think at this rate I could get up right now and leave the hospita... OOOOOWWWOWOWOWJIOISOHCWUIHCIE!" Wangnan screamed in pain as he tried to get up and felt his wounds.

"AHHHH! WANGNAN!!" Yihwa also began screaming.

[The music in the background changed to Misery x CPR x Reesse's Puffs x WAP x Call Me Maybe x My Immortal x All Star x Anaconda x Like a G6 x [Insert song here] x Stacy's Mom x Despacito x the DK Rap x My Humps x Tik Tok x Gangsta's Paradise x That One Imagine Dragons song x Megalovania x Barbie Girl x whatever just listen to this entire playlist and imagine that they're all mashed up because i'm too lazy to write out the names of all these stupid meme songs that aren't event funny anymore:]

"STOP THAT!" Yihwa screamed and cradled Wangnans body.

[The music stopped.]

"Oh wow~☆ it looks like Wangnan-chan is in trouble! Uh oh~~~~! I guess I'll have to give him my special ☆Doctor Daddy Love Love Deluxe Magic Healing Peace Love Treatment~☆!" the doctor winked and struck another bizarre pose.


Doctor Daddy then proceeded to use his ****** to CENSORED Wangnan and &*&^#%!@ and ********** him using lots of his [Redacted] NSFW [Classified].

Yihwa was traumatized yet again.

But at least Wangnan was alive.

But she was still scarred for life. No amount of therapy would ever mend her fractured psyche.

But at least Wangnan was alive.

September 25, 4:43 PM, Tower City Hospital

Wangnan worke up with a huge headache and blurry visoin.

"ugh where am i" he saod looking around ocnfusedly.

He was in a hospitlal room like you see on tv. It was white and there was a window anda abed that Wangman was in, and one of those bags with tubes on a stick.


Then Wangnan saw a gril also next to the hospital bed. She had long waist black hair and pink eyes and was wearing a flower on her hair. Her name was Yeon Yihwa and she had fire powers.

"OMG Wangnab,, thank God you are finally awake/alive! The doctsor did some weird thing and let me tell you it was a sight straight out of the ninth circle of hell... but it worked and your alive!!!!!" Yihwa laughed fakely, trying to cover up her traumatizedness.

"This... this all seems so familiar... it's like... I've just been in this place before... (higher on the street)... and I know it's my time to go...calling you, and the search is a mystery... (standing on my feet)... it's so hard when I try to be me, Wooooaaah!!" Wangnan murmured.

"What are you talking about Wangnan???????" Yihwa said confusedly. She turned to Doctor Daddy angrily. "WhAT DID YOU DO to WANGMAMNBAN YOU STRUPID QUAKC DOCTER!!!!!1 GO CRAWL IN A HOLE AND DIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Yihwa started crying now because of Wangnan's brain injury that made him sing Deja Vu. He had a brain injury from the UFO thing! Oh no that was so bad! "WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! WANGBNAN WHY AR YOU DOING RANDOM SYYUFUTFFF!!!!!!!!!! STOP SINGING DEJA VU NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UHUHUHUESHUEHU CRYING NOISES!!!!!!"

Wangnan stopped singing and looked at Yihwa awkawardly.

"Oh Yihwa you shouldnt cry... I was onyl joking," said Wanman and it was true he didnt have a brain injury! He was just doing a epic prank. *Dabs* *Dies*

"W-W-WHAT!!!!!!!???!E" Yihwa said in anger. "Y-Y-You BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKAA!!! I was ACTUALLY WORRIED about YOU and you PLAYED a JOKE on ME like THISSS??????????????!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID BAKA!" SHe started to hit Wangnan angrily in her angry anger and Wangnan started saying "Ow ow ow that hurts ow."


"Eh, I'm not angry any more." said Yihwa as she calmed down.

"O-okay...?" Wangnan said unsurely, still shielding himself with his arms cautiously.

"OMG guys STOP giving Wangmna-tan attention, give ☆MEEE ☆ all the Attention, give it all to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee!!!!!!!☆" Doctor Daddy screamed, desperately seeking attention.

"STFU YOU STUPID QURACK!!!!!!" Yihwa screamed through gritted teeth. "Stop BEING SUCH an ATTENTion Whoe YOU DUMB CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Guyg guys guys stop yelling, arguing all day will just mak eeveryone mad an tired and won't solve anything." said Wangnan, and he was right.

"Wanfnan-chna, YOU'lL give me attention, RIGHT?" the doctor narrowed his eyes at Wangnan.

"Yeah yeah whatever, just shut up and stop whining and screaming," Wangnan massaged his forehead as he felt a migraine coming on.

"OMg ☆WOWSERS WANGY☆NANGYNANG-CHAN, TY TY TYSM~~~!!!!!!☆☆""!!!!!" Doctor Daddy said with sparkly shoujo eyes and shoujo bubbles and sparkles and whatnot.

"ur welcome" WAngnan said reflexively before shaking his head to clear his mind of the doctor's weird anime behavior.

Doctor Daddy started prancing around like a gay unicorn, like all unicorns are, and continued his pelvis-thrusting dance. Wangnan, fed up with the doctor's antics, concocted a plan to distract the stupid Speedo clad man.

"Hey, I overheard from a nurse that there was a new flavor of ramen potato chips in the vending machine," Wangnam said conspiratorially into Doctor Daddy's ear. "How about you go try it out?"

If Doctor Daddy hadn't been interested in buying overpriced, strangely flavored junk food from hospital vending machines, he surely would not have fallen for Wangnan's ploy. Luckily for Wangnan, the doctor was exactly the kind of person that bought overpriced, strangely flavored junk food from hospital vending machines.

"OK WANGYBABE-KUN~~~... thx 4 da tip! Im gona go buy sum snacky wackies now!!! BYESIES FRENS!!!!!!!!!" the doctor struck another gay pose before naruto-running out of the room.

With Doctor Daddy gone, Wangnan and Yihwa could finally hold a normal, non-cursed conversation w ith each other.

"So I guess you are okay after all wangnan that's good" said yihwwa

"Yeah but i still cant get up or else my wounds will reopem and stuff so I guess thats not that good '' replied Wangnan.

"Oh yeah, I just re,embered. The teachers at school gave out homework so I brought it here for you to do, you have to do this worksheet and this packet." said Yihwa.

"EW HOMEWROK!" Wangnan cried in agony as Yihwa handed the dreaded papers to him.

Not Homework!!!!!! *dun dun DUN!!!!!!!*8

Yihwa rolled her eyes. "Dramatic much?" she asked, which was ironic considering her many overreactions. "Homework is pretty gross though. But you have to make up the work we did in class... evn if it freaking sucks butt."

"But I was inb the HOSPITAL for HEMHORGING and STUFF!!! Why do i still have to do HONEWORK while im in so much PAINNN?????" Wangnan cried dramaticly and clutched his head and hung his head in despair.

"I thought you were almost completely recovered though?" asked Yihwa. "And you only missed a few days so far. It's not the end otf the world." She was right, it wasn't, because there were still 3 months until December 21, 2012 which actually was the end of the worlf.

"GMAEH!" Wangnan yelled, having been called out. He reluctantly picked up the homework at the corner using as little finger space as he could to touch it, like it was radioactive dog poop or some other toxic chemical or something. He wrinkled his nose, but put it on his bedside table next to him and shuddered.

"Well... I guess I'm done with everything I came here to do..." said Yihwa. "Get well soon Wangnan! And watch out for that weird doctor," she said as she left, leaving WAngnan alone in the hospital.

Wangnan sighed and put his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling in boredom.

He was bored... so bored... and no, he wasn't going to do his homework because sometimes you just want to slack off and never do any work even when you feel bored... actually that's just how i feel all of the time. Bored and unproductive.

Wangnan had nothing to do except think about life... and also ignore his homework, but mostly think.

And he had a lot to think about, what with... his secret.

Two years this very hosptial... Wangnan had found out the truth.

The terrible truth.

-~~~~~Flashback transition~~~~~~-

This was a time when Doctor Daddy was still an actual doctor.

The day was December 25, 2011. Christmas day. A day of joy, a day of family, but mostly a day of shameless consumerism, materialism, and consumption of strange liquids.

Anyways, this was the day that Wangnan had to go to the hospital to get his stomach pumped after accidently consuming eggnog. It was not ordinary eggnog, it had been laced with lethal doses of various narcotics. How said eggnog had made its way into Wangnan's gullet, Wangnan did not know either.

Christmas Eve 2011 had been a blur for most of the night.

After the truly unpleasant stomach pumping, Wangnan, recuperating in a hospital bed, had recieved a visit from a doctor, the purpose of which was to deliver some... unpleasant, news.

I mean, since when has recieveing an express visit from a doctor after undergoing some terrible medical procedure ever been a good sign?

"Is this the room of a "Mr. Wangnan Last Name?" said the doctor. "Currently recovering from "an eggnog stomach pumping?""

"uh, yeah" said Wangnan.

The doctor. "mr. wangnan... while we were running some examinations on you after the stomach pumping, we discovered something. A certain... condition."

"So... so w-what did you find?" Wangnan replied with a growing feeling of dread. Like he said before, since when has recieveing news from a doctor that they "discovered" something ever been a good sign?

"We're sorry mr. wangnan, but you've been diagnosed with... with... with... with... with... WITH... Metastatic Testicular Exacancer." the docter said quietly, shaking his head sadly. "It''s terminal."

"W-what?" Wangman repeated in disbeleif. "Metastatic Testicular Exacancer? You don't mean..."

The doctore nodded gravely. "Ligma disease," he confirmed grimly. "A 100% mortality rate."

"Th-this is...I can't believe this..." Wagnan choked out. He buiried his head in his arms, feeling as frail as a leaf in the wind.

The doctor was saying sonething but Wangnan had stopped lsitening a while ago. He just...couldn't. He couldn't focus on anything other than the great big gaping emptiness threatening to swallow him up and spit out his bones, the numbness, the feeling of impending oblivion coming to erase any small vestigial traces of him. Wangnan. Of his life. Of everything he'd worked for, fought for, and would now eventually die for.

His life flashed before his eyes in slow motion, evry year and day and second whirling through the cogs and gears of his mind as if watching a particularly surreal movie.

Ligma disease... this was... this was... this couldn't be possible... this must have been some kind of complicated practical joke or something. A dream. This wasnt real. This couldn't be real.

Wangnan didn't want to die. He had just found something he wanted to live for.

"[Hi, I'm *****. ************! What's your name?]"

"[I... I'm WANGNAN...]"

"[Those guys were pretty brutal, huh... that's a nasty black eye. Are you okay?]"

"[I... yeah. I'm okay now.]


"[Heh, no need to thank me. I'm just doing the right thing!]

[Anyways, we should probably get those wounds patched up. I think there's some anti infectant and bandages in the nurse's office...]"

-~~~~~December 25, 2011~~~~~~-

"We'll do our best to try and slow its progression, but we can't stop it entirely." the docotr continued.

"Give it to me straight long do I have left?" said Wangnan, his face shadowed.

"...are you sure you can take it?" the docster warned.

"If I'm gonna go out the way i lived... crying like a little bitch... then i have to know. Doc, don't spare my feelings. Tell the TURTH!!!" Wangnan monologued dramtaticly, turning his head to the side and pointing at the doctor.

The doctor sighed. There was a long silence.

"...................................................1 year." The said doctor.

Wangnan gasped bbigly. 1 YEAR??? And then...and then he would... DIE???????

That was NOT enought TIME! How was he SUPPOSED to TELL his FRIENDS and everyone else about the DIESASESE!!??????????????!!!!!!"

What would they do when he died...?

What would he do when he died...? Oh wait, he would just be dead. So he wouldn't do anythimg.

But what... what would Yihwa do when he died? Yihwa... Yihwa...

Wangnan was in love with her.

"[I have to do this, WANGNAN. I have to do this for my family.]"

"[But... but *****-!]"

"[N-NO! I... I... no. This is something I have to do by myself, WANGNAN.]"

[I'm sorry.]"

"[But you can't! You can't just...]"

"[You can't do this to me-! Please... please... st**......*****]"

Wangnan was rudely interupted from his cryptic flashbacking when Doctor Daddy and his cadre of Tik-Toking nurses re enterd the room.


"TF ARE YOU ON????" Wangnan screamed at the hyper, even more so than usual, doctor.

"I GOT SOME 'O DA "Good Stuff" FROM A GUY I KNOW!!! HE LIVES AT THE MALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" dr Daddy yelled. He began attempting to remove his Speedo again.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Wangnan shouted angrily. "GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Authors AN: I wuz enspired to write this chapter today becuz i got FREAKING SICK with the flu or whatever and i have to stay home and self coreandtine or whatever and it SUX BUTSEGGS but im still gonna write becuase i have nothing else to do. Lol. So thats like the irl stuff for this\

Anyways... OMG wangnan has THE LIMGA DISESASE!!!!?????? And he will DIE!!!!??!!!!!!!!

SO MUCH DRAMAS!!!!!!! Who knows what GONNA HAPEPEN NEXT???????/


eglets11 out

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