Tower of God Highschool

By eglets11

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Written by the rising star of the fafniction community, Eglantolius Gewelliane Loremipsum Esdeythe Trinatalio... More

Chatper 1: Bam, Betrayals, and Beatups
Charpter 2: Wangnan's Annoyingness, Bathrooms, and Clubs
Chparet 3: Fires, FUG, and Fried/Spicy Chicken
Charpet 4: Khun Aguero Agnes, Babysitting, and Ice Cream
Capter 6: Aguero Agnes, A JailBreak, and Catastrophic Blood Loss
Charttpre 7: Aguero Agnes Again, More Blood, and Car Crashes
Cpharter 8: The Hospital, "Healing" Doctors, and Hard Truths to Swallow
Chstper 9: Viole, Violence, and Very Unexpected People
Carpeth 10: Another Schoolday, Big Questions, and an inCel Child
Cjapter 11: Gaymers, G-Fuel, and Gigabytes of Mysteries
Chpter 12: Arboretums, Bees, and Crushes Part 1
Chpter 13: Arboretums, Bees, and Crushes Part 2

Chaprte 5: The Second Day of School, School Festivals, and Surprises

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By eglets11

Authors AN: HELLO im back and im done with AMNOTHER CHAPYER YAY :D

Enjoy read and remembrer rate and review and stuff!!!!

DISCLAIMER: Nope torew of god isnot mine D,:

Tower of God Highschool

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Chaprte 5: The Second Day of School, School Festivals, and Surprises

September 21, 7:00 AM, In Khun's house

Today is was the second day of school and also Friday, which is the second best day of the week after Saturday.

Khun AA woke up at 7:00 exactly in the morning, he got up and did the normal morning stuff which he normally did.

He put on his blue bandana and he put on his school unifform which was a plain white shirt underneath a red blazer with the Tower High School logo on it (which was a picture of a tower), matching pants, balck socks, and black loafers. It clashed with his bandana a lot which was annoying but there were some tihngs in life that you could not change no matter how much you wished you could.

Next he ate breakfast and then went to school where school happened. He did all his advanced classes (because he was smart) but even they wree really easy because he was so intellectent. He did not really care about school though, he only cared about finding Bam.

At lunch he went to talk to Yuri who was a Princess about Bam. Yuri knew a lot of people since she was a princess so she would be useful in help find Bam. Also Yuri also wanted to find Bam so that was good.

"Hello Princess," said AA talking to Yuri. "I have onfirmation that Bam is still alive."

"WHAT!" said yuri in great surprisingly. "Really? Do you know where she is? How did you get this informtaion?!!!!!"

"One of my old middle school classmates gave me a note," said Khun. "The girl with red hair and one eyes, Hwaryun."

"The one in FUG??" ask Yuri. "That seems untrustworthy."

"No I know Hwayun. She never gives information she doesnt think is useful to her goals, and she doesn't lie. She can see thef future you know," said Khun.

"Well that is not special. Evan can see the future too" said Yuri talking about her butler/lackey/manservant/in denture servant.

"Yes but Hwaryun can do it in special way," said Khun AA.

"Oh okay then" say Yuri.

"Now it is time to initiate Phase 2," said AA.

"Oh wow Phase 2???????" said Yuri, shocked.

"Yes." said Khun AA. "We will begin conduct further investigation into potential places where Bam could be. First we will try looking at..." He pointed at a flyer on the wall!!!!

It was a yellow papered flyer and it had a picture of a School Festival Stall on it and a bunch of words too. It was about the upcoming School Festival which was happening the next monthish in Octomber.

"THE SCHOOL FESTIVAL!!!" he read the flye.

(AUTHOR AN: If you don't know school festivals are festivals in school. They do stuff like maid cafes and haunted houses and stuff like in anime.)

"Wow omg!" said Yuri.

"The Wrokshop Battle for new highschoolers will be held during the School Festival and everyone who is anyone will be participating. Bam too! since there is only one Highschool in Tower City and that is Tower Highschool. If she's really alive she'll be there or be square!" Khun exposited.

"But what if she doesn't show upo?" wondered Yuri.

"Were you not listening I said that anyone who is wanyone will be there. And Bam is definitly a somebody. She is not a nobody." khun said confidently.

"Well okay. So what will we do to find her? There are many people coming to the festival and only one of them will be Bam. Finding her in the crowd will be like wading through an ocean and mountain full of people," said Yuri.

"Hahaha well lets just say I've been doing some CAMERA HACKINGS!" Khun excmlaied. He pressed a button on a remote control in his pocket and it showed screens of the cameras at the fesitval grounds! "When the time comes next month we will be READY to FIND BAM!"

"The School Festival is?" asked Yuri even though she could have just looked at t he flyer which was still on the wall.

"Yes it says so on the flyer" said AA and pointed to the flyer on the wall.

"Oh no i just rememmbered that I have to be at the ZFC Princess Ceremony during the School Festival!" Yuri remembered. "Sorry I cannot be there with you will have to find another backup."

"Oh well fine." said Khun AA. It was good thing that he had backup plans for this contingency! Backup group B would get the job done.

"Okay then," said Yuri. She started to eat her lunch, which was a Seeser Salad with salad dressing and also a stake. The stake was medium rare and had stake sausce on it. I once heard that some peopel put kethup on their stake but that is so freaking weird and a waste of stake to put ketcup on not saying that ketchupu is bad but kjust don't put it on stake peoples. THen Yuri left to go do princess things.

AFter that lunch was over so Khun Agero Agnes went to his other classes and then they were finished. Like the earlier classes they were really easy for AA because he was so smart.

September 21, 3:34 PM, Outside Tower Highschool

Finally it was after school and everyone could go home and be done with school already!

And that was what Khun AA was doing.

WHile he was walking home he started thinking about Bam, his BFFFFE (Best Fucking Friend For Fucking Ever (Endorsi came up with the acronym)). He was thinking about how they met.

-~~~~~Flashback transition~~~~~~-

"Fried chiken!"


It was the first day of Tower Middle School and Khun Aguero Anges was alreday in an argument. Some dumb crocodile guy had said that spicy chciken was beter than fried chicken!!!!!! And that was wrong because fried chicken was obviously supreiror.

"Fried chicken!" Khun said.

"SPICY CHICKNE!" the crocodile said again. Wrongly.

"Fried! Chicen!"


"This is getting nowhere, just know that yuo are wrong and i am right." said AA.


"Okay then, let's find out. You there, do you like fried chicken more or spicy chicken more?" khun asked, pointing at a girl with brown hair who was sitting next to him.

"Umm...." the girl said.


"You are really ridiculous. Fried chicken has more texture and flavor. Spicy chicken just drowns out the natural chickenness with all the spiciness, it is cheap and fake tasting." scoffed Khun AA.

The crocodile was going to say something again but the brown haired girl said something more quickly.

"I like fried chicken and spicy chicken equally," she said. "They are both good. My favorite is fried and spicy chicken."

"NO THAT IS NOT GOOD YOU ARE OVERCOOKING THE CHICKEN!" said the crocodile amaze in a bad way.

"For once I have to agree, that is a terrible idea. Putting spices on fried chicken is just a disaster waiting to happen," said Khun.

"I think that we should agree to disagree on that," the brown haired girl said in a polite way. "We are different people so we will like different things, there is nothing wrong or bad about that."

"Heh we are entitled to our own opinions I guess but your opinions are the wrong ones," said AA with a smirk on his face.

"Oh...okay" said the girl. "Um, hello. I'm the 25th Bam but you can call me just Bam."

"Khun Aguero Agnes," said Khun Aguero Agnes oferring Bam a handshake.

"I AM RAK!" said the crocodile.

"Nice to meet you," said Bam holding Khuns hand.

That was the first time Khun, Bam, and RAK had met. It was the start of their beautiful friendship.

But sadly, one day BAm had disappeared...and Khun AAA knew Rachel had something to do with it!!!

-~~~~~~Flahback transition 2~~~~~~-

It was a dark and stormy afternoon. The former members of Class 1-A were at Tower Middle School, stunned.

Khun and RAK were standing with shocked faces of surprise as they stodd underneath their umberallas looking at the site of... the incident.

Thunder boomed in the distance, matching the horiffic scene.

The grounds of Tower Middle School, or rather, what was left of tower Middle School, was littered with debris and rubble. Pieces of plaster, drywall, and concrete rained from the sky like the rain. Water sprayed from broken, exposed pipes and joined the rainy deluge. Broken desks, splinters of wood, doors ripped right out of their hinges, metal twisted and crushed into incomprehensible shapes...

It was like a massive natural disaster, entirely localized in the school grounds, had hit the school. No one could really believe their eyes. It all seemed so unreal...

Hatsu stared in shock.

Anaak took a step backwards in shock.

Endorsi gasped in shock.

Shibsiu whimpred like a little girl, in shock.

All the other background characters were in shock.

A snuffling noise came from the rubble.

Rachel, like the slimy snake that she was, crawled out of the wreckage on her stomach. She snivelled pathetically, probably due to her injuries or something but no one cared because she was, and still is, a little bitch.

"R-Rachel!" Endorsi was the first to react, grabbing Rachel by the shoulder and shaking her urgently. "What the fucking goddamn mothershitting asshell bitchcakes cockdickery son of a gun fuckferocity happened here!!!???? Tell us! Right fucking now!"

"Where's Bam?!" Khun gasped, suddenly realizing that Bam was indeed missing from the scene. "You were here with Bam, right? Where is she?!"

"It was... I... we were..." Rachel's eyes glazed over and she winced as Endorsi shook her roughly. Too roughly, as Rachel promptly passed out due to her injuries. Still, nobody cared because she was Rachel. Disgusting.

"Motherfcucking goddamnit!" Endorsi screeched, angrily throwing Rachel to the ground. "Fucking Rachel! Uselss as ever!"

She fell silent, trembling from a combination of irritation and fear, as she looked at the ruins of the school again. Khun rushed into the destruction, dread pooling in his gut, as he searched desperately for his friend.

"Bam! Bam! Are you there?" he called, frantically digging through the wreckage. "P...please answer! Please... please don't be..."

"BAAAAAAAAAAM!" he shrieked.



[How did they all fit together?]

-~~~~~~Flashback end~~~~~~-

Suddenly khun was brought out of his flashback by bumped into somebody.

that somebody was....RACHEL!!!!!!!! Disgusting. She was being pushed around in her wheelchair by some of Backup Group B but that was just normal for as cumbag like Rachel who was pretending to be cripplde.

"Hi," said Rachel rachelly. Disgusting.

"Oh. Hi Rachel," said khun pretending to not know about Eachels BETRAYAL!!!!! Disgusting. Because he had smart plan.

"Nice to see you. How are you?" asked Rachel.

"Good how are you" repiled AA.

"Okay," said Rachel. "Actually, I was looking for you. There's something I want to show you."

"What is ti?!" asked Khun curious what rachel was talkng about.

Rachel tok out her Towerphone and started moving her fingers in rhythmic, calculated motions, as if playing some kind of rhythm game.

Then she showed the screen of the Towerphone to Khun. It was a spirally, hypnotixing picture that did some weird thing to khuns brain. It made him pass out!

"W-what is this! What did you do rachel you skank!!!" khun said, getting weaker and weakere and he tried to fight back...but it was too late! Rachels evil plan had happened and now he was passed out due to brainwash signals.

Rachels minions, Apple and Michael, picked up Khun's body and stuffed it in a bag to kidnap him!!!!!!

"Ha! Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" laughed Rachel evilly like a really evil person.

"AH! HA! HA! HA! HA!" She cackled like a maniac, her eyes bulging out of their sockets and her facial muscles twitching as the full intensity of her mental instability washed over her like a wave of genetically engineered Mountain Dew® Game Fuel washing over a clout-thirsty TikToker doing yet another vapid, uninteresting challenge for meaningless internet views. "This is... this is SO SATISFYING!!!!!"

"How does it feel now, Khun Aguero Agnes, to be UTTERLY and TOTALLY AT THE MERCY OF ME, RACHEL????? THE WEAK, PATHETIC RACHEl YOU MOCKED, PATRONIZED, and ABUSED? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE ON THE RECEIVING END FOR ONCE, KHUN? HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW, HUH? HUH?!?!?!?!?" the freckled blonde ranted and raved, frothing at the mouth like a dog with rabies, except with far greater insanity. "Have FUN being the penultimate HUMAN SACRIFICE necessary to resurrect my TRUE FORM!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"AHIHAKHSHAOWAJCIJPSNGRAHDIHIAHASAAAAAHAHHAH!!!!!" Rachel's frail human form spasmed wildly as the thinly-veiled madness lurking within her corrupted, pitch-black soul momentarily bubbled to the surface.

Rachel — the Apostate of Betrayal, the Curse of Desertion, the Echovirus of Finks, the Godfather of Hell, the Incarnation of Judas, the King of Liars, the Manipulator of Noctumescence, the Organism of Perfidiousness, the Queen of Resentment, the Spectre of Totalitarianism, the Übermensch of Vitriol, the Wendigo of Xenophobia, the Yellow-Belly of Zombies — was almost complete.

And in order to do that, Khun Aguero Agnes would have to die.

"Hehehehehe" laughed Apple and Micheal who also wanting to be evil even though it was very underwhelming compared to Rachel's lunacy. They started dragging Khun's unconshis body away to their secret evil base to do their evil human sacrifice.

Things did not bode whale for Khun AA... was he really going to die before the School Festivl? Would he ever find Bam? And what would Rachel do after reaching her 100% form???

Authors AN: keep reading if you wnant to find out!!!!!! time on TOWER OF GOD HIGHSCHOOL:

Knhu meets a face familiar to the readers...old enemies meet again...actaully not because i changed my mind...AND SOMETHING TOTALLY CRAZY HAPPENS!!!!!!!

eglets11 out

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