Tower of God Highschool

بواسطة eglets11

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Written by the rising star of the fafniction community, Eglantolius Gewelliane Loremipsum Esdeythe Trinatalio... المزيد

Chatper 1: Bam, Betrayals, and Beatups
Chparet 3: Fires, FUG, and Fried/Spicy Chicken
Charpet 4: Khun Aguero Agnes, Babysitting, and Ice Cream
Chaprte 5: The Second Day of School, School Festivals, and Surprises
Capter 6: Aguero Agnes, A JailBreak, and Catastrophic Blood Loss
Charttpre 7: Aguero Agnes Again, More Blood, and Car Crashes
Cpharter 8: The Hospital, "Healing" Doctors, and Hard Truths to Swallow
Chstper 9: Viole, Violence, and Very Unexpected People
Carpeth 10: Another Schoolday, Big Questions, and an inCel Child
Cjapter 11: Gaymers, G-Fuel, and Gigabytes of Mysteries
Chpter 12: Arboretums, Bees, and Crushes Part 1
Chpter 13: Arboretums, Bees, and Crushes Part 2

Charpter 2: Wangnan's Annoyingness, Bathrooms, and Clubs

10 0 0
بواسطة eglets11

Authors AN: hi guys thansk for reading last chatrpe and if you didnt thats okay too.Anyways read and review for more!

DISCLAIMER: I still dont own Tower of Gof and i probalby wont ever but you never know maybe i''l get isekai one day and go to another world where i own Tower of god

Tower of God Highschool

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Charpter 2: Wangnan's Annoyingness, Bathrooms, and Clubs

September 20, 8:00 AM, At Tower Highscool

Jue Violet Grace got to school right on time. Not early, not late.

Nothing really happened on the first day during class, the teachers just gave out syllabuses and made them do dumb ice breaking activities like say there names and favorite colors and stuff.

It turned out that she had the yellow haired guy, he was name Ja Wangnam, and some of his dumb friends,in her PE classes. Ja Wagnan had found his clothes which were good so that he was not naked and afraid anymore. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt now.

Wangnan was not very good at PE compared to his friends or Viole. He kept tripping over and falling down onto the cold hard ground.

"No wonder he was getting beaten up" thought Viole as she watched him fail loser-ly.

After PE during lunch he kept trying to talk to her and his friends kept glaring at her and Bam was tired of it all so she took her lunch into the bathroom to get away.

But inside the bathroom there was a bunch of...GUYS!!!! Voile was so mad and also grossed out because GUYS were NOT supposed to be in the GIRLS BATHROOM. At least there was no one else was in the bathroom except for the guys. But it was still REALLY BAD.

"Why are you in the girl bathroom!" Viole said angrily. "You are all guys! You aren't supposed to be here!"

She threw the closest thing she coud find at them, which was a paper towel. "Get out of here you weirdos!!!!"

"I guess you are new here, right?" said one of the guys, dodging the paper toewls like in that one scene with Neil doding bullets from the Matrix movie except with paper towels and not bullets. "So you don't know."

"Know about what!" said Viole, still throwing paper towels as hard as she could at them.

"Nobody uses this bathroom. It is the FUG Club unoficcial meating room"

"What! A Club?" Viole asked. "Inside a girls bathroom?"

"No one uses it though, the plumbing is always broken," said the guy.

"Ewww" thought Voile. "So gross and creepy! Why would anyone want to go to a club with a bunch of GUYS in the GIRLS bathroom?"

"I do not want ot be here anymore," Viole said disgust like she was a customer at a restrant and there was a live tarantula in her soup moving around and getting soup and tarantula pee everywhere. "This FUG Club is so weird and gross. I am leaving."

Viole would rather deal with 7843596942041387 Ja Wangnans and his annoyingnessesness instead of the disgustingness of FUG Club.

"See, I told you it was a bad idea to do meetings in a bathroom. Especially the girls bathroom." said one of the guys as Violet was leaving.

"Shut up, it was a great idea! The Jahard Fans club will never think of looking for us here!" another guy ansered.

Then Viole went outside and ate her lunch which was a ham and cheese and lettuce and tomato and bread sandwich, a thermo with soup inside, and a cookie. It was chocolate chips and not oatmeal raisin which was the best thing that had happened all day. She also drank some water.

After lunch she went to the rest of her classes where not a lot happened either except for her dropping her pencil and losing it and having to borrow someone elses.

September 20, 3:30 PM, Outside of Tower HighH:

After school Wangman and his friends were STILL following Viole around like a bunch of lost puppies, except less cutely, and she was tired of it. So she turned around and told him to go away.

"Go away and stop following me," said Viol. "I already told you to leave me alone didn't I."

"But I wanted to-" said Wangamn

"I don't care. Goodbye" said Viole and she started walking home.

"But I-" said Wangnan.

"HELLO FRESHMANS!" said a girl really loudly so that Wangnan could not finish his sentence. She was hoding a clipboard with a pen attached to it.

"Would you consider joining the Jahard Fans Club?" she asked, twirling the pen around using her fingers.

"I thought that it wasn't club recruitment season yet," said the guy with the umbrella.

"Fans of our lord and sacior ZAHRAD are welcome to join at any time of the year! It doesn't matter that day, time, place, circumstances, or person, anyone that loves KING JRAHDA is welcomed here!"

"Who is king jrahda?" thought Bam inside her head she had never heard that name before. Her Mom had never said anything abuot a king before.

"Sorry, I can't join, I have work after school," said the short guy in the delivery outfit. "I am going to work now. Bye guys"

"Bye Nia," said Wangnan.

"Bye" said the delivery guy.

"I can't join either I have to do babysitting," said the guy with the umbrella then he left.

"Me neither I am going on a date with my GirlFriend," said the guy with the angel wing then he left too.

"Bye Akrapter and horyang" Wangnam said goodbye to Akrapte and Horang.

Everyone else started to makes excuses and leave. Now there were only Wangnan and Viole and another girl left now.

"I will join the Zahrad fan club!" said the other girl who had black hair and a flower hairband. "I am part of the Ten graet families so i will join."

Wangnmnan frowned and said "Well just because you are part of the Tne Great families does not mean that you have to join the Jahad Club. You are your own person so-"

"Okayyyyyy sign your name here" said the girl with the clipboard interrupt Wangnan again.

Wagnan did not like the dumb clipboard girl intreupting him all the time, not at all.

"You will regret this." Wangman thought inside his head ominously. "It may not be today, or tomorrow, or next week, or even next year; but I swear that you will regret this one day."

So the blakc haired girl signed her named it was Yeon Yehwa. She had fire powers. (Note: This is foreshadowing.)

Then the clipboard girl looked at Viole and everyone could see she was thinking about making Viole join too. Viole did not want to join though because she did not even know who Zahad was so she did not care one bit about the fanclub.

So Viole said "I dont have time. I am going home," so the girl with the clipboard could only watch Viole walk away coolly. But the girl with the clipboard was smiling evilly like she knew about something was going to happen soon and that was not a good sing.

After Viole left Wangnan started talking.

"Yihwa you did not have to join the Jrahd club, you are part of the ten great family but you are more than just that! You have lots of other qualities like your bad at cooking and have fire powers and stuff." said Wangman.

"Do not insult me!" said yihwa, kicking Wangnan on the head tsunderely. She was angry that wangnan would insult her cooking since Wangan was so bad at complimenting people because he was such loser. "You don't undesrtand, I have to do this. It is my duty to my family. I have to make them proud of me, which is why i am joinngn this Club even if i dont actually like King Zjradrhsad that much.."

Then Wangnan just sighed and said "Okay Yihwa, just remember that you are more than just your family name and we are your friends and are here for you" and then left to go look for Viole again like the alligator from where's my water looking for water.

September 20, 4:00 PM, At The Convenince Store:

Back to Vioel...

Before Viole went home she went to the Tower Convenince Store to buy a pencil because she had lost hers at school.

Wangan was STILL following her, even more than people on twitter did, like he had been doing all day and Viole was really really annoyed because she did not want some annoying stalker following her around. He had followed her all the way to the Tower Convenence Store and was waiting outside for her to come out.

So after Viole finished buying her pencil and paid for it and put it in her backpack, she went outside and glared really hard at Wangnan like an alien sending mind signals to telepathicly make people obey them except Viole wanted to make Wangnan go away and leave her alone instead of cause teh end of the world.

"Go away and leave me alone!" Viole said really angrily. "I am tired of you following me around everywhere so stop following me already! If i see you again I'll make you regret it just like those guys earlier today" she threated talking about the guys beating up Wangna.

"You are misunderstanding me, Jue Violet Grace. I just wanted to ask you about your shinso powers," said Wangnan. "Please dont beat me up." he added in a scared way.

"What about my Shinse powers?"said Viole.

"Did he know about... the incident?" She thought inside her head kind of panicking because NO ONE could know about the Raisinchel incident. NO ONE. EVER. NOT IN A MILLION BIOLLION TRILLION QUADRILLION QUINTILLIOON BAJILLION GAZILLION GOOGLE INFINITY YEARS.

"They were the strongest powers I've ever seen in my life!!!!!" Wangnan exclaimed.

Viole was relieved it looked like Wangan didn't know. There was no way he could know after all so that was good.

"So what about it," said Viole.

"They were like... so cool and awesome!" said Wangnan. "But I cant use Shinsoo powers so I can't ever do that."

"Yeah whatever" said Viole not caring because she just wanted to go home and watch Toradora in piece and not get bothered by Wnganan.

"I just wanted to say that your not a bad person," said Wangman. "You saved me from those guys! If you ever need help or something you can always ask me and my friends!"

"..." Viole didn't say anything. She just turned around and left.

"Uh...okay then. Bye, see you tomorrow." said Wangnan said but he was still walking in the same direction as Viole.

"Why are you still following me?" Viole narowed her eyes. "Do you WANT to be beaten up?" she threatend.

"I-I'm not following you I just live in this direction," said Wangnan quickly.

They were quiet the rest of the way until Viole got home where a crowd of people were standing there for some reason. There was a weird smell in the air, like a barbeque but without the smell of food, just the fire smell.

Viole and Wagnan pushd through the crowd and got to the front of Viole's house. What they saw there was shocking, even more shocking as the top 10 most shocking anime moments video on youtube.

Viole's House...WAS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!1!! 🔥🏡🔥😱😬😨😢😫😰😭

Wangnan gasaped. Viole gasped. She stood there and stared at the burning house for a moment unable to believ her eyes. There was fire and ash and smoke everywhere and it smelled like smoke and burning stuff. The fire was really big and oragney and hot and it was all over the house like a bunch of your classmates crowding you to ask for gum when you bring gum to school.

Then Viole remembered her Mom. WHERE WAS HER MOM????!!!!! Was her Mom still inside the house...her house...which was on fire.

"MY HOUSE!" screamed Viole as the house burned. "MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE!"

Authors AN: A CLIFFHANGER!!! Dun dun dun! *plays dramtic music*

Tune in nex time to find out what happen next! Anyway Thanks everyone for readinf remember to rate and reveiw!

(burning down the house! *drum noises*)

eglets11 out

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