Girls und Panzer: Tank Aces

De Deutschland_1871

41 8 0

When their team is disbanded, Schwaradler, Oregon's William, Ross, and Joseph go abroad to continue participa... Mais

Chapter 2: The First Day of School!

Chapter 1: Exile

28 5 0
De Deutschland_1871

Schwarzadler, or Black Eagle, Oregon was once the home of one of the finest American tankery teams on the West Coast. What began as a small German immigrant town during the days of the Oregon Trail was now a modern American city. You wouldn't see it on any world maps, but it didn't stop it from becoming a refuge for German-Americans who didn't want to completely forsake their identity and language during the anti-German sentiment period during the early 1900s.

Although the times moved on, Schwarzalder remembered its heritage. Its culture remains thoroughly German, albeit slightly Americanized and simplified for the modern world. If its unique name among the rest of Oregon's towns and cities didn't make it stand out, then its tankery team certainly did. They were the town's pride and joy and its true claim to fame. But even the shiniest of gems fade and the strongest cannons weather with time. Winter had come and with it came the halting of Schwaradler's tankery program

"So the decision is final then?" A tall boy with black hair asked. He stood over a dark wooden desk with a computer on it. The room was brightly lit, too brightly lit for him. Behind the desk, an aging man with grey hair, a grey mustache, and a grey three-piece suit gravely nodded in response. Behind him was a small trophy case with a few ancient state tankery championship trophies and a World War II American tanker helmet.

The team William Valentine commanded with determination and honor, was no more. "I'm afraid the recent decisions made by the state have made drastic changes to extracurricular activities, and they have decided they will suspend tankery activities for the foreseeable future," the principal responded, "I assure you, I tried my best to lobby with the school board to try and come to some sort of agreement, both with them and the state government, but they have entrenched themselves against..." he stopped speaking and shuffled through the many official documents on his desk. Once he found the paper he was looking for he continued, "The School Board of Schwarzadler, Oregon agrees with the current state legislature's move to suspend all active tankery programs within the state of Oregon as a measure to combat violence within our youth. The current practices within public tankery programs are counterproductive towards the state's no violence policy within our schools-"

William cut him off by raising his hand. "I don't see any reason to continue their statement," he interrupted. The captain shook his hand and rubbed his forehead. "Fucking jumped up bureaucrats and politicians trying to find a scapegoat to collect votes," he angrily muttered.

"I'll refrain from noting your language captain. In fact, it'll be bureaucrats and politicians who will be giving you and your crews a second chance," the principal said. He pulled a manila folder from his desk. "You are familiar with the recent developments regarding the Federal government's position on school ships, correct?"

William blankly stared at the principal. "I'm afraid my father has committed himself to keep me out of the politics he plays with the government. He wants me to form my own view of the world without getting a secret view behind the curtain," he explained.

"Wise man, well the Department of Education has been given the go-ahead to begin their program of school ship development. Before they begin any proper construction they want to send students to several school ships to experience the life of a student at sea and report back to the department. The Japanese Ministry of Education has approved the proposal, and naturally, their school ships have sent their own responses," the principal explained.

William pulled up a leather chair and sat down. "So they want a test group to give them some insight. I can see the reasoning in that, but what does that have to do with us?" he asked,

"Naturally the department is collecting students from the West Coast, however, one school has requested students with tankery, well Sensha-dō to them, but that's not the point. Anyway, they want students with tankery experience. The problem is, Oregon was the only remaining state in the West Coast region to halt its tankery programs. None of the other states have had an active tankery team in over a year and all the other teams in Oregon got snatched up by the bigger school ships. So, here's the offer, 16 students, the crews of your tank, and your sub-commander's tanks are offered a full-ride scholarship, courtesy of the Department of Education and the Ministry of Education, to Oarai Co-ed Academy on the Zuikaku School Carrier," the principally answered. The offer felt like a bomb just dropped in the room and William remained silent for several moments.

"You know I'm a negotiating man, what's the catch?" William asked, breaking the silence.

The principal simply shook his head and chuckled. "Son, you should know I'm too old to try and pull anything on you." He handed William the manilla folder. The boy took the folder and flipped through some of the documents inside.

"I can't guarantee anything, but I'll run this by the crews and see what they think," William said. He pushed back his chair and stood up to leave the room, "Regardless sir, thank you for everything you've done. I couldn't have asked for a better advocate for our school's tankery program."

The principal stood up and grabbed his wooden cane. "I appreciate the thought, Captain Valentine. Keep racking up kills for us, wherever you choose to go." The two tankers of two different generations shook hands.

"Whether it's in the Sea of Japan or the forests of Oregon, a tank always moves forward," William declared.


The past year for Ross Huot, First Sub-Commander of Schwarzadler's now defunct tankery team has been a roller coaster of emotions. He was glad the year was nearly over, but the festivities of Christmas hardly changed his schedule in any notable manner. Frost collected on one of his tiny apartment's two windows as he looked at himself in the reflection. Adjusting to living on his own at his age had been a challenge and his face showed it. While his light brown hair wasn't a complete mess, it definitely needed work and he could definitely use quite a bit more sleep.

William had visited him earlier in the day to drop off Ross's part of the tankery offer the Department of Education gave him. He had wanted to take a look at the papers after tankery practice, but naturally, he needed to head straight to work to make rent for his tiny studio apartment. Nighttime was the only part of the day where he had any time to do his growing list of domestic chores. Ross sat down at his small square wood table next to his kitchenette, although considering the size of the apartment, everything was next to the kitchenette. On the top of the first paper was the seal of the Department of Education, following a long document of information describing their offer. Considering that the cramped paper was only the first of the many documents, the tired boy was in for a longer night than he thought. And here I was thinking I'd at least get some extra sleep tonight because I finished all my homework during class... he thought bitterly while firing up his coffee maker. While he waited for the machine to do its work he started on the first page. Unfortunately, he only got halfway through the first page when a cry from his bedroom, the only other room in the apartment except for the bathroom, interrupted him. He quickly looked at the clock before standing up from his chair. One hour and 45 minutes, still no improvement, he noted to himself. He grabbed a notebook off the counter and noted the findings before heading to his bedroom.

The blazing heat from a space heater and the sounds of power tools kept Joseph David, Second Sub-Commander of the Schwarzadler tankery team, warm in the winter evening. While his parents were out working late, Joseph did his own work on repairing a chair that was broken by one of his many siblings. Thankfully the second eldest child in the family could rely on his older brother to keep everyone in line while he worked on the chair. He smoothed over the ragged broken edge of one of the chair's legs and the corresponding broken section on the base with sandpaper. "That'll do. I think," he decided after the broken parts were sufficiently smoothed over so he could glue them together.

The garage was filled with half-used and surplus supplies so he could tinker and repair all he needed without buying too much. He found a half-used bottle of industrial-strength glue to use in his cluttered workshop. After some liberal application to both sides, the chair was as good as new. "Let's see how long this lasts," he said to himself as he headed back inside. While he carried the repaired chair through the side foyer, he noticed a folder sitting on the entryway table. After carefully setting the chair down, he picked up the folder and examined it. After reading through the first page the freshman smiled at the generous offer. "I've always wanted to grow a bonsai tree."

William slowly walked past the closed red brick garages; he recalled the memories of the tankery team and briefly wondered where the rest of the tanks would go. The soft crunching sound of snow from a recent late winter storm resonated through the freshly abandoned complex. Once he reached the final garage he stopped and faced the cold steel door which was so old that it began to rust under a layer of dust and gunpowder. Opening the door revealed the contents of this garage. The tank within was the symbol of Schwarzadler's tankery team and their pride and joy. It differed from conventional tank designs and was more like a steel bunker on tracks.

William touched the lightly faded word on the side. The tank was named Nixe II, designed in 1917, it was one of only 20 Sturmpanzer A7Vs built. Although all but irrelevant in regards of modern combat effectiveness, which it owes to its weak 57mm short barrel cannon mounted on the front, its WW1 era armor, and its impractical design, its status as a rare, unique tank and the only tank Germany produced in any significant number during WWI earned it it's place on the disbanded Schwarzadler tankery team. Her garage had become William's personal office in a way, although its primary use was keeping Nixe II well maintained.

"Recalling some pleasant memories?" Ross asked, entering the garage with Joseph behind him.

Ross wore his favorite greatcoat as his typical attire, a nice dark green coat with a matching green belt. He flipped on the light switch next to the door, revealing the dusty garage in its entirety. An odd feeling of peace settled on the group as the figure of Nixe II was fully revealed.

"She's seen better days," Joseph stated obviously. He was a full inch and a half shorter than his two friends and had plain-looking blonde hair. His greatcoat was similar to Ross's but was dark blue.

Although visually the tank looked in rather good condition for a machine that was built almost 100 years ago, she was worn out, and the boys knew it was only a matter of time before her engine wouldn't turn on, and her treads would stop moving. "We'll have to get her some more parts soon," Joseph decided.

"But before we can do that, we'll have to take her to Japan. You two filled everything out on your end?" William asked.

The two boys in question nodded. With only a few weeks until they flew out via the Schwarzadler Flight Club, there was no turning back. "I appreciate you two coming along with me on this. I know it was a bit surprising," William said.

Joseph laughed. "Well captain, we've been shot at, set on fire, surrounded, and blown to bits. This Oarai stuff shouldn't be too hard."

Ross gave Joseph a look. "Don't tempt fate. Life always finds a way to screw you over somehow," he warned.

"Come on, don't be such a stick in the mud. We'll all be like one weird, tank commander family!" Joseph exclaimed.


The rapidly spinning propellers of a silver Junkers Ju 52 airliner created a torrent of wind that kicked up dust on a small runway carved into the landscape near the Schwarzadler High School main building. Lights along the runway directed any nighttime traffic, but the only flight leaving tonight would be the flight of our three tank commanders. One privilege of the aviation program's existence was the ability for select members of the tankery team to fly to their matches, but the crews of the transferring tanks would stay with their machines while they were transported by boat to Oarai. With their luggage, consisting of one backpack and a rolling suitcase each, the commanders of the team climbed into the reproduction aircraft. Ross, however, carried an extra wicker basket with him.

Reproduction equipment was no longer limited to just tanks and personal equipment with the growing military enthusiast culture spurred by tankery. Although the West Coast may be turning away from tankery matches, they wouldn't so easily shake the thousands of reproduction military machines which flooded aviation, maritime, and automotive programs in the U.S. In the cockpit of the aircraft, William approached the two pilots of the aviation program. World War I styled aviation caps with corresponding aviation goggles and hid most of their black hair. Manfred, who was the same age as William turned himself around to greet the commander. Melitta however, busied herself with preflight checks.

"So are you and your friends ready for a one-way trip to Japan?" Manred asked.

William peeked outside of the cockpit to see his friends settling themselves in for the flight. "We're ready here, how about you two?" he asked.

Melitta spoke up while looking at her clipboard, "We're all good on the technical end, we'll give you a minute to buckle yourselves in, but we shouldn't sit and burn fuel for too long."

"Well, you heard her. Go settle in, we'll handle this from here," Manfred requested. After William closed the cockpit door behind him, the two took the controls. Manfred counted down the seconds on his watch. When he hit 60 seconds he released the aircraft's brakes while Melitta increased the accelerator. The plane began moving forwards and its speed increased exponentially. With a smooth liftoff, the five students began their journey to Japan.

While Joseph and William fell asleep shortly after takeoff, Ross was still wide awake. He sat quietly at his window seat without making a noise. In the distance, he could see the Hawaiian Islands. While thinking back on the events that brought him onto this plane heading for Japan, he sighed and looked over at his wicker basket. He peeked over the edge without moving the basket.

Inside was a custom bottom, fitted with white sheets and padding making a soft bed. Under a small pink blanket laid a small baby, Ross's daughter, Natalie. Only the drumming of the German BMW 132A-3 engines accompanied him.

The night dragged on without Natalie making a sound, which was a minor relief to Ross. He didn't want to disturb anybody with her. I wonder what her mother would think about this. She'd probably kill me if she were around. Ross's mood soured quickly after that thought. But she isn't and there's no use crying about it.

Natalie started shuffling around in her basket breaking Ross from his thoughts. She sat up in a tired daze and looked up at Ross. Her brown eyes lit up under her light brown hair, which had nothing to note except a side ponytail on its left side when she saw her father in front of her.

Ross turned to look at her. "Hey kiddo, what are you doing awake at this hour?" He asked. She babbled in response. Ross patted her head. "C'mon Natalie, you need to rest."

Natalie's face fell, and she became upset with tears welling up in her eyes. Ross sighed and bent over to his backpack, where he pulled out a pacifier. "Now, now, none of that," he whispered while sticking it in her mouth. Ross laid Natalie back down carefully, and Natalie fell asleep again while sucking on her pacifier.

Leaning back in his seat, Ross's mind once again returned to silence.


When daylight broke, a small ship on the horizon told the pilots that they were near their destination. The pilots lowered the plane from its cruising altitude. By the time they lowered their altitude enough to begin a landing approach, their target was on their left. By softly adjusting his controls, Manfred turned the plane towards the school ship. He came over the intercom, "If you look outside the left side, you'll see our destination."

Jostled awake by the left turn and the activation of the intercom, the boys looked out of their windows. A massive aircraft carrier glided smoothly through the bright blue sea. To say it was massive would be an understatement, however, as it easily was larger than anything the boys had seen at home.

The Zuikaku stood well above the waterline by several hundred feet and was nearly 4 miles long. Despite retaining its original bridge, almost everything else about the carrier was different. It was far longer than the original Zuikaku and on the highest deck, it was nothing short of a floating city.

"It's massive!" Joseph shouted, "There's a whole city on the top deck, there's got to be over a thousand people on that ship!"

"Is this really where we're going to transfer to?" Ross asked calmly compared to Joseph.

William simply smiled and leaned back into his seat, "Impressive is it not?"

"Alright guys, buckle your seat belts, we'll be landing shortly.," said Manfred as his voice traveled through the intercom. After he turned off the intercom, he radioed in the tower on the Zuikaku, "This is N1918 to Zuikaku Tower, requesting landing on runway 1."

"This is Zuikaku Tower, N1918 you are cleared for landing! Welcome to Ōarai!" A childish female voice replied.

In the tower, three third-years watched the Junker aircraft slowly make its descent to the dirt runway next to a collection of massive brick garages. One was significantly shorter than the other, with two long pigtails that went to her shoulders with a red color. This was Student Council President Anzu Kadotani.

Next to her on her left was the Student Council PR Manager Momo Kawashima who had short black hair and a monocle.

On the president's right was Vice-President Yuzu Koyama who had brown hair in a ponytail. All three of them wore the standard Oaraigirls uniform. "I hope these guys are the real deal President. If they aren't..." Momo stated her concern.

"Don't worry about it! We can hardly go lower than where we are!" Anzu exclaimed with her usual cheerfulness.

"I really hope you are right President," Yuzu replied.

The Junkers 52 plane glided through the sky on its final approach. All the engines were off and the plane was on a stable trajectory for the runway.

The plane was so low by this point that the landing gear was just barely above the trees in front of the runway. "Seriously, who plants trees this close to a runway?" Manfred asked irritatedly.

"I don't think it gets used for landing planes very often," Melitta mused, "Alright everyone, prepare for a rough landing!"

The plane's landing gear skimmed the dirt surface of the runway before making full contact. Immediately after impact the Ju 52 veered left in an attempt to scrub speed off so they could stop before the end of the gravel field. A massive dust cloud followed the plane as it came to a screeching halt near the end of the runway. "Another happy landing?" Manfred asked.

"I'm gonna give you a four out of ten," Melitta replied sarcastically.

"You should be thankful that we at least landed," Manfred shot back with a smile.

In the cabin, the three boys were having mixed responses to the landing. "That's enough excitement for one day," Ross complained.

"Normally I'm the rash one and even that was too much for me," Joseph followed.

"Quite the dramatic entrance huh?" William ended.

Ross and Joseph sighed and picked up their belongings. The former looked over to Natalie's basket, only to see her still fast asleep. "You know, why am I not surprised that she's still fast asleep?" Ross wondered aloud, "C'mon Natalie, time to get up." He reached down and gently shook her, which woke up the small child. With a cute stretch and yawn, Natalie awoke from her slumber and stared up at Ross.

"You know, most parents would be glad their child loves to sleep and not cry all the time," Joseph teased.

Ross shot Joseph a sideways glare. "Well, no need to keep them waiting. Let's go," Ross suggested irritably.

The pilots opened and jumped out of the open passenger door of the plane and placed a wooden ladder so that the three commanders could exit without risking their ankles. The plane's underbody had been coated in a thick layer of dust, covering the silver paint. Leading up the landing gear was a solid inch-deep trench that the gears dug into the group.

"You guys should have been more careful! You could have crashed!" Momo shouted while leading the student council to Ōarai's new students.

"Now, now Kawashima, who doesn't love a dramatic entrance?" Anzu asked rhetorically.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all! My name is William Valentine from Schwarzadler High School and I'm the commander of our little group."

"I am First Sub-Commander Ross Huot, and this is my daughter Natalie," Ross introduced. Natalie popped her head over the rim of her basket and looked curiously over at the three girls of the student council.

"Joseph David, Second Sub-Commander of the Schwarzadler Sensha-dō team." He stated.

Anzu grinned and spoke again, "It's nice to meet all of you! So where are your tanks? You did say you handled it in our last call Mr. Valentine."

"I've arranged for their transportation and just William is fine" the leader answered.

"It'd be a little odd if we managed to fit those tanks on a Junkers plane!" Joseph laughed, "I don't think any aircraft could do that."

"Well, we'd like a full breakdown, which tanks are they? Gun calibers, top speed-" Kawashima started interrogating.

"Momo-chan, there's no need to interrogate our new transfers. C'mon you guys, the Public Morals Committee offered to give you guys a tour of the ship's top deck and will show you to your rooms," Yuzu stated.

"Don't call me Momo-Chan!"

William smiled. "That sounds nice, this place is massive so it's a lot to take in." He asked.

"The Public Morals Committee will go over rules during your tour, so be attentive and listen to everything they say!" Momo demanded. She seemed to jump between moods quickly.

Joseph rolled his eyes and slung his bag around his shoulder and onto the ground, "I should have another one in here somewhere..." he muttered. The student council looked confused at Joseph's actions until he pulled out a dark red can excitedly. "Found it!" He exclaimed and popped it open with a satisfied smile.

William shrugged. "It's just one of his quirks," he explained to the confused Student Council. Joseph had proceeded to chug nearly the whole can by the time William had finished explaining.

Joseph noticed Ross looking at him judgmentally and looked mildly offended. "What? We've all got our vices. Mine just happens to be soda."

"They certainly are quite the crew aren't they?" Yuzu asked with a faint smile.

"They better not cause any problems around here, there aren't many boys in this school," Momo stated while adjusting her monocle.

"Don't sweat the little details! I'm sure these guys are going to fit in just fine," Anzu reassured playfully.


"And this is your room, if you have any more questions now would be a good time to ask." The leader of the Public Morals Committee, Midoriko Sono, finished with her tablet in hand. Their tour had gone smoothly, although Sono had given Joseph a look when he opened another can of soda.

William opened the door and entered, the first room had a relatively large living room with a kitchen and island on the far right corner. A small hallway on the left led to their bedrooms and a bathroom. "Also Mr. Huot, your room has already been modified to fit your daughter's needs so there's no need for you to worry about that," Nozomi Konparu, another Committee member, stated.

Ross smiled with Natalie in his arms. "Is there any sort of daycare Natalie can go to while I'm at school?" He asked.

"Well our school doesn't have any dedicated childcare facilities, however, we did contact some of our local residents who are willing to look after her during school hours, we'll send you an email with contact information for them," Sono answered, "Well, welcome to Oarai boys, behave yourself and be on time and we'll have no problems between us."

As the three girls left, the boys were finally alone in their dorm. Natalie, who had been sleeping the whole tour began to fuss in Ross's arms. Ross looked down at his daughter trying to figure out what she needed. "She's probably hungry," he concluded rather quickly and went to the kitchen to make some formula.

"You know for being on the sea, it almost feels like being on land," Joseph said. The boys adjusted to their new home, which was surprisingly western. "We may be far from the U.S, but everyone we've seen so far doesn't seem too bad. I think I'll like it here."

"I'll have to buy some groceries tomorrow, kinda obvious that we wouldn't have anything in the kitchen," Ross noted while placing the few jars of baby food he had brought with him in their refrigerator. He managed to set a few bottles and a large tin of powder formula on the counter next to him as well despite the fussy baby he held. "Just a little longer Natalie," he muttered as he emptied what supplies he had left in the diaper bag onto the counter island. "Add a high chair to that shopping list as well, guess we'll just have to do this the hard way."

"Hey, add a 12-pack of Cola to that list as well homebody!" Joseph joked from the sofa of the living room across from him. William quietly chuckled at the jab as he sat down at the island with some more paperwork.

Ross sighed and just shook his head at his friend. "Handle your addiction on your own buddy," he replied while filling a bottle with formula and water. Somehow the boy managed to keep the kitchen clean as he put the bottle in their microwave just long enough to make it warm. After the microwave made its signature ding, Natalie stopped fussing as Ross opened the microwave. "That's right, the ding means it's time to eat. Smart one aren't you?" he asked with the warm bottle in hand. Natalie quickly grabbed the bottle clumsily when he put it in front of her and pulled it into her mouth.

Ross walked over to the other side of the kitchen in front of the window while Natalie drank. He looked out across the glimmering sea and the town of Ōarai. Although Natalie was too focused on her bottle, and his two friends were preoccupied, Ross still enjoyed the wonderful view they had from the apartment.

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