Chapter 1: Exile

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Schwarzadler, or Black Eagle, Oregon was once the home of one of the finest American tankery teams on the West Coast. What began as a small German immigrant town during the days of the Oregon Trail was now a modern American city. You wouldn't see it on any world maps, but it didn't stop it from becoming a refuge for German-Americans who didn't want to completely forsake their identity and language during the anti-German sentiment period during the early 1900s.

Although the times moved on, Schwarzalder remembered its heritage. Its culture remains thoroughly German, albeit slightly Americanized and simplified for the modern world. If its unique name among the rest of Oregon's towns and cities didn't make it stand out, then its tankery team certainly did. They were the town's pride and joy and its true claim to fame. But even the shiniest of gems fade and the strongest cannons weather with time. Winter had come and with it came the halting of Schwaradler's tankery program

"So the decision is final then?" A tall boy with black hair asked. He stood over a dark wooden desk with a computer on it. The room was brightly lit, too brightly lit for him. Behind the desk, an aging man with grey hair, a grey mustache, and a grey three-piece suit gravely nodded in response. Behind him was a small trophy case with a few ancient state tankery championship trophies and a World War II American tanker helmet.

The team William Valentine commanded with determination and honor, was no more. "I'm afraid the recent decisions made by the state have made drastic changes to extracurricular activities, and they have decided they will suspend tankery activities for the foreseeable future," the principal responded, "I assure you, I tried my best to lobby with the school board to try and come to some sort of agreement, both with them and the state government, but they have entrenched themselves against..." he stopped speaking and shuffled through the many official documents on his desk. Once he found the paper he was looking for he continued, "The School Board of Schwarzadler, Oregon agrees with the current state legislature's move to suspend all active tankery programs within the state of Oregon as a measure to combat violence within our youth. The current practices within public tankery programs are counterproductive towards the state's no violence policy within our schools-"

William cut him off by raising his hand. "I don't see any reason to continue their statement," he interrupted. The captain shook his hand and rubbed his forehead. "Fucking jumped up bureaucrats and politicians trying to find a scapegoat to collect votes," he angrily muttered.

"I'll refrain from noting your language captain. In fact, it'll be bureaucrats and politicians who will be giving you and your crews a second chance," the principal said. He pulled a manila folder from his desk. "You are familiar with the recent developments regarding the Federal government's position on school ships, correct?"

William blankly stared at the principal. "I'm afraid my father has committed himself to keep me out of the politics he plays with the government. He wants me to form my own view of the world without getting a secret view behind the curtain," he explained.

"Wise man, well the Department of Education has been given the go-ahead to begin their program of school ship development. Before they begin any proper construction they want to send students to several school ships to experience the life of a student at sea and report back to the department. The Japanese Ministry of Education has approved the proposal, and naturally, their school ships have sent their own responses," the principal explained.

William pulled up a leather chair and sat down. "So they want a test group to give them some insight. I can see the reasoning in that, but what does that have to do with us?" he asked,

"Naturally the department is collecting students from the West Coast, however, one school has requested students with tankery, well Sensha-dō to them, but that's not the point. Anyway, they want students with tankery experience. The problem is, Oregon was the only remaining state in the West Coast region to halt its tankery programs. None of the other states have had an active tankery team in over a year and all the other teams in Oregon got snatched up by the bigger school ships. So, here's the offer, 16 students, the crews of your tank, and your sub-commander's tanks are offered a full-ride scholarship, courtesy of the Department of Education and the Ministry of Education, to Oarai Co-ed Academy on the Zuikaku School Carrier," the principally answered. The offer felt like a bomb just dropped in the room and William remained silent for several moments.

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