His, Forever ✔️

By diebabyxo

599K 15.1K 8K

"You're sorry?" he repeated, his deep and raspy voice reaching my ears from across the room. I nodded. His da... More

♡ Warning ♡
Chapter 1: All Mine
Chapter 2: First Date
Chapter 3: Portland
Chapter 4: Second Date
Chapter 5: Murderous
Chapter 7: Party
Chapter 8: Different
Chapter 9: Eight
Chapter 10: Control
Chapter 11: Nightclub
Chapter 12: Young G
Chapter 13: Boyfriend
Chapter 14: Drugs
Chapter 15: Save The Planet
Chapter 16: 33 Days
Chapter 17: Alive Again
Chapter 18: Thank The Chef
Chapter 19: I Do
Chapter 20: Show Me
Chapter 21: MDMA
Chapter 22: Pacific Ocean
Chapter 23: Tell Me Why
Chapter 24: Moon And Stars
Chapter 25: Fireworks
Chapter 26: Keep Your Friends Close
Chapter 27: The Worst
Chapter 28: Time And Space
Chapter 29: How To Live
Chapter 30: Epilogue

Chapter 6: Third Date

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By diebabyxo

5 years ago - the third date.

I held the blue dress up to my body, then the white one, then the blue one again.

I decided on the baby blue one.

I changed into it, already having my hair and make-up done.

Since my parents are going to be there, too, I have to be careful that they don't see me talking to Ezra.

"Lilac," my dad called from downstairs, telling me
it was time to go.

I made my way down the stairs, trying to fight the smile that wanted to form on my face.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw my dad standing there with a disgusted expression.

"Go change. You look like a fucking whore."

I scoffed, looking at him in disbelief.

"I'm not going to change, dad," I kept my tone kind. "I spent hours getting ready."

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" he took a step closer to me, and I suddenly felt very small.

I accidentally spoke sarcastically instead of keeping it in my mind, "Just my dad."

He forced himself to smile.

"You wanna be funny now?" his voice sounded threatening. "Here, it's my turn to be funny."

My eyebrows lowered in confusion until he suddenly threw the hot coffee that was in his hand, onto my dress.

"What the fuck!" I yelled, pulling the fabric of the dress forward so that it would stop burning my skin. It was an excruciating pain.

"Now it looks like you have to change," he smiled contently.

My chest was red from the coffee, and my blue dress was now brown.

Tears formed in my eyes. Both from pain and anger.

"Go upstairs now. We'll be waiting in the car."

He turned on his heels as if nothing had happened, while I stood there in pain.

Tears fell down my cheeks.

I need to tell somebody about this.

I went back upstairs, and changed into the white dress. I stood in front of the mirror, sniffling, while I wiped the mascara stains on my cheeks.

Then I took a deep breath, and smiled in the mirror.

"Remember what Ezra told you would happen on the third date," I spoke to myself.

I flipped the light-switch off, and headed downstairs. My chest was still red, but I hoped Ezra wouldn't mind.

Once I was in the car, my dad drove as if nothing happened. Tapping his fingers against the steering wheel while driving.

I don't understand how he can do these things, and not feel bad at all.

I need to tell somebody.

When we arrived at the party, my parents quickly walked off without me.

I took a deep breath while I looked at the beautiful building. I can't believe Ezra can afford this, especially at only 20 years old.

I walked up the steps, my heels clicking against the stone. I had to tell the man at the door my name, before he let me in.

There were people everywhere, and everybody looked expensive. Designer suits and dresses, jewelry that shined brighter than the moon outside.

But I ignored everyone, my eyes searching for Ezra.

"Hello, beautiful," a random voice spoke from behind me.

I turned around, my eyebrows lowered as I looked at the man I didn't know.

"Um - hey. Do you know where Ezra is?" I asked.

"I haven't seen you before. I'm Sebastian," he said as if I was supposed to know who he was.

I pursed my lips, "Hey Sebastian. Have you seen Ezra?"

His eyes widened, looking surprised at my response.

"Wow. Usually when girls hear who I am, they start twirling their hair and batting their eyelashes," he shrugged.

"I don't know who you are."

The corners of his mouth turned up, "Good. You're different, way better than the other plastic girls here."

I cringed.

"I'm not going to accept a compliment at the expense of other women. Now excuse me," I said a little rudely before turning around.

Sebastian grabbed my wrist and turned me back around instantly.

"I don't like to be talked to that way," his tone was a little threatening as he kept a tight grip on my wrist.

"I don't give a shit," I almost spat. "Let go of me. Now."

"And if I don't?" he almost laughed. "What are you gonna do about it?"

I felt my lips form a thin line as I looked at him; he was both taller and stronger than me.

I opened my mouth to say something when a fist was thrown into Sebastian's face from behind me.

He released my wrist as he stumbled backward, blood pouring out of his nose and falling onto his suit.

A pair of hands grabbed onto my waist and pulled me backward, before stepping in between Sebastian and I.

"You're even dumber than I fucking thought," Ezra spat at Sebastian.

Sebastian remained hunched over, holding his hand to his bleeding nose. He looked up at Ezra, "Ezra Atlas. I'm sorry if this girl is special to you, I didn't know-"

"Yes, she fucking is," Ezra spat. "You will never put your goddamn hands on her again."

"You're right, you're right," Sebastian spoke as if he were afraid of him. "I'm sorry."

Ezra went silent for a moment as I watched his back.

"No, you aren't sorry yet," he almost whispered. "But you will be."

He turned around and grabbed my hand in his. He said softly before starting to guide me to another room, "Come on."

He held my hand as he walked to another room. It was empty and quiet, and looked as if it was an office.

Ezra shut the door behind us before cupping my face and pulling me close to him, "Are you okay?"

The look in his eyes shifted as he looked at my red chest, "Did Sebastian do that to you?"

I felt the same tears start to form in my eyes from earlier.

His face instantly softened, "What's wrong, my love?"

My love. Those words made butterflies fill in my stomach and made me smile despite my wet eyes.

"I want to tell you something, Ezra," my voice was shaky. "A secret."

"Okay, so tell me," he said gently, his thumbs brushing up and down my cheeks.

A lump formed in my throat. The tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"I'm scared to," I confessed.

He let out a soft sigh, looking into my eyes.

"Okay. Why don't I tell you a secret first then?" he proposed. "A secret for a secret."

I swallowed my saliva and sniffled before nodding.

"My work isn't normal work. It's dangerous, corrupt, filled with terrible people," he told me, and my head tilted and eyebrows lowered.

"I don't just run a bunch of companies. I'm involved in the mafia, Lilac. I see things everyday, that you never should," he finished.

My eyes widened and my posture straightened.

"M-mafia?" I said in shock. "Thats...real?"

"Very. All over the world. I just happen to be in a higher position than most," he told me, and it felt like my brain was going a million miles per minute.

He quickly followed up with, "I'd never let anything bad happen to you, Lilac. I promise."

His voice was sincere, matching the look on his face. I don't know what it was about him, but the way he made me feel, was unlike anything I had felt before.

"A secret for a secret," I repeated out loud, preparing myself to tell him.

Even though I haven't known Ezra for long, he makes me feel safer than my family ever has. With his secret, I still felt the same way. But I think thats because, I really know nothing about the mafia.
It almost feels fake.

"My dad is abusive. He hits me, yells at me, starves
me, makes me do everything around the house for him," I began to confess. "I was wearing a different dress. A baby blue one. He poured hot coffee all over me."

Ezra's face looked deadly. Hate and malice were the only things in his eyes.

"Anybody that hurts you, will regret it," he spoke as if he were stating a fact.

I took a deep breath, "Please don't tell anybody, okay?"

"Okay," he said softly.

He wiped my cheeks, taking the tears with him.

"Look, now we're matching," he smiled while pointing at his white tux, to my white dress. "So don't cry anymore, Lilac. I promise he will never hurt you again."

I smiled at his words, even though I knew he couldn't stop him.

Ezra suddenly looked like he remembered something, "Wait here."

He left the room quickly, only leaving the door open a crack.

I walked over to the chair and sat down, sighing as I did so.

Why does him being involved in crime, not bother me?

My head lifted at the sound of men arguing.

I walked over to the door, but remained behind it, where I couldn't be seen.

It sounded like a group of men were arguing - switching languages multiple times.

The only voice I could recognize was Ashers, yelling at somebody, "Well, he gave us the fucking order. So we're doing it."

My eyebrows creased in the middle.

I backed up quickly once I heard footsteps approaching, not wanting to look like a creep.

Ezra stepped into the room, holding a bouquet of carnations as he shut the door behind him.

"I'm really sorry, Lilac. But something has come up, and we need the party to end early. I will have a car drive you home, but first, I want you to have these," he held the flowers out for me to take.

I took them, "T-thank you, Ezra. But I don't understand, the party just started?"

"I know, darling. I'm sorry. But I have something very important to do," he spoke softly. "I promise I'll make it up to you."

I tried to hide the disappointment from forming on my face.

"I promise you, Lilac. Our next date will be amazing," he said before leaning in and kissing my cheek.

When he pulled away from my cheek, he kept his face close to mine, his forehead nearly touching mine.

"How many dates until I can ask you to be mine?"

My lips parted in surprise, but then quickly turned up in a smile.

I told him, "One more."

He revealed his straight white teeth. His hand went to my chin, tilting it upward.

He slowly started leaning into my face, his lips beginning to graze mine.

I couldn't understand why he would want to kiss me. He's the kind of guy you see once on the street and never forget.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered.

He pressed his lips against mine, and euphoria filled my body. I had never kissed anyone before, but I knew nobody else could compare to this. His hands held onto my hips as my arms went around his neck, and his mouth had a taste I never knew I craved.

I knew I would want more of this. It was like a drug.

His mouth moved perfectly with mine, matching all my movements. My body pressed against the front of his, and I don't know why, but with him I felt so safe. So cared about.

I pulled away once I needed to breathe. My chest rose and fell quickly, as Ezra looked down at me with an expression that made me melt.

"Let me see you tomorrow. Please," he broke the silence.

"Okay," I smiled. "A fourth date."

"This won't be just a fourth date, Lilac. I'll make you mine," his words gave me goosebumps.

Loud shouting suddenly happened on the other side of the wall again. I gave Ezra a nervous look, but he just sighed.

"There is a black car waiting out front for you, the drivers name is Saul."

"Shouldn't I just go home with my parents?"

His jaw shifted.

"No, you shouldn't, sweet girl. Go home and text me when you're there and safe - okay? I'll put my number in your phone," he spoke calmly, holding his hand out to take my phone.

I nodded and gave him my phone. Once his number was in, he handed it back to me.

He placed his hand on my lower back, "Let me walk you out."

He opened the door and guided me through the party. There were already way less people than before, but something shifted in my stomach.

Something about this didn't feel right.

Once we made it outside, my eyes instantly fell onto the black car.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lilac. And remember to text me once you're home," Ezra smiled before kissing my cheek.

"Okay. I will," I replied.

He opened the car door for me, and I got in. The driver began driving, but I looked out the back window as the building got further and further away.

Something about this didn't feel right.

I bit my nails the entire drive. Thinking.

"We're here," the driver snapped me out of my thoughts that had gone on longer than I had meant them to.

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

I opened the car door and put one foot out, when I paused.

I'm so stupid. I almost slapped myself.

"Can you take me back to the party, please?" I asked the driver. "I forgot my key."

"Sure," he replied like he didn't care.

I watched the night sky as he drove. The stars twinkled in the sky, and I started to tell myself that the feeling in my stomach was ridiculous.

20 minutes later, he was parked out front of the party again.

The once full parking lot, now only had 3 cars. The lights on the outside of the building were off, but you could still see the ones on the inside through the windows.

I walked up to the front door and pulled on it. Locked.

I sighed.

I began walking around the building, looking to see if there was another door.

At the side, I saw one. I walked on the stone path before reaching it.

I pulled on it, and it opened.

I entered and closed the door behind me, looking at the room I was in. But then I heard voices coming from the hallway.

"I want Sebastian's mother and father killed tonight. Send both of their heads to his front porch after," I heard Ezra's voice.

My eyebrows lowered as I waited for laughter after. Because that must've been a joke.

"Why not just kill Sebastian himself?" Martín asked.

"Because, Martín. It hurts more to lose those you love more than dying. So tonight, both of his parents will die. And then in the future, when he gets married....." Ezra trailed off, no sound but his shoes as he walked around. "His wife will die too."

"All because he touched Lilac?" Asher asked, and my heart started to pound at the mention of my name.

Ezra snapped, "Anybody that ever causes Lilac harm will fucking die. Why do you think we have a body hanging in the room below?"

I covered my mouth with my hand that was shaking.

He's not kidding.

He's being serious.

There's a dead body downstairs.

"Lilac is the most important thing to me. I will do everything I can to protect her. Tomorrow I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend, and then hopefully she will move in with me not too long after. She's fucking perfect, and I want to give her the life she deserves," my heart rate continued to increase as I listened to Ezra.

Asher spoke, "Careful, Ezra. Sounds like you're becoming obsessed."

"I already am. Look at her, how could I not be?"
Ezra replied.

"Okay, very interesting conversation. But the phones in the other room, and we're expecting a call from the Russians," Martín said.

I listened to the sound of all three of them begin to
walk into a different room.

I poked my head out. I couldn't see any of them.

I quietly began walking out of the room, toward the staircase. I took silent steps down, repeatedly looking over my shoulder.

I was almost at the end. Three more steps.

I took one. Looked over my shoulder.

Then another. Looked over my shoulder.

And jumped out of my skin seeing Asher standing at the top of the staircase, looking down at me.

I was shaking. Terrified that he was going to go tell Ezra. His blue eyes looked me up down, as he cuffed the sleeves of his shirt.

I was ready for him to call Ezra's name.

But then, he turned around. And walked away.

I didn't waste the opportunity. I stepped down the last stair, and began running.

I ran toward the room. There was a heavy red door, and I had to use both of my hands to push it open.

Puke rose in my throat as I looked at what was in front of me. My eyes burned, and I clenched my teeth to stop myself from throwing up.

My dads dead body was hanging from the chandelier. Blood dripped from his chest, and that's when I noticed 'Abuser' was carved on his chest.

My entire body shook. A murderer is obsessed with me.

I didn't give myself any time to think. I turned and ran, heading back up the stairs. I kept my footsteps as quiet as I could, as I ran into the room where I entered.

My breathing was rapid as I exited through the same door. I ran back to the front of the building, basically jumping into the back seat.

"Drive!" I yelled, panic lacing my voice.

The driver did as I said, starting to speed to my house.

I need to leave. I'm not safe here.

My dad is dead. Ezra killed him. Ezra's going to kill Sebastian's parents.

Ezra's fucking crazy.

And I need to leave.

Once he pulled into my driveway, I yelled at him to stay there.

I ran to my front door, throwing my body into it until it opened.

My vision was blurred as I ran upstairs. I pulled all of my drawers open, shoving all my essential clothes into a small bag.

I ripped my closet open, grabbing my passport from the back of it, along with my emergency money.

I ran back downstairs, not giving myself time to second guess my decision.

"Go to the airport," I ordered.

The driver clearly didn't give a shit why. He began
driving, while I continued to fight back my puke.

It felt like I blacked out for the entire drive.

Once I felt the car stop at the airport, I slung my bag over my shoulder and ran in.

My eyes fell onto a worker. I ran up to them and asked if they had any flights leaving now.

"I'm sorry, but you need to book your flight in advance," she replied.

"Please. This is an emergency," I begged. "I don't
care where the flights going. Just please get me one now."

Her face changed hearing the panic in my voice.

"There's a flight leaving to Germany right now. You can book a flight for the next day at that airport to wherever you want to go," she told me, and relief filled my body.

"Thank you. Thank you so much," I spoke quickly.

I ran through the airport, moving at the speed of light. I went through security quickly since I only had one bag, and made it 1 minute before boarding stopped.

My heart was in my throat as I took a seat.

Now, sitting on the plane, I allowed myself to breathe. To calm down.

The plane began moving forward on the runway, while I took deep breaths.

That's when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

As the plane continued moving forward on the track, my heart stopped as I saw Ezra running out on the track. Five workers held him back, making him unable to move.

He was yelling something. I think my name. And that's when the plane started to go into the air.

How the fuck did he know I was here?

I watched him as I got higher and higher into the sky.

And that's when something popped into my head.

I looked down at my phone. I opened it, going to his contact. Then I saw it.

The asshole turned my location on for him.

My jaw clenched.

I looked out of the window once again, unable to see him now.

Once I land, I'm breaking my phone, and never seeing him again.

Ezra Atlas will never have me.

Word count: 3285

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